Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

You people do a lot of STUPID SHIT so when your own news media reports, "In December, Beyer and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) asked the Consumer Product Safety Commission to look at the health risks posed by gas stoves’ methane emissions. Then a member of that five-person commission suggested in a story this week that a ban on new gas stoves could be one of many options to be pursued in the future." we take you nutjobs seriously.
Troll thread.
Neither New York nor California has banned gas stoves. It has long been a requirement to be licensed to do any work to electricity, gas, or water facilities, just as general contractors have been required to be licensed.
They are calling for it, will you support it?
Frank, there's no need to tell more stupid lies for the cult today. You've already met the quota that they assigned you.
So the FBI didn’t censor social media in favor of democrats?

Sucks that your Special Agent Playbook only has the one 70 year old chapter on ridicule
You people do a lot of STUPID SHIT so when your own news media reports, "In December, Beyer and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) asked the Consumer Product Safety Commission to look at the health risks posed by gas stoves’ methane emissions. Then a member of that five-person commission suggested in a story this week that a ban on new gas stoves could be one of many options to be pursued in the future." we take you nutjobs seriously.
Considering one of many options isn't the same as banning, is it?
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?

You loons got mocked mercilessly on gas stoves...and now you're trying to save face
The Consumer Protection Safety Commission (Commissioner Richard Trumka) suggested a ban on gas stoves was a potential option in an interview last week ... this was immediately followed by a barrage of supporting material from the media and final closure from the CPSC late last week. The CSPC reports to Congress and the President, so it is very clearly tied to the Biden administration.

Now .. it's so ironic that the Left is gaslighting to place the blame of overreaction on Republicans.
One option of many. Hair on fire much?
Godwin says that Godwin's law doesn't apply if the person really is acting like a Nazi. That's you.
Falsely accusing your opponent of hurting children is a vile tactic. It's your staple tactic. You're a shit human.

Your side is not even trying, these days, to hide what it is trying to do to children.

I'd say that you're a “shit human” for defending it, but really, that's not fair, as your kind do not even count as human.
Your side is not even trying, these days, to hide what it is trying to do to children.
We know you're lying, you know you're lying, everyone knows you're lying.

So why do you serve the Lord of Lies with such devotion? What does it gain you? Is a little more status in your liars' cult really worth eternal damnation?
Again, the absolute infalliblity of the "every conservative accusation is a confession rule" makes this a scary post.

If you encounter anyone who talks about pedo stuff all the time, stay far away from them, and especially keep children and pets far away from them.
Drag queens in elementary school's, so fuck off again.
Just stating the facts, and evidently the media ran with it with the plethora of coverage on how bad gas stoves were. Cheers!
And look at those goalposts go flying down the field!

It's a good thing that every conservative has their goalposts mounted on wheels and motorized, given how often they move them.



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