Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

What kind of Law can a Law be it doesn't apply.
But it does apply.

Any time a Republican accuses a Democrat of doing something, it's either because that Republican is doing it themselves, or it's because their masters are doing it and have ordered the lackeys to run cover for them.

So, if you want to know what Republicans are thinking and doing themselves, you need only to observe what they accuse Democrats of doing.
But it does apply.

Any time a Republican accuses a Democrat of doing something, it's either because that Republican is doing it themselves, or it's because their masters are doing it and have ordered the lackeys to run cover for them.

So, if you want to know what Republicans are thinking and doing themselves, you need only to observe what they accuse Democrats of doing.
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Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
The Consumer Protection Safety Commission (Commissioner Richard Trumka) suggested a ban on gas stoves was a potential option in an interview last week ... this was immediately followed by a barrage of supporting material from the media and final closure from the CPSC late last week. The CSPC reports to Congress and the President, so it is very clearly tied to the Biden administration.

Now .. it's so ironic that the Left is gaslighting to place the blame of overreaction on Republicans.
Obama said he wasn't going to legalize gay marriage, and then BOOM, gay marriage was legal.
Violent sexual predators? Mostly Republican.

Liars? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Censors? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Traitors? Republicans.

Brownshirt thugs? Republicans.

Judicial activists? Republicans.

States' rights haters? Republicans.

Chinese spy embracers? Republicans.

Election fraudsters? Republicans.

Delicate snowflakes? Republicans.

Politcally correct weenies? Republicans.

The list just goes on and on. If it's morally reprehensible, it's a Republican specialty.

Frank, there's no need to tell more stupid lies for the cult today. You've already met the quota that they assigned you.
The reality is simple.The Left { Leftists } do not hold TRUTH as a value.
There is no more obvious a way to explain the Democrat Party and their
benefactors { Even the DEEP STATE }.
They do not Value Truth.
The very thing that makes Life more valuable.There is no
reward in being a practiced Liar.Eventually it devolves into
a version of insanity.Meaning... the brain cannot sustain being
used as a hub for Lies and more lies.So good luck with any
AI future.It will fizzle just as - Brave New World - and - Fahrenheit 451 -
and - 1984 -.
The simplest notions are usually the best.
You can fool Some of the people All of the time.And you can
fool All of the people Some of the time.But you can't Fool Mom.
The Left has got their way with dat one.Only about halfway.
Halfway doesn't even count in Checkers.
Violent sexual predators? Mostly Republican.

Liars? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Censors? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Traitors? Republicans.

Brownshirt thugs? Republicans.

Judicial activists? Republicans.

States' rights haters? Republicans.

Chinese spy embracers? Republicans.

Election fraudsters? Republicans.

Delicate snowflakes? Republicans.

Politcally correct weenies? Republicans.

The list just goes on and on. If it's morally reprehensible, it's a Republican specialty.
Lack of self-awareness?....Projection?

Overwhelmingly leftist moonbat.

P.S....I'm not a republican, kittylitterferbrains.
Obama said he wasn't going to legalize gay marriage, and then BOOM, gay marriage was legal.
I don't believe Obama told the God's Honest Truth once while
Potus.He surely never was On time ONCE for any Press Conference.
Violent sexual predators? Mostly Republican.

Liars? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Censors? Overwhelmingly Republican.

Traitors? Republicans.

Brownshirt thugs? Republicans.

Judicial activists? Republicans.

States' rights haters? Republicans.

Chinese spy embracers? Republicans.

Election fraudsters? Republicans.

Delicate snowflakes? Republicans.

Politcally correct weenies? Republicans.

The list just goes on and on. If it's morally reprehensible, it's a Republican specialty.
You moonabts [sic] told us that the sexual degenerate preverts [sic] weren't interested in children, and fools (myself included) believed you....Turns out y'all were lying.

What makes this any different?

Some of us were smart enough not to ever believe them. At least as far back as the 1970s, when the faggot movement was picking up steam, and they claimed that it was only about consenting adults, the signs were there, and some of us were smart enough to see them then. Don't forget that NAMBLA was originally a big part of the faggot-rights movement.
What about it?

It certainly has a very different the tone is from any conservative site. Any conspiracy theories, including any favoring liberals, instantly get shot down. No sexist insults get flung against conservative women. There are no calls for death or violence to the political opposition. There are no calls for censorship, no calls for jailing political opponents. Election fraud is condemned instead of praised.

Is that what offends you about it, the good morality that makes conservatives look so bad in comparison?
Some of us were smart enough not to ever believe them. At least as far back as the 1970s, when the faggot movement was picking up steam, and they claimed that it was only about consenting adults, the signs were there, and some of us were smart enough to see them then. Don't forget that NAMBLA was originally a big part of the faggot-rights movement.
Remember the "every conservative accusation is a confession" rule, and be frightened.
You moonabts told us that the sexual degenerate preverts weren't interested in children, and fools (myself included) believed you....Turns out y'all were lying.

What makes this any different?

They lie 100% of the time.
More when needed.
What about it?

It certainly has a very different the tone is from any conservative site. Any conspiracy theories, including any favoring liberals, instantly get shot down. No sexist insults get flung against conservative women. There are no calls for death or violence to the political opposition. There are no calls for censorship, no calls for jailing political opponents. Election fraud is condemned instead of praised.

Is that what offends you about it, the good morality that makes conservatives look so bad in comparison?
You just posted everything Left Wingers do all day long.
Child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place that didn't have a basement? That's just nuts. You idiots should have at least found out if there was a basement before you claimed that's where all the child abuse occurred.
Nobody said anything about pizzagate, dullard.
Degenerate homo groomers are interested in children, and you creeps lied about it.
You leftoid fuckchops are serial, compulsive, inveterate liars.

I think the PizzaGate and qAnon things were created by the left wrong to use as diversions, so that when they are cough engaging in actual pedophilic activities, they can confound their actual activities with these refuted theories.
Why is always the same rhetoric from the left. The repubs are lying, it's a conspiracy theory, it'll
never happen.......then it's not a lie, it's no longer a conspiracy theory, and it's happening.

In New York and California, new construction will no longer be loading up the buildings with natural gas stoves
after 2030.

I found out, a few years ago, that as it is, in California at least, gas appliances are no longer allowed to have pilot lights. They have to have electrical igniters.

It came out in a conversation elsewhere, where a friend of mine, who was affected by all those PG&E outages back then, was boasting about how clever her husband was to be able to rig their Tesla to provide power to the igniter on their gas-fueled water heater, so that they could at least have hot water during the electrical outage

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