Republicans try to kill Consumer Financial Protection agency before it even starts

It's one of the jobs of government to protect its citizens.

Yeah from immediate danger... Like foreign invasions from hostile countries. Not shady businesses.

Its not the governments responsibility to make sure you are satisfied and happy with a purchase..

So you think Madoff should walk free?

Madoff sole money...

There is a difference between committing fraud, stealing and not being satisfied with a product or service.

No one stole your money if you're not happy with a product...

Sad I have to point that out.
Yeah from immediate danger... Like foreign invasions from hostile countries. Not shady businesses.

Its not the governments responsibility to make sure you are satisfied and happy with a purchase..

So you think Madoff should walk free?

Madoff sole money...

There is a difference between committing fraud, stealing and not being satisfied with a product or service.

No one stole your money if you're not happy with a product...

Sad I have to point that out.

He violated a regulation, a pyramid scheme, under the guise of providing a service.

Wasn’t it the job of all of his investors to verify his investments? Why do we need the government to come in and arrest him when all he did was provide a service?

So do you think the government should regulate against pyramid schemes or not?
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So you think Madoff should walk free?

Madoff sole money...

There is a difference between committing fraud, stealing and not being satisfied with a product or service.

No one stole your money if you're not happy with a product...

Sad I have to point that out.

He violated a regulation, a pyramid scheme, under the guise of providing a service.

So do you think the government should regulate against pyramid schemes or not?

Hint: That's already illegal.
The GOP could care less about the average tax payer. As in the days of Hoover, they would be totally happy is the poor and most of the middle class disappear.

If that happened then how would they win elections?
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.
They go about crying that Obama has not done much about the continued effects of the 2007 recession but whine about something that will help prevent future recessions caused by predatory lending and products.
Their attitude about Main Street America is very consistent. It's always Big Money over the Middle Class/the consumer class. Yet, I would care to bet not one of these geniuses is really not part of Main Street America. They shoot themselves in the foot because they are so friggen married to their tools-of-Big Business-ideology.
Why do you spew hate on the tool the founders left us to shape our lives and the world?

This is not the government they left us, but you already knew that. And please stop pretending like you give a shit about what the Founders wanted. Nobody is going to fall for that.
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.

Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?
So you think Madoff should walk free?

Madoff sole money...

There is a difference between committing fraud, stealing and not being satisfied with a product or service.

No one stole your money if you're not happy with a product...

Sad I have to point that out.

He violated a regulation, a pyramid scheme, under the guise of providing a service.

Wasn’t it the job of all of his investors to verify his investments? Why do we need the government to come in and arrest him when all he did was provide a service?

So do you think the government should regulate against pyramid schemes or not?

He stole money and committed fraud.

There is a difference between being ripped off and not being satisfied with a product or service.

Ponzi schemes are different..

Ponzi schemes are theft, and people who steal will be charged with that.

Madoff is a perfect example of already having a system in place to prevent shady cats from stealing from the American public.

It almost reminds me of Al Gore and his carbon credits...
What will it take to get people to realize that the GOP is not on their side?

What will it take to get people to realize that Government is NOT the friend of anyone? No party needed...BOTH are bad.
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.

Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?

Hell, 93% of Congressmen who voted for it have no idea what's in the bill. Another mammoth 2k page bill stuffed with goodies for favorite interest groups.
We'll be paying for this one for a long time.
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.

Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?

Hell, 93% of Congressmen who voted for it have no idea what's in the bill. Another mammoth 2k page bill stuffed with goodies for favorite interest groups.
We'll be paying for this one for a long time.

Another House/Senate cleansing is in order.
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.

Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?

I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.
Right winger: We don't need stupid government.

China: Anyone know where that shipment of "poisen milk" went?

Government agent that inspects milk: Gone - fired by Republicans.

Right winger: Doc, what's wrong with my baby?

Doc: Do you have insurance?

Right winger: No, I'm self-reliant.

Doc: Go to the "emergency room".

Right winger: Is this the emergency room?

Janitor: Used to be. Republicans shut it down. Cost too much. Needed money for tax breaks.

Right winger: (finally finds emergency room) Doc, my baby is sick.

Doc: Sorry, you'll have to wait.

Right winger: But why Doc?

Doc: Because there are 50 sick babies before yours. We think it's ANOTHER case of non inspected poisen milk.

Right winger: But Doc, why can't those worthless, do nothing government inspectors find it.

Doc: There were no inspectors. Republicans had them all fired. Their salaries went to tax breaks for millionaires.

Right winger: Oh no, don't tell a millionaire has a dying baby.

Doc: No, of course not. They hired government inspectors to inspect their food.

Right winger: Oh, thank God. For a moment.......

And so, the right winger can relax. Millionaires are going to be "OK".
People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

That's Government and Regulated Businesses under Government Protection. What does it take for you to get it. How much more do you need to enable a Government to charge you for services it has no intention to perform???
How's Immigration and Border Control doing you Spanky??? How about Toxins in Imported Products??? How about Cell Phone Company or Cable Company, or Energy Company Abuse. The Feds are turning off the alarms, holding the door open for the thieves, and topping off the tanks of the get away vehicles. You think they are going to protect you??? Who is going to protect you from them, when the soft Tyranny turns Hard???
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.

Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?

I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.

Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.
Well, the responses from the usual suspects from the right are not surprising. They were against Wall Street reform ala Frank-Dodd even though over 70% of Americans were for it. And of course they are against anything protecting the consumer.
They go about crying that Obama has not done much about the continued effects of the 2007 recession but whine about something that will help prevent future recessions caused by predatory lending and products.
Their attitude about Main Street America is very consistent. It's always Big Money over the Middle Class/the consumer class. Yet, I would care to bet not one of these geniuses is really not part of Main Street America. They shoot themselves in the foot because they are so friggen married to their tools-of-Big Business-ideology.

Actually the reform was the problem within itself.

Wall Street didn't have the problem, Fannie and Freddie had the problem, and their problem was being forced to lend to asshats.

Once again the poor and the lazy drag us down into the pit of hell.

The only people who should be allowed to have credit EVER are those who own assets and can use them as collateral. Your home is not a personal asset unless you own the fucking thing.

How the fuck can someone put down $15,000 dollars on a $150,000 home then turn around and use their house as collateral to dig themselves into $50-80k in debt???

Oh yeah, the government gave them the RIGHT to own the home in the first place.

Makes perfect sense now, the entitled actually believe they're entitled to own objects they cant pay for....

Of course it only happened because the RINOS back in 1994 allowed it to happen. Because democrats were calling them racists who hated the poor so they proved they weren't by signing the CRA..

But of course the CRA is coming back to bit the libtards in the ass and what do they have to say; "its the republicans fault."

At least the dumb shits are half right this time.
People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

That's Government and Regulated Businesses under Government Protection. What does it take for you to get it. How much more do you need to enable a Government to charge you for services it has no intention to perform???
How's Immigration and Border Control doing you Spanky??? How about Toxins in Imported Products??? How about Cell Phone Company or Cable Company, or Energy Company Abuse. The Feds are turning off the alarms, holding the door open for the thieves, and topping off the tanks of the get away vehicles. You think they are going to protect you??? Who is going to protect you from them, when the soft Tyranny turns Hard???

It couldn't be the Republicans cutting government funding. After all, where do those government workers come from. No way they could be "one of us". They must be imported from Russia.

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