Republicans kick some Democrat butt

Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??

It is true

Republicans avoided "Legitimate Rape" and "Rape is Gods blessing" type comments that Dems used to destroy them last time. Republicans ran solid campaigns that avoided controversy. A key reason they won

If you would have said they did a good job at not producing gaffs that would have been a compliment. You didn't say that though, you said they did a good job of keeping their mouth shut, which is a backhanded compliment.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.

Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

and why would they do that? did you forget that reid suspended the rules of the senate for the ACA vote and used reconciliation which was never intended for bills such as that?

you are saying that the GOP should play by the rules but the dems don't have to??????

Obamacare passed with 60 Senate votes
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws

1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.

Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??

It is true

Republicans avoided "Legitimate Rape" and "Rape is Gods blessing" type comments that Dems used to destroy them last time. Republicans ran solid campaigns that avoided controversy. A key reason they won

If you would have said they did a good job at not producing gaffs that would have been a compliment. You didn't say that though, you said they did a good job of keeping their mouth shut, which is a backhanded compliment.

Not intended to be
"Keeping your mouth shut" did not mean say nothing, it means not saying anything stupid. Democrats crucified the entire GOP in 2010 and 2012 when key candidates said stupid things
Republicans ran a clean campaign this time by avoiding hot button topics
Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Ding, ding, ding! As I keep pointing out, you are just finger pointing.

What you have is that Reid ... would have been ... reasonable if the Republican had been, but they weren't, so he didn't do anything. Because of course compromise is the Republicans job, not his.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party

Republican hyper-partisanship and obstructionism has extended beyond disturbing rhetoric. Senate Republicans have used filibusters to such a gross extent that they have broken records in obstructionism: GOP filibustering has helped the 112th Congress become one of the least productive in history, passing a mere 561 bills (the lowest number since these records started even being kept in 1947) and contributing to its deserved label of a do-nothing, dysfunctional Congress.

From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote. In shocking displays of partisanship, Republicans actually blocked votes on bills that would fund states’ efforts to help low-income children attain access to critical eye examinations (the Vision Cfor Kids Act) or help treat elder victims of psychological or physical abuse (the Elder Abuse Victims Act). The GOP’s historic abuse of the filibuster culminated in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) having to use the historic nuclear option to end cloture votes on presidential nominees.

The Cavalier Daily RUDGLEY Republican obstructionism
That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them

is it compromise when reid refuses to allow a senate vote on hundreds of house passed bills? yes or no.

Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

and why would they do that? did you forget that reid suspended the rules of the senate for the ACA vote and used reconciliation which was never intended for bills such as that?

you are saying that the GOP should play by the rules but the dems don't have to??????

Obamacare passed with 60 Senate votes

He used reconciliation to get it to a vote. reconciliation was used for cloture in violation of senate rules

Obamacare and Reconciliation 8211 The Blog
Democrats failed to promote falling unemployment, prices & rising pay, GDP & market. They tried to run away from their record & Obama instead of promoting their many accomplishments. They failed to point out that Ebola has not killed any US citizens in this country & let the fear-mongers dominate the airwaves. They ran a stupid directionless campaign that did not energize people to get out & vote.
Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Ding, ding, ding! As I keep pointing out, you are just finger pointing.

What you have is that Reid ... would have been ... reasonable if the Republican had been, but they weren't, so he didn't do anything. Because of course compromise is the Republicans job, not his.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party

Republican hyper-partisanship and obstructionism has extended beyond disturbing rhetoric. Senate Republicans have used filibusters to such a gross extent that they have broken records in obstructionism: GOP filibustering has helped the 112th Congress become one of the least productive in history, passing a mere 561 bills (the lowest number since these records started even being kept in 1947) and contributing to its deserved label of a do-nothing, dysfunctional Congress.

From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote. In shocking displays of partisanship, Republicans actually blocked votes on bills that would fund states’ efforts to help low-income children attain access to critical eye examinations (the Vision Cfor Kids Act) or help treat elder victims of psychological or physical abuse (the Elder Abuse Victims Act). The GOP’s historic abuse of the filibuster culminated in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) having to use the historic nuclear option to end cloture votes on presidential nominees.

The Cavalier Daily RUDGLEY Republican obstructionism

none of that is true. bloggers lie.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws

1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.


Congressional Budget Office Report Finds Minimum Wage Lifts Wages for 16.5 Million Workers

Congressional Budget Office Report Finds Minimum Wage Lifts Wages for 16.5 Million Workers The White House
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws

1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.
1) 1% make 7.25 an hour. 16.5 million people make less than $10 an hour. That's the problem I am getting at. If raised to 10.10, anyone under that wage would see theirs go up. I don't understand why you cons can't grasp this. Oh and the average fast food worker is 29 years old.
2) Not everyone who is unemployed is even on it. It's a win win for everyone. The Benefits gives money to people who would otherwise not be spending money. This increases economic demand which creates jobs. And no, not forever.
3) No they don't. Obama proposed that early in his second term and republicans blocked it.
4) are you kidding me? They cut the funding for it.
5) Um name one.
Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Ding, ding, ding! As I keep pointing out, you are just finger pointing.

What you have is that Reid ... would have been ... reasonable if the Republican had been, but they weren't, so he didn't do anything. Because of course compromise is the Republicans job, not his.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party

Republican hyper-partisanship and obstructionism has extended beyond disturbing rhetoric. Senate Republicans have used filibusters to such a gross extent that they have broken records in obstructionism: GOP filibustering has helped the 112th Congress become one of the least productive in history, passing a mere 561 bills (the lowest number since these records started even being kept in 1947) and contributing to its deserved label of a do-nothing, dysfunctional Congress.

From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote. In shocking displays of partisanship, Republicans actually blocked votes on bills that would fund states’ efforts to help low-income children attain access to critical eye examinations (the Vision Cfor Kids Act) or help treat elder victims of psychological or physical abuse (the Elder Abuse Victims Act). The GOP’s historic abuse of the filibuster culminated in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) having to use the historic nuclear option to end cloture votes on presidential nominees.

The Cavalier Daily RUDGLEY Republican obstructionism

none of that is true. bloggers lie.

AD HOMS is what you bring? Shocking


HR 12 -- Paycheck Fairness Act

H.R. 20 -- Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act

H.R. 320 -- CJ’s Home Protection Act

H.R. 448 -- Elder Abuse Victims Act

H.R. 466 –- Wounded Veteran Job Security Act

H.R. 515 –- Radioactive Import Deterrence Act

H.R. 549 -- National Bombing Prevention Act

H.R. 577 –- Vision Care for Kids Act

H.R. 626 –- Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act

H.R. 780 –- Student Internet Safety Act

H.R. 911 -- Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act

H.R. 985 -- Free Flow of Information Act

H.R. 1029 -– Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act

H.R. 1110 –- PHONE Act and H.R. 1258 – The Truth in Caller ID Act

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 –- Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1262 -- Water Quality Investment Act

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1319 –- Informed P2P User Act

H.R. 1380 -- Josh Miller HEARTS Act

H.R. 1429 -- Stop AIDS in Prison Act

But every single one of these bills is being blocked by every single Republican in the Senate, all of whom are working in lockstep to prevent a vote.

H.R. 1469 –- Child Protection Improvements Act

H.R. 1511 –- Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act

H.R. 1514 –- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program Reauthorization Act

H.R. 1580 –- Electronic Waste Research and Development Act

H.R. 1585 -- FIT Kids Act

H.R. 1617 –- Department of Homeland Security Component Privacy Officer Act

H.R. 1622 -– Research and Development Programs for Natural Gas Vehicles

H.R. 1675 –- Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2009

H.R. 1709 –- STEM Education Coordination Act

H.R. 1722 -- Telework Improvements Act

H.R. 1727 -- Managing Arson Through Criminal History (MATCH) Act

Put simply, DEMOCRATS are passing bills to make things easier, and REPUBLICANS are refusing to even allow an “up or down vote.”
H.R. 1741 -- Witness Security and Protection Grant Program Act

H.R. 1796 –- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 1807 –- Educating Entrepreneurs through Today’s Technology Act

H.R. 1834 –- Native American Business Development Enhancement Act

H.R. 1838 –- Amending Small Business Act

H.R. 1824 -- Best Buddies Empowerment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Act

H.R. 1875 -- End the Trade Deficit Act

H.R. 1879 -- National Guard Employment Protection Act

H.R. 1933 –- A Child Is Missing Alert and Recovery Center Act

H.R. 2020 -- Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2009

H.R. 2093 –- Clean Coastal Environment and Public Health Act

H.R. 2134 -- Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission Act

Once again; Democrats PASSED the following bills, and Senate Republicans prevented these bills from even coming to a vote.
H.R. 2142 – Government Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Performance Improvement Act

H.R. 2187 – 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act

H.R. 2200 – Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act

H.R. 2221 – Data Accountability and Trust Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act

H.R. 2454 – American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

H.R. 2510 – Absentee Ballot Track, Receive and Confirm Act

H.R. 2529 – Neighborhood Preservation Act

H.R. 2554 – National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers Reform Act

H.R. 2611 – Authorizing the Securing the Cities Initiative of the Department of Homeland Security

H.R. 2664 – Promoting Transparency in Financial Reporting Act

H.R. 2693 – Oil Pollution Research and Development Program Reauthorization Act

H.R. 2749 -- Food Safety Enhancement Act

H.R. 2868 – Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009, Drinking Water System Security Act of 2009 and Wastewater Treatment Works Security Act of 2009

In other words the Democratic party believes in actually doing the People's Business (see the list above);

while the Republicans believe in Blocking just that. ... Whatever our business may be.

Why is the Republican Record-Breaking use of the Filibuster -- Not a topic of the News
Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?
You mean like the DHS and the TSA and 2 wars of choice? Or school lunches for poor kids, social security for seniors, unemployment benefits for those out of work?
Yes, every Democrat voted for it and you offered the Republicans zero. Then they used a gimick where the House voted for the Senate version with no changes to they could go to reconciliation. That's an example of the brutal partisan politics you saying the Replubicans do, but your example is of the Democrats doing it.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

why? give us 5 reasons, no talking points, no bullshit, give us 5 real reasons why you think more dem leadership would have been better.
Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws

1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.
1) 1% make 7.25 an hour. 16.5 million people make less than $10 an hour. That's the problem I am getting at. If raised to 10.10, anyone under that wage would see theirs go up. I don't understand why you cons can't grasp this. Oh and the average fast food worker is 29 years old.
2) Not everyone who is unemployed is even on it. It's a win win for everyone. The Benefits gives money to people who would otherwise not be spending money. This increases economic demand which creates jobs. And no, not forever.
3) No they don't. Obama proposed that early in his second term and republicans blocked it.
4) are you kidding me? They cut the funding for it.
5) Um name one.

1. if minimum wage is raised McDonalds has three choices, raise prices, lay off workers, use more electronics and lay off workers. Which of those is good for the part time teens working at McDonalds?

2. where does the money come from to pay unemployment benefits? do you have any idea?

3. being in favor of something but not being able to afford it are two different things.

4. same as 3

5. lemon laws, hazardous substance laws, anti pollution laws. there are 3 for ya
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

I suggest you blame a Democrat POTUS who refused to lead, a Democrat controlled Senate that refused to govern, and a Democrat controlled Justice Department that refused to administer the Law in a fair and equitable manner.
From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party

The Cavalier Daily RUDGLEY Republican obstructionism

Sniff, sniff sniff. What is that smell? OMG, it's HYPOCRISY. And it reeks. That is nasty. Can you warn us before you fire one of those off? Let me introduce you to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...

BTW, the question was what do the Democrats do you advocate the Republicans do. It was not what do the Democrats do you don't want the Republicans to do. Very different questions.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.

Congratulations you won because you kept your mouth shut. That's classy to you??

It is true

Republicans avoided "Legitimate Rape" and "Rape is Gods blessing" type comments that Dems used to destroy them last time. Republicans ran solid campaigns that avoided controversy. A key reason they won

If you would have said they did a good job at not producing gaffs that would have been a compliment. You didn't say that though, you said they did a good job of keeping their mouth shut, which is a backhanded compliment.

Not intended to be
"Keeping your mouth shut" did not mean say nothing, it means not saying anything stupid. Democrats crucified the entire GOP in 2010 and 2012 when key candidates said stupid things
Republicans ran a clean campaign this time by avoiding hot button topics

What you said was basically if republicans would have opened up their mouths stupid things would have come out. Who are you kidding ?
Good example of compromise. If Republicans in the Senate had allowed Reid to proceed with Democratic legislation without 60 votes for cloture, Reid would have done the same
How can Republicans expect Reid to forward their legislation while they continue to block his?

Ding, ding, ding! As I keep pointing out, you are just finger pointing.

What you have is that Reid ... would have been ... reasonable if the Republican had been, but they weren't, so he didn't do anything. Because of course compromise is the Republicans job, not his.

The lack of progress in Congress should be blamed primarily on the Republican Party

Republican hyper-partisanship and obstructionism has extended beyond disturbing rhetoric. Senate Republicans have used filibusters to such a gross extent that they have broken records in obstructionism: GOP filibustering has helped the 112th Congress become one of the least productive in history, passing a mere 561 bills (the lowest number since these records started even being kept in 1947) and contributing to its deserved label of a do-nothing, dysfunctional Congress.

From 2009-2010, Senate Republicans blocked some 375 House bills from ever even reaching a vote. In shocking displays of partisanship, Republicans actually blocked votes on bills that would fund states’ efforts to help low-income children attain access to critical eye examinations (the Vision Cfor Kids Act) or help treat elder victims of psychological or physical abuse (the Elder Abuse Victims Act). The GOP’s historic abuse of the filibuster culminated in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) having to use the historic nuclear option to end cloture votes on presidential nominees.

The Cavalier Daily RUDGLEY Republican obstructionism

none of that is true. bloggers lie.

AD HOMS is what you bring? Shocking


HR 12 -- Paycheck Fairness Act

H.R. 20 -- Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act

H.R. 320 -- CJ’s Home Protection Act

H.R. 448 -- Elder Abuse Victims Act

H.R. 466 –- Wounded Veteran Job Security Act

H.R. 515 –- Radioactive Import Deterrence Act

H.R. 549 -- National Bombing Prevention Act

H.R. 577 –- Vision Care for Kids Act

H.R. 626 –- Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act

H.R. 780 –- Student Internet Safety Act

H.R. 911 -- Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act

H.R. 985 -- Free Flow of Information Act

H.R. 1029 -– Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act

H.R. 1110 –- PHONE Act and H.R. 1258 – The Truth in Caller ID Act

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 –- Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1262 -- Water Quality Investment Act

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1319 –- Informed P2P User Act

H.R. 1380 -- Josh Miller HEARTS Act

H.R. 1429 -- Stop AIDS in Prison Act

But every single one of these bills is being blocked by every single Republican in the Senate, all of whom are working in lockstep to prevent a vote.

H.R. 1469 –- Child Protection Improvements Act

H.R. 1511 –- Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act

H.R. 1514 –- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program Reauthorization Act

H.R. 1580 –- Electronic Waste Research and Development Act

H.R. 1585 -- FIT Kids Act

H.R. 1617 –- Department of Homeland Security Component Privacy Officer Act

H.R. 1622 -– Research and Development Programs for Natural Gas Vehicles

H.R. 1675 –- Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2009

H.R. 1709 –- STEM Education Coordination Act

H.R. 1722 -- Telework Improvements Act

H.R. 1727 -- Managing Arson Through Criminal History (MATCH) Act

Put simply, DEMOCRATS are passing bills to make things easier, and REPUBLICANS are refusing to even allow an “up or down vote.”
H.R. 1741 -- Witness Security and Protection Grant Program Act

H.R. 1796 –- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 1807 –- Educating Entrepreneurs through Today’s Technology Act

H.R. 1834 –- Native American Business Development Enhancement Act

H.R. 1838 –- Amending Small Business Act

H.R. 1824 -- Best Buddies Empowerment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Act

H.R. 1875 -- End the Trade Deficit Act

H.R. 1879 -- National Guard Employment Protection Act

H.R. 1933 –- A Child Is Missing Alert and Recovery Center Act

H.R. 2020 -- Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2009

H.R. 2093 –- Clean Coastal Environment and Public Health Act

H.R. 2134 -- Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission Act

Once again; Democrats PASSED the following bills, and Senate Republicans prevented these bills from even coming to a vote.
H.R. 2142 – Government Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Performance Improvement Act

H.R. 2187 – 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act

H.R. 2200 – Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act

H.R. 2221 – Data Accountability and Trust Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act

H.R. 2454 – American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

H.R. 2510 – Absentee Ballot Track, Receive and Confirm Act

H.R. 2529 – Neighborhood Preservation Act

H.R. 2554 – National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers Reform Act

H.R. 2611 – Authorizing the Securing the Cities Initiative of the Department of Homeland Security

H.R. 2664 – Promoting Transparency in Financial Reporting Act

H.R. 2693 – Oil Pollution Research and Development Program Reauthorization Act

H.R. 2749 -- Food Safety Enhancement Act

H.R. 2868 – Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009, Drinking Water System Security Act of 2009 and Wastewater Treatment Works Security Act of 2009

In other words the Democratic party believes in actually doing the People's Business (see the list above);

while the Republicans believe in Blocking just that. ... Whatever our business may be.

Why is the Republican Record-Breaking use of the Filibuster -- Not a topic of the News

in your next post list all of the house-passed bills that reid has not allowed to reach the floor of the senate.

the bottom line here is that the senate will now vote on those bills that reid has been hiding. thene obama can either sign them or veto them and the public will know who the real obstructionist is.

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