Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

Why are you trying to make out that blacks are the only ones on welfare?
I'm not. Dumbass.

Hmmmm...... It seems I hit a sore spot.

It just seems like you can't ever mention blacks w/o also mentioning welfare.

Just saying.


Amazing how he talks about blacks and welfare on a thread discussing blacks and welfare. It seriously must be because he is racist and not because he is addressing the topic of the thread. And you are clearly not trying to distract from real discussions you can answer by accusing him of racism.

So what would you propose be done to get blacks and other Americans off welfare? Or do you want them off welfare?
Millions of americans of all races and nationality have risen out of poverty in spite of at one time being depenedent on government assistance. Many even post on this board. These programs you hate so much provide a basic safety net, jobs training, assistance with childcare and job placement programs

Can you demonstrate how someone is more likely to escape poverty if you remove all those programs?

Can you demonstrate how the poverty rates are declining? No? Maybe because they aren't. Besides that, my post wasn't about the effects of poverty itself. Poverty is a good motivator for someone to better his life. Take away the negative effects of being poor, and people are inclined to stay in poverty.

Like it or not, humans are creative and have the need to produce. If that need is not met in a positive way, then it will be met in a negative one.

But... But... Being poor means you suffer. I mean you actually have to work then if we dont give you hands outs. Working is a cruel punishment.

BINGO! What RDEAN Is trying to say is that blacks need extra help as they can't do it through work. If they are truly equal why not? Is that what RDEAN trying to hint at! Just come out and say that you believe that we must help them more as you believe they're not capable. That's what you're saying.
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Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???

Many of the non-whites come to America for a chance to better their lifes, but turn around in fall for the government aid and victim attitude...East asians are exception, but lets just say that could be because they don't expect welfare or playing the victim card. We must stop being the victim and start being the winner. If we're all equal there shouldn't be any problem with all of us getting jobs and working to improve our own lifes.

I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.
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Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???

Many of the non-whites come to America for a chance to better their lifes, but turn around in fall for the government aid and victim attitude...East asians are exception, but lets just say that could be because they don't expect welfare or playing the victim card. We must stop being the victim and start being the winner. If we're all equal there shouldn't be any problem with all of us getting jobs and working to improve our own lifes.

I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.
There's nothing like following a mindless CON$ervative talking point with another mindless CON$ervative talking point to showcase CON$ervative individuality.
Keep up the good work!
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.

Ah, yes...a day cannot go by without someone like you telling us what we think.

he is not saying what they think.....he is saying what they do....
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???

Many of the non-whites come to America for a chance to better their lifes, but turn around in fall for the government aid and victim attitude...East asians are exception, but lets just say that could be because they don't expect welfare or playing the victim card. We must stop being the victim and start being the winner. If we're all equal there shouldn't be any problem with all of us getting jobs and working to improve our own lifes.

I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.
There's nothing like following a mindless CON$ervative talking point with another mindless CON$ervative talking point to showcase CON$ervative individuality.
Keep up the good work!

Well, prove me wrong! You can't say that all the people getting welfare, food stamps and being the victim are republicans.:badgrin:
Many of the non-whites come to America for a chance to better their lifes, but turn around in fall for the government aid and victim attitude...East asians are exception, but lets just say that could be because they don't expect welfare or playing the victim card. We must stop being the victim and start being the winner. If we're all equal there shouldn't be any problem with all of us getting jobs and working to improve our own lifes.

I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.
There's nothing like following a mindless CON$ervative talking point with another mindless CON$ervative talking point to showcase CON$ervative individuality.
Keep up the good work!

Well, prove me wrong! You can't say that all the people getting welfare, food stamps and being the victim are republicans.:badgrin:
The burden of proof is yours, you are the fool parroting the mindless talking points. The fact is Libs are more financially successful than you lazy CON$ervative slackers, therefore it stands to reason that there are more CON$ on welfare than Libs.
You think I'm dumb because I'm a conservative, not because of anything I've said. Because you've been programmed to view conservatives as dumb.

Is that proof of your intelligence?

I asked a question: what has the Republican party done for the downtrodden?

You then claimed I wasn't smart.

I then implied that your statement was dumb. I don't think you're dumb because you are a conservative. I think you made a dumb statement by focusing solely on my intelligence without offering any examples of what the Republican party has done for the downtrodden.
I'll answer your question if you answer mine:

What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

No daveman, don't wuss out by throwing my question back at me. Anyone can play that baby game. If you're such a proud conservative, what have the conservatives done that you're so proud of to help people get back on their feet?
Emancipation Proclimation by a Republican POTUS and paid for it with his life for one, and the 13th Amendment.

You mean by a Republican POTUS almost 150 years ago whose ideology was far more liberal and progressive than by today's definition of a Republican?

Got anything a little more current? Like 1964? No, that won't work, they were all Democrats.
Oooh, there's one of those lies you bought into.


Are you just going to leave me hanging?

Which part of what I stated is a lie?
interesting thread. sorry if I am repeating but I only read the first 8 pages.

the reason for focusing on the minority usage and especially the black usage of govt programs like welfare and food stamps is because any change in doling out these entitlements would be seen as a direct assault on blacks and discussed endlessly as racism. few people would riot over cutting back handouts in the trailer park but many would be outraged over cutbacks in the inner city ghetto. poor whites are seen as less worthy and morally reproachable whereas poor blacks are just a demographic that is faceless and immune to personal accountibility.

the reason to worry about govt handouts is the number of people paying is shrinking as the number of people receiving is growing. welfare is no problem when 95 share the cost of 5, but when 75 have to support 25 there will be trouble paying for it. isnt it true that only 1/2 of citizens are paying net federal tax now? the crunch is here.

the reason it has been a mistake to lower the standards of personal accountability are obvious. it used to be shameworthy to be unable to take care of yourself or have children out of wedlock. now that it isnt there has been an explosion of both. it used to be difficult to build up credit or save enough to get a mortgage for a house. giving everybody credit and no-down-payment mortgages nearly demolished the American economy and the rest of the world with it.

I am both liberal and conservative. I think everyone should get a hand up, not a hand out. I am all for helping people but letting some fail miserably to inspire others not to is a lesson that nature has been handing out since the beginning. you can't have a healthy and functioning society without citizens knowing what is expected from them. too many grey areas that used to be unpunishable crimes are now seen morally equivalent to positive behaviour.
There are a couple in there who voice their support.

If you need some help moving goalposts, bode loves to do that.

when you said...

"On this board, leftists have also claimed that the Founding Fathers were JUST LIKE modern liberals."

...did you mean some leftists, most leftists or all leftists?
I meant what I said. Leftists have made that ridiculous claim. And they indeed have. In the thread I linked, look for Dragon and taichiliberal. They're beating the revised history drum.

Is English your second language?

i'm just trying to figure out if you meant some leftists, most leftists or all leftists. would you mind clarifying?
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???

All the time. It's what led me to my conclusions. That, and observation.

Hey, if you don't like being reminded of the reality you support, stop supporting it. Simple, huh?
just keep parroting those cliched CON$ervative talking points.
Have you ever had a thought of your own???

Many of the non-whites come to America for a chance to better their lifes, but turn around in fall for the government aid and victim attitude...East asians are exception, but lets just say that could be because they don't expect welfare or playing the victim card. We must stop being the victim and start being the winner. If we're all equal there shouldn't be any problem with all of us getting jobs and working to improve our own lifes.

I'm not going into my beliefs on why, but just pointing out if you believe what you do that should be so. Yes, the vast majority of the democrats power base are people that collect welfare, food stamps and have a government job.
There's nothing like following a mindless CON$ervative talking point with another mindless CON$ervative talking point to showcase CON$ervative individuality.
Keep up the good work!
And yet, you can't counter any of it with anything but mindless bleating.

Good work, sheep.
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.

Ah, yes...a day cannot go by without someone like you telling us what we think.

he is not saying what they think.....he is saying what they do....
They really don't like being reminded of that. We're supposed to pay attention only to what they say.
Millions of americans of all races and nationality have risen out of poverty in spite of at one time being depenedent on government assistance. Many even post on this board. These programs you hate so much provide a basic safety net, jobs training, assistance with childcare and job placement programs

Can you demonstrate how someone is more likely to escape poverty if you remove all those programs?

Can you demonstrate how the poverty rates are declining? No? Maybe because they aren't. Besides that, my post wasn't about the effects of poverty itself. Poverty is a good motivator for someone to better his life. Take away the negative effects of being poor, and people are inclined to stay in poverty.

Like it or not, humans are creative and have the need to produce. If that need is not met in a positive way, then it will be met in a negative one.

But... But... Being poor means you suffer. I mean you actually have to work then if we dont give you hands outs. Working is a cruel punishment.

There are over a hundred nations on earth that do less for their poor than the United States. The poor in these countries worry whether they will eat each day. They do not like being poor, they are motivated but they do not rise out of poverty......they stay poor forever

The United States provides not only a safety net but opportunity to do better. We provide educational opportunities, job training, job placement, incentives for employers to hire. Millions of Americans have taken advantage of these programs to join the middle class
I'm not. Dumbass.

Hmmmm...... It seems I hit a sore spot.

It just seems like you can't ever mention blacks w/o also mentioning welfare.

Just saying.


Amazing how he talks about blacks and welfare on a thread discussing blacks and welfare. It seriously must be because he is racist and not because he is addressing the topic of the thread. And you are clearly not trying to distract from real discussions you can answer by accusing him of racism.

So what would you propose be done to get blacks and other Americans off welfare? Or do you want them off welfare?

First off NOBODY want to be on welfare or wants others on welfare. Those are ignorant RW myths.

Second, of all these are lines Daveman have spouted ever since I have been on this board and this is not the first time we've been down this road.

Third, the topic of this thread and Daveman's reaction to it IS ground in racism.

Assuming blacks WANT to be on welfare IS racist my friend. And assuming you have the answers that African Americans are craving for puts YOU in a "benevolent postion" to be their savior. And by saying that they need you to provide answers you are also assuming they're too ignorant as a group to figure anything out themselves.
I asked a question: what has the Republican party done for the downtrodden?

You then claimed I wasn't smart.

I then implied that your statement was dumb. I don't think you're dumb because you are a conservative. I think you made a dumb statement by focusing solely on my intelligence without offering any examples of what the Republican party has done for the downtrodden.
I'll answer your question if you answer mine:

What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

No daveman, don't wuss out by throwing my question back at me. Anyone can play that baby game. If you're such a proud conservative, what have the conservatives done that you're so proud of to help people get back on their feet?
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, a Republican initiative, was very successful.

A report from 2003:
  • Overall poverty, child poverty, and black child poverty have all dropped substantially
  • Although liberals predicted that welfare reform would push an additional 2.6 million persons into poverty, the U.S. Bureau of the Census reports there are 3.5 million fewer people living in poverty today than there were in 1995 (the last year before the reform).
  • Some 2.9 million fewer children live in poverty today than in 1995
  • Decreases in poverty have been greatest among black children
  • In fact, the poverty rate for black children is now at the lowest point in U.S. history. There are 1.2 million fewer black children in poverty today than there were in the mid-1990s.
  • Hunger among children has been cut roughly in half
  • According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are 420,000 fewer hungry children today than at the time welfare reform was enacted.
  • welfare caseloads have been cut nearly in half
  • and employment of the most disadvantaged single mothers has increased from 50 percent to 100 percent.
  • The explosive growth of out-of-wedlock childbearing has come to a virtual halt
  • The share of children living in single-mother families has fallen, and the share living in married-couple families has increased, especially among black families.

Now answer my question. What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.

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