Republicans kick some Democrat butt

You need to be very specific, special little libertopian snowflake. Show me an example.


Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?

I need you to get very specific. Move beyond platitudes and talking points. Because if you cannot define it precisely then that's pretty much all you have.

I need you to be specific about what you are arguing. I am not really interested in answering random questions where you don't commit to anything. Are you saying Obama doesn't want to spend money? He isn't interested in regulations? Make your position clear or this isn't interesting.

It's not a random question.

Peach174 makes an overgeneralized statement on welfare programs creating dependency but does not define which ones, how or why. It's very vague and intentionally so. What this means is that the primary issues are not resolved. Hell, they aren't even addressed.

Let me show you something:
Federal funds spent on day centers for homeless people. They are only open during the day. Some have a night time shelter (limited) but many do not. There are limited services offered.......during the day. Many of them have opened not because they will actually help the homeless but because they remove the homeless people during the day time from the sight of people that have homes. Specifically from places like libraries where some homeless people go to read or because they have no place else to go.
Now, some of them offer mental health counseling but because of the short falls in the lack of long term mental health care facilities it's pretty much dismal. While it may provide an address for mail, it may not be enough of a legitimate address in some states to qualify for an ID or license. This was supposed to be a crack down on illegal immigrants but the result was that the homeless couldn't get an ID to be used for getting a job or anything else. While some offer aid in acquiring documentation there are many accounts of acquiring the paperwork and getting the holy crap beat out of them and having it stolen when they return at night to wherever they are staying.
If the goal was simply to keep them from annoying all the civilized folks and keep them out of sight then it has the capacity to achieve the desired goal. I'm sure lots of people pat themselves on the back at black tie affairs geared towards fundraising. I'm sure that they mean well.

Is it successful? You won't know because records are kept for a limited time. So, where is the accountability? You have demanded none. Where and why does it not work? Be specific.I'm not asking you to be specific with my example but yours.

Repeating the socialist mantra is not an answer.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

The truth is that you should blame obama, reid, biden, and the entire obama administration of incompetents. The american people have spoken very clearly that they are fed up with obama's version of socialism and want some action to fix the real problems of the country.

Now, the GOP better stand up and get some things done. Have a senate vote on the hundreds of bills that reid has been sitting on, pass a budget, fix ACA, pass meaningful workable immigration reform, and secure the border.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

I asked for actual facts, not liberal facts. I specifically said no sweeping statements. All you are saying is it's not the Democrats fault because you wanted what the Democrats wanted and you wanted Republicans to cave. That is what I was attempting to show. QED.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them
Kaz, did that make sense to you?

As much as anything else RW ever writes...
Republicans’ First Step Was to Handle Extremists in Party

It was late spring, and Republican leaders knew that if they wanted to win the Senate, they needed to crush the enemy: not Democrats, but the rebels within their own party

And Chris McDaniel (TEA PARTY BACKED), a Senate candidate from Mississippi who had a history of making sexist and racially insensitive remarks, was a problem.

Candidates like Scott Brown, running for the Senate in New Hampshire, called the National Republican Senatorial Committee to complain that if Mr. McDaniel was not stopped, he could drag the whole party down. Strategists inside the committee’s headquarters on Capitol Hill were envisioning nightmares of Democrats caricaturing all their candidates as “mini-McDaniels.”

The committee’s executive director, Rob Collins, dragged complacent donors into the effort, playing recordings for them of some of Mr. McDaniel’s most incendiary remarks and persuading them to underwrite a massive get-out-the-vote effort to defeat him.

...Little was left to chance: Republican operatives sent fake campaign trackers — interns and staff members brandishing video cameras to record every utterance and move — to trail their own candidates. In media training sessions, candidates were forced to sit through a reel of the most self-destructive moments of 2012, when Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock’s comments on rape and pregnancy helped sink the party.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Thanks for your congratulations. Next time you can do it without backhanded compliments and taking unnecessary shots at the TP, which was really the purpose of your congratulations..

I think it is widely acknowledged that the TeaParty cost Republicans the Senate in 2010 and 2012. Christine McDonnell, Sharon Angle, Carl Paladino....all gave away "can't lose" seats.

Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?

I need you to get very specific. Move beyond platitudes and talking points. Because if you cannot define it precisely then that's pretty much all you have.

I need you to be specific about what you are arguing. I am not really interested in answering random questions where you don't commit to anything. Are you saying Obama doesn't want to spend money? He isn't interested in regulations? Make your position clear or this isn't interesting.

It's not a random question.

Peach174 makes an overgeneralized statement on welfare programs creating dependency but does not define which ones, how or why. It's very vague and intentionally so. What this means is that the primary issues are not resolved. Hell, they aren't even addressed.

Let me show you something:
Federal funds spent on day centers for homeless people. They are only open during the day. Some have a night time shelter (limited) but many do not. There are limited services offered.......during the day. Many of them have opened not because they will actually help the homeless but because they remove the homeless people during the day time from the sight of people that have homes. Specifically from places like libraries where some homeless people go to read or because they have no place else to go.
Now, some of them offer mental health counseling but because of the short falls in the lack of long term mental health care facilities it's pretty much dismal. While it may provide an address for mail, it may not be enough of a legitimate address in some states to qualify for an ID or license. This was supposed to be a crack down on illegal immigrants but the result was that the homeless couldn't get an ID to be used for getting a job or anything else. While some offer aid in acquiring documentation there are many accounts of acquiring the paperwork and getting the holy crap beat out of them and having it stolen when they return at night to wherever they are staying.
If the goal was simply to keep them from annoying all the civilized folks and keep them out of sight then it has the capacity to achieve the desired goal. I'm sure lots of people pat themselves on the back at black tie affairs geared towards fundraising. I'm sure that they mean well.

Is it successful? You won't know because records are kept for a limited time. So, where is the accountability? You have demanded none. Where and why does it not work? Be specific.I'm not asking you to be specific with my example but yours.

Repeating the socialist mantra is not an answer.
Talk about over generalized.
WHere are these day centers? Who is operating them? Yes, federal funds may go there but the feds do not set policies or procedures. Are there other programs available to help homeless people? Are there private orgs that do so?
On and on. No specifics. No real question. Just a bunch of generalized statements and assumptions.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.

Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Get very specific.

Obamacare isn't specific? That's both massive spending and massive legislation. You seriously need me to show you that Obama wants to spend lots and lots of money? You don't know that? And he is expanding regulations over energy, financial services and business in general. You're thinking he's a small government socialist?

I need you to get very specific. Move beyond platitudes and talking points. Because if you cannot define it precisely then that's pretty much all you have.

I need you to be specific about what you are arguing. I am not really interested in answering random questions where you don't commit to anything. Are you saying Obama doesn't want to spend money? He isn't interested in regulations? Make your position clear or this isn't interesting.

It's not a random question.

Peach174 makes an overgeneralized statement on welfare programs creating dependency but does not define which ones, how or why. It's very vague and intentionally so. What this means is that the primary issues are not resolved. Hell, they aren't even addressed.

Let me show you something:
Federal funds spent on day centers for homeless people. They are only open during the day. Some have a night time shelter (limited) but many do not. There are limited services offered.......during the day. Many of them have opened not because they will actually help the homeless but because they remove the homeless people during the day time from the sight of people that have homes. Specifically from places like libraries where some homeless people go to read or because they have no place else to go.
Now, some of them offer mental health counseling but because of the short falls in the lack of long term mental health care facilities it's pretty much dismal. While it may provide an address for mail, it may not be enough of a legitimate address in some states to qualify for an ID or license. This was supposed to be a crack down on illegal immigrants but the result was that the homeless couldn't get an ID to be used for getting a job or anything else. While some offer aid in acquiring documentation there are many accounts of acquiring the paperwork and getting the holy crap beat out of them and having it stolen when they return at night to wherever they are staying.
If the goal was simply to keep them from annoying all the civilized folks and keep them out of sight then it has the capacity to achieve the desired goal. I'm sure lots of people pat themselves on the back at black tie affairs geared towards fundraising. I'm sure that they mean well.

Is it successful? You won't know because records are kept for a limited time. So, where is the accountability? You have demanded none. Where and why does it not work? Be specific.I'm not asking you to be specific with my example but yours.

Repeating the socialist mantra is not an answer.

I am not peach, so when you ask me a question where you're assuming I know what she said and that you're referring to that, I'm not likely to actually make that connection.

What I said was when you asked what bigger government meant, I was referring to spending and regulation. Homeless shelters are a tiny, tiny portion of the government. So you blew of Obamacare as not being specific enough, which makes no sense, then you dived into the weeds and went to homeless shelters. Obamacare is massive spending and regulation. And regulation is a tax because companies have to spend to comply. Homeless shelters is such a tiny portion of the budget I am not clear what debating that establishes.

So, other than homeless shelters, what are you actually claiming?
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??

It is true

Republicans avoided "Legitimate Rape" and "Rape is Gods blessing" type comments that Dems used to destroy them last time. Republicans ran solid campaigns that avoided controversy. A key reason they won
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.

Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

and why would they do that? did you forget that reid suspended the rules of the senate for the ACA vote and used reconciliation which was never intended for bills such as that?

you are saying that the GOP should play by the rules but the dems don't have to??????
Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Ding, ding, ding! As I keep pointing out, you are just finger pointing.

What you have is that Reid ... would have been ... reasonable if the Republican had been, but they weren't, so he didn't do anything. Because of course compromise is the Republicans job, not his.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??

It is true

Republicans avoided "Legitimate Rape" and "Rape is Gods blessing" type comments that Dems used to destroy them last time. Republicans ran solid campaigns that avoided controversy. A key reason they won

they did run better candidates, but the primary reason they won is because the american voters are fed up with obama and socialist democrats.

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