Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

I have crossed verbal swords periodically with Abikersailer. But in fairness, I’d never say he is a traitor. And I believe we can disagree about many things without any of us being traitors.

A biker sailer served. I never did. I give him props. And I’m content to just argue with him about the stuff on which we disagree.

Thanks dude! And yeah, we can disagree because we each have our own views and experiences. That's part of what makes this country a great place. But, be assured, there are sometimes when I do agree with you. I'll try to remember to say so in the future.
I have crossed verbal swords periodically with Abikersailer. But in fairness, I’d never say he is a traitor. And I believe we can disagree about many things without any of us being traitors.

A biker sailer served. I never did. I give him props. And I’m content to just argue with him about the stuff on which we disagree.
I called him one for you.
Child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place that didn't have a basement? That's just nuts. You idiots should have at least found out if there was a basement before you claimed that's where all the child abuse occurred.
Really? This is what you cite to allow you to call people like me an idiot?

I never even gave the pizza thing a second thought
Really? This is what you cite to allow you to call people like me an idiot?

I never even gave the pizza thing a second thought
I never heard of it until the howler monkeys started screeching about it. They prolly made it up.
Post 103 has his quote. He said that they could be made safer, but if they couldn't be made safer, they could be banned.

That means that they want to see if they can make them safer FIRST. If they can't make them safer, then the last resort is to ban them. No. They aren't coming for your gas stoves. And, like I've said earlier, those regulations won't take effect for another 7 years (in 2030), and with the tech that keeps coming out every day for other stuff, I'm pretty sure they will come up with a solution to make gas stoves safe.

For some strange reason, all the fear mongers heard was "ban gas stoves", not that they wanted to try to make them safer first, and ban them only after making them safer failed.

ha .. the CNN is titled "A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves" and specifically states the response from the commissioner .. you don't need to translate .. he said it, and stated it in pretty clear language: the safety concerns, that "everything was on the table," that unsafe products can be banned and stated it would be future thinking. What part of "the agency may ban them .. [in the future]" are you having a difficult time understanding? The media went into a firestorm on this front ..

The regulations you're referenced I've read for California and New York (which is discussing banning gas appliances all together) -- although I haven't seen an article.
ha .. the CNN is titled "A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves" and specifically states the response from the commissioner .. you don't need to translate .. he said it, and stated it in pretty clear language: the safety concerns, that "everything was on the table," that unsafe products can be banned and stated it would be future thinking. What part of "the agency may ban them .. [in the future]" are you having a difficult time understanding? The media went into a firestorm on this front ..

The regulations you're referenced I've read for California and New York (which is discussing banning gas appliances all together) -- although I haven't seen an article.
He lies constantly.
In New York and California, new construction will no longer be loading up the buildings with natural gas stoves
after 2030.
Progressive states tend to pay attention when scientific studies show gas stoves have a deleterious effect on inside air quality. Red states would rather own the libs by ignoring the science and in so doing potentially harm their kids. It's sad.
But MAGA WORLD did. I don't remember you calling them out.
Calling them out? Why would I do that? I dont interact with conspiracy theorists.

Curious...did you call out Adam Schiff for claiming he had concrete ironclad evidence that Trump colluded with Russia when, in fact, he didnt?
But MAGA WORLD did. I don't remember you calling them out.
What the hell is it with you fool leftards and your verbal obeisance?

Screw you. And your PC.

The hive must be awfully insecure, demanding constant validation.

From people they claim are horrible human beings.

There's a special kind of stupid in this stuff.
Progressive states tend to pay attention when scientific studies show gas stoves have a deleterious effect on inside air quality.

My inside air quality is none of your damn business.

Red states would rather own the libs by ignoring the science and in so doing potentially harm their kids. It's sad.

Righties don't jump every time some fool scientist needs grant money.
Progressive states tend to pay attention when scientific studies show gas stoves have a deleterious effect on inside air quality. Red states would rather own the libs by ignoring the science and in so doing potentially harm their kids. It's sad.
The lies flow continually.
I'm old enough to remember when the mandatory seat belt laws were being slid in, and the liars told us it wouldn't be a "primary offense", meaning the you couldn't be pulled over on that basis alone.....Now it's common practice, in order to initiate roadside shakedowns.

But really!....Believe us!....Nobody is coming for your gas stove!
I'm old enough to remember when the left was liberal instead of uber-conformist little soldiers marching for the authoritarian power structure.
Why is always the same rhetoric from the left. The repubs are lying, it's a conspiracy theory, it'll
never happen.......then it's not a lie, it's no longer a conspiracy theory, and it's happening.

In New York and California, new construction will no longer be loading up the buildings with natural gas stoves
after 2030.
Well, the republicans are pretty much liars as well as criminal I give Dick Nixon for starters. Any democrats to match him?
We are very.interested in children. Our primary interest lies in keeping them away from leftist scum pedophile groomers.
How do you know the pedophiles are always ? If you guys on the right really cared about 'the children', then you would help bring down the number of children killed by firearms.

Well, the republicans are pretty much liars as well as criminal I give Dick Nixon for starters. Any democrats to match him?

How do you know the pedophiles are always ? If you guys on the right really cared about 'the children', then you would help bring down the number of children killed by firearms.

Firearms never killed anyone you imbecile. If you vermin would stop letting violent criminals go free and secure the schools, problem solved.
In New York and California, new construction will no longer be loading up the buildings with natural gas stoves
after 2030.
Does your claim support the word........ BAN.
If you have a stove NOW, you can still have it in 2030.
My Gosh, quit spinning the narrative to fit your need.
Same thing with the electric cars.
You can still keep your gas guzzling vehicle.

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