Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

Rightwinger said it best in an earlier post. I can't add a thing......

"There are over a hundred nations on earth that do less for their poor than the United States. The poor in these countries worry whether they will eat each day. They do not like being poor, they are motivated but they do not rise out of poverty......they stay poor forever

The United States provides not only a safety net but opportunity to do better. We provide educational opportunities, job training, job placement, incentives for employers to hire. Millions of Americans have taken advantage of these programs to join the middle class"
Long on wind, short on specifics.

Liberals want people dependent on government. No one has countered this.

And yet you can't back it up either. How can one counter something that can't be shown or proven in the first place?
You can easily disprove it. What are liberals doing to get people off welfare?
These right wingers base their entire arguements on the way they. They FEEL people WANT to be on WELFARE. They FEEL that help MAKES people dependent on govt. They FEEL that govt help HURTS a humans quest to be better.

There is no way to counter feelings. No links, just feelings, sarcasm and anecodotes.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, a Republican initiative, was very successful.

A report from 2003:
  • Overall poverty, child poverty, and black child poverty have all dropped substantially
  • Although liberals predicted that welfare reform would push an additional 2.6 million persons into poverty, the U.S. Bureau of the Census reports there are 3.5 million fewer people living in poverty today than there were in 1995 (the last year before the reform).
  • Some 2.9 million fewer children live in poverty today than in 1995
  • Decreases in poverty have been greatest among black children
  • In fact, the poverty rate for black children is now at the lowest point in U.S. history. There are 1.2 million fewer black children in poverty today than there were in the mid-1990s.
  • Hunger among children has been cut roughly in half
  • According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are 420,000 fewer hungry children today than at the time welfare reform was enacted.
  • welfare caseloads have been cut nearly in half
  • and employment of the most disadvantaged single mothers has increased from 50 percent to 100 percent.
  • The explosive growth of out-of-wedlock childbearing has come to a virtual halt
  • The share of children living in single-mother families has fallen, and the share living in married-couple families has increased, especially among black families.

Now answer my question. What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

It must not have worked THAT well or you wouldn't be on here crying about them being on welfare. :(
Can you answer the question? What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
It must not have worked THAT well or you wouldn't be on here crying about them being on welfare. :(
Can you answer the question? What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
Created dependency. OWS is one of many results.
Unsurprisingly, you get it wrong yet again.

My explanation of why blacks vote Dem is that Democrats have been lying for years about GOP racism.

I cite the Southern Strategy as proof. You cite feelings. Care to provide a link?
You mean you don't know that Dems have been claiming the GOP is racist for decades?


It's really hard for you to admit you have nothing. Got a link showing lying about republican racism has changed blacks voting habits?
It must not have worked THAT well or you wouldn't be on here crying about them being on welfare. :(
Can you answer the question? What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
So you say.

That's not good enough.
Can you answer the question? What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
So you say.

That's not good enough.

Rightwinger throws all of that up and you only show one failed GOP initiative.'re really kicking ass all right....:lol:
I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.

there are lots of Conservatives working for the PO Matt......lots......
Can you answer the question? What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
Created dependency. OWS is one of many results.

Yep. I can see where "Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans" would create dependency. :cuckoo:

And where the hell did this OWS coment come from? :cool:
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???
Yes Eddie, in the absence of a logical rebuttal turn to your pat responses. One of which is to proclaim "talking points"....
Oh sure.
Why are you here? You offer nothing of substance to the forum. You are a drive by poster.
Find another hobby.
I cite the Southern Strategy as proof. You cite feelings. Care to provide a link?
You mean you don't know that Dems have been claiming the GOP is racist for decades?


It's really hard for you to admit you have nothing. Got a link showing lying about republican racism has changed blacks voting habits?
Actually, no I don't. But I do have a link showing how the left has been lying about the Southern Strategy for years.

A myth about conservatism is circulating in academia and journalism and has spread to the 2004 presidential campaign. It goes something like this: the Republican Party assembled a national majority by winning over Southern white voters; Southern white voters are racist; therefore, the GOP is racist. Sometimes the conclusion is softened, and Republicans are convicted merely of base opportunism: the GOP is the party that became willing to pander to racists. Either way, today's Republican Party—and by extension the conservative movement at its heart—supposedly has revealed something terrible about itself.


The new myth is much bolder than this. It insists that these events should decisively shape our understanding of conservatism and the modern Republican Party. Dan Carter writes that today's conservatism must be traced directly back to the "politics of rage" that George Wallace blended from "racial fear, anticommunism, cultural nostalgia, and traditional right-wing economics." Another scholar, Joseph Aistrup, claims that Reagan's 1980 Southern coalition was "the reincarnation of the Wallace movement of 1968." For the Black brothers, the GOP had once been the "party of Abraham Lincoln," but it became the "party of Barry Goldwater," opposed to civil rights and black interests. It is only a short step to the Democrats' insinuation that the GOP is the latest exploiter of the tragic, race-based thread of U.S. history. In short, the GOP did not merely seek votes expediently; it made a pact with America's devil.


In sum, the GOP's Southern electorate was not rural, nativist, less educated, afraid of change, or concentrated in the most stagnant parts of the Deep South. It was disproportionately suburban, middle-class, educated, younger, non-native-Southern, and concentrated in the growth-points that were, so to speak, the least "Southern" parts of the South. This is a very strange way to reincarnate George Wallace's movement.


The point of all this is not to deny that Richard Nixon may have invited some nasty fellows into his political bed. The point is that the GOP finally became the region's dominant party in the least racist phase of the South's entire history, and it got that way by attracting most of its votes from the region's growing and confident communities—not its declining and fearful ones. The myth's shrillest proponents are as reluctant to admit this as they are to concede that most Republicans genuinely believe that a color-blind society lies down the road of individual choice and dynamic change, not down the road of state regulation and unequal treatment before the law. The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers'.​
Well, prove me wrong! You can't say that all the people getting welfare, food stamps and being the victim are republicans.:badgrin:
The burden of proof is yours, you are the fool parroting the mindless talking points. The fact is Libs are more financially successful than you lazy CON$ervative slackers, therefore it stands to reason that there are more CON$ on welfare than Libs.

And yet, you can't counter any of it with anything but mindless bleating.

Good work, sheep.
The patented CON$ervative dumb act again, sheeple.

as opposed to what?.....the patented Democratic dumb act?.....:eusa_eh:
What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
So you say.

That's not good enough.

Rightwinger throws all of that up and you only show one failed GOP initiative.'re really kicking ass all right....:lol:
You say The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, signed by President Clinton and hailed as his great success, was a failure, despite the obvious success shown in the facts presented?

Meanwhile, you call the platitudes that RW tossed out, without any legislative initiatives attached, "evidence"?

Quit smoking crack. It makes you stupid.
Last edited:

Are you just going to leave me hanging?

Which part of what I stated is a lie?
Who were the Southern Democrats who opposed the CRA, and did they all switch to the GOP?

For that matter, what about the Northern Democrats who opposed it?
One of the most notable Southern Democrats was OwlGore's Daddy.

Had it not been for Republicans? Johnson wouldn't have suceeded.

you guys should not be comparing Politicians from yesteryear with the Clowns of today....yesteryear's guys from both parties actually gave the good of the Country a few minutes of their its on their "to do" list.....
First off NOBODY want to be on welfare or wants others on welfare. Those are ignorant RW myths.

FLASHBACK: Homeless Lady with 15 Kids:

Another Jerry Brown Flashback: We Need More Welfare and Fewer Jobs | Verum Serum

And you've never offered a valid refutation. Just like you're doing now, all you've got is "Nuh-UH!!"
Third, the topic of this thread and Daveman's reaction to it IS ground in racism.

Assuming blacks WANT to be on welfare IS racist my friend. And assuming you have the answers that African Americans are craving for puts YOU in a "benevolent postion" to be their savior. And by saying that they need you to provide answers you are also assuming they're too ignorant as a group to figure anything out themselves.
But it's okay when liberals do that.


That's all you've got? One homeless lady that makes a stupid remark? And you're basing your whole position that they ALL feel that way on THAT? :cuckoo:

Way to go......:eusa_clap:
well Dean and Chris do it.....:eusa_eh:
That's all you've got? One homeless lady that makes a stupid remark? And you're basing your whole position that they ALL feel that way on THAT? :cuckoo:

Way to go......:eusa_clap:
No, I'm not claiming all welfare recipients feel that way. But you claimed "NOBODY want to be on welfare".

I proved you wrong.

The majority of people on welfare WANT to be on welfare, they just want a bigger benefit amount.

Oh, ok. My bad. What you guys mean to say is that the MAJORITY of blacks want to be on welfare.

Got it. :up:

i cant relate to that....but if you use Mexicans i can....:D
What has the left done?

Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans.

All opposed by Republicans
Created dependency. OWS is one of many results.

Yep. I can see where "Job training, college scholarships, job placement opportunities, low cost childcare, small business loans" would create dependency. :cuckoo:

And where the hell did this OWS coment come from? :cool:

For the past thirty plus years I have worked with many black engineers, scientists, military officers, soldiers and managers who were succeeding in life. Almost all came from lower middle class or poor backgrounds. Very, very few came from what could remotely be considered a wealthy background. They could all point to some point where either their parents or grandparents had relied on government assistance or relied on government programs that provided job training or assistance in employment opportunities.

Government programs do help millions of Americans of all backgrounds escape poverty. Just because some are unable to break the cycle of poverty is no reason to assume that none are

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