Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

Besides, I find it funny how these leftist fucks sit there and attempt to pitty blacks, yet Asians were certainly discriminated against (by DEMOCRATS in the 40's and even worse during the gold rush)... Yet today they don't claim RACISM on behalf of whites - IF ANYTHING they usually claim racism on behalf of blacks - the LA Riots are proof of that....

Funny how Asian kids go from immigrant poverty to MIT, then go on to do great things.....
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?
Besides, I find it funny how these leftist fucks sit there and attempt to pitty blacks, yet Asians were certainly discriminated against (by DEMOCRATS in the 40's and even worse during the gold rush)... Yet today they don't claim RACISM on behalf of whites - IF ANYTHING they usually claim racism on behalf of blacks - the LA Riots are proof of that....

Funny how Asian kids go from immigrant poverty to MIT, then go on to do great things.....
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

I'm just saying the non-racist benevolent DEMOCRATS that apparently love people of all walks of life thought it was sane to lock-up as many Americans of Japanese or Italian descent in camps...

I suppose that was different as well...

The democrats are the racists.......

Like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and that was the day "progressivism" was born....
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Besides, I find it funny how these leftist fucks sit there and attempt to pitty blacks, yet Asians were certainly discriminated against (by DEMOCRATS in the 40's and even worse during the gold rush)... Yet today they don't claim RACISM on behalf of whites - IF ANYTHING they usually claim racism on behalf of blacks - the LA Riots are proof of that....

Funny how Asian kids go from immigrant poverty to MIT, then go on to do great things.....
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

I'm just saying the non-racist benevolent DEMOCRATS that apparently love people of all walks of life thought it was sane to lock-up as many Americans of Japanese or Italian descent in camps...

I suppose that was different as well...

The democrats are the racists.......

Like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and that was the day "progressivism" was born....
When you treat people differently on the sole basis of skin color, that's racism.

Even Affirmative Action.
Besides, I find it funny how these leftist fucks sit there and attempt to pitty blacks, yet Asians were certainly discriminated against (by DEMOCRATS in the 40's and even worse during the gold rush)... Yet today they don't claim RACISM on behalf of whites - IF ANYTHING they usually claim racism on behalf of blacks - the LA Riots are proof of that....

Funny how Asian kids go from immigrant poverty to MIT, then go on to do great things.....
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

Asians are not minorities until the democrats get hold of the census numbers to decide how they will redraw US House Districts..Then suddenly Asians are a poor oppressed minority.
Besides, I find it funny how these leftist fucks sit there and attempt to pitty blacks, yet Asians were certainly discriminated against (by DEMOCRATS in the 40's and even worse during the gold rush)... Yet today they don't claim RACISM on behalf of whites - IF ANYTHING they usually claim racism on behalf of blacks - the LA Riots are proof of that....

Funny how Asian kids go from immigrant poverty to MIT, then go on to do great things.....
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

Asians are not minorities until the democrats get hold of the census numbers to decide how they will redraw US House Districts..Then suddenly Asians are a poor oppressed minority.
And Asians are remarkably self-sufficient. They just don't need white liberal patronage.
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

I'm just saying the non-racist benevolent DEMOCRATS that apparently love people of all walks of life thought it was sane to lock-up as many Americans of Japanese or Italian descent in camps...

I suppose that was different as well...

The democrats are the racists.......

Like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and that was the day "progressivism" was born....
When you treat people differently on the sole basis of skin color, that's racism.

Even Affirmative Action.

I suppose there are many definitions of racism, however the one I believe is the most correct is the idea of supremacy - or the idea that one individual feels their race is superior to another.....

The idea of "supremacy" is nothing more than an emotion...

Without question some individuals are superior to other individuals......

There are many black geniuses..... There are many geniuses of all races.
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I'm just saying the non-racist benevolent DEMOCRATS that apparently love people of all walks of life thought it was sane to lock-up as many Americans of Japanese or Italian descent in camps...

I suppose that was different as well...

The democrats are the racists.......

Like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and that was the day "progressivism" was born....
When you treat people differently on the sole basis of skin color, that's racism.

Even Affirmative Action.

I suppose there are many definitions of racism, however the one I believe is the most correct is the idea of supremacy - or the idea that one individual feels their race is superior to another.....

The idea of "supremacy" is nothing more than an emotion...

Without question some individuals are superior to other individuals......

There are many black geniuses..... There are many geniuses of all races.
Obviously, if a white liberal feels that blacks can't succeed without their help, the white liberal feels superior.
You claim to be educated but I have yet to see you involved in an intelligent debate on this site. Display some fucking maturity and discretion at least once.

Dean's the guy who believes that Obama went to live with his grandparents because his mother died from cancer. Problem with that scenario is that Obama was a grown man in his 30's when his mother died. He appears to read a few facts, then fill in the blanks, according to what sounds good and elicits emotional response. :doubt:
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, USMB lefties?

Asians are not minorities until the democrats get hold of the census numbers to decide how they will redraw US House Districts..Then suddenly Asians are a poor oppressed minority.
And Asians are remarkably self-sufficient. They just don't need white liberal patronage.
You just broke the crayons of all the libbies on USMB...Yer really gonna get it now.
Asians are not minorities until the democrats get hold of the census numbers to decide how they will redraw US House Districts..Then suddenly Asians are a poor oppressed minority.
And Asians are remarkably self-sufficient. They just don't need white liberal patronage.
You just broke the crayons of all the libbies on USMB...Yer really gonna get it now.

Just another day at the office. :cool:
Millions of americans of all races and nationality have risen out of poverty in spite of at one time being depenedent on government assistance. Many even post on this board. These programs you hate so much provide a basic safety net, jobs training, assistance with childcare and job placement programs

Can you demonstrate how someone is more likely to escape poverty if you remove all those programs?

Can you demonstrate how the poverty rates are declining? No? Maybe because they aren't. Besides that, my post wasn't about the effects of poverty itself. Poverty is a good motivator for someone to better his life. Take away the negative effects of being poor, and people are inclined to stay in poverty.

Like it or not, humans are creative and have the need to produce. If that need is not met in a positive way, then it will be met in a negative one.

are you pointing out just the OP or are you saying that all of the libs in that thread say "JUST LIKE"?

There are a couple in there who voice their support.

If you need some help moving goalposts, bode loves to do that.

when you said...

"On this board, leftists have also claimed that the Founding Fathers were JUST LIKE modern liberals."

...did you mean some leftists, most leftists or all leftists?
are you pointing out just the OP or are you saying that all of the libs in that thread say "JUST LIKE"?

There are a couple in there who voice their support.

If you need some help moving goalposts, bode loves to do that.

when you said...

"On this board, leftists have also claimed that the Founding Fathers were JUST LIKE modern liberals."

...did you mean some leftists, most leftists or all leftists?
I meant what I said. Leftists have made that ridiculous claim. And they indeed have. In the thread I linked, look for Dragon and taichiliberal. They're beating the revised history drum.

Is English your second language?
When you treat people differently on the sole basis of skin color, that's racism.

Even Affirmative Action.

I suppose there are many definitions of racism, however the one I believe is the most correct is the idea of supremacy - or the idea that one individual feels their race is superior to another.....

The idea of "supremacy" is nothing more than an emotion...

Without question some individuals are superior to other individuals......

There are many black geniuses..... There are many geniuses of all races.
Obviously, if a white liberal feels that blacks can't succeed without their help, the white liberal feels superior.

Why are you trying to make out that blacks are the only ones on welfare?

Hmmm....what about the whites that are dependant on welfare?

Myth #1: The typical welfare recipient is a black inner city single mother.

The Census Bureau's most recent annual poverty report found that urban black mothers constitute less than one out of six of all poor households. Rural white families account for more--one out of five. White surburban families accountfor even more--one out of four.

Of course the states that suck up more federal money than they pay out in taxes are the RED states.
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The reason for that is because many people gave up looking for a job... That number has grown severely, along with those who lost their unemployment benefits ...

The formula used to equate the unemployment rate is extremely flawed.

The unemployment rate will continue to drop while those who receive unemployment are continued to be dropped from the program...

Of course the misery index will rise..

The loss of unemployment benefits isn't used in the calculation of the unemployment rate.

That's the whole point......

When one loses unemployment benefits they are no longer a factor in the when it comes to the unemployment equation...

It's almost like they fall into a black hole statistically..

They still factor into the equation.

It's based on whether you have looked for work, not whether your benefits ended.

Some countries base their estimates of total unemployment on the number of persons filing claims for or receiving UI payments or the number of persons registered with government employment offices as available for work. These data are also available in the United States, but they are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered.

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

1. Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
2. Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
3. Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
4. Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits

Because of these and other limitations, statistics on insured unemployment cannot be used as a count of total unemployment in the United States. Indeed, during 2008, only 36 percent of the total unemployed received UI benefits. The weekly data on UI claims do have important uses, however, and provide a timely indicator on labor market conditions.

How the Government Measures Unemployment
That's the whole point......

When one loses unemployment benefits they are no longer a factor in the when it comes to the unemployment equation...

It's almost like they fall into a black hole statistically..

Hey, I've probably had more than 100 jobs in my time, yet never received unemployment.


What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said???

I'm talking about the formula in which the unemployment rate is calculated ....

Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed Workers / Total Labor Force)

Unemployed workers = those currently collecting unemployment insurance.

You are incorrect.

The total number collecting unemployment is about 4.8 million.

Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Data, Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

Total unemployed is 13.1 million.

Employment Situation Summary
Millions of americans of all races and nationality have risen out of poverty in spite of at one time being depenedent on government assistance. Many even post on this board. These programs you hate so much provide a basic safety net, jobs training, assistance with childcare and job placement programs

Can you demonstrate how someone is more likely to escape poverty if you remove all those programs?

Can you demonstrate how the poverty rates are declining? No? Maybe because they aren't. Besides that, my post wasn't about the effects of poverty itself. Poverty is a good motivator for someone to better his life. Take away the negative effects of being poor, and people are inclined to stay in poverty.

Like it or not, humans are creative and have the need to produce. If that need is not met in a positive way, then it will be met in a negative one.

But... But... Being poor means you suffer. I mean you actually have to work then if we dont give you hands outs. Working is a cruel punishment.

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