Republicans kick some Democrat butt

Right, because we should do whatever we can to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from working at all. Fuck the uneducated. Screw the inexperienced young person hoping to get some experience. To hell with the simple man whose skills do not justify your wage mandates. The old person that just wants to engage in a workplace? Stay at home and rot your old fuck.

That's some wonderful compassion there asshole.

Right, 'cuz 18 trillion of debt just isn't enough.

And isn't just magical that after unemployment benefit are exhausted, people manage to find a job. Just incredible.

Fine, just don't ask others to pay for your education. It's not my problem that you didn't pay attention in school.

Right, 'cuz the record increase in food stamps just isn't enough. We need MORE people on the's just so good for the country!

And that debt thing again? Ah, who cares? Fuck those yet to be born. We DESERVE to burden them with our largess.

What a fucking scumbag you are!

Right...not enough of those.

My goodness comrade, have you no sense of individual responsibility?
It's amazing to me how bent out of shape you cons get over spending yet are too stupid to realize tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Where was your outage over Bush's huge tax cuts?.

Bullshit. There are many instances in which revenues INCREASED following tax rate cuts. Sometimes revenues go down following a cut, sometimes they stay about the same. Your statement is a lie.

Nobody is surprised.

Oh and raising the minimum wage helps the economy by boosting consumer spending. Any capital initially lost would be regained over time.

One, you have no facts or evidence to back this up. Just another lie. Two, you COMPLETELY avoided the fact that raising the min wage is devastating to the most vulnerable citizens. So cruel to force people on the dole. Nothing worse than preventing a man from working. Shame on you.

What you avoid the other points, which were thoroughly repudiated.

Fail, fail, fail...
Here is your proof. Tax cuts aren't free. Both Bush and Obama's cuts have cost us.

US Debt by President

Not too bright, are you? The level of debt is determined by SPENDING over income. Your link in no way demonstrates that tax cuts always result in less revenue.

Fail again. Does it hurt to be so damn stupid???
Lol um yes. Those tax cuts have contributed trillions to our debt.

Oh and here's proof of the raising of the wage boosting the economy:

A projection by the CBO is not proof of anything.


Are CBO Estimates Really The Gold Standard Of Accuracy - Forbes

CBO Forecast Accuracy Cato Liberty
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Well, RW, I pretty much disagree with you politically straight across the board. I will, however, give you serious props for being stand-up about your post, as much as I'm sure it might hurt to post what you did.

don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.
It was easy for the republicans to win as much as they did. The OP is right. All they had to do was not be stupid and ride the wave of over Obama/Democrat disapproval right now and let that wave carry them into office.

Also agree with the OP that hopefully they don't take it as an indication that the nation wants full tea party stuff going on. Just like how Obama and his minions took 2008 as "the nation wants socialism so let's give it to them", this is more about stopping what's going on than wanting what the republicans have to offer.

Damn two-party system.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Well, RW, I pretty much disagree with you politically straight across the board. I will, however, give you serious props for being stand-up about your post, as much as I'm sure it might hurt to post what you did.

don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.

I wish them luck
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans

Well, RW, I pretty much disagree with you politically straight across the board. I will, however, give you serious props for being stand-up about your post, as much as I'm sure it might hurt to post what you did.

don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.

I wish them luck

really? come on, be truthful just once in your posting life.
Costs NEVER increase for Biz right? *shaking head*

In business there is a concept, which you will never be exposed to on the hate sites that you cut & paste from;

"what the market will bear."

You are a communist, you don't grasp the concept of value. Americans are not willing to pay $30 for a Big Mac.

Where do they sell $30 Big Mac's?

How Much Would A Big Mac Cost If McDonald s Workers Were Paid 15 Per Hour Updated Corrected - Forbes

No one will buy a Big Mac for $7.25 - assuming the math used at Forbes is correct. Notice how the initial bullshit of $4.67 had to be corrected in your own article.

So you're admitting that the $30 Big Mac is a hyperbole and a half?

The correction is to $4.99. not $7.25. An increase of 1 dollar instead of 68 cents.
Well, RW, I pretty much disagree with you politically straight across the board. I will, however, give you serious props for being stand-up about your post, as much as I'm sure it might hurt to post what you did.

don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.

I wish them luck

really? come on, be truthful just once in your posting life.
I would like to see Republicans actually concerned with governing again......kind of like in the old days
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
You can blame a democratic agenda that America doesn't want, you can blame 6 years of Buoooooosh without any responsibility from obama,
So you're admitting that the $30 Big Mac is a hyperbole and a half?

The correction is to $4.99. not $7.25. An increase of 1 dollar instead of 68 cents.

The belief that doubling labor cost will have no or a negligible impact of the price of the product is utterly ridiculous.

The REAL impact will be the new McDonalds employee:


democrats; putting the needy out of work and onto the streets since 1972!
don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.

I wish them luck

really? come on, be truthful just once in your posting life.
I would like to see Republicans actually concerned with governing again......kind of like in the old days

I'd like to see Republicans vow to repeal 5 federal laws per day.
don't be fooled, he is not being straight or stand-up. he is just as disengenuous on this as every other topic he or his sock jake post on. He is trying to spin you up, don't fall for it.

Shit....never realized you guys were such sore winners

Actually we are enjoying the win, enjoying the fact that the american people are demonstrating their desire to remove the dems from power, and to stop obama's destructive agenda.

Now, the GOP has the chance to really get some things done. I hope they don't blow it.

I wish them luck

really? come on, be truthful just once in your posting life.
I would like to see Republicans actually concerned with governing again......kind of like in the old days

and I would like to see the same from the dems--------------like the old days of Reagan/O'Neill and Clinton/Newt.

But I guarantee that obama will resist, deny, spin, deflect, and delay rather than look for the middle ground.

his ideology is more important to him than the country.
Oh, Right, you'll stick with a PROVEN lie over facts then go on about commies. Typical right wing extremists who supports the GOPers

A couple of observations;

1.) This entire line of bullshit has not a thing to do with the thread or general topic. You post this because you are not able to formulate a thought - you just cut & pasted random idiocy from the hate sites.

2.) Nonsense in talking points over at the hate sites is not "proven" anything. George Soros does your thinking for you, we get it - but the fact that you unquestioningly spew anything Soros posts on his hate sites is far from the burden of "truth."

If McDonald's were to pay $20 an hour, they would be out of business within a year.

Unless they were to automate all of their systems and simply get rid of all of their low end workers.

Got it, you jump in mid conversation and

1) Complain it's off topic, AFTER you are shown you are full of shit

2) NYTimes fact based story is a 'hate site' from G Soros? lol

3) Of course, Denmark can pay a living wage to their employees, of Starbuck's. McD's, Burger King, etc but IF they paid a living wage in AmeriKa, Corps would be going out of Biz left and right?

Gawwwd you simpletons and your hate and divisiveness are simply amazing
Costs NEVER increase for Biz right? *shaking head*

In business there is a concept, which you will never be exposed to on the hate sites that you cut & paste from;

"what the market will bear."

You are a communist, you don't grasp the concept of value. Americans are not willing to pay $30 for a Big Mac.

Where do they sell $30 Big Mac's?

How Much Would A Big Mac Cost If McDonald s Workers Were Paid 15 Per Hour Updated Corrected - Forbes

No one will buy a Big Mac for $7.25 - assuming the math used at Forbes is correct. Notice how the initial bullshit of $4.67 had to be corrected in your own article.

$7.25 an hour for Big Mac? lol, ONLY in right wing world. In Denmark they pay the effective rate of $20 an hour to their employees, MINIMUM


"In Denmark, fast-food workers are guaranteed benefits their American counterparts could only dream of. Under the industry’s collective agreement, there are five weeks’ paid vacation, paid maternity and paternity leave and a pension plan. Workers must be paid overtime for working after 6 p.m. and on Sundays.

Unlike most American fast-food workers, the Danes often get their work schedules four weeks in advance, and employees cannot be sent home early without pay just because business slows."
Still not jiving with the question, are you? The question was not why do you blame Republicans, which is just finger pointing. The question was to show how Democrats act in the way you want Republicans to act. Try to focus.

You mean like compromising on ACA, tax increases on the richest, smaller stimulus, etc? Nah, the Dems don't compromise *shaking head*
Compromising on the ACA? The Democrats gave Republicans nothing. What are you talking about?

And tax increases on the richest? We got no tax break, the W tax cuts were only continued because taxes on job creators, or as you call us "the richest," was stripped out. There was no compromise.

And no idea what you are talking about on the so called "stimulus" pork bill, what was the compromise?

This Is What "Bipartisanship" Looks Like

What do the GOP amendments to this Senate health care bill actually say?

Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical.

Yet many of the GOP amendments on this incomplete list do seem pretty substantive.
Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.

Job creators were left out of the Dubya tax cuts extension? Weird didn't they have those tax cuts for over a decade and had ZERO net jobs gains? AND only increased it on those making $400,000 individually and $450,000+ families?

GOP Wants More Tax Cuts For Bipartisan Stimulus

The Senate is braced for a showdown next week, when the Democrats plan to push through a nearly $900 billion economic stimulus package. The House passed a slightly smaller measure Wednesday. Not a single Republican voted for the plan, which was after President Obama lobbied GOP lawmakers for a bipartisan bill.

GOP Wants More Tax Cuts For Bipartisan Stimulus NPR


Boehner to GOP: Vote against stimulus

The nitpicking took its toll, and Obama on Monday privately urged House Democrats to remove a notable flash point: funds for contraception that had been defended by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on national television just a day before. The Democrats agreed.

With most moderates having retired or been defeated, especially among House Republicans, there is little political danger in opposing nearly another trillion dollars in spending at a time when many conservative-leaning voters are weary of government intervention after months of bailouts.

Boehner to GOP Vote against stimulus - Patrick O Connor and Jonathan Martin -
Yes, the Republicans suck. Which is why I always say the Republicans suck. That doesn't remotely address the question, which is about Obama, not W.

I'm trying to figure out what exactly "big government" means to a right winger. I lean left on most issues, but to me, big oppressive government is big intrusive government agencies that spy on their own citizens. Big spending, to me, is wasting trillions of dollars on useless unnecessary wars. Just trying to break the code.

Well, then you should ask a right winger. Stopped reading here since the question wasn't for me.

Libertarians are FARRRRRRR right wingers Bubba, especially on economics!

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