Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Then they shouldn’t take the loan.

Besides, that’s idiotic left-wing propaganda that you were too stupid to recognize. I’ve known hundreds of people with college loans (including physicians with over $250,000 in loans) and every last one of them was able to pay it back.

You are too stupid to recognize the difference between “unable to” and “not wanting to”.

The people should not be getting indoctrinated in gender studies and leftist ideology anyway, and especially not while paying for it.

For the degrees that are actually worth it there is no problem, but as usual leftists want their cake while eating it too - paid for by tax payer money.

The only way I will support debt forgiveness or anything of the kind is if A) it is taken from university funds and B) the scam degrees are ended completely.
You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962
So Clinton said he didn't pay taxes

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Clinton published 10 years of taxes

Still waiting for Lying Donnie to publish his
Show me where in the Constitution that one of the requirements for being eligible to hold office is the disclosure of personal financial documents

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You have his returns for those years?
Trump has already admitted he doesn’t pay Federal Taxes. He is too smart

Until he provides tax returns proving otherwise, we have to take him on his word

When did he say that? Link please.

View attachment 301962

Oh, a meme???? Boy......don't I feel silly now. What more proof do I need than a meme?
Trump said it

It was an embarrassment
No your own meme clearly states that Clinton is the one who said that Trump did not pay taxes

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Avoiding a gender studies scam degree...

This everyone can do... for free... So free shit then?

All you have to do is not be an ideological far leftist.
To conservatives....

Helping the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Helping working Americans is SOCIALISM
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them
To conservatives....

Helping the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Helping working Americans is SOCIALISM
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Yes, they go bat shit over stuff like "Obama phones" without considering that these phones are a cheap way of saving tax dollars. Start with: If you are out of work, and have bad credit, how do you get a phone? Without a phone, how do you find a job? If you are a single mom on welfare and you don't have a phone, how can your child's school contact you in an emergency?

How does your case worker, parole officer, prospective employer get in touch with you? They would have to travel from their office to knock on your door, and hope that person is at home, wasting time and resources to go looking for them. If you are an elderly person, how do you call for an abulance, or other assistance? So for $25 per month, per family - $300 per year, you can give the poorest of the poor emergency cell phone service, because even if your phone is out of time, a 911 call will go through.

Is that all, $25.00? Then why don't they go to McDonald's and work three hours a month and get their own phone?

Because McDonald's won’t hire them without a phone.

Did you not read my post?

Wooo now. Back up. Why would McDonald's not hire them without a phone? WTF is going on there in Canada? Our poor are not penniless. In fact in the USA, people who accept every available means of welfare live the same lifestyle as working middle-class people.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Weird huh...the Kenyan hands out taxpayer funded cell phones in every shithole ghetto in America and since then homelessness has skyrocketed to levels seen only in thirdworld nations... Dragonlady the filth among us have cell phones...WTF, why hasn’t McDonalds put them to work?

It makes you wonder how their mind works. So little logic. The excuses they create to justify their social programs is so bizarre that you can't even fathom how they come up with them. We need free college because a broker society would benefit? You must have cell phones so you can get a job at McDonalds?

Reminds me of when I was a kid getting high on pot. I couldn't dream up such stuff even back then.
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Is there anything more comical than left-wing “logic”.

Billy000 literally just made the case for universal college based on the fact that “the large majority” cannot afford college and can’t afford to pay it back.

So if they can’t do it individually, how will they do it as a nation? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You literally just admitted that universal college would collapse the United States as the “large majority” already can’t afford it. And that’s without paying for the freeloaders. :laugh:
Hey idiot not ever American wants to go to college such as yourself. The people who can go easily could with such a system. The price tag has already been estimated at 70 billion per year which while is a lot, it is a fraction of overall US budget per year.

Is that all? A measly 70 billion dollars a year? This comment from the party that made it sound like the end of the world when Trump wanted 3 billion dollars one time for a wall. They not only shut down the government for the longest period of time in history, but forced Trump to take the money from our military budge.
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Then they shouldn’t take the loan.

Besides, that’s idiotic left-wing propaganda that you were too stupid to recognize. I’ve known hundreds of people with college loans (including physicians with over $250,000 in loans) and every last one of them was able to pay it back.

You are too stupid to recognize the difference between “unable to” and “not wanting to”.
Yeah obviously it’s better not to take the loan, but the point is, in order to get a full education they must. Doesn’t that seem wrong to you? Educated people benefit society in general.

Right, and if government doesn't educate them, they can't do it themselves. So what's wrong with graduating high school, living with your parents for five years, and in that time, work your ass off 50 hours a week and save that money? You would only be 23 years old when you start college.
To conservatives....

Helping the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Helping working Americans is SOCIALISM
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

The question is whether we want more "free shit" or less. The thing with "free shit" is that it's actually dependency we're talking about. Dependency is control. If you depend on someone else for something, they have an element of control over you. The more you depend on them, the more control they have over you. How much control do you want government to have?
To conservatives....

Helping the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Helping working Americans is SOCIALISM
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes

They do pay taxes, it's just the greedy left wants even more.
To conservatives....

Helping the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Helping working Americans is SOCIALISM
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes

They do pay taxes, it's just the greedy left wants even more.
Yes we do

You have to tax where the money is and the money is not with the working class
I would like to see the wealthy pay at the rates they did in the past so we have more money to spend on healthcare, education, infrastructure and public services
To ignorant progressives...

Demanding society owes you your every want and every need is “fair”.

Having to take responsibility for yourself is “unfair”.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes

They do pay taxes, it's just the greedy left wants even more.
Yes we do

You have to tax where the money is and the money is not with the working class
I would like to see the wealthy pay at the rates they did in the past so we have more money to spend on healthcare, education, infrastructure and public services

If the tax rates were that high, the money, the wealthy, or both would leave the country, and then you'd have no choice but to tax the middle-class. If this concept of taking more from some because they have more than you is proper, then why not do that to everybody?

You have three big screen televisions in your house. Would it not be proper for government to take one of those televisions and give it to somebody that doesn't have a big screen television? Maybe you have eight beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be proper to take three of those bushes and give them to a home that has none?

Somebody has more than you and always will, just like you have more than a lot of people as well. It's easy to take somebody else's money. It's much harder when it's your money.
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Then they shouldn’t take the loan.

Besides, that’s idiotic left-wing propaganda that you were too stupid to recognize. I’ve known hundreds of people with college loans (including physicians with over $250,000 in loans) and every last one of them was able to pay it back.

You are too stupid to recognize the difference between “unable to” and “not wanting to”.
Yeah obviously it’s better not to take the loan, but the point is, in order to get a full education they must. Doesn’t that seem wrong to you? Educated people benefit society in general.

Right, and if government doesn't educate them, they can't do it themselves. So what's wrong with graduating high school, living with your parents for five years, and in that time, work your ass off 50 hours a week and save that money? You would only be 23 years old when you start college.
Lol um doing that would pay for like 1 year of college, if that. It’s not people have the luxury to do that anyway.
Society does things to help those who need help

The billionaires in our society obviously don’t need help, so why do we keep helping them

You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes

They do pay taxes, it's just the greedy left wants even more.
Yes we do

You have to tax where the money is and the money is not with the working class
I would like to see the wealthy pay at the rates they did in the past so we have more money to spend on healthcare, education, infrastructure and public services

If the tax rates were that high, the money, the wealthy, or both would leave the country, and then you'd have no choice but to tax the middle-class. If this concept of taking more from some because they have more than you is proper, then why not do that to everybody?

You have three big screen televisions in your house. Would it not be proper for government to take one of those televisions and give it to somebody that doesn't have a big screen television? Maybe you have eight beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be proper to take three of those bushes and give them to a home that has none?

Somebody has more than you and always will, just like you have more than a lot of people as well. It's easy to take somebody else's money. It's much harder when it's your money.
We have had higher tax rates in the past and there was not a mass exodus of the wealthy

Your examples are just plain silly. We are not looking to confiscate possessions but future wealth

Someone has more than me, they should have a higher effective tax rate
You consider letting people keep more of their own money helping them?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes

They do pay taxes, it's just the greedy left wants even more.
Yes we do

You have to tax where the money is and the money is not with the working class
I would like to see the wealthy pay at the rates they did in the past so we have more money to spend on healthcare, education, infrastructure and public services

If the tax rates were that high, the money, the wealthy, or both would leave the country, and then you'd have no choice but to tax the middle-class. If this concept of taking more from some because they have more than you is proper, then why not do that to everybody?

You have three big screen televisions in your house. Would it not be proper for government to take one of those televisions and give it to somebody that doesn't have a big screen television? Maybe you have eight beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be proper to take three of those bushes and give them to a home that has none?

Somebody has more than you and always will, just like you have more than a lot of people as well. It's easy to take somebody else's money. It's much harder when it's your money.
We have had higher tax rates in the past and there was not a mass exodus of the wealthy

Your examples are just plain silly. We are not looking to confiscate possessions but future wealth

Someone has more than me, they should have a higher effective tax rate

You don't consider money the property of a person, no more than their car, their home, their appliances? Sorry, but that's exactly what money is. It's your property. You created it, you are free to do what you want with it, you are free to give it to anybody you desire.

Wealthy people in the past didn't have as many places to go many years ago. Without satellites, overseas travel was dangerous. With out prehistoric ways of communication, running your business was nearly impossible.

Today, not only can a business person run their company sitting on his toilet, They can also get up to the second information on their investments. You don't have to fly all your top managers to Brazil for your monthly meeting. You can do it on your laptop.
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Then they shouldn’t take the loan.

Besides, that’s idiotic left-wing propaganda that you were too stupid to recognize. I’ve known hundreds of people with college loans (including physicians with over $250,000 in loans) and every last one of them was able to pay it back.

You are too stupid to recognize the difference between “unable to” and “not wanting to”.
Yeah obviously it’s better not to take the loan, but the point is, in order to get a full education they must. Doesn’t that seem wrong to you? Educated people benefit society in general.

Right, and if government doesn't educate them, they can't do it themselves. So what's wrong with graduating high school, living with your parents for five years, and in that time, work your ass off 50 hours a week and save that money? You would only be 23 years old when you start college.
Lol um doing that would pay for like 1 year of college, if that. It’s not people have the luxury to do that anyway.

Okay, so let's say somebody does exactly what I suggest. Their first year of working they make about 25K. After they get some experience at something, they make 30K. Maybe for the next three years, they make 35K.

That's about 135K in those five years. Minus taxes, say about 90K. But....if you invested that money the entire time, maybe you made another 5K on that.

So 95K will pay for a good chunk of your education. Plus you can still work on the weekends and part-time at night to sustain you the rest of the way through college.
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
Then they shouldn’t take the loan.

Besides, that’s idiotic left-wing propaganda that you were too stupid to recognize. I’ve known hundreds of people with college loans (including physicians with over $250,000 in loans) and every last one of them was able to pay it back.

You are too stupid to recognize the difference between “unable to” and “not wanting to”.
Yeah obviously it’s better not to take the loan, but the point is, in order to get a full education they must. Doesn’t that seem wrong to you? Educated people benefit society in general.

Right, and if government doesn't educate them, they can't do it themselves. So what's wrong with graduating high school, living with your parents for five years, and in that time, work your ass off 50 hours a week and save that money? You would only be 23 years old when you start college.
Lol um doing that would pay for like 1 year of college, if that. It’s not people have the luxury to do that anyway.

Okay, so let's say somebody does exactly what I suggest. Their first year of working they make about 25K. After they get some experience at something, they make 30K. Maybe for the next three years, they make 35K.

That's about 135K in those five years. Minus taxes, say about 90K. But....if you invested that money the entire time, maybe you made another 5K on that.

So 95K will pay for a good chunk of your education. Plus you can still work on the weekends and part-time at night to sustain you the rest of the way through college.
Dude in what universe would parents allow their kid to live in their house for 5 years rent free and any other expenses paid? There is nothing practical about this idea for people in general.

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