Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are crated equal..."

Odd. It doesn't say:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men should wind up equal..."

The men who wrote that owned slaves. Ironically.
Funny how the left is so eager to insist they're JUST LIKE those slave-owners, huh?

Wishful thinking, perhaps?
It is amusing to watch you stretch into the stratosphere for that one davey. :lol::lol::lol:
With only equal opportunity, the kids from poor families, bad families, bad environments/neighborhoods are put at extreme disadvantage of achieving upward mobility. That means they are very likely to end up in the same socio-economic class as their parents.

That is perpetuation. That is the consequence of 'equal' opportunity. Just because you can work the word 'equal' into the conversation, doesn't make 'equal' right.

The real problem is that democrats and progressives continually drill it into the heads of blacks and latinos that they're victims of the white man and that there is no hope for them and that anytime they catch a bad break in life its the white mans fault...

When you go through life blaming everyone but yourself, and especially blaming it on your race you won't get very far in life - you'll probably get more hate then you will sympathy as an individual of any race...

I know many successful individuals from all races, I also know many self-loathers of all races.

The majority of self-loathers I know are all mediocre in life, or just blatant failures....

Of course society doesn't help with affirmative action bullshit - that only rewards people on the basis of race, religion or sexuality and NOT on the basis of intellect, knowledge or work ethic..

Life is a competition and just being "who you are" is not good enough, especially when it comes to employment..

There is nothing stopping anyone from any race overcoming poverty or an unfortunate situation but themselves, especially in an era where knowledge is at the tip of your fingers (internet)...

The truth is some people are just content with the little they have but believe they shouldn't be required to work harder and advance themselves to be rewarded with more, so they come up with excuses like "racism" to justify their demands or feeling of entitlement.

That's right. The children of the poor have it just as good as the children of the Rich, and it's no one's fault but their own if they don't end up where the rich kids do.

jeezus christ you people are idiots.
What are you doing to help them?

Oh, yeah -- you're being generous with other people's money.
Ended slavery for one.
Emancipation Proclimation by a Republican POTUS and paid for it with his life for one, and the 13th Amendment.

You mean by a Republican POTUS almost 150 years ago whose ideology was far more liberal and progressive than by today's definition of a Republican?

Got anything a little more current? Like 1964? No, that won't work, they were all Democrats.
Oooh, there's one of those lies you bought into.
How does the ease in which one does or does not get pregnant indicate I support a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictator?

The left's go-to solution after raising taxes?

Wholesale murder. Of those they deem unworthy.

Like you deem poor children.

History shows this again and again.

The republicans have done so much to get rid of abortion. Haven't they? :lol:
We've tried. But the left likes dead babies too much.
First, by treating them with dignity and as individuals.

You know, something Democrats don't do.

Wait. You suggest treating minorities with dignity and as individuals as you call them dependent on government aid, procreated too much and talk about them as some mass homogenious entity? :lol::lol::lol:
Where did I say all minorities are dependent on government aid?

Oh, yeah -- I didn't.
Nor have I said they procreated too much.
Typical leftist "thinking": "If I ignore it, it's not there!"
And then they squeal like pigs when they had prior knowlege and refuse to act...time to blame someone other than themselves.
Of course. The left just isn't that into personal responsibility.
Emancipation Proclimation by a Republican POTUS and paid for it with his life for one, and the 13th Amendment.

You mean by a Republican POTUS almost 150 years ago whose ideology was far more liberal and progressive than by today's definition of a Republican?

Got anything a little more current? Like 1964? No, that won't work, they were all Democrats.
Oooh, there's one of those lies you bought into.

And to think I fronted a real History lesson that he decided to ignore.
ah. More of that right wing dignity and treating them as individuals Davey was referring to.
If so, then you support our troops when they shoot their officers.


Or is it unfaaaaair!! to apply your own "logic" to you?

You stretched into another solar system for that one, davey. Are you drinking with Tommy now?
I was right. It's unfaaaaair!!

You expose your hypocrisy once again. Put it away. It's ugly. :eek:
Funny how the left is so eager to insist they're JUST LIKE those slave-owners, huh?

Wishful thinking, perhaps?
It is amusing to watch you stretch into the stratosphere for that one davey. :lol::lol::lol:
Guess you've missed all the threads by lefties saying they're just like the FF, huh?

Of course you will link "all those threads" won't you? How many times in them have I claimed to be like a FF, Davey?
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?

As long as we keep in mind that its Democrats that look down their noses at blacks and Republicans that see them as equals....

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