Republicans kick some Democrat butt

What does it mean for Hillary when she put so much time and effort campaigning in Iowa and couldn't shut down an unknown like Joni Ernst?
So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.
the Teabaggers are going to pat themselves on the back and dismiss the fact that the Establishment saved them from themselves.

You really don't actually follow the news. The tea party has clearly established that they don't think this. They don't celebrate the victory of establishment Republicans. There's something seriously wrong with you, Joe. You need major help.

So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock

What are you talking about? Tea partiers came out and voted to help get these wins.

What happened in 2014 at the end of the day was to put differences aside and elect as many R's as possible. I detest McConnell but I understand why Kentuckians put him back in office.

It was almost white knuckle time as the election approached. Republicans had to take the Senate.

You have three really key players that got out and stumped like crazy.

Rand Paul, Christie and Mitt Romney.


Rand Paul, who arrived in the Senate as a Tea Party firebrand, was a team player and worked with mainstream Republicans to bring the GOP into power. When his candidate didn't win the North Carolina Senate nomination, Paul immediately rallied behind Thom Tillis.

When the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanted to reach independent voters in Alaska, the group turned to Paul. The senator's PAC paid for last-minute advertising in key states, including in Kansas to help Sen. Pat Roberts win another term.

Chris Christie wasn't on the ballot, but the chairman of the Republican Governors Association can claim victory.

The New Jersey governor stumped for embattled GOP incumbents in Florida and Wisconsin, and helped candidates score upsets in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Maryland and Illinois. Not a bad start to a potential 2016 White House bid.

Two years ago, it would have seemed impossible that Mitt Romney would appear on an election winner's list. But the 2012 GOP presidential nominee was a popular surrogate in the battleground states that redefined the Senate. The former Massachusetts governor said recently he traveled to 27 states because "almost all those people helped me in 2012."

Election 2014 Who were the big winners and losers

It comes down to who will call the shots in the Republican Party. Will it be the Mitch McConnell Republicans or the Ted Cruz Republicans. If they cannot reach common ground, Republicans will lose this two year window of opportunity

They've got to get their shit together and not allow the Administration to play divide and conquer.

That's what they allowed after 2012. Hell's bells I know TP's took a hard line but on the other hand you had old fools like McCain running around and saying that Republicans had to give Obama everything.

And what really pissed me off is when I read a quote from Karl Rove saying that R's shouldn't ruffle any feathers or rock the boat at all because "we have 2014" around the corner.

When elected servants of the people go to Washington they are supposed to be there to conduct the nation's business. Not come off of one election and start campaigning for another.

That set me clean off.

I hope they can pull this off. It was a great night last night but now the work begins.
Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.

Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.
Dodd-Frank is an example.
Obamacare is an example.
The many new regs out of EPA is an example.
How many examples of new regulations and gov't instrusion do you need?
Newsflash!!!! Dodd-Frank and EPA regs were negotiated by the GOP house in order to pass spending bills. Affordable care act (not called Obamacare) is good for the country. I have seen with my own eyes octogenarians still working minimum jobs to buy medications and afford their Drs. The Affordable care act now allows them to retire as they should. The CEO of Bank of America received a bonus of 11.3 million after the 2nd quarter. I am sure he deserved it while middle income families struggle to meet monthly expenses.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

...with ads about Ebola in their drinking water and ISIS militants living next door. It was shameful, pandering to people's fears and feigning folksiness they don't sincerely possess. In other words, appealing to the 85% who don't scratch beneath a 20-second television ad.

Sad but true.

In exit polling, the people stated the Economy was one of their biggest concerns and a majority mentioned in a CBS exit poll that they have the same wages or lower than two years ago.

Now how can that be with a stock market so high? Oh right. Because CEO pay is tied to stock performance. How do companies keep stock prices high? By keeping profits high. How do they keep profits high? By keeping costs down. So what is the biggest costs for employers? Labor costs. That's right, YOUR JOBS.

Now let's ask some simple questions. Would this situation be solved by legislation passed that limited how much of executive pay was tied to stock performance like maybe 10-20%? Yes. Because it would be the driving factor of these reckless, short term decisions that are destroying the US economy. Would corporations be shelling out $4 billion dollars to Republicans if they believed they would put those limits on their pay? Hell no.

So if your main concern is your personal economy and you voted Republican, you can just STFU now because you voted against your best interests. Companies aren't going to raise your wages, in fact they are trying to find ways to eliminate your job or find it for cheaper somewhere else. All you did was elect the people who want to keep the status quo.
That might be the most simplistic explanation of anything I've ever seen on this site. Only a simpleton would believe it.
Here's hint for starters: Companies do not make money solely by keeping costs down.
Have you ever seen people walk through the grocery store talking and laughing to themselves and you get closer and realize it's Blue Tooth?

Yep. I have Rabbi on ignore.
Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.
What does it mean for Hillary when she put so much time and effort campaigning in Iowa and couldn't shut down an unknown like Joni Ernst?

Means Hillary might not get Iowa's four electoral votes. A major blow to her campaign
Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?
the Teabaggers are going to pat themselves on the back and dismiss the fact that the Establishment saved them from themselves.

You really don't actually follow the news. The tea party has clearly established that they don't think this. They don't celebrate the victory of establishment Republicans. There's something seriously wrong with you, Joe. You need major help.

So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock

What are you talking about? Tea partiers came out and voted to help get these wins.

What happened in 2014 at the end of the day was to put differences aside and elect as many R's as possible. I detest McConnell but I understand why Kentuckians put him back in office.

It was almost white knuckle time as the election approached. Republicans had to take the Senate.

You have three really key players that got out and stumped like crazy.

Rand Paul, Christie and Mitt Romney.


Rand Paul, who arrived in the Senate as a Tea Party firebrand, was a team player and worked with mainstream Republicans to bring the GOP into power. When his candidate didn't win the North Carolina Senate nomination, Paul immediately rallied behind Thom Tillis.

When the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanted to reach independent voters in Alaska, the group turned to Paul. The senator's PAC paid for last-minute advertising in key states, including in Kansas to help Sen. Pat Roberts win another term.

Chris Christie wasn't on the ballot, but the chairman of the Republican Governors Association can claim victory.

The New Jersey governor stumped for embattled GOP incumbents in Florida and Wisconsin, and helped candidates score upsets in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Maryland and Illinois. Not a bad start to a potential 2016 White House bid.

Two years ago, it would have seemed impossible that Mitt Romney would appear on an election winner's list. But the 2012 GOP presidential nominee was a popular surrogate in the battleground states that redefined the Senate. The former Massachusetts governor said recently he traveled to 27 states because "almost all those people helped me in 2012."

Election 2014 Who were the big winners and losers

It comes down to who will call the shots in the Republican Party. Will it be the Mitch McConnell Republicans or the Ted Cruz Republicans. If they cannot reach common ground, Republicans will lose this two year window of opportunity

It boils down to getting rid of the Oligarchy Club in both parties and Mitch is very much one of them in that elite's club.
I don't see that happening in just 2 years.
The people themselves need to vote them all out or we will never have true reform that will be for the people rather than for the few who control everything.
the Teabaggers are going to pat themselves on the back and dismiss the fact that the Establishment saved them from themselves.

You really don't actually follow the news. The tea party has clearly established that they don't think this. They don't celebrate the victory of establishment Republicans. There's something seriously wrong with you, Joe. You need major help.

So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock

What are you talking about? Tea partiers came out and voted to help get these wins.

What happened in 2014 at the end of the day was to put differences aside and elect as many R's as possible. I detest McConnell but I understand why Kentuckians put him back in office.

It was almost white knuckle time as the election approached. Republicans had to take the Senate.

You have three really key players that got out and stumped like crazy.

Rand Paul, Christie and Mitt Romney.


Rand Paul, who arrived in the Senate as a Tea Party firebrand, was a team player and worked with mainstream Republicans to bring the GOP into power. When his candidate didn't win the North Carolina Senate nomination, Paul immediately rallied behind Thom Tillis.

When the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanted to reach independent voters in Alaska, the group turned to Paul. The senator's PAC paid for last-minute advertising in key states, including in Kansas to help Sen. Pat Roberts win another term.

Chris Christie wasn't on the ballot, but the chairman of the Republican Governors Association can claim victory.

The New Jersey governor stumped for embattled GOP incumbents in Florida and Wisconsin, and helped candidates score upsets in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Maryland and Illinois. Not a bad start to a potential 2016 White House bid.

Two years ago, it would have seemed impossible that Mitt Romney would appear on an election winner's list. But the 2012 GOP presidential nominee was a popular surrogate in the battleground states that redefined the Senate. The former Massachusetts governor said recently he traveled to 27 states because "almost all those people helped me in 2012."

Election 2014 Who were the big winners and losers

It comes down to who will call the shots in the Republican Party. Will it be the Mitch McConnell Republicans or the Ted Cruz Republicans. If they cannot reach common ground, Republicans will lose this two year window of opportunity

They've got to get their shit together and not allow the Administration to play divide and conquer.

That's what they allowed after 2012. Hell's bells I know TP's took a hard line but on the other hand you had old fools like McCain running around and saying that Republicans had to give Obama everything.

And what really pissed me off is when I read a quote from Karl Rove saying that R's shouldn't ruffle any feathers or rock the boat at all because "we have 2014" around the corner.

When elected servants of the people go to Washington they are supposed to be there to conduct the nation's business. Not come off of one election and start campaigning for another.

That set me clean off.

I hope they can pull this off. It was a great night last night but now the work begins.

McConnell wants to use the next two years to pass bills Repulicans have wanted for the last six years
Cruz wants to use the two years as payback time

We will see who wins
What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?

I need you to get very specific. Move beyond platitudes and talking points. Because if you cannot define it precisely then that's pretty much all you have.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
Let's give some credit to your party. Their lockstep, cowardly submission to Obabble and their elites, pissed off the majority of Americans of all persuasions. You guys have to find some leaders who can think for themselves.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
Let's give some credit to your party. Their lockstep, cowardly submission to Obabble and their elites, pissed off the majority of Americans of all persuasions. You guys have to find some leaders who can think for themselves.

It was more a submission to the Fox news talking heads. But, outside of that it's very true.
What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?
Disir is playing the ignorance game. She's very very good at it. She challenges you to name something specific and when you do, it isnt specific enough. So you go back and name something more specific. Then she asks for cites. Once you do she challenges you to show that that really constitues proof of whatever you were asserting.
She is a useless hag troll. Ignore.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
Let's give some credit to your party. Their lockstep, cowardly submission to Obabble and their elites, pissed off the majority of Americans of all persuasions. You guys have to find some leaders who can think for themselves.

It was more a submission to the Fox news talking heads. But, outside of that it's very true.
Let's be was AGREEMENT with the fox talking heads...who pointed out the submission of the Dems to their leaders failed policies that led to the election disaster.
Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?

I need you to get very specific. Move beyond platitudes and talking points. Because if you cannot define it precisely then that's pretty much all you have.

I need you to be specific about what you are arguing. I am not really interested in answering random questions where you don't commit to anything. Are you saying Obama doesn't want to spend money? He isn't interested in regulations? Make your position clear or this isn't interesting.
So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
Let's give some credit to your party. Their lockstep, cowardly submission to Obabble and their elites, pissed off the majority of Americans of all persuasions. You guys have to find some leaders who can think for themselves.

It was more a submission to the Fox news talking heads. But, outside of that it's very true.
Let's be was AGREEMENT with the fox talking heads...who pointed out the submission of the Dems to their leaders failed policies that led to the election disaster.

I watched them in action. Fox talking head says something, Domocrats react and move away from whatever their position was simply to steer clear for election purposes. Agreement or who is buying?
Congratulations to the Republicans. I really liked the fact they were running on fiscal issues and stayed away from the social issues. It encouraged me to vote for Hogan in my state and I am very happy that he won.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
yeah god forbid you blame the democrats for their fuck ups

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