Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

Close to 50% pay no income taxes. Guess who make up most of that 50%? Yeah, that would be Democrats. You see, there is a nice little spin put on it by Democrats when they say things like most welfare comes from red states and most who don't pay taxes come from red states. They are implying that is because Republicans are the welfare and no-tax crowd when, in reality, those states do tend to have many lower income folks who vote Democrat.

"In 2008, Obama lost Georgia by 5 percentage points but he won 70% of voters who earned less than $30,000 -- which is precisely the demo most likely to owe no federal income tax. Obama lost Mississippi by 14 percentage points, but picked up 66% of voters who earned less than $30,000. As a general rule, Republicans win among richer voters -- both in the red states and the blue."

Liberals tend to fall for anything, but we all know the truth. The poorest of the poor, the most uneducated and the least successfuly vote overwhemingly for Democrats, which is why Democrats want to bus people from the projects to the polling stations. You don't see them going to upper middle class neighborhoods and picking them up because they know that would be detremental.

I know you guys know this, but it hurts you feelings to know that you vote for the same loosers that the loosers themselves vote for.
Let me see your link that says mostly Democrats pay no taxes

Our own President doesn’t pay Federal Income Taxes

Didn’t that chick with the dick...Rachel Maddow prove that he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005 alone?
How much will you contribute to the treasury over your lifetime?
Partial return that did not show exemptions

Hard to believe Republicans had to go back to 2005 to find a year when he paid taxes

Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Let me see your link that says mostly Democrats pay no taxes

Our own President doesn’t pay Federal Income Taxes

Didn’t that chick with the dick...Rachel Maddow prove that he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005 alone?
How much will you contribute to the treasury over your lifetime?
Partial return that did not show exemptions

Hard to believe Republicans had to go back to 2005 to find a year when he paid taxes

Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word
Didn’t that chick with the dick...Rachel Maddow prove that he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005 alone?
How much will you contribute to the treasury over your lifetime?
Partial return that did not show exemptions

Hard to believe Republicans had to go back to 2005 to find a year when he paid taxes

Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.
Free is not free and you even admit it.

Healthcare for all would be a massive tax burden seeing you would demand that every illegal also be covered by the system while demanding the citizens of this fine nation to pay through taxes for that system...

Is it not the best interest of the country to make sure the thousands who are processing and preparing our food are healthy?

What makes you think government healthcare would guarantee that? If we had government healthcare, it would probably take you a month or so to see a doctor. Many people don't seek care until absolutely necessary because they hate going to the doctor so much.

That's the weakest case I've seen yet for government healthcare.

Maybe it would take you a month to find your way to the doctor. Not my concern.

What do you think would happen if we ever went to government healthcare? Do you think we'd have the great services we have today? The only reason doctors and hospitals stay open is because they can recoup the losses on government patients by private insurance. Take out private insurance, there is no place to recoup those losses. More hospitals would close up, and more doctors would be leaving the practice.

That's why some doctors and clinics are refusing to accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients. They can't take the losses any longer.

People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Yes, they go bat shit over stuff like "Obama phones" without considering that these phones are a cheap way of saving tax dollars. Start with: If you are out of work, and have bad credit, how do you get a phone? Without a phone, how do you find a job? If you are a single mom on welfare and you don't have a phone, how can your child's school contact you in an emergency?

How does your case worker, parole officer, prospective employer get in touch with you? They would have to travel from their office to knock on your door, and hope that person is at home, wasting time and resources to go looking for them. If you are an elderly person, how do you call for an abulance, or other assistance? So for $25 per month, per family - $300 per year, you can give the poorest of the poor emergency cell phone service, because even if your phone is out of time, a 911 call will go through.

Is that all, $25.00? Then why don't they go to McDonald's and work three hours a month and get their own phone?

Because McDonald's won’t hire them without a phone.

Did you not read my post?
Is it not the best interest of the country to make sure the thousands who are processing and preparing our food are healthy?

What makes you think government healthcare would guarantee that? If we had government healthcare, it would probably take you a month or so to see a doctor. Many people don't seek care until absolutely necessary because they hate going to the doctor so much.

That's the weakest case I've seen yet for government healthcare.

Maybe it would take you a month to find your way to the doctor. Not my concern.

What do you think would happen if we ever went to government healthcare? Do you think we'd have the great services we have today? The only reason doctors and hospitals stay open is because they can recoup the losses on government patients by private insurance. Take out private insurance, there is no place to recoup those losses. More hospitals would close up, and more doctors would be leaving the practice.

That's why some doctors and clinics are refusing to accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients. They can't take the losses any longer.

People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?
Partial return that did not show exemptions

Hard to believe Republicans had to go back to 2005 to find a year when he paid taxes

Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962
So Clinton said he didn't pay taxes

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Are you just pulling shit from your ass as you go?
He PAID $38 million to the treasury in 2005 alone...You couldn’t contribute like that over several lifetimes.
Imagine all the free shit your degenerate friends got compliments of Trump.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962

Oh, a meme???? Boy......don't I feel silly now. What more proof do I need than a meme?
What makes you think government healthcare would guarantee that? If we had government healthcare, it would probably take you a month or so to see a doctor. Many people don't seek care until absolutely necessary because they hate going to the doctor so much.

That's the weakest case I've seen yet for government healthcare.

Maybe it would take you a month to find your way to the doctor. Not my concern.

What do you think would happen if we ever went to government healthcare? Do you think we'd have the great services we have today? The only reason doctors and hospitals stay open is because they can recoup the losses on government patients by private insurance. Take out private insurance, there is no place to recoup those losses. More hospitals would close up, and more doctors would be leaving the practice.

That's why some doctors and clinics are refusing to accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients. They can't take the losses any longer.

People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?
Maybe it would take you a month to find your way to the doctor. Not my concern.

What do you think would happen if we ever went to government healthcare? Do you think we'd have the great services we have today? The only reason doctors and hospitals stay open is because they can recoup the losses on government patients by private insurance. Take out private insurance, there is no place to recoup those losses. More hospitals would close up, and more doctors would be leaving the practice.

That's why some doctors and clinics are refusing to accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients. They can't take the losses any longer.

People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?

If you can make a valid argument I will try and address it.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Yes, they go bat shit over stuff like "Obama phones" without considering that these phones are a cheap way of saving tax dollars. Start with: If you are out of work, and have bad credit, how do you get a phone? Without a phone, how do you find a job? If you are a single mom on welfare and you don't have a phone, how can your child's school contact you in an emergency?

How does your case worker, parole officer, prospective employer get in touch with you? They would have to travel from their office to knock on your door, and hope that person is at home, wasting time and resources to go looking for them. If you are an elderly person, how do you call for an abulance, or other assistance? So for $25 per month, per family - $300 per year, you can give the poorest of the poor emergency cell phone service, because even if your phone is out of time, a 911 call will go through.

Is that all, $25.00? Then why don't they go to McDonald's and work three hours a month and get their own phone?

Because McDonald's won’t hire them without a phone.

Did you not read my post?

Wooo now. Back up. Why would McDonald's not hire them without a phone? WTF is going on there in Canada? Our poor are not penniless. In fact in the USA, people who accept every available means of welfare live the same lifestyle as working middle-class people.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves
What do you think would happen if we ever went to government healthcare? Do you think we'd have the great services we have today? The only reason doctors and hospitals stay open is because they can recoup the losses on government patients by private insurance. Take out private insurance, there is no place to recoup those losses. More hospitals would close up, and more doctors would be leaving the practice.

That's why some doctors and clinics are refusing to accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients. They can't take the losses any longer.

People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?

If you can make a valid argument I will try and address it.

Geese, like a six year old. Very well. The point is that it's impossible to get rid of these programs once they are started. Then as time goes on, those programs increase our deficit and debt. Without all these social goodies, we would have the cash on hand to make our own plans and take care of ourselves. I don't know how old you are, but I'm pushing 60 right now. If I could have all the SS money I contributed all these years, had it invested in a conservative account, I could have retired five years ago as a millionaire.

So the bottom line is don't start anymore social programs. They will be toxic to our economy and make people more irresponsible.
People love Medicare. Try and get rid of it.

You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?

If you can make a valid argument I will try and address it.

Geese, like a six year old. Very well. The point is that it's impossible to get rid of these programs once they are started. Then as time goes on, those programs increase our deficit and debt. Without all these social goodies, we would have the cash on hand to make our own plans and take care of ourselves. I don't know how old you are, but I'm pushing 60 right now. If I could have all the SS money I contributed all these years, had it invested in a conservative account, I could have retired five years ago as a millionaire.

So the bottom line is don't start anymore social programs. They will be toxic to our economy and make people more irresponsible.

I'm all for getting rid of socialist bailing out of failed corporations. Until we do that I'm going to do everything in my power to make things more even for the poor.

You think you can get Trump to stop it?
You can't get rid of it. That's the problem, and it's also the reason why we shouldn't create new ones.

It's my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. Feeling sorry for the animal, you go inside the house and fetch that remainder of ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the animal, and he eats in delight. Now give it about 30 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens to you.

This is how our social programs work. Once you give somebody something, it's rightfully theirs, and you don't dare take it least not without getting your hand chewed up.

If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?

If you can make a valid argument I will try and address it.

Geese, like a six year old. Very well. The point is that it's impossible to get rid of these programs once they are started. Then as time goes on, those programs increase our deficit and debt. Without all these social goodies, we would have the cash on hand to make our own plans and take care of ourselves. I don't know how old you are, but I'm pushing 60 right now. If I could have all the SS money I contributed all these years, had it invested in a conservative account, I could have retired five years ago as a millionaire.

So the bottom line is don't start anymore social programs. They will be toxic to our economy and make people more irresponsible.

I'm all for getting rid of socialist bailing out of failed corporations. Until we do that I'm going to do everything in my power to make things more even for the poor.

You think you can get Trump to stop it?

Corporations have nothing to do with this subject. Bailing out anybody didn't put us 22 trillion in the hole. It's decades and decades of social programs that did. As Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different outcomes each time. The social programs we have now are going to be responsible for the collapse of this country. The solution is not adding more social programs to it.
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962
So Clinton said he didn't pay taxes

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Clinton published 10 years of taxes

Still waiting for Lying Donnie to publish his
If I give a raccoon some of my ham why exactly would I want it back?

Are you serious, or are you just playing stupid to avoid the point?

If you can make a valid argument I will try and address it.

Geese, like a six year old. Very well. The point is that it's impossible to get rid of these programs once they are started. Then as time goes on, those programs increase our deficit and debt. Without all these social goodies, we would have the cash on hand to make our own plans and take care of ourselves. I don't know how old you are, but I'm pushing 60 right now. If I could have all the SS money I contributed all these years, had it invested in a conservative account, I could have retired five years ago as a millionaire.

So the bottom line is don't start anymore social programs. They will be toxic to our economy and make people more irresponsible.

I'm all for getting rid of socialist bailing out of failed corporations. Until we do that I'm going to do everything in my power to make things more even for the poor.

You think you can get Trump to stop it?

Corporations have nothing to do with this subject. Bailing out anybody didn't put us 22 trillion in the hole. It's decades and decades of social programs that did. As Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different outcomes each time. The social programs we have now are going to be responsible for the collapse of this country. The solution is not adding more social programs to it.
Social Programs or Military Programs and tax cuts?
And NOTHING in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009.......2017, 2018

Wish I could get away with that

You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962

Oh, a meme???? Boy......don't I feel silly now. What more proof do I need than a meme?
Trump said it

It was an embarrassment
You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962

Oh, a meme???? Boy......don't I feel silly now. What more proof do I need than a meme?
Trump said it

It was an embarrassment

And yet you can't provide any credible evidence to support your case. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he never did. He likes to yank people's chain when the opportunity presents itself, it's just this is the first I heard of it.
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962

Oh, a meme???? Boy......don't I feel silly now. What more proof do I need than a meme?
Trump said it

It was an embarrassment

And yet you can't provide any credible evidence to support your case. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he never did. He likes to yank people's chain when the opportunity presents itself, it's just this is the first I heard of it.
I am not going to discuss Trumps sorry history with you

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