Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

You see creating dependence. I see people who would be on government assistance ANYWAY being given a chance to prove their work skills and get a better job that gets them off assistance entirely.

While the Waltons make billions off their labor? How generous of you. The government should not subsidize their labor.

The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.
One of the post WWII conditions that was much more positive is that the top tier earned a much smaller wage differential than the lower classes. Back then, conspicuous consumption seemed to be in somewhat bad taste. No longer. Now these greedy mutherfuckers don't care it they take home 1000x the average and don't mind if they have to outsource everyone under them to do it.

If I had my way, there would be a maximum wage of 20x the average in that company. The top dogs could make as much as they wanted but they'd have to raise the tide for everybody to do it.

That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.
Have you ever been around any of these people? Rhetorical question - of course you haven't. They belong to the old boy network where the attitude is, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. They collectively set their own salaries much higher than they are justified in doing.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to outsource a bunch of jobs for short term self interest. Granted, not everybody could do it - it takes a certain brand of douchebag...
What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
Trickle down doesn't work. And your thinking is flawed.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

You're the wage slave not me.

I own a business and answer to no one
I believe unemployment compensation should be done through general taxes on corporations ostensibly, for the market based metrics.
WalMart subsidizes the government by providing income to people who otherwise would be totally dependent on government for livelihood.
Yet they can make the Waltons billions. Sorry but no thanks communist.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
So exactly how would you enforce a law where companies have to pay their employees more so they are no longer on the government dole? Answer....government would enforce that it seems your reason for having a law is to decrease government while the law actually increases government in a different area.
No gain....jut more government intervention.
So your idea fails.

First I didn't say I would pass a law. But if one were going to do that they would increase the minimum wage. We already enforce one so no it wouldn't increase the size of government.
So raising someone to 12 an hour from 8 an hour will remove them from the government dole? How about those that are already making 12 an they also get a raise to 16 an hour...and those at 16 an hour to 20 an hour...and those at 20 an hour to 24 an hour?
So right there, you have 4 employees going up 4 an hour strictly to accommodate the one employee who was making minimum wage at 8 an hour...
So a company, in an effort to keep the graduating salary system is forced to pay a total of 16 an hour more to accommodate that one employee....
In theory is sounds easy...but in practice, it will result in a dramatic increase in cost of goods and services....pretty much eliminating the need for the raise.
That is basically impossible, so what you really would want is a salary cap.

Also, if you had your way you would be a fascist with that position.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.
Have you ever been around any of these people? Rhetorical question - of course you haven't. They belong to the old boy network where the attitude is, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. They collectively set their own salaries much higher than they are justified in doing.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to outsource a bunch of jobs for short term self interest. Granted, not everybody could do it - it takes a certain brand of douchebag...

Then stop bitching and form your own company with your like minded progressive yappers and do it right. Oh wait, you don't have the balls to do anything but bitch on a message board. Forget about it then.
While the Waltons make billions off their labor? How generous of you. The government should not subsidize their labor.

The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.

Not saying pay each millions. Just saying get them off welfare.
The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.

Not saying pay each millions. Just saying get them off welfare.

How about they get themselves off welfare by getting a better job?

Again, why don't you form a company that works according to your rules?
The federal government doesn't subsidize their labor.

Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.

Not saying pay each millions. Just saying get them off welfare.

They should get themselves off welfare.

It's not Walmart's fault those slugs aren't willing to improve themselves enough to get a higher wage.
I believe unemployment compensation should be done through general taxes on corporations ostensibly, for the market based metrics.
Curious....are you aware that every employer has what is known as an "unemployment ratio".....and when they exceed that ratio, they are responsible for a large portion of an individuals unemployment?
Furthermore, are you aware that the burden trickles down to the second employer of both the first AND the second employer of record bear the bulk of the unemployment burden.
And yes, the second employer of record bears part of the burden even if the employee resigned from that position to take the subsequent one that ultimately fired him/her.
The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.

Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.
Yes they do. They pay so little employees are on welfare. Walmart should be paying enough they aren't on welfare.

or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.

Not saying pay each millions. Just saying get them off welfare.

They should get themselves off welfare.

It's not Walmart's fault those slugs aren't willing to improve themselves enough to get a higher wage.

Right the Waltons make billions off subsidized labor and its labors fault. You communists are funny.
Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault
Fuck the government, and more importantly, fuck YOU.

You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

Just your use of the term "making X of labor' shows your Marxist background. Fail troll is still fail.

Anyone know who's Sock this is?
or the people working there should have made better life choices. If the work pool was talented enough to make more $$, with no more low skilled people to take their place, then Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Right now that isn't the case.

Also, again, go fuck yourself.

They are talented enough to make the Waltons billions.

Each one makes the Walton's about $7K, based on 2.2 million employees, and an net income of $16 billion.

They operate at a profit ratio of 3.4%, which really isn't that large.

Not saying pay each millions. Just saying get them off welfare.

They should get themselves off welfare.

It's not Walmart's fault those slugs aren't willing to improve themselves enough to get a higher wage.

Right the Waltons make billions off subsidized labor and its labors fault. You communists are funny.

Tell me who is forcing those people to work at Walmart?

No one.
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
Trickle down doesn't work. And your thinking is flawed.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.
Generally, it's the right wingers that say there are no limits to productivity. Are you saying there are?

There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.
Have you ever been around any of these people? Rhetorical question - of course you haven't. They belong to the old boy network where the attitude is, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. They collectively set their own salaries much higher than they are justified in doing.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to outsource a bunch of jobs for short term self interest. Granted, not everybody could do it - it takes a certain brand of douchebag...

Then stop bitching and form your own company with your like minded progressive yappers and do it right. Oh wait, you don't have the balls to do anything but bitch on a message board. Forget about it then.
Been there done that. Where I am now, I get to focus on what interests me most (technology) rather than having to wear 10 hats. And if the going get tough here, I know I can do it again.

I'm always curious as to what the obviously stupid people on this board who claim to be business owners do. Business must be slow for you to have over 17k posts.
You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.
You already said you want the government to subsidize Walmart. That tax dollars, enjoy supporting making the Waltons billions.

They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

Just your use of the term "making X of labor' shows your Marxist background. Fail troll is still fail.

Anyone know who's Sock this is?

Interesting I want government out and you support government dependence. You are an idiot.
Trickle down doesn't work. And your thinking is flawed.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.

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