Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

Why is it the ONLY factor liberals consider is taxes when it comes to economic growth?
You dumb fucks always talk about post WWII and pretend like the only thing that's changed since then are the tax rates.

Ps. The op is a moron.
One of the post WWII conditions that was much more positive is that the top tier earned a much smaller wage differential than the lower classes. Back then, conspicuous consumption seemed to be in somewhat bad taste. No longer. Now these greedy mutherfuckers don't care it they take home 1000x the average and don't mind if they have to outsource everyone under them to do it.

If I had my way, there would be a maximum wage of 20x the average in that company. The top dogs could make as much as they wanted but they'd have to raise the tide for everybody to do it.

That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
God damn Matthew and billy out together couldn't figure out how to change a lightbulb

Well, those light bulbs wouldn't work without good first world infrastructure...Too bad people like you would whether see us become like Haiti. Why do you support building schools in Iraq and nothing for your own country?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
Trickle down doesn't work. And your thinking is flawed.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.
attention idiots ..

Obama made 82% of the Bush tax cuts permanent.
The other 18% are scheduled to sunset by law.

nobody is raising taxes on anyone.
They have a business that provides products to people at reasonable prices, and employs people at the low to end range of the spectrum.

That isn't enough for you?

They are making billions while increasing government dependence. I think that is a problem. I guess you like big government.

You see creating dependence. I see people who would be on government assistance ANYWAY being given a chance to prove their work skills and get a better job that gets them off assistance entirely.

While the Waltons make billions off their labor? How generous of you. The government should not subsidize their labor.

The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.
Why is it the ONLY factor liberals consider is taxes when it comes to economic growth?
You dumb fucks always talk about post WWII and pretend like the only thing that's changed since then are the tax rates.

Ps. The op is a moron.
One of the post WWII conditions that was much more positive is that the top tier earned a much smaller wage differential than the lower classes. Back then, conspicuous consumption seemed to be in somewhat bad taste. No longer. Now these greedy mutherfuckers don't care it they take home 1000x the average and don't mind if they have to outsource everyone under them to do it.

If I had my way, there would be a maximum wage of 20x the average in that company. The top dogs could make as much as they wanted but they'd have to raise the tide for everybody to do it.

That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.
They have a business that provides products to people at reasonable prices, and employs people at the low to end range of the spectrum.

That isn't enough for you?

They are making billions while increasing government dependence. I think that is a problem. I guess you like big government.

You see creating dependence. I see people who would be on government assistance ANYWAY being given a chance to prove their work skills and get a better job that gets them off assistance entirely.

While the Waltons make billions off their labor? How generous of you. The government should not subsidize their labor.

The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

This is why we need a higher minimum wage for companies making over 500 million per year. They can afford it, while the little guy can't. It would also help with the development of competition.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?

Again, if it is so easy get off your ass and start a business that follows your model.

Sure. I'll just inherit it all like they did then not work.

Nice dodge, you cum sucking dick licker.
Red herring fallacy. No one claims lowering any tax will always produce growth.
Libs are stupid.
You guys do it all the fucking time. Either that or take the tack on how unfair it is that some people have to pay more taxes than others.
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
That's a fairy tale. At some point, gaining more wealth becomes nothing more than a game and I've never heard of anyone quitting or even retiring early because they had to pay taxes. They'd be more likely to retire early if they met their financial goals sooner because they were able to skip on taxes.
Not only is it not a fairy tale but Hillary Clinton did exactly that, working harder one year to get her income into a lower tax year. High income people can take compensation in different ways. They can also take more vacations vs working. Since you've never had more than a job at Mickey D's you wouldnt know any of this.
Why is it the ONLY factor liberals consider is taxes when it comes to economic growth?
You dumb fucks always talk about post WWII and pretend like the only thing that's changed since then are the tax rates.

Ps. The op is a moron.
One of the post WWII conditions that was much more positive is that the top tier earned a much smaller wage differential than the lower classes. Back then, conspicuous consumption seemed to be in somewhat bad taste. No longer. Now these greedy mutherfuckers don't care it they take home 1000x the average and don't mind if they have to outsource everyone under them to do it.

If I had my way, there would be a maximum wage of 20x the average in that company. The top dogs could make as much as they wanted but they'd have to raise the tide for everybody to do it.

That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.
Trickle down doesn't work. And your thinking is flawed.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.
They are making billions while increasing government dependence. I think that is a problem. I guess you like big government.

You see creating dependence. I see people who would be on government assistance ANYWAY being given a chance to prove their work skills and get a better job that gets them off assistance entirely.

While the Waltons make billions off their labor? How generous of you. The government should not subsidize their labor.

The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.
Red herring fallacy. No one claims lowering any tax will always produce growth.
Libs are stupid.
You guys do it all the fucking time. Either that or take the tack on how unfair it is that some people have to pay more taxes than others.
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.

Are you saying rich people could be more productive if we would just stop taxing them so much?

The rich are doing great you idiot! My brother just bought some property because he's sitting on cash and banks aren't giving shit. He didn't start a business or hire anyone.

On the other hand the real estate guy made a commission.

All I know is my brother doesn't work 500 x harder than his employees but he does make 500x more. They need to give some of that to his employees. Why do the ceo's and vp"'s think they deserve all the spoils.

Didn't pirate captains share their booty with their crew?

Stop crying about what's fair. What works is what you should be asking. Spread the wealth. Its not socialism. They can still make 400x or 300x more than us but 500x doesn't work.
Brother in law envy. How ugly. Hint: Not every high income person is your brother in law.
Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?

Again, if it is so easy get off your ass and start a business that follows your model.

Sure. I'll just inherit it all like they did then not work.

Nice dodge, you cum sucking dick licker.

You are dodging that you are a communist.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?

Again, if it is so easy get off your ass and start a business that follows your model.

Sure. I'll just inherit it all like they did then not work.

Nice dodge, you cum sucking dick licker.

You are dodging that you are a communist.

The only communist here is you.

Your talk of "nationalizing" Wal Mart proves that, as well as proves your idiocy.
One of the post WWII conditions that was much more positive is that the top tier earned a much smaller wage differential than the lower classes. Back then, conspicuous consumption seemed to be in somewhat bad taste. No longer. Now these greedy mutherfuckers don't care it they take home 1000x the average and don't mind if they have to outsource everyone under them to do it.

If I had my way, there would be a maximum wage of 20x the average in that company. The top dogs could make as much as they wanted but they'd have to raise the tide for everybody to do it.

That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.

Is nice that you prefer to pay taxes and support these people rather than the Waltons who are making billions off them paying for them.
If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?

Again, if it is so easy get off your ass and start a business that follows your model.

Sure. I'll just inherit it all like they did then not work.

Nice dodge, you cum sucking dick licker.

You are dodging that you are a communist.

The only communist here is you.

Your talk of "nationalizing" Wal Mart proves that, as well as proves your idiocy.

Hey you think the government should subsidize Walmart not me. If you like that nationalizing is the next step.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.
You guys do it all the fucking time. Either that or take the tack on how unfair it is that some people have to pay more taxes than others.
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
That's a fairy tale. At some point, gaining more wealth becomes nothing more than a game and I've never heard of anyone quitting or even retiring early because they had to pay taxes. They'd be more likely to retire early if they met their financial goals sooner because they were able to skip on taxes.
Not only is it not a fairy tale but Hillary Clinton did exactly that, working harder one year to get her income into a lower tax year. High income people can take compensation in different ways. They can also take more vacations vs working. Since you've never had more than a job at Mickey D's you wouldnt know any of this.
What is this obsession of yours with Mickey D's? Did you get passed over for a promotion or something?

Hillary Clinton is still working. You'd think with the onerous tax laws she'd think: I only get to keep $7 million of the $12 million I earned? Screw that, it's just not worth showing up. You're so full of shit it's coming out your ears.

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