Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

It's had over 200 years to be changed and it still says the same thing other than a few procedural changes. Get over it, fag boy, your bitch lost.

Obviously you're still the same pussy you've always been.

Actually, most of the time, the EC is just a formality... but if you really want it to run the way that it should run, maybe you shouldn't seat illegal electors to make sure they vote the way you want them to.

You see, what you fail to get is that every time the EC has overridden the will of the people through the popular vote, it's been a fucking disaster. Or did you just forget what a fuckup this guy was.

no one is questioning that. however, it is not the will of the People.

Yes it is, the "will of the people" set ratified the Constitution and the process of electing a President and Vice President. The "will of people" have not changed this procedure, so the "will of the people" has been carried out according to the Constitution. If the "will of the people" want to change the election process, then that is what the "will of the people" need to do. To say that the results of the election were no the "will of the people" is a dishonest statement.
the electoral college is not the popular vote. the people are the popular vote.

We already established that there is a difference between the two. You claim it wasn't the "will of the people". According to the Constitution it is the "will of the people". You are simply wrong with that statement. Please try to focus.
The point is, there is a difference between the will of the Electoral College and the will of the People.

No. There are 51 individual presidential elections, and each state decides how those electoral votes are awarded.. You do realize that two states are NOT winner-take-all.

The candidate who wins the most electoral votes nationwide gets elected if they get 270. If not, it goes to the House and Senate.

It's not that they don't understand it, it's that they lost under a system and now it's not "fair".
We wouldn't need a lot more teachers. Some of the teachers would simply move from teaching public school to teaching private school.

Why would they do that? "Hey, they're hiring at the new private school! They are paying less money and you can be fired at will, but it's totally worth it to quit your nice union job!"

One possibility: teachers don't want to work in public schools because of all the bureaucratic hassles.

Naw, most teachers quit because they discover children are actually little bastards, mostly.

And their parents are worse. Here's the real problem with education today!


Like our public universities are so wonderful and tolerant. lol

YOu mean she got upset that some little creep was filming them without their permission? I think that's most people, actually.

As we've seen this isn't true.

No, guy, we have seen it's true. I've posted link after link that shows even AFTER you let the Charter School scams cherry pick the kids they want, they do no better than the public schools. And that's before you dump shitloads of money into it and get the University of Phoenix Effect on the process.

How can giving students and their parents choice undermine the system?! Why do you want to control people and make decisions for them? What's your problem? Teachers unions will continue after voucher reform. The only people who should be afraid of education reform are the slothful educational bureaucrats who want to disempower students.

Except that it hasn't worked yet, after we spend a billion a year on Voucher Scams.

Researcher 'stunned' by high rate of voucher school failures in Milwaukee

Forty-one percent of all private schools that participated in the Milwaukee private school voucher program between 1991 and 2015 failed, according to a new study by a voucher school proponent who said he was stunned by the findings.

“I do not mean failed as in they did not deliver academically, I mean failed as in they no longer exist,” University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Professor Michael Ford wrote. “These 102 schools either closed after having their voucher revenue cut off by the Department of Public Instruction, or simply shut their doors. The failure rate for entrepreneurial start-up schools is even worse: 67.8 percent.”

Ford is a former vice president of School Choice Wisconsin.

In a summary of his study, he concludes:

“The larger, perhaps more troubling legacy of the first 25 years of the Milwaukee voucher experience is the problem of externalities…When a school closes, students and parents must find new schools, student records may be lost, student achievement will likely suffer, and the public investment in failed institutions is lost.

At least you admit those protected by teachers' unions can do a shitty job but still keep their job.
Yes it is, the "will of the people" set ratified the Constitution and the process of electing a President and Vice President. The "will of people" have not changed this procedure, so the "will of the people" has been carried out according to the Constitution. If the "will of the people" want to change the election process, then that is what the "will of the people" need to do. To say that the results of the election were no the "will of the people" is a dishonest statement.
the electoral college is not the popular vote. the people are the popular vote.

The CONSTITUTION says the electoral votes chooses the President. What's so hard for you to understand about that? Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because he didn't get his way and now he is crying, if the situation was reversed he would have been praising the Electoral College and the process. If that is all you got, then that is all you got.

How long are these idiots going to bring up popular votes when the Constitution says absolutely nothing about them when it comes to choosing the President. It's safe to safe when the founders created a system where each State got electoral votes based on representation in Congress they didn't consider the concept of using popular votes to determine how those electoral votes within each State would be decided. The choice to use popular votes to determine how a State's electoral votes are decided is a State decision not one set by the Constitution.

They will continue to bring it up for as long as they think someone is impressed by it.

The more they bring it up after being taught what they say doesn't matter only proves their lack of intelligence.
At least you admit those protected by teachers' unions can do a shitty job but still keep their job.

As opposed to what? You don't think there are a lot of people who do shitty jobs in the private sector.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. We had one teacher who was an outright pedophile and he didn't get fired for 20 years. (and, no, he wasn't a part of the clergy). We had another teacher who beat the snot out of a student at one school and they moved him to ours.

For every good teacher I had, I would say I had two who simply did not give a fuck or actually made me less interested in the subject.
It's had over 200 years to be changed and it still says the same thing other than a few procedural changes. Get over it, fag boy, your bitch lost.

Obviously you're still the same pussy you've always been.

Actually, most of the time, the EC is just a formality... but if you really want it to run the way that it should run, maybe you shouldn't seat illegal electors to make sure they vote the way you want them to.

You see, what you fail to get is that every time the EC has overridden the will of the people through the popular vote, it's been a fucking disaster. Or did you just forget what a fuckup this guy was.


It ran the way it was designed to run. The Constitution indicates how many electoral votes of the current amount a State will get. It leaves it up to the States to decide how to divide them or determine how those electoral votes are cast. It says nothing about popular vote like many of the idiots on your side of the aisle keep bringing up.

Perhaps you've forgotten how the social experiment of thinking skin color was a qualification and ending up with another unqualified black in a government job failed with this guy:

It's had over 200 years to be changed and it still says the same thing other than a few procedural changes. Get over it, fag boy, your bitch lost.

Obviously you're still the same pussy you've always been.

Actually, most of the time, the EC is just a formality... but if you really want it to run the way that it should run, maybe you shouldn't seat illegal electors to make sure they vote the way you want them to.

You see, what you fail to get is that every time the EC has overridden the will of the people through the popular vote, it's been a fucking disaster. Or did you just forget what a fuckup this guy was.


So what state did the electoral college override the will of the people?
It ran the way it was designed to run.

well, no, guy. It was designed to keep the slave states happy so they didn't try to form their own country, which they tried anyway. So it didn't even do that.

And for the 20th century, it was largely ignored because no one would be so arrogant as to try to be president after the people said no.
Perhaps you've forgotten how the social experiment of thinking skin color was a qualification and ending up with another unqualified black in a government job failed with this guy:

No, guy, what I remember is when Bush left office, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I had been making.

What I remember about Obama is that in 2016, I made a record amount of money and my investments have never been more valuable...

Not to worry, I fully expect Trump to fuck it up.
At least you admit those protected by teachers' unions can do a shitty job but still keep their job.

As opposed to what? You don't think there are a lot of people who do shitty jobs in the private sector.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. We had one teacher who was an outright pedophile and he didn't get fired for 20 years. (and, no, he wasn't a part of the clergy). We had another teacher who beat the snot out of a student at one school and they moved him to ours.

For every good teacher I had, I would say I had two who simply did not give a fuck or actually made me less interested in the subject.

The private sector has ways of getting rid of them. The unions allow the shitty ones to stay.

You were simply unteachable. Some people like you aren't capable of learning. Many have tried to educate you on the realities of life on this site and you have shown you're still the same stupid SOB now as you were before the efforts started.
Perhaps you've forgotten how the social experiment of thinking skin color was a qualification and ending up with another unqualified black in a government job failed with this guy:

No, guy, what I remember is when Bush left office, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I had been making.

What I remember about Obama is that in 2016, I made a record amount of money and my investments have never been more valuable...

Not to worry, I fully expect Trump to fuck it up.

Prove your claims. Not to worry, you'll find some excuse not to. That means they aren't true.
It ran the way it was designed to run.

well, no, guy. It was designed to keep the slave states happy so they didn't try to form their own country, which they tried anyway. So it didn't even do that.

And for the 20th century, it was largely ignored because no one would be so arrogant as to try to be president after the people said no.

No. The electoral college operated exactly like the Constitution says it should.

You're just made because your bitch lost and your little black boy won't be there but 12 more days.
The private sector has ways of getting rid of them. The unions allow the shitty ones to stay.

You were simply unteachable. Some people like you aren't capable of learning. Many have tried to educate you on the realities of life on this site and you have shown you're still the same stupid SOB now as you were before the efforts started.

Actually, I did very well in school despite Catholicism. (I did run away from that fucked up religion the minute i could, though.)

But it was through my own efforts, not because of the screwed up bunch of losers with wooden rulers.

My favorite Catholic School moment, when the Crazy nun told us that God had to drown all the babies in the world because they were "wicked".

Fun times.
Prove your claims. Not to worry, you'll find some excuse not to. That means they aren't true.

no, it means I don't have to prove anything to a redneck like you.

Only a matter of time before you lose your shit and get banned again.

No. The electoral college operated exactly like the Constitution says it should.

You're just made because your bitch lost and your little black boy won't be there but 12 more days.

No, I'm upset because the Russians and Rednecks elected a Nazi who is going to fuck it all up.

And the Russians planned it that way all along. I'm not sure what your excuse is.
The private sector has ways of getting rid of them. The unions allow the shitty ones to stay.

You were simply unteachable. Some people like you aren't capable of learning. Many have tried to educate you on the realities of life on this site and you have shown you're still the same stupid SOB now as you were before the efforts started.

Actually, I did very well in school despite Catholicism. (I did run away from that fucked up religion the minute i could, though.)

But it was through my own efforts, not because of the screwed up bunch of losers with wooden rulers.

My favorite Catholic School moment, when the Crazy nun told us that God had to drown all the babies in the world because they were "wicked".

Fun times.

That first sentence is a lie. Your outlook is proof of that. Your problem was genetics.
That first sentence is a lie. Your outlook is proof of that. Your problem was genetics.

No, I do fine no matter what, guy... this is what you don't get.

I do fine when Democrats give us good economies, and I do fine when Republicans fuck things up... because they always do.
It ran the way it was designed to run.

well, no, guy. It was designed to keep the slave states happy so they didn't try to form their own country, which they tried anyway. So it didn't even do that.

And for the 20th century, it was largely ignored because no one would be so arrogant as to try to be president after the people said no.
Good thing the people won then, huh?
That first sentence is a lie. Your outlook is proof of that. Your problem was genetics.

No, I do fine no matter what, guy... this is what you don't get.

I do fine when Democrats give us good economies, and I do fine when Republicans fuck things up... because they always do.

You keep making claims about how well you did yet provide no proof. Where's the proof. Without it, your claims are invalid. What about that do you not get? It's easy to understand. Anyone stupid enough to support a social experiment like Obama for President doesn't understand reality.
It ran the way it was designed to run.

well, no, guy. It was designed to keep the slave states happy so they didn't try to form their own country, which they tried anyway. So it didn't even do that.

And for the 20th century, it was largely ignored because no one would be so arrogant as to try to be president after the people said no.
Good thing the people won then, huh?

People like Joe don't get it. The Constitution set up a system to elect the President and left much of the details to the States. That every State except Maine and Nebraska do a winner take all with their electoral votes isn't a requirement but a choice of those States. The Constitution mentions nothing about popular votes when electing a President. That States determine their electoral vote winner using popular votes is also a choice not a mandate. It could be argued that the founders never envisioned doing that.

Those that argue Trump is a minority President either don't understand the system or are so pissed they lost they can't face reality.

If things were the way the losers said, the team gaining the most yards and getting the most first downs would win the game and points wouldn't matter. In a Presidential election, the points (electoral votes) are what matters and yards gained aren't.
It ran the way it was designed to run.

well, no, guy. It was designed to keep the slave states happy so they didn't try to form their own country, which they tried anyway. So it didn't even do that.

And for the 20th century, it was largely ignored because no one would be so arrogant as to try to be president after the people said no.
Good thing the people won then, huh?

People like Joe don't get it. The Constitution set up a system to elect the President and left much of the details to the States. That every State except Maine and Nebraska do a winner take all with their electoral votes isn't a requirement but a choice of those States. The Constitution mentions nothing about popular votes when electing a President. That States determine their electoral vote winner using popular votes is also a choice not a mandate. It could be argued that the founders never envisioned doing that.

Those that argue Trump is a minority President either don't understand the system or are so pissed they lost they can't face reality.

If things were the way the losers said, the team gaining the most yards and getting the most first downs would win the game and points wouldn't matter. In a Presidential election, the points (electoral votes) are what matters and yards gained aren't.

It's like I wrote earlier about the pool scenario I created.

We want to see which one of us is the better pool player, so we play a game of 8 ball to decide.

You break and get a stripped ball in the pocket, so you continue to hit the striped balls until you miss. In the process, you accidentally hit a couple of my solid balls into the pocket. My turn comes around and I get all my solid balls in the pocket and of course, get the 8 ball and I win.

Even though I won, you claim you are the better pool player because you got more balls in than I did, and you should have actually won.

This is what Joe and his ilk do not understand. We were not playing to see who can hit the most balls in, we were playing to hit certain balls in. If we were playing to hit the most balls in regardless of what balls they were, we would have played the game differently.

There is no way to know who won the popular vote because neither candidate campaigned to get the most votes.

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