Republicans kick some Democrat butt

Tell us the last time a two term democrat president had a follow up democrat president, Job. Tell us all about it.

1) Raising the minimum wage

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

2) Extending unemployment benefits

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

3) Jobs training programs in community colleges

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

4) SNAP benefits for those who truly need it (not me)

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

5) Consumer protection laws

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:
Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?

The military could be funded with NO income tax. We have plenty of revenue for the military. It's entitlements that we spend the most on, by far.

The federal government has NO Constitutional ability to meddling in the market for education or highways. Those are state issues...unless of course you can point to the enumerated power that allows such meddling? Good luck.

Fail again.
Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?

You are missing the point, the Gov does not "own" or "make" any money.

It takes it from it's Citizens.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

You should blame Obama.

But you won't.

I would blame Obama except for the fact that in elections where Obama was a candidate (2008 and 2012) Democrats made huge advances at all levels

Democrats turned out for Obama, they would not turn out for this bunch of mediocre candidates
Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?

That wasn't the question. Your response implied that the people were the SLAVES to the government, which I am sure you desire. However the people CONTROL the government, at least here, in this country. The PEOPLE get together and decide what needs to be funded, and how. That's how it was supposed to work. You assholes have perverted our government to think it controls the PEOPLE. Big mistake.
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

The average person on food stamps makes $766 a month. They get $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to housholds with kids.

"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?

You are missing the point, the Gov does not "own" or "make" any money.

It takes it from it's Citizens.
Yes it has to. Be a man and pay your taxes. Quit expecting the gov to pay for everything for you.
Bigger Government is not for the good of the country.

What is bigger government?

Wow, great question. Are you going to follow it up with other insights like what does water is wet mean?

OK, Chickie, it means more government spending and more bureaucracy. I mean duh. What else would it mean? Did that sound good to when you wrote it?
You mean like the DHS and the TSA and 2 wars of choice? Or school lunches for poor kids, social security for seniors, unemployment benefits for those out of work?

Yes, the Republicans suck. Which is why I always say the Republicans suck. That doesn't remotely address the question, which is about Obama, not W.

I'm trying to figure out what exactly "big government" means to a right winger. I lean left on most issues, but to me, big oppressive government is big intrusive government agencies that spy on their own citizens. Big spending, to me, is wasting trillions of dollars on useless unnecessary wars. Just trying to break the code.
Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:

Bullshit. You have NO IDEA how revenue is affected by changes in tax rates. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sorry, you don't get to make shit up.

And once again, you fail to address how raising the minimum wage hurts our most vulnerable you cruel fuck. OF COURSE raising the minimum helps those that are actually working and earning that wage. You continue to overlook the jobs it costs us and how it prevents the uneducated, inexperienced and most vulnerable from working at all.

No compassion, no logic, no reason. Welcome to the mind of the Marxist.
"It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves"
Pay for themselves?

Who does the money belong to?
It belongs to the government. How else do you expect our public schools, highways, and military to be paid for?

No, money belongs to those who EARNED it. Something I see you are unfamiliar with.
How the hell do you expect our military, public schools, and highways to be paid for without revenue?

You are missing the point, the Gov does not "own" or "make" any money.

It takes it from it's Citizens.
Yes it has to. Be a man and pay your taxes. Quit expecting the gov to pay for everything for you.

(smile) I do and I pay them with MY money,money I earned.

I don't expect you to understand the difference or to even try to.
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:

Bullshit. You have NO IDEA how revenue is affected by changes in tax rates. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sorry, you don't get to make shit up.

And once again, you fail to address how raising the minimum wage hurts our most vulnerable you cruel fuck. OF COURSE raising the minimum helps those that are actually working and earning that wage. You continue to overlook the jobs it costs us and how it prevents the uneducated, inexperienced and most vulnerable from working at all.

No compassion, no logic, no reason. Welcome to the mind of the Marxist.

Conservatives 'reasoning' tax cuts will boom the economy but increasing the min wage will surely destroy it *shaking head*

Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Tax Foundation's Prante: "A Stretch" To Claim "Cutting Capital Gains Taxes Raises Tax Revenues."
Tell us the last time a two term democrat president had a follow up democrat president, Job. Tell us all about it.


Yes, AmeriKa people ARE dumb. I guess we can't fix stupid with soooo many red staters voting against their best interests?

Your policies have seen the net wealth of the average American plummet dumb ass. They DID vote for their best interests. You're just too fucking stupid to understand that.
Costs NEVER increase for Biz right? *shaking head*

In business there is a concept, which you will never be exposed to on the hate sites that you cut & paste from;

"what the market will bear."

You are a communist, you don't grasp the concept of value. Americans are not willing to pay $30 for a Big Mac.

Oh, Right, you'll stick with a PROVEN lie over facts then go on about commies. Typical right wing extremists who supports the GOPers
Tell us the last time a two term democrat president had a follow up democrat president, Job. Tell us all about it.


Yes, AmeriKa people ARE dumb. I guess we can't fix stupid with soooo many red staters voting against their best interests?

Your policies have seen the net wealth of the average American plummet dumb ass. They DID vote for their best interests. You're just too fucking stupid to understand that.

PLEASE tell me which policies cause that? Pretty please?

Bushs documented policies and statements in time frame leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.


FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:

Bullshit. You have NO IDEA how revenue is affected by changes in tax rates. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sorry, you don't get to make shit up.

And once again, you fail to address how raising the minimum wage hurts our most vulnerable you cruel fuck. OF COURSE raising the minimum helps those that are actually working and earning that wage. You continue to overlook the jobs it costs us and how it prevents the uneducated, inexperienced and most vulnerable from working at all.

No compassion, no logic, no reason. Welcome to the mind of the Marxist.
The total lost in jobs for a 10.10 wage would be 500,000. So be it. It will lift 16.5 million people out of poverty. Oh and less people would be on food stamps. Win for everyone.

Dude if you are so stupid to listen to republicans who say tax cuts pay for themselves then I feel sorry for you.
Costs NEVER increase for Biz right? *shaking head*

In business there is a concept, which you will never be exposed to on the hate sites that you cut & paste from;

"what the market will bear."

You are a communist, you don't grasp the concept of value. Americans are not willing to pay $30 for a Big Mac.

Where do they sell $30 Big Mac's?

How Much Would A Big Mac Cost If McDonald s Workers Were Paid 15 Per Hour Updated Corrected - Forbes
Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:

Bullshit. You have NO IDEA how revenue is affected by changes in tax rates. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sorry, you don't get to make shit up.

And once again, you fail to address how raising the minimum wage hurts our most vulnerable you cruel fuck. OF COURSE raising the minimum helps those that are actually working and earning that wage. You continue to overlook the jobs it costs us and how it prevents the uneducated, inexperienced and most vulnerable from working at all.

No compassion, no logic, no reason. Welcome to the mind of the Marxist.
The total lost in jobs for a 10.10 wage would be 500,000. So be it. It will lift 16.5 million people out of poverty. Oh and less people would be on food stamps. Win for everyone.

Dude if you are so stupid to listen to republicans who say tax cuts pay for themselves then I feel sorry for you.

If you think 10.10 is going to "lift" anyone out of ?poverty" it is you who needs to be pitied.

....and again,(pay for themselves)?

The money doesn't BELONG to the Gov, it belongs to US, we don't need to "pay for" keeping our OWN money.

Holy crap.

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