Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

The reason for that is because many people gave up looking for a job... That number has grown severely, along with those who lost their unemployment benefits ...

The formula used to equate the unemployment rate is extremely flawed.

The unemployment rate will continue to drop while those who receive unemployment are continued to be dropped from the program...

Of course the misery index will rise..

Mass manipulation.

Interesting that under Bush and a 5.4% unemployment record garnered an 'Off with his head' sentiment in '04?

Did it?

I thought his ill-advised invasion of Iraq and mounting US casualties garnered an off with his head sentiment

Who was talking the GWOT? Oh that's were.

Nice try at deflection, sewerboy.:eusa_hand:
Mass manipulation.

Interesting that under Bush and a 5.4% unemployment record garnered an 'Off with his head' sentiment in '04?

Did it?

I thought his ill-advised invasion of Iraq and mounting US casualties garnered an off with his head sentiment

Who was talking the GWOT? Oh that's were.

Nice try at deflection, sewerboy.:eusa_hand:

No.....YOU were the one who brought out the outrage about Bush's reelection. I merely pointed out it had more to do with his botched Iraq invasion than 5.4% unemployment
Oh please! What has the Republican party done for black people, or any downtrodden member of society? Ignore them and hope they go away?

Ended slavery for one.
Emancipation Proclimation by a Republican POTUS and paid for it with his life for one, and the 13th Amendment.

You mean by a Republican POTUS almost 150 years ago whose ideology was far more liberal and progressive than by today's definition of a Republican?

Got anything a little more current? Like 1964? No, that won't work, they were all Democrats.
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I see. When I say I support a woman's right to look ahead at her economical situation and determine whether she has the ability to properly support a child or not and then make the decision to terminate her pregnancy, that somehow insinuates that I support a centralized, autocratic government heading by a dictator?

Now that's a stretch! LOL
Not really. You know how easy it is to not get pregnant?

Hint: It's easier than you idiots claim it is.

How does the ease in which one does or does not get pregnant indicate I support a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictator?

The left's go-to solution after raising taxes?

Wholesale murder. Of those they deem unworthy.

Like you deem poor children.

History shows this again and again.
Gosh Daveman, clamining I'm not smart makes you seem so smart.
You think I'm dumb because I'm a conservative, not because of anything I've said. Because you've been programmed to view conservatives as dumb.

Is that proof of your intelligence?

I asked a question: what has the Republican party done for the downtrodden?

You then claimed I wasn't smart.

I then implied that your statement was dumb. I don't think you're dumb because you are a conservative. I think you made a dumb statement by focusing solely on my intelligence without offering any examples of what the Republican party has done for the downtrodden.
I'll answer your question if you answer mine:

What has the left done for the downtrodden? NOTE: Keeping them dependent on government really isn't helping them.
With only equal opportunity, the kids from poor families, bad families, bad environments/neighborhoods are put at extreme disadvantage of achieving upward mobility. That means they are very likely to end up in the same socio-economic class as their parents.

That is perpetuation. That is the consequence of 'equal' opportunity. Just because you can work the word 'equal' into the conversation, doesn't make 'equal' right.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are crated equal..."

Odd. It doesn't say:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men should wind up equal..."
..."in all endeavours of thier lives..."

" matter the cost to their fellow citizens..."
Ended slavery for one.
Emancipation Proclimation by a Republican POTUS and paid for it with his life for one, and the 13th Amendment.

You mean by a Republican POTUS almost 150 years ago whose ideology was far more liberal and progressive than by today's definition of a Republican?

Got anything a little more current? Like 1964? No, that won't work, they were all Democrats.


"I am too stupid to read through the material because my handlers from Gubmint schrools gave a different version of therefore I must detract to cover my own uneducated ass..."

About cover it dopey?
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?

Considering that 50% OF FOODSTAMPS are issued to whites, considering that 70% of the population IS WHITE...

I suppose when you make up only 12% of the population and you account for 25% of food aid, that's pretty pathetic...

Many blacks certainly feel it's the governments duty to support them - they have a sense of entitlement. It's certainly a part of American black culture...

Whites absolutely use social welfare, however at the same time the majority of whites are embarrassed and ashamed that they have to use the program, and they only use the program temporarily until they get back on their feet.....

Many blacks on the other hand are proud that they're living on welfare, and 3rd generation welfare families are normal in the black community....

Of course not every black individual possesses a sense of entitlement, however there is an abnormal amount (compared to other races) that do.

I mean wasn't it Bone Thugs who rapped about it "being the first of the month so get strapped and cash your checks and get on??"

I note NO ONE addressed this earlier in this fray:

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months. But black unemployment rose again from 15.5 to 15.8 percent overall and from 39.6 to 42.1 among African-American teens.

Black unemployment rises as national jobless rate falls to 8.5, lowest in nearly 3 years

Too touchy a subject? :eusa_whistle:
Typical leftist "thinking": "If I ignore it, it's not there!"
Not really. You know how easy it is to not get pregnant?

Hint: It's easier than you idiots claim it is.

How does the ease in which one does or does not get pregnant indicate I support a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictator?

The left's go-to solution after raising taxes?

Wholesale murder. Of those they deem unworthy.

Like you deem poor children.

History shows this again and again.

The republicans have done so much to get rid of abortion. Haven't they? :lol:
So you are saying Republicans can "teach" blacks how to be productive human beings? Oh, I see. Hmmm. How would you start teaching blacks how to be "productive human beings"?
First, by treating them with dignity and as individuals.

You know, something Democrats don't do.

Wait. You suggest treating minorities with dignity and as individuals as you call them dependent on government aid, procreated too much and talk about them as some mass homogenious entity? :lol::lol::lol:
Where did I say all minorities are dependent on government aid?

Oh, yeah -- I didn't.
Considering that 50% OF FOODSTAMPS are issued to whites, considering that 70% of the population IS WHITE...

I suppose when you make up only 12% of the population and you account for 25% of food aid, that's pretty pathetic...

Many blacks certainly feel it's the governments duty to support them - they have a sense of entitlement. It's certainly a part of American black culture...

Whites absolutely use social welfare, however at the same time the majority of whites are embarrassed and ashamed that they have to use the program, and they only use the program temporarily until they get back on their feet.....

Many blacks on the other hand are proud that they're living on welfare, and 3rd generation welfare families are normal in the black community....

Of course not every black individual possesses a sense of entitlement, however there is an abnormal amount (compared to other races) that do.

I mean wasn't it Bone Thugs who rapped about it "being the first of the month so get strapped and cash your checks and get on??"

I note NO ONE addressed this earlier in this fray:

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months. But black unemployment rose again from 15.5 to 15.8 percent overall and from 39.6 to 42.1 among African-American teens.

Black unemployment rises as national jobless rate falls to 8.5, lowest in nearly 3 years

Too touchy a subject? :eusa_whistle:
Typical leftist "thinking": "If I ignore it, it's not there!"
And then they squeal like pigs when they had prior knowlege and refuse to act...time to blame someone other than themselves.
First, by treating them with dignity and as individuals.

You know, something Democrats don't do.

Wait. You suggest treating minorities with dignity and as individuals as you call them dependent on government aid, procreated too much and talk about them as some mass homogenious entity? :lol::lol::lol:
Where did I say all minorities are dependent on government aid?

Oh, yeah -- I didn't.
Nope but Bodey is quick with that wide brush.
Ah, yes...a day cannot go by without someone like you telling us what we think.

And yet YOU have no problem telling us what to think or what we think, now do you?
Interesting assertion. You will have no problem linking a post or two of mine stating what you think. TIA
Short term memory loss, huh?

Wait. You suggest treating minorities with dignity and as individuals as you call them dependent on government aid, procreated too much and talk about them as some mass homogenious entity? :lol::lol::lol:
With only equal opportunity, the kids from poor families, bad families, bad environments/neighborhoods are put at extreme disadvantage of achieving upward mobility. That means they are very likely to end up in the same socio-economic class as their parents.

That is perpetuation. That is the consequence of 'equal' opportunity. Just because you can work the word 'equal' into the conversation, doesn't make 'equal' right.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are crated equal..."

Odd. It doesn't say:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men should wind up equal..."

The men who wrote that owned slaves. Ironically.
Funny how the left is so eager to insist they're JUST LIKE those slave-owners, huh?

Wishful thinking, perhaps?
Wait. You suggest treating minorities with dignity and as individuals as you call them dependent on government aid, procreated too much and talk about them as some mass homogenious entity? :lol::lol::lol:
Where did I say all minorities are dependent on government aid?

Oh, yeah -- I didn't.
Nope but Bodey is quick with that wide brush.

I am amused by yours and davey's lack of knowledge of the collective use of the word "you". Have another drink.
Gosh Daveman, clamining I'm not smart makes you seem so smart.
You think I'm dumb because I'm a conservative, not because of anything I've said. Because you've been programmed to view conservatives as dumb.

Is that proof of your intelligence?

Most of us here know you're dumb because your hundreds of posts stand as evidence.
And if I kissed your ass the way you think you deserve, you'd say I was a swell guy. :lol:

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