Republicans scrap clean water regulation

It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.

What if I'm not? Making modifications to the land on my property doesn't constitute any kind of pollution. I mean, when I crank my car, a bunch of exhaust comes out of the tailpipe. Should the EPA come after me for that?
Car exhaust is regulated.

Hahahaha! What are they going to do? Catch it in a bottle?
No. They regulate the fuel. They regulate the gas mileage. They regulate the chemical content of the exhaust.

Regulation doesn't necessarily mean preventing you from doing something, it means applying rules to govern the way in which you may do something.
Why do you ass clowns vote for these scum bags?

Senate Passes Resolution To Scrap EPA Clean Water Rules

The real name of that bill is the EPA power grab to revoke property rights from every square inch of land in the country. However, we all knew you leftwing scumbags would try to portray it as an attack on the environment.

It's time to abolish the EPA. Aside from ISIS and the teacher's union, it's the most dangerous threat this country faces.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

I've read the language in the bill. That want to change the language that says the clean water act applies to the "navigable waters of the United States" to say just "waters of the United States." That would give it the authority to regulate any land that ever had any water on it, which means every square inch of it.

The last thing this country needs is to give the EPA that kind of power.
How do you people not understand where your drinking water comes from? There MUST be laws that keep these sites clean and safe. I don't give a shit if that's considered "big government".
As if people only drank water from "navigable" steams. :lol:

The Supreme Court has already ruled that "navigable waters" also includes every stream, crick and gully that feeds into the navigable waters. That's more than sufficient to keep our drinking water clean, you fucking half-wit.
Government by and for the people cares about the people. Corporations care about profit
Then you'd be telling me something that isn't true.

Prove it.
No. :wink:

Thank you and goodnight.
US Government = Multi trillion dollar enterprise
President = CEO
Vice President = Vice CEO
Congress and Senate = Board of directors
American people = stockholders and investors

It's easy to see.
It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.

What if I'm not? Making modifications to the land on my property doesn't constitute any kind of pollution. I mean, when I crank my car, a bunch of exhaust comes out of the tailpipe. Should the EPA come after me for that?
Car exhaust is regulated.

Hahahaha! What are they going to do? Catch it in a bottle?
No. They regulate the fuel. They regulate the gas mileage. They regulate the chemical content of the exhaust.

Regulation doesn't necessarily mean preventing you from doing something, it means applying rules to govern the way in which you may do something.

It means preventing you from doing something, moron. How else do you think laws work? Every law says "you can't do this, and you can't do that." Every last one of them.
The real name of that bill is the EPA power grab to revoke property rights from every square inch of land in the country. However, we all knew you leftwing scumbags would try to portray it as an attack on the environment.

It's time to abolish the EPA. Aside from ISIS and the teacher's union, it's the most dangerous threat this country faces.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

I've read the language in the bill. That want to change the language that says the clean water act applies to the "navigable waters of the United States" to say just "waters of the United States." That would give it the authority to regulate any land that ever had any water on it, which means every square inch of it.

The last thing this country needs is to give the EPA that kind of power.
How do you people not understand where your drinking water comes from? There MUST be laws that keep these sites clean and safe. I don't give a shit if that's considered "big government".
As if people only drank water from "navigable" steams. :lol:

The Supreme Court has already ruled that "navigable waters" also includes every stream, crick and gully that feeds into the navigable waters. That's more than sufficient to keep our drinking water clean, you fucking half-wit.
The EPA should be gutted and given advisory status only.
Yeah, dumbass, let's just let corporations regulate themselves as to how much pollution of our air and water is too much. Corporations can be trusted!

Far more than government, particularly the current one.
You morons! Corporations care about one thing. Profits. If left to make their own rules, they will do what is cheapest ... which means dumping pollution into the air and water
Lol. If I want clean water, I'll buy a water filter. Hell, I've guzzled water from the garden hose as a kid. Who needs government regulating our water?

Do you like calling people names? The sad thing on forums like these is nobody can take jokes...

That's why we have courts, so people can sue if someone causes them harm. We don't need no fucking EPA.
Why do you ass clowns vote for these scum bags?

Senate Passes Resolution To Scrap EPA Clean Water Rules

The real name of that bill is the EPA power grab to revoke property rights from every square inch of land in the country. However, we all knew you leftwing scumbags would try to portray it as an attack on the environment.

It's time to abolish the EPA. Aside from ISIS and the teacher's union, it's the most dangerous threat this country faces.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

No, I think it's pathetic that you believe everything commies say.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

I've read the language in the bill. That want to change the language that says the clean water act applies to the "navigable waters of the United States" to say just "waters of the United States." That would give it the authority to regulate any land that ever had any water on it, which means every square inch of it.

The last thing this country needs is to give the EPA that kind of power.
How do you people not understand where your drinking water comes from? There MUST be laws that keep these sites clean and safe. I don't give a shit if that's considered "big government".
As if people only drank water from "navigable" steams. :lol:

The Supreme Court has already ruled that "navigable waters" also includes every stream, crick and gully that feeds into the navigable waters. That's more than sufficient to keep our drinking water clean, you fucking half-wit.

Read carefully!

Rapanos v. United States (2006)
Why do you ass clowns vote for these scum bags?

Senate Passes Resolution To Scrap EPA Clean Water Rules

The real name of that bill is the EPA power grab to revoke property rights from every square inch of land in the country. However, we all knew you leftwing scumbags would try to portray it as an attack on the environment.

It's time to abolish the EPA. Aside from ISIS and the teacher's union, it's the most dangerous threat this country faces.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

I've read the language in the bill. That want to change the language that says the clean water act applies to the "navigable waters of the United States" to say just "waters of the United States." That would give it the authority to regulate any land that ever had any water on it, which means every square inch of it.

The last thing this country needs is to give the EPA that kind of power.
How do you people not understand where your drinking water comes from? There MUST be laws that keep these sites clean and safe. I don't give a shit if that's considered "big government".

O\ur drinking water is already clean. We don't need to give the EPA the power to regulate every puddle on a golf course or my front lawn.

There is no justification for giving the EPA more power. The motive for doing so is the desire to destroy capitalism and our industrial society.

Go fuck yourself.
Lol why are you so convinced that a company wouldn't - at least inadvertently - allow some kind of toxic substance into a body of water because there was no law to keep it from happening? These companies are extra careful to follow establish EPA laws to prevent legal ramifications. Without those laws, it would be easy to get careless.

You people have this fantasy in your minds that agencies like the EPA are made of power hungry fascists. If anything, such fascists would thrive in the private sector. That's where the money is.
It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.

True, and should be controlled. Your rights end where mine begin.

the greater good being more important that certain individual rights.

Complete fucking nonsense. Japanese-style conformity. "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." We are not Bushido.

Only individuals have rights, which may of course be exercised corporately, but not at the expense of the individual rights of others.
It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.

True, and should be controlled. Your rights end where mine begin.

the greater good being more important that certain individual rights.

Complete fucking nonsense. Japanese-style conformity. "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." We are not Bushido.

Only individuals have rights, which may of course be exercised corporately, but not at the expense of the individual rights of others.
Lol do you realize that you agree with the first point yet contradict yourself by disagreeing with the second point?
You shouldn't be able to do whatever the hell you want with your property if pollution leaves your property. In that case, your activities that cause pollution to leave your property should be regulated.

Wow. How... fascist of you. That isn't your call, or the government's.

If I'm dumping antifreeze down a storm drain, that's one thing, but telling me what to do with my own land and my own property when I'm not harming a soul?

Screw off.
It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.
These people have no concept of the greater good being more important that certain individual rights.

The "greater good" is never more important than individual rights. For one thing, the term is just a rationalization for imposing totalitarianism. Lenin meant the same thing when he said "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet." By "eggs" he meant your head. If I want to fill in some low spot with dirt because it sometimes collects rain water, I will damn well do it. The EPA can go hang.
It's not fascist. If your pollution leaves your property, it poisons your neighbors. That's harming people.

True, and should be controlled. Your rights end where mine begin.

the greater good being more important that certain individual rights.

Complete fucking nonsense. Japanese-style conformity. "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." We are not Bushido.

Only individuals have rights, which may of course be exercised corporately, but not at the expense of the individual rights of others.
Lol do you realize that you agree with the first point yet contradict yourself by disagreeing with the second point?

Not at all. Get your mom to help you read it.
Why do you ass clowns vote for these scum bags?

Senate Passes Resolution To Scrap EPA Clean Water Rules

The real name of that bill is the EPA power grab to revoke property rights from every square inch of land in the country. However, we all knew you leftwing scumbags would try to portray it as an attack on the environment.

It's time to abolish the EPA. Aside from ISIS and the teacher's union, it's the most dangerous threat this country faces.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that you believe anything republicans say?

I've read the language in the bill. That want to change the language that says the clean water act applies to the "navigable waters of the United States" to say just "waters of the United States." That would give it the authority to regulate any land that ever had any water on it, which means every square inch of it.

The last thing this country needs is to give the EPA that kind of power.
How do you people not understand where your drinking water comes from? There MUST be laws that keep these sites clean and safe. I don't give a shit if that's considered "big government".

Sorry, turd, but the EPA is not getting authority over my front lawn. Only a servile idiot would support that.

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