Republicans try to kill Consumer Financial Protection agency before it even starts

People can't make financial decision for themselves.

They need the all-knowing hand of the government to protect them.

The Government is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green technology...

You're a wholly irrelevant way.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

Have you heard of how credit card companies get young kids and adults on credit with contracts that are pages long (that nobody reads, by the way) and interest rates that can jump up to well over 30% (or higher) just because of late payments?

Or how about the banks who haven't been following proper legal procedure when it comes to mortgage forclosures on 100s of thousands of homes?

They there's the whole pay day loan debacle that's going on nationwide.

That's just for startes.

What hope to you think that individuals stand when trying to deal with companies like this when they might not even be based in ther own state?

And that's not even taking into account the fly-by-night companies which close up shop when the heat is on, move to another location or state and start all over again with changed business names.

Consumers can make good financial decisions, but when it comes to dishonest or fraudulent companies and their owners, consumers don't really stand a chance. And as long as the chances of getting caught or prosecuted is slim, nothing will change.

What do you think happens when average ordinary Americans find themselves up against businesses which do not act in good faith?

That's Government and Regulated Businesses under Government Protection. What does it take for you to get it. How much more do you need to enable a Government to charge you for services it has no intention to perform???
How's Immigration and Border Control doing you Spanky??? How about Toxins in Imported Products??? How about Cell Phone Company or Cable Company, or Energy Company Abuse. The Feds are turning off the alarms, holding the door open for the thieves, and topping off the tanks of the get away vehicles. You think they are going to protect you??? Who is going to protect you from them, when the soft Tyranny turns Hard???

And I might ask this as well? Not only charge you for services NOT rendered? Seems to me that if they have no intention on performing what they are paid to do...they should be abolished.
Do you seriously think that even 7% of Americans know what Frank-Dodd does?

And why should any of us trust anything that came from Barney Frank and Chris Dodd when they're two of the people most responsible for the crash?

I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.

Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..
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I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.

Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..

And lest we forget? CRA goes all the way back to Jimmah Catah...
I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.

Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..
If only CRA-regulatd banks were the ones giving out the really toxic subprimes you might have a point.
Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..
If only CRA-regulatd banks were the ones giving out the really toxic subprimes you might have a point.

Point is? It should have never have been happening. We're paying for the folly now aren't we?

How can we afford this new agency?
As if we didn't have enough in this area already.
More and more government is not the answer.

So you would favor cutting the military by 95% and bringing all the US troops back to US soil?
What will it take to get people to realize that the GOP is not on their side?

And you suffer from the delusion that Democrats are? Really?

Obama at last count has created 159 new government agencies and I've probably missed some in that count. The most massive expansion in the size AND power of government in modern history. Now maybe you can explain how its such a great thing for our government to take a SHARP left expanding the size and power of government and edging ever closer to the totalitarian state. We are considerably less free than we were even 30 years ago. Once Obamacare starts, the US will be downgraded from a "free nation" to "mostly free nation". So we'd all be fascinated to hear another whacked out leftwing extremist explain how everyone benefits when government massively increases its size and power. And all the wonderful things that has done for humankind.

Do you even understand the purpose of this agency? Or are you really so stupid as to believe since it has such a touchy-feely title, it actually means its automatically going to do wonderfully good things for the entire nation? Most leftwingers are so superficial in their thinking they don't bother to look past the title anyway before believing they are qualified to expound on anything.

Do you KNOW what Obama and his leftwing extremist buddies believe is actually MEANT by "consumer protection"? Have you bothered to even READ the proposed mandate for this agency? Can you find in the Constitution which branch of government was actually given regulatory and oversight authority in this country?

Do you understand what has already occurred in this country as the result of Democrats using oversight powers for the purpose of their social engineering projects?

Do you realize that the REAL purpose of this agency is for social engineering as well? Do you REALLY find it so INCREDIBLE that Americans managed to survive all this time without this agency?

Among its mandate:

•Forming units for private student loan ombudsman, community affairs for underserved communities and consumer access to financial products and services. OH COME ON -can you REALLY not figure out what this one MEANS? Oh this worked out SO well when government did it to housing and banking, didn't it?

•Writing new laws and enforcing existing laws on the biggest banks and credit unions.Forming units for private student loan ombudsman, community affairs for underserved communities and consumer access to financial products and services." Where is the Constitutional authority giving an Executive created agency the authority to write laws? Last I checked, only Congress could do that. So what does this represent with an agency created by the Executive branch, controlled by the Executive branch and being used by the Executive branch. An Executive by the way who already said our Constitution is a flawed document because it didn't address "social justice" -which everyone knows is code for "redistribution of the wealth" from those who earned it to those who didn't.

•Overseeing financial products and services, including credit cards, mortgages, payday loans, private student loans, credit bureaus and debt collection.

•Supervising auto loans not originated by auto dealers.

•Writing new laws and enforcing existing laws on the biggest banks and credit unions. Oh yeah, this worked out SO well already when Democrats used Fannie and Freddie for social engineering -a major reason for why the entire financial industry was at the very brink of collapse! So naturally the Democrats would insist the only rational answer to GOVERNMENT being at the root of the near financial collapse -is MORE and BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL GOVERNMENT than ever!

Come on -give it a shot. Can you grasp what all this REALLY means when put into practice? Do you understand what happened when Democrats already did this to the housing and banking industries?

Redistribution of the wealth through lending institutions is believed to be one of the fastest ways of funneling money away from those who earned it -to those who didn't. Encourage as many as possible to buy housing they can't afford -deliberately cause a foreclosure crisis -and then government in the name of "caring" can demand and force lending institutions to write off part of the debt, re-structure the loan. And take it in the shorts. Presto -massive transfer of wealth. Then encourage people to use credit cards and rack up debt they can't pay. Use the force and power of government to force lending institutions to give credit cards to people with bad credit -so they can go out and buy all the stuff they wished they had but can't afford. Cause another financial crisis and then government AGAIN in the name of "caring" -strong arms lending institutions to write it off. And be sure to lay down a marker announcing intentions for government to do the very same with automobiles as well.

And in ALL cases the people left holding the bag, the people who are at the end of the line getting fucked with an elephant dick -are people who didn't overextend themselves, people who pay their debts, people who make their mortgage payments. That isn't being on the side of the people. That is turning a segment of the population into PARASITES and encouraging them to bleed the rest of us dry. The ones being bled ARE the people.

If this is what Democrats means by being on the side of the people -they need to stay the fuck away from me. Since the leftwing extremists took control of that party -its hard to pretend Democrats are even on the side of this nation, much less on the side of the people.
What will it take to get people to realize that the GOP is not on their side?

And you suffer from the delusion that Democrats are? Really?

Obama at last count has created 159 new government agencies and I've probably missed some in that count. The most massive expansion in the size AND power of government in modern history. Now maybe you can explain how its such a great thing for our government to take a SHARP left expanding the size and power of government and edging ever closer to the totalitarian state. We are considerably less free than we were even 30 years ago. Once Obamacare starts, the US will be downgraded from a "free nation" to "mostly free nation". So we'd all be fascinated to hear another whacked out leftwing extremist explain how everyone benefits when government massively increases its size and power. And all the wonderful things that has done for humankind.

Do you even understand the purpose of this agency? Or are you really so stupid as to believe since it has such a touchy-feely title, it actually means its automatically going to do wonderfully good things for the entire nation? Most leftwingers are so superficial in their thinking they don't bother to look past the title anyway before believing they are qualified to expound on anything.

Do you KNOW what Obama and his leftwing extremist buddies believe is actually MEANT by "consumer protection"? Have you bothered to even READ the proposed mandate for this agency? Can you find in the Constitution which branch of government was actually given regulatory and oversight authority in this country?

Do you understand what has already occurred in this country as the result of Democrats using oversight powers for the purpose of their social engineering projects?

Do you realize that the REAL purpose of this agency is for social engineering as well? Do you REALLY find it so INCREDIBLE that Americans managed to survive all this time without this agency?

Among its mandate:

•Forming units for private student loan ombudsman, community affairs for underserved communities and consumer access to financial products and services. OH COME ON -can you REALLY not figure out what this one MEANS? Oh this worked out SO well when government did it to housing and banking, didn't it?

•Writing new laws and enforcing existing laws on the biggest banks and credit unions.Forming units for private student loan ombudsman, community affairs for underserved communities and consumer access to financial products and services." Where is the Constitutional authority giving an Executive created agency the authority to write laws? Last I checked, only Congress could do that. So what does this represent with an agency created by the Executive branch, controlled by the Executive branch and being used by the Executive branch. An Executive by the way who already said our Constitution is a flawed document because it didn't address "social justice" -which everyone knows is code for "redistribution of the wealth" from those who earned it to those who didn't.

•Overseeing financial products and services, including credit cards, mortgages, payday loans, private student loans, credit bureaus and debt collection.

•Supervising auto loans not originated by auto dealers.

•Writing new laws and enforcing existing laws on the biggest banks and credit unions. Oh yeah, this worked out SO well already when Democrats used Fannie and Freddie for social engineering -a major reason for why the entire financial industry was at the very brink of collapse! So naturally the Democrats would insist the only rational answer to GOVERNMENT being at the root of the near financial collapse -is MORE and BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL GOVERNMENT than ever!

Come on -give it a shot. Can you grasp what all this REALLY means when put into practice? Do you understand what happened when Democrats already did this to the housing and banking industries?

Redistribution of the wealth through lending institutions is believed to be one of the fastest ways of funneling money away from those who earned it -to those who didn't. Encourage as many as possible to buy housing they can't afford -deliberately cause a foreclosure crisis -and then government in the name of "caring" can demand and force lending institutions to write off part of the debt, re-structure the loan. And take it in the shorts. Presto -massive transfer of wealth. Then encourage people to use credit cards and rack up debt they can't pay. Use the force and power of government to force lending institutions to give credit cards to people with bad credit -so they can go out and buy all the stuff they wished they had but can't afford. Cause another financial crisis and then government AGAIN in the name of "caring" -strong arms lending institutions to write it off. And be sure to lay down a marker announcing intentions for government to do the very same with automobiles as well.

And in ALL cases the people left holding the bag, the people who are at the end of the line getting fucked with an elephant dick -are people who didn't overextend themselves, people who pay their debts, people who make their mortgage payments. That isn't being on the side of the people. That is turning a segment of the population into PARASITES and encouraging them to bleed the rest of us dry. The ones being bled ARE the people.

If this is what Democrats means by being on the side of the people -they need to stay the fuck away from me. Since the leftwing extremists took control of that party -its hard to pretend Democrats are even on the side of this nation, much less on the side of the people.

Gee, I wanted to read about all those new agencies, but I couldn't find the links. You wouldn't mind providing a few, would you?
I know, George Bush was like: "yo something funky is going on here and your CRA loans arnt adding up, we really need to do something about that" then Frank said: "naw everything will be fine, nothing will happen" and now: "republicans caused the crash."

I think George Bush had too much respect for people.

I would have demanded something be done and I would have told Frank to fuck off.

Bush tolerated way too much shit from the retards and it cost us dearly...

But thats all politics - the root cause was assholes who felt entitled to material objects they could not afford.

Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..

The collapse wasn't about "home owners".

After an accounting scandal, Freddie/Fannie stopped giving out montages and more than 70% of that business was moved to Wall Street. Wall Street handed out mortgages to anyone that wanted one (at least with Freddie/Fannie, you had to have a job and prove you could pay). They bundled those bogus mortgages and sold them overseas as "securities". They insured those "securities" and were able to do all of that because Republicans had "deregulated" Wall Street.
Once the "securities" tanked, Insurance Companies had to "pay up", hence the term "derivatives". That's why insurance companies went out of business.

That's the entire financial collapse in a "nutshell". Not sure how it could be "explained" in a more "simple" manner. What you write doesn't explain the collapse of insurance companies.
Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..

And lest we forget? CRA goes all the way back to Jimmah Catah...

Oh, it goes way back, but Clinton Amended it by calling everyone a racist who didn't agree with his idea.

Apparently giving free money to assholes that cant pay it back isn't the best idea after all.

Sometimes we have to learn the hard way.... Its part of life I suppose.
Seems there are two groups left.

One group believes the economic collapse was caused by Freddie/Fannie, even though Freddie/Fannie mostly stopped giving out mortgages.

The other group, and that includes the Republican leadership, economists, Democrats, everyone who isn't delusional, everyone who doesn't drool, and basically everyone else, believes the economic collapse was caused by an unregulated Wall Street and their "magical derivatives" which they collected selling "bundled mortgages.

Gee, who could be right? Whew, such a difficult decision. Droolers and their "delusions" or everyone else and the "facts". I know, since they could both be equally correct, I'll flip a coin.

Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..

The collapse wasn't about "home owners".

After an accounting scandal, Freddie/Fannie stopped giving out montages and more than 70% of that business was moved to Wall Street. Wall Street handed out mortgages to anyone that wanted one (at least with Freddie/Fannie, you had to have a job and prove you could pay). They bundled those bogus mortgages and sold them overseas as "securities". They insured those "securities" and were able to do all of that because Republicans had "deregulated" Wall Street.
Once the "securities" tanked, Insurance Companies had to "pay up", hence the term "derivatives". That's why insurance companies went out of business.

That's the entire financial collapse in a "nutshell". Not sure how it could be "explained" in a more "simple" manner. What you write doesn't explain the collapse of insurance companies.

No, it was about assholes that couldn't pay their mortgages and their bills in general.

Yes the shits that lived beyond their means are the prick fucks to blame - or one of them.

Its funny how those assholes assets are being repossessed and rightly so.

Fuck them and fuck everything they believe they're entitled to.

The only thing that matters is CAN YOU PAY FOR IT???

Not in 2099 but within the next few years...

Human beings are a stupid species...
Fannie and Freddie are the middle point...

How did they get that debt in the first place??


Wall Street collapsed for the same reasons... The same assholes that got CRA loans got easy credit for being "home owners."

You get a CRA loan and a credit card???

These clowns went bizerk, which was why the economy was so great under Clinton - because people were buying shit with plastic...

When it came time to pay up - we collapsed...

Its both...

But who allowed all this to happen... Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson championed the CRA amendments and bullied republicans into signing the nonsense... They were like "you are all racists if you dont sign this" and republicans signed it..

The collapse wasn't about "home owners".

After an accounting scandal, Freddie/Fannie stopped giving out montages and more than 70% of that business was moved to Wall Street. Wall Street handed out mortgages to anyone that wanted one (at least with Freddie/Fannie, you had to have a job and prove you could pay). They bundled those bogus mortgages and sold them overseas as "securities". They insured those "securities" and were able to do all of that because Republicans had "deregulated" Wall Street.
Once the "securities" tanked, Insurance Companies had to "pay up", hence the term "derivatives". That's why insurance companies went out of business.

That's the entire financial collapse in a "nutshell". Not sure how it could be "explained" in a more "simple" manner. What you write doesn't explain the collapse of insurance companies.

No, it was about assholes that couldn't pay their mortgages and their bills in general.

Yes the shits that lived beyond their means are the prick fucks to blame - or one of them.

Its funny how those assholes assets are being repossessed and rightly so.

Fuck them and fuck everything they believe they're entitled to.

The only thing that matters is CAN YOU PAY FOR IT???

Not in 2099 but within the next few years...

Human beings are a stupid species...

In 6 sentences you have proven that your 7th sentence is true. You are as ignorant as they come.

The 'assholes that couldn't pay their mortgages and their bills in general', 'the shits that lived beyond their means are the prick fucks to blame' Were RICH people, not poor people.
Nuts. We don’t need another damn agency. Why is it so hard for congress to simply do the job they are hired for and enact the protection laws themselves? That is exactly how it is supposed to work. This bureaucracy only serves to stifle competition through fewer, larger businesses and socially engineer the populous. I don’t need my decisions controlled for me and I certainly do not need another agency ‘protecting’ me. That may be the governments job but who is going to protect me from them after they grow to consume the entire country. There is need for the government to regulate but a new agency is not going to help anything. If there is one thing that the people here should have learned by now it is that bureaucracy serves one purpose and one purpose only: the justification of its own existence and growth. That’s it and that is all you are going to get. Not protection but more growth and spending.
Why is it that democrats don't understand capitalism is about competition hence self regulating?

We already have plenty of laws that protect consumers... Do we really need an entire government agency??

Oh yeah this agency is just being set up to attack and tax businesses even more.

The last thing a progressive wants is people making money - that wouldn't be fair now would it?

No, we need government to get bigger right?

We need more bureaucracy..

Unfucking believable.

You do realize we have monopoly laws and we have laws that forbid false advertising as well.

What does the consumer need protection from exactly?

You know this socialist program is really aimed at dictating the price of goods do you not know that??

This is called blatant socialism...

The government wants to dictate the economy - yeah go ask Soviet defectors what they think about dictated economies...

That's the whole problem Mr. Nick.... Competition is what they DON'T want. They are in collusion with one another... Big Business, Banking, Energy, etc.

I just wish... Just for once... you guys would start looking at the private sector with the same skepticism that you do the private sector. You think the public sector(government) is trying to screw you over all the time and that the Public sector is as honest as the day is long.

I'm not asking you to switch sides... Just have the same attitude towards our power brokers as you do our politicians.
Why is it that democrats don't understand capitalism is about competition hence self regulating?

We already have plenty of laws that protect consumers... Do we really need an entire government agency??

Oh yeah this agency is just being set up to attack and tax businesses even more.

The last thing a progressive wants is people making money - that wouldn't be fair now would it?

No, we need government to get bigger right?

We need more bureaucracy..

Unfucking believable.

You do realize we have monopoly laws and we have laws that forbid false advertising as well.

What does the consumer need protection from exactly?

You know this socialist program is really aimed at dictating the price of goods do you not know that??

This is called blatant socialism...

The government wants to dictate the economy - yeah go ask Soviet defectors what they think about dictated economies...

That's the whole problem Mr. Nick.... Competition is what they DON'T want. They are in collusion with one another... Big Business, Banking, Energy, etc.

I just wish... Just for once... you guys would start looking at the private sector with the same skepticism that you do the private sector. You think the public sector(government) is trying to screw you over all the time and that the Public sector is as honest as the day is long.

I'm not asking you to switch sides... Just have the same attitude towards our power brokers as you do our politicians.

It will never happen. They will never question the people they worship. To conservatives, wealth is virtue. Personal responsibility, honesty, ethics and morality only apply to people who are not rich. When corporations or the elite steal, they're not crooks, they're savvy businessmen.

The best way to understand conservatives is to realize that conservatism has ALWAYS tried to build some form of an aristocracy since man started walking upright. It will never change.
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What will it take to get people to realize that the GOP is not on their side?

Less in-breeding???


Maybe you should stop treating people like they are brainless morons and start realizing we can take care of ourselves without "papa" government micromanaging our lives?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters‬‏[/ame]

Yes, clearly, adding yet another battalion of federal bureaucrats, piled upon the existing army, is all we need to assure that nobody steps out of line ever again!!


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