Republicans prepare to be deficit hawks again under Biden

I've seen this cycle for 20 years

Bush was awarded the Presidency and Cheney tells us "Deficits don't matter" and the entire GOP goies along with it

Obama gets elected and Republicans shut down the government screaming "OOOOhhhhh the DEFICIT...OH the DEBT

Trump becomes President and Deficits no longer matter...only tax cuts

Biden gets elected and now the GOP is deficit scolds again
Right and all the Democrats who were so concerned about spending under Trump suddenly won't care anymore. You hyper partisan on both sides do this all the time you pretend you care about spending when your party doesn't control the Presidency and don't give a dam when it does.
It's time to stop the irresponsible spending.

The budget should be drastically cut starting in January, for the Safety of all Americans.
Ok.....Who didn’t see this one coming ?

Republicans are preparing to re-embrace their inner deficit hawk after greenlighting big spending bills under President Trump.

GOP senators say they expect to refocus on curbing the nation's debt and reforming entitlement programs starting in 2021, as the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the debt has surpassed the size of the American economy.
For once, I agree.

Congrats on hiring a M/I complex stooge. We'll be back in 10 foreign wars within no time if Biden is unlawfully sworn in.
Any movement toward austerity is likely to spark fierce backlash from Democrats and progressive activists, who are already on watch for Republicans to embrace spending cuts with President Trump out of the White House.

"They are always concerned about the debt when we're spending money to help people, they never care when we're cutting billionaires and corporations. I've been around Washington long enough to know that Republicans' interest in the debt is intermittent," said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.).
The Social Security Trust Fund has looked like a beautiful plum ripe for plucking to the GOP for decades. After the impeached president trump demonstrated how much his devoted RWNJs were willing to hand their retirement dollars over to the ruling billionaire class, the congressional Republicans see 2021 as the year to "reform" this "entitlement" program, and make the Social Security Trust Fund available to finance more tax cuts for their billionaire owners.

The RWNJs are OK with this, because they are certain the GOP has never done anything to screw them. Those fvcking idiots.

Right and all the Democrats who were so concerned about spending under Trump suddenly won't care anymore. You hyper partisan on both sides do this all the time you pretend you care about spending when your party doesn't control the Presidency and don't give a dam when it does.
To be fair. Dems are the Left and the Left is literally for progressive politics and growing government programs, spending is expected. Republicans are supposed to be a balancing force by practicing fiscal conservatism. It’s a dangerous situation when that balance gets lost like it did over the past 4 years and now Republicans are suffering from a credibility problem and our country is suffering from a more dangerous economic situation
Ok.....Who didn’t see this one coming ?

Republicans are preparing to re-embrace their inner deficit hawk after greenlighting big spending bills under President Trump.

GOP senators say they expect to refocus on curbing the nation's debt and reforming entitlement programs starting in 2021, as the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the debt has surpassed the size of the American economy.

I hope they become deficit hawks as we all should be. As a nation we need to cut budgets. That is my complaint with both parties.
Right and all the Democrats who were so concerned about spending under Trump suddenly won't care anymore. You hyper partisan on both sides do this all the time you pretend you care about spending when your party doesn't control the Presidency and don't give a dam when it does.
To be fair. Dems are the Left and the Left is literally for progressive politics and growing government programs, spending is expected. Republicans are supposed to be a balancing force by practicing fiscal conservatism. It’s a dangerous situation when that balance gets lost like it did over the past 4 years and now Republicans are suffering from a credibility problem and our country is suffering from a more dangerous economic situation

Republicans haven’t been conservative in spending for decades, the see how the Dems have used it t buy votes and are quite content to do the same.
Ok.....Who didn’t see this one coming ?

Republicans are preparing to re-embrace their inner deficit hawk after greenlighting big spending bills under President Trump.

GOP senators say they expect to refocus on curbing the nation's debt and reforming entitlement programs starting in 2021, as the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the debt has surpassed the size of the American economy.

Republicans are so predictable.

Right and all the Democrats who were so concerned about spending under Trump suddenly won't care anymore. You hyper partisan on both sides do this all the time you pretend you care about spending when your party doesn't control the Presidency and don't give a dam when it does.
To be fair. Dems are the Left and the Left is literally for progressive politics and growing government programs, spending is expected. Republicans are supposed to be a balancing force by practicing fiscal conservatism. It’s a dangerous situation when that balance gets lost like it did over the past 4 years and now Republicans are suffering from a credibility problem and our country is suffering from a more dangerous economic situation
They are for it when they are the ones doing yet they don't feel that way when they aren't. Spending money they don't have is one of the few things both parties have in common
Right and all the Democrats who were so concerned about spending under Trump suddenly won't care anymore. You hyper partisan on both sides do this all the time you pretend you care about spending when your party doesn't control the Presidency and don't give a dam when it does.
To be fair. Dems are the Left and the Left is literally for progressive politics and growing government programs, spending is expected. Republicans are supposed to be a balancing force by practicing fiscal conservatism. It’s a dangerous situation when that balance gets lost like it did over the past 4 years and now Republicans are suffering from a credibility problem and our country is suffering from a more dangerous economic situation
They are for it when they are the ones doing yet they don't feel that way when they aren't. Spending money they don't have is one of the few things both parties have in common
Of course they don’t. They don’t agree with most the stuff the Reps want to spend it on.
That’s why they are an opposition party, they have different ideas on how to address many issues. This isn’t some kind of new hypocrisy you’ve stumbled upon. This is politics, it’s how it goes
This thread is absurd, since BOTH political parties generate massive budget deficits every year.
Except that Democrats spend money on "give away to get votes" political bureaucracies. Trump spent money on sealing our border, bolstering our military, making American energy independent and improving the American economy. Everything that the Democrats hate. "MAGA" to a Democrat is like a cross to a Vampire.
Republicans were silent while Trump ran a $3.2 trillion deficit and added $8 trillion in debt in just four years
Democrats were silent while Obama ran a $9 trillion deficit and added $10 trillion in debt in just four years
Yes, we were
We were also silent when Trump ran up his own $9 trillion deficit in half the time.

It is Republicans who spend like drunken sailors when they call the shots and whine about debt when Democrats are in charge
Except that Democrats spend money on "give away to get votes" political bureaucracies. Trump spent money on sealing our border, bolstering our military, making American energy independent and improving the American economy

Yes, you caught us

Democrats spend money helping We the People. Things like healthcare, education, the needy.

RepublIcans run up deficits giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and feeding a bloated military that already spends 42 cents out of every military dollar on earth.
Except that Democrats spend money on "give away to get votes" political bureaucracies. Trump spent money on sealing our border, bolstering our military, making American energy independent and improving the American economy

Yes, you caught us

Democrats spend money helping We the People. Things like healthcare, education, the needy.

RepublIcans run up deficits giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and feeding a bloated military that already spends 42 cents out of every military dollar on earth.

Newsflash Sparky. Democrat’s bleeding heart has to be controlled by an adult. We can’t give away “free” healthcare to the world and open our borders, etc. Adults have to make real world practical decisions. You guys act like you are playing a video game to build a new world but have hacked the settings to give you an open pocket book.
Except that Democrats spend money on "give away to get votes" political bureaucracies. Trump spent money on sealing our border, bolstering our military, making American energy independent and improving the American economy

Yes, you caught us

Democrats spend money helping We the People. Things like healthcare, education, the needy.

RepublIcans run up deficits giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and feeding a bloated military that already spends 42 cents out of every military dollar on earth.

Newsflash Sparky. Democrat’s bleeding heart has to be controlled by an adult. We can’t give away “free” healthcare to the world and open our borders, etc. Adults have to make real world practical decisions. You guys act like you are playing a video game to build a new world but have hacked the settings to give you an open pocket book.
A Government of the people, by the people and FOR the people.
Something a great Republican once said
Except that Democrats spend money on "give away to get votes" political bureaucracies. Trump spent money on sealing our border, bolstering our military, making American energy independent and improving the American economy

Yes, you caught us

Democrats spend money helping We the People. Things like healthcare, education, the needy.

RepublIcans run up deficits giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and feeding a bloated military that already spends 42 cents out of every military dollar on earth.

Newsflash Sparky. Democrat’s bleeding heart has to be controlled by an adult. We can’t give away “free” healthcare to the world and open our borders, etc. Adults have to make real world practical decisions. You guys act like you are playing a video game to build a new world but have hacked the settings to give you an open pocket book.
A Government of the people, by the people and FOR the people.
Something a great Republican once said

For the American people. Seems as though you globalists have forgotten that little tidbit.
In 2000 George Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus... Then they spent like crazy and then spent some more.... Then the GOP crashed the economy with their terrible policies and we had the great recession.

Then again under Trump the GOP spent like crazy running the deficit to insane levels. Trump's whole minor economic success was based on this crazy deficit spending.

Now all of a sudden these big spenders are going to care about the deficit again... It's pathetic. The GOP is the party of total failure and complete hypocrisy
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Republicans have no credibility on the deficit or financial matters. Once they are in power they blow a huge hole in the deficit and debt and then too boot send this economy spiraling downward. It is a pattern.

Pubs can go to hell with their “deficit hawks”. Pubs are anything but.

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