Republicans kick some Democrat butt

So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.
Forget it. He wont answer. He'll throw back a bunch of "Koch Bros Citizens United Big COmpanies Tax Cuts For Rich Offshoring Jobs Obama Is Black" nonsense.
It's all they've got.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Well, how very gracious of you.. seriously. But don't discount the fact that the Dems have been running the show for quite a few years and things are as big a mess as ever. Reid is a disgrace, Obama has overreached his authority and the people said "enough already". I think it really is that simple.

Now, let's see if the GOP can deliver... not sure I am really all that hopeful.
No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

Well done.

And your point is the key: Do they see the importance of the quality of their candidates, or will too many of them twist it into some kind of Tea Party mandate?

I'm looking forward to hearing Mark Levin's reaction this afternoon. He's hardcore Tea Party, so it will be interesting to see how happy he is.


the Teabaggers are going to pat themselves on the back and dismiss the fact that the Establishment saved them from themselves.

The only question is, will the Establishment be able to govern. That would mean passing responsible bills Obama can sign or would have a very hard time rationalizing vetoing.

Meh. Maybe.

The GOP's best hope in 2016 really does still lie with the governors - Walker, Kasich, Pence - if one of them can break out nationally.

Too funny.

" That would mean passing responsible bills Obama can sign or would have a very hard time rationalizing vetoing. "

Why do you people keep saying that NOW we have to send him Bills "he will sign", that's foolish.

We send him Bills we believe in and he will do what he will do.
So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.

The Teatards gridlock their own party. Look how successful John Boehners Do Nothing Congress has been. TeaTards shut down the Government and engaged in endless brinkmanship on debt extension. Stop trying to claim the TeaTards are cooperative

What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

vWhat a nut sack kick for the Dums.

Unfortunately, every couple of generations has to learn the lesson the hard way that for the liberal establishment, results in public policy dont matter. If the intentions are good, so be it. Carter got nut sack kicked with jawdropping bad policy and the same happened to Soetero last night. The economy and Obamacare - fAiL.

Best of all last night.........the governorships. The redistricting ensures now that no matter what, the House will remain red to 2020.


Have to admit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,woke up this am thinking about a few of the mental cases on this forum like Franco, Rightwinger, Nuddly, Ed, DotCom, Joe B et. al.....................their fucking heads are exploding this morning. WIsh I could have had breakfast with these OJ and a smack in the head ftmfw!!!:coffee::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Oh......and your total BS womans issues crap is officially dead................because the voters see it as a ruse. They dont give a fuck when they feel threatened in many ways ( saw it in 2004 in the presidential election )

So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.
Forget it. He wont answer. He'll throw back a bunch of "Koch Bros Citizens United Big COmpanies Tax Cuts For Rich Offshoring Jobs Obama Is Black" nonsense.
It's all they've got.

Is that true big guy? You always bug me to address your contrived questions, you wouldn't ignore one to you that's completely straightforward to back up what you said, would you?
So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.
Forget it. He wont answer. He'll throw back a bunch of "Koch Bros Citizens United Big COmpanies Tax Cuts For Rich Offshoring Jobs Obama Is Black" nonsense.
It's all they've got.

Is that true big guy? You always bug me to address your contrived questions, you wouldn't ignore one to you that's completely straightforward to back up what you said, would you?
Of course not.
Now if you ask a leading loaded rhetorical question, that's different.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Part of the reason for a GOP victory this time around was that the Republican Party avoided an "Akin" or "McDaniel" problem by assuring that its strongest candidates were in position to seek election. That maximized the GOP's ability to leverage an unusually favorable electoral environment. From The New York Times:

The committee’s executive director, Rob Collins, dragged complacent donors into the effort, playing recordings for them of some of Mr. McDaniel’s most incendiary remarks and persuading them to underwrite a massive get-out-the-vote effort to defeat him.

In June, the party establishment — just barely — vanquished Mr. McDaniel, reaching a turning point in their dogged campaign to purge the party of extremists and regain power in the Senate.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.
So, where does the Tea Party go from here?

Obstructionism will now block GOP legislation. They have to negotiate within their own party or just live with more gridlock
How is gridlock the Tea Party and not the Democrats? What are the Democrats doing that you want the Tea Party to do? How have the Democrats in your view tried to avoid gridlock? No sweeping statements, be specific. Liberal after liberal makes the claim you did, liberal after liberal runs and hides when I ask that question.

Crickets. I asked you a question, big guy.
Forget it. He wont answer. He'll throw back a bunch of "Koch Bros Citizens United Big COmpanies Tax Cuts For Rich Offshoring Jobs Obama Is Black" nonsense.
It's all they've got.

Is that true big guy? You always bug me to address your contrived questions, you wouldn't ignore one to you that's completely straightforward to back up what you said, would you?
Of course not.
Now if you ask a leading loaded rhetorical question, that's different.

At least he gave it a swag. Lakhota is hiding in the woods from when he made the same claim and I asked him the same question.
The campaign the Republicans ran was we are not Obama, something the democrats tried to do but couldn't.

Obama was asked to stay home, Obama was asked to keep quiet.

For all the claims the liberals have about how great the nation is doing, the reality is the majority of Americans disagree.
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them
What did the Dems do to avoid gridlock? They tried to meet with Republicans for four months to avoid a Government shutdown. Republicans balked. Dems have offered a middle ground on taxes and spending....Republicans have balked

That isn't an answer, it's a sweeping statement. And reality big guy is it was the Democrats who refused to even meet on the budget. They offered no compromise at all. They just said pass it as is or we'll shut down the government and blame it on you. And it worked.

You want an example?

When asked if they would accept ten dollars in spending cuts for one dollar in tax increases, all republican candidates for President refused

Dude, you are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. That agreement has been struck before. Many times, and you are LYING. Cuts never happened. That was the deal Reagan made, $3 in cuts for $ in taxes. He got $0 ever. The tax cuts that Obama supposedly agreed to included programs that had already been ended and the rest didn't start for like 7 years. Yeah.

You are proving my point, you have nothing. You're just engaging in a finger pointing exercise. Democrats run to the media to hammer the Republicans into caving. You offer them nothing.

You are entitled to your own opinions not your own facts
You asked for specific examples and you got them
Kaz, did that make sense to you?
And now the fun begins:

Sarah Palin Warns GOP You Didn t Build This

""So, establishment types, remember that you didn’t build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America."

Sarah Palin

I swear that if Sarah didn't exist, us democrats would have to create her, like the conservatives created Coulter.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You have a lot of class, RW. More than anyone on this board probably.

Kept their mouth shut indeed. The democrats running weren't that great either. Either way, I still would have preferred a dem victory.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Thanks for your congratulations. Next time you can do it without backhanded compliments and taking unnecessary shots at the TP, which was really the purpose of your congratulations..

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