Republicans kick some Democrat butt

Well I wouldn't say I like the dem's leadership. I think they are pussies. I like the policies that they push however. Repubs have nothing to offer this country while dems do. Part of the problem is that repubs won't compromise on anything the dems put out:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Extending unemployment benefits
3) Jobs training programs in community colleges
4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)
5) Consumer protection laws

1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.
1) 1% make 7.25 an hour. 16.5 million people make less than $10 an hour. That's the problem I am getting at. If raised to 10.10, anyone under that wage would see theirs go up. I don't understand why you cons can't grasp this. Oh and the average fast food worker is 29 years old.
2) Not everyone who is unemployed is even on it. It's a win win for everyone. The Benefits gives money to people who would otherwise not be spending money. This increases economic demand which creates jobs. And no, not forever.
3) No they don't. Obama proposed that early in his second term and republicans blocked it.
4) are you kidding me? They cut the funding for it.
5) Um name one.

1. if minimum wage is raised McDonalds has three choices, raise prices, lay off workers, use more electronics and lay off workers. Which of those is good for the part time teens working at McDonalds?

2. where does the money come from to pay unemployment benefits? do you have any idea?

3. being in favor of something but not being able to afford it are two different things.

4. same as 3

5. lemon laws, hazardous substance laws, anti pollution laws. there are 3 for ya

On a recent afternoon, Hampus Elofsson ended his 40-hour workweek at a Burger King and prepared for a movie and beer with friends. He had paid his rent and all his bills, stashed away some savings, yet still had money for nights out.
That is because he earns the equivalent of $20 an hour — the base wage for fast-food workers throughout Denmark and two and a half times what many fast-food workers earn in the United States.

“You can make a decent living here working in fast food,” said Mr. Elofsson, 24. “You don’t have to struggle to get by.”

If Danish chains can pay $20 an hour, why can’t those in the United States pay the $15 an hour that many fast-food workers have been clamoring for?

“We see from Denmark that it’s possible to run a profitable fast-food business while paying workers these kinds of wages,”

I have been to Copenhagen, do you have any idea what a burger costs there? A burger, fries and a drink will cost you the equivalent of $30 US. So your imaginary danish burger flipper can't afford to buy his own product. BTW, a night out in copenhagen is sitting in the park looking at the little mermaid and then walking home.

WOW, when YOU choose to make up a number, you swing for the stars

Sorry, 30% cost difference is NOT $30 equivalent Bubba, lol

$20 an hour is the lowest the fast-food industry can pay under an agreement between Denmark’s 3F union, the nation’s largest, and the Danish employers group Horesta, which includes Burger King, McDonald’s, Starbucks and other restaurant and hotel companies.

By contrast, fast-food wages in the United States are so low that half of the nation’s fast-food workers rely on some form of public assistance, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found. American fast-food workers earn an average of $8.90 an hour.

In Denmark, fast-food workers are guaranteed benefits their American counterparts could only dream of. Under the industry’s collective agreement, there are five weeks’ paid vacation, paid maternity and paternity leave and a pension plan. Workers must be paid overtime for working after 6 p.m. and on Sundays.

Unlike most American fast-food workers, the Danes often get their work schedules four weeks in advance, and employees cannot be sent home early without pay just because business slows.

As a shift manager at a Burger King near Tampa, Fla., Anthony Moore earns $9 an hour, typically working 35 hours a week and taking home around $300 weekly.

...True, a Big Mac here costs more — $5.60, compared with $4.80 in the United States.
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
Classy response thank you let's hope the President and Congress can finally get something done for the good of the country.

If anything is easy to is that the president will stay classy and work his ass off for the good of the country.

Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

If you have to ask that then you really are dense.

No. If you cannot clearly define it then all you have is a bumper sticker slogan.

Read the list - it boggles the mind.
Government Departments and Agencies.
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies A
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?
If anything is easy to is that the president will stay classy and work his ass off for the good of the country.

Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

If you have to ask that then you really are dense.

No. If you cannot clearly define it then all you have is a bumper sticker slogan.

Read the list - it boggles the mind.
Government Departments and Agencies.
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies A
How many do we need?
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
If anything is easy to is that the president will stay classy and work his ass off for the good of the country.

Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

If you have to ask that then you really are dense.

No. If you cannot clearly define it then all you have is a bumper sticker slogan.

Read the list - it boggles the mind.
Government Departments and Agencies.
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies A

Can you clearly define what each agency does? What you are giving me is a cop out.
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

The CBO confirms what I said about boosting demand. People spend more money wit bigger paychecks. This isn't hard to figure out:
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

And there you have it folks. Your money does not belong to you. What Marxist nonsense!

Off you go comrade.
1. 1% of american workers make minimum wage, most of them are part time teens flipping burgers, minimum wage is a non-issue
2. why should unemployment go on for 99 weeks? would you extend it forever? when is enough?
3. good, republicans support that
4. good, republicans support that
5. good, republicans support that.

got anything else? the real reason is the D behind your name, we understand, and thats just fine. But admit it and then we can discuss these things reasonably.
1) 1% make 7.25 an hour. 16.5 million people make less than $10 an hour. That's the problem I am getting at. If raised to 10.10, anyone under that wage would see theirs go up. I don't understand why you cons can't grasp this. Oh and the average fast food worker is 29 years old.
2) Not everyone who is unemployed is even on it. It's a win win for everyone. The Benefits gives money to people who would otherwise not be spending money. This increases economic demand which creates jobs. And no, not forever.
3) No they don't. Obama proposed that early in his second term and republicans blocked it.
4) are you kidding me? They cut the funding for it.
5) Um name one.

1. if minimum wage is raised McDonalds has three choices, raise prices, lay off workers, use more electronics and lay off workers. Which of those is good for the part time teens working at McDonalds?

2. where does the money come from to pay unemployment benefits? do you have any idea?

3. being in favor of something but not being able to afford it are two different things.

4. same as 3

5. lemon laws, hazardous substance laws, anti pollution laws. there are 3 for ya

On a recent afternoon, Hampus Elofsson ended his 40-hour workweek at a Burger King and prepared for a movie and beer with friends. He had paid his rent and all his bills, stashed away some savings, yet still had money for nights out.
That is because he earns the equivalent of $20 an hour — the base wage for fast-food workers throughout Denmark and two and a half times what many fast-food workers earn in the United States.

“You can make a decent living here working in fast food,” said Mr. Elofsson, 24. “You don’t have to struggle to get by.”

If Danish chains can pay $20 an hour, why can’t those in the United States pay the $15 an hour that many fast-food workers have been clamoring for?

“We see from Denmark that it’s possible to run a profitable fast-food business while paying workers these kinds of wages,”

I have been to Copenhagen, do you have any idea what a burger costs there? A burger, fries and a drink will cost you the equivalent of $30 US. So your imaginary danish burger flipper can't afford to buy his own product. BTW, a night out in copenhagen is sitting in the park looking at the little mermaid and then walking home.

WOW, when YOU choose to make up a number, you swing for the stars

Sorry, 30% cost difference is NOT $30 equivalent Bubba, lol

$20 an hour is the lowest the fast-food industry can pay under an agreement between Denmark’s 3F union, the nation’s largest, and the Danish employers group Horesta, which includes Burger King, McDonald’s, Starbucks and other restaurant and hotel companies.

By contrast, fast-food wages in the United States are so low that half of the nation’s fast-food workers rely on some form of public assistance, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found. American fast-food workers earn an average of $8.90 an hour.

In Denmark, fast-food workers are guaranteed benefits their American counterparts could only dream of. Under the industry’s collective agreement, there are five weeks’ paid vacation, paid maternity and paternity leave and a pension plan. Workers must be paid overtime for working after 6 p.m. and on Sundays.

Unlike most American fast-food workers, the Danes often get their work schedules four weeks in advance, and employees cannot be sent home early without pay just because business slows.

As a shift manager at a Burger King near Tampa, Fla., Anthony Moore earns $9 an hour, typically working 35 hours a week and taking home around $300 weekly.

...True, a Big Mac here costs more — $5.60, compared with $4.80 in the United States.

It not only costs more but the servings are smaller.
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

.....and there ya go folks, Billy I do salute you for at least being honest in your answer.

However I do need to point out that no, the money does NOT belong to the Gov, it belongs to the person who EARNED it.

THIS is the difference between a "socialist" and a " capitalist".
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

And there you have it folks. Your money does not belong to you. What Marxist nonsense!

Off you go comrade.

I got the answer I wanted, it does not surprise me.
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
1) 1% make 7.25 an hour. 16.5 million people make less than $10 an hour. That's the problem I am getting at. If raised to 10.10, anyone under that wage would see theirs go up. I don't understand why you cons can't grasp this. Oh and the average fast food worker is 29 years old.
2) Not everyone who is unemployed is even on it. It's a win win for everyone. The Benefits gives money to people who would otherwise not be spending money. This increases economic demand which creates jobs. And no, not forever.
3) No they don't. Obama proposed that early in his second term and republicans blocked it.
4) are you kidding me? They cut the funding for it.
5) Um name one.

1. if minimum wage is raised McDonalds has three choices, raise prices, lay off workers, use more electronics and lay off workers. Which of those is good for the part time teens working at McDonalds?

2. where does the money come from to pay unemployment benefits? do you have any idea?

3. being in favor of something but not being able to afford it are two different things.

4. same as 3

5. lemon laws, hazardous substance laws, anti pollution laws. there are 3 for ya

On a recent afternoon, Hampus Elofsson ended his 40-hour workweek at a Burger King and prepared for a movie and beer with friends. He had paid his rent and all his bills, stashed away some savings, yet still had money for nights out.
That is because he earns the equivalent of $20 an hour — the base wage for fast-food workers throughout Denmark and two and a half times what many fast-food workers earn in the United States.

“You can make a decent living here working in fast food,” said Mr. Elofsson, 24. “You don’t have to struggle to get by.”

If Danish chains can pay $20 an hour, why can’t those in the United States pay the $15 an hour that many fast-food workers have been clamoring for?

“We see from Denmark that it’s possible to run a profitable fast-food business while paying workers these kinds of wages,”

I have been to Copenhagen, do you have any idea what a burger costs there? A burger, fries and a drink will cost you the equivalent of $30 US. So your imaginary danish burger flipper can't afford to buy his own product. BTW, a night out in copenhagen is sitting in the park looking at the little mermaid and then walking home.

WOW, when YOU choose to make up a number, you swing for the stars

Sorry, 30% cost difference is NOT $30 equivalent Bubba, lol

$20 an hour is the lowest the fast-food industry can pay under an agreement between Denmark’s 3F union, the nation’s largest, and the Danish employers group Horesta, which includes Burger King, McDonald’s, Starbucks and other restaurant and hotel companies.

By contrast, fast-food wages in the United States are so low that half of the nation’s fast-food workers rely on some form of public assistance, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found. American fast-food workers earn an average of $8.90 an hour.

In Denmark, fast-food workers are guaranteed benefits their American counterparts could only dream of. Under the industry’s collective agreement, there are five weeks’ paid vacation, paid maternity and paternity leave and a pension plan. Workers must be paid overtime for working after 6 p.m. and on Sundays.

Unlike most American fast-food workers, the Danes often get their work schedules four weeks in advance, and employees cannot be sent home early without pay just because business slows.

As a shift manager at a Burger King near Tampa, Fla., Anthony Moore earns $9 an hour, typically working 35 hours a week and taking home around $300 weekly.

...True, a Big Mac here costs more — $5.60, compared with $4.80 in the United States.

It not only costs more but the servings are smaller.

Got it, YOU LIE. Shocking

"$20 an hour is the lowest the fast-food industry can pay under an agreement between Denmark’s 3F union, the nation’s largest, and the Danish employers group Horesta, which includes Burger King, McDonald’s, Starbucks and other restaurant and hotel companies.

By contrast, fast-food wages in the United States are so low that half of the nation’s fast-food workers rely on some form of public assistance, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found. American fast-food workers earn an average of $8.90 an hour."
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

Good for ole Ben,but hogwash.

The money belongs to those who EARN it.
It's a well-understood fact that the GOTP has no interest in democracy, so of course they will move to invalidate two landslide presidential elections.What do you think about it?
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?
1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???

Ronnie/Dubya's tax cuts sure did bring in less revenues

Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Tax Foundation's Prante: "A Stretch" To Claim "Cutting Capital Gains Taxes Raises Tax Revenues."

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