Republicans Need to Stop Giving Away Elections

So you not prepared to defend your "principles", then ? Let us know if/when you come up with the courage of your convictions.

I am more than prepared to defend my principles. That's why I go arned i to the world every day.

What I am not, is,interested in wasting my time on "debate". Neither of our vuews will be changed, so why waste the time?
So you not prepared to defend your "principles", then ? Let us know if/when you come up with the courage of your convictions.

I am more than prepared to defend my principles. That's why I go arned i to the world every day.

What I am not, is,interested in wasting my time on "debate". Neither of our vuews will be changed, so why waste the time?

Exhibit B just showed up.
I am more than prepared to defend my principles. That's why I go arned i to the world every day.

What I am not, is,interested in wasting my time on "debate". Neither of our vuews will be changed, so why waste the time?
You should have learned your views are wrong just from reading the OP. Try reading it again, maybe slower.
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Oh whatever.. in a robust economy MW isn't an issue.. hell, even today it affects mostly young, unskilled workers. This narrative that there are all these people trying raise families on MW is a lie.
Oh yeah. It's starting. There's Bernie Sanders on the Noon News, railing about the minimum wage. Grabbing those votes, Republicans are leaving lying around. Easy picking.
We should look to our northern neighbor. Canada has done it right. It balanced its budget, lowered its Corporate Tax Rate, and raised its Minumum Wage. Its economy has done well. Its Unemployment Rate has stayed consistently low. It's exactly the opposite of what most Republicans claim will happen here. Most claim there will be some sort of calamitous collapse if the Minimum Wage is raised to a livable wage.

Right now, Canada's Minimum Wage sits at between $11-12 an hr. There's no reason why the richest nation on earth can't afford to raise it to at least the same. However, i would say it could go even higher. Because let's face it, $11-12 an hr. in today's America is pretty much a joke. But i know there has to be compromise.
Oh whatever.. in a robust economy MW isn't an issue.. hell, even today it affects mostly young, unskilled workers. This narrative that there are all these people trying raise families on MW is a lie.
If someone is receiving MW, and that's all, they're not qualified to be raising a family. Sad truth is that not only are they doing that, they are raising families on NOTHING, and getting welfare, and then as the families get bigger, so do their welfare checks. That's when it's time to TIE THE TUBES.
Were you born yesterday? Republicans won the most stunning mid-term victory in modern political history just last year.
Yes they did. But that doesn't mean they always will, and it doesn't mean that we are still losing votes for no good reason. No reason to lose votes just to take foolish positions on important issues.
Would you agree that the phrase "stop giving away" is inaccurate?
Would you agree that the phrase "stop giving away" is inaccurate?
Depends on what you're talking about "giving away"

Speaking of away, I'll be off this thread for a while, as I'm immersed with battling looney liberals, in my Affirmative Action and Ben Carson threads.
You should have learned your views are wrong just from reading the OP. Try reading it again, maybe slower.

Thanks. I needed a good laugh. Anyone who understands Right snd Wrong knows that Freedon and Equality don't exist in that environment. My principles were indoctrinated into me by Family, Faith and Personal Experience. They have never changed and will never.

Now that our "debate" is done, and since you're not here to defend your ideals with blade, fist, or firearm, our discussion is over. Have a nice day.
If Republicans nominate the likes of Trump or Carson they'll be giving away the GE next year.
Old polls going back a few months show Clinton over Carson. Newer polls show Carson well above Clinton. Real Clear Politics, in an average of polls, has Carson over Clinton 48.5 to 44.5 with Hillary on the down slope.

They have Hillary over Trump 47.7 to 43.3, however this one is more erratic and subject to change. Change is more likely to help Trump whose likeability has been improving, than Clinton whose likeability has been on the decline.

If it makes you feel better though, you can call it how you wish it was.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Carson vs. Clinton

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Thanks. I needed a good laugh. Anyone who understands Right snd Wrong knows that Freedon and Equality don't exist in that environment. My principles were indoctrinated into me by Family, Faith and Personal Experience. They have never changed and will never.

Now that our "debate" is done, and since you're not here to defend your ideals with blade, fist, or firearm, our discussion is over. Have a nice day.
What a joke. I challenge you to debate me, with your so-called "principles", and instead you come in here without them, and to boot, claim I'm not defending mine. Well, Mr. Cut-and Run, my principles are ALREADY STATED in the OP, and yours are firmly hidden away somewhere, where you are showing you don't have the guts to reveal them.

Dude, either debate or go away.
What a joke. I challenge you to debate me, with your so-called "principles", and instead you come in here without them, and to boot, claim I'm not defending mine. Well, Mr. Cut-and Run, my principles are ALREADY STATED in the OP, and yours are firmly hidden away somewhere, where you are showing you don't have the guts to reveal them.

Dude, either debate or go away.

I don't debate. It's a Fool's Errand. My Principles are based on Traditional Morals and Values as laid out when our ancestors first started building communities, thousands of years ago.

Ive never hidden who I sm or what I believe in around here. I'm an Aggressive, Authoritarian, Patriarchal individual who has no use for alternative viewpoints or ideas. Its that simple.
What a joke. I challenge you to debate me, with your so-called "principles", and instead you come in here without them, and to boot, claim I'm not defending mine. Well, Mr. Cut-and Run, my principles are ALREADY STATED in the OP, and yours are firmly hidden away somewhere, where you are showing you don't have the guts to reveal them.

Dude, either debate or go away.

I don't debate. It's a Fool's Errand. My Principles are based on Traditional Morals and Values as laid out when our ancestors first started building communities, thousands of years ago.

Ive never hidden who I sm or what I believe in around here. I'm an Aggressive, Authoritarian, Patriarchal individual who has no use for alternative viewpoints or ideas. Its that simple.

In other words, the poster child for a 2015 Conservative.
Oh whatever.. in a robust economy MW isn't an issue.. hell, even today it affects mostly young, unskilled workers. This narrative that there are all these people trying raise families on MW is a lie.
If someone is receiving MW, and that's all, they're not qualified to be raising a family. Sad truth is that not only are they doing that, they are raising families on NOTHING, and getting welfare, and then as the families get bigger, so do their welfare checks. That's when it's time to TIE THE TUBES.

Dear Exhibit A:

This is precisely what I mean when I say the GOP needs a smarter base. Suggesting it is time to do procedures on people is straight out of crazy coo-coo land.

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