Republicans try to kill Consumer Financial Protection agency before it even starts

People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

People are just too stupid to handle money.

The government should take from each according to their means and give back according to their needs.

it's the only way to make sure everyone is treated fairly
Why is it the right thinks the business world is populated by saints?

Why is it that democrats don't understand capitalism is about competition hence self regulating?

We already have plenty of laws that protect consumers... Do we really need an entire government agency??

Oh yeah this agency is just being set up to attack and tax businesses even more.

The last thing a progressive wants is people making money - that wouldn't be fair now would it?

No, we need government to get bigger right?

We need more bureaucracy..

Unfucking believable.

You do realize we have monopoly laws and we have laws that forbid false advertising as well.

What does the consumer need protection from exactly?

You know this socialist program is really aimed at dictating the price of goods do you not know that??

This is called blatant socialism...

The government wants to dictate the economy - yeah go ask Soviet defectors what they think about dictated economies...
How can we afford this new agency?
As if we didn't have enough in this area already.
More and more government is not the answer.

If allowed to do it's job, the reduction in interest on credit cards will be enough to fund the agency.
What in the world are you babbling about?

I think he means since people may pay less in CC interest, they'll have more money available for tax payments.
Maybe you should stop treating people like they are brainless morons and start realizing we can take care of ourselves without "papa" government micromanaging our lives?

housing market says your wrong. People are suckers

Sure they are... when you have the gubmint strong-arming banks to make stupid SISA loans to $7/hr wage earners in a vote-buying scheme. However, that doesn't mean we need a new Federal Agency, full of bureaucrats, who will be in a few short years dictating cc interest rates, what banks can issue cc's, what you can use a cc for, etc.

Fuck a big bunch of that shit Sparky.
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People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

OMG. we poor people need the Guberment to help us from our OWN BAD DECISIONS.
good grief. you Guberment lovers just don't get enough, do you.:lol:
Maybe you should stop treating people like they are brainless morons and start realizing we can take care of ourselves without "papa" government micromanaging our lives?

housing market says your wrong. People are suckers

Sure they are... when you have the gubmint strong-arming banks to make stupid SISA loans to $7/hr wage earners in a vote-buying scheme. However, that doesn't mean we need a new Federal Agency, full of bureaucrats, who will be in a few short years dictating cc interest rates, what banks can issue cc's, what you can use a cc for, etc.

Fuck a big bunch of that shit Sparky.

Or regulate the costs of goods and services..

Yeah, tax a business and then regulate their product/service prices...

Thats how you dictate a free market economy without appearing to be communist.

Obama and the democrats have been playing these games for quite some time now.

Kill the private sector, get many addicted to government handouts or working for the public sector, then regulate the private sector into a position where government dictates their financial outcome.

Thats whats happening..
Republicans try to kill Consumer Financial Protection agency before it even starts

Considering they're likely gonna have both houses of Congress after next election I don't see this agency ever getting a chance to start.

Edit: I mean, it might start officially, but what will it really be able to do, especially if the Repubs don't allow it to even have someone to head it up?
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People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

These right wingers are the Monica Lewinskys for the elite...Peasants for Plutocrats... Their knees get weak at the thought of the wealthy CEO, captain of industry. They are not worthy...


The original U.S. Constitution contains only 4,018 words. The average credit agreement has a length of 3,771 words. MasterCard and Visa cards issued by Fifth Third Bancorp — contained 20,799 words.
what the right wants is the average citizen to have to go up against the entire team of every corporations lawyers every time they buy any item.

They want the corporations to be able to do ANYTHING they want to do.

How are you going to even eat when it is proven they will put poison in food to make more money?
Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Don't sign up for the card if you don't know the terms. I always know the interest rates of my credit cards and what the delinquent rates are. It's not hard to find.

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

The feds have already been cracking down on that without this additional agency.

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

Nobody is forced to get a payday loan.

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

All of these things you mention have gone on for generations. Why suddenly now do we need yet another unaccountable, bureaucratic agency to deal with what is already being dealt with?
what the right wants is the average citizen to have to go up against the entire team of every corporations lawyers every time they buy any item.

I have never had to go up against any corporation and I've bought hundreds of thousands of items in my lifetime.

They want the corporations to be able to do ANYTHING they want to do.

You want Democrats to be able to do ANYTHING they want to do.

How are you going to even eat when it is proven they will put poison in food to make more money?

As long as the poisoned stuff gets shipped to California, I'm fine with it.
Here's a clue: whatever names the Dems come up with for their legislation, the true purpose is the opposite.
what the right wants is the average citizen to have to go up against the entire team of every corporations lawyers every time they buy any item.

They want the corporations to be able to do ANYTHING they want to do.

How are you going to even eat when it is proven they will put poison in food to make more money

holy smoke, the dramatics is amazing.:lol::cuckoo:

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