Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

I want smart government that regulates within a way that benefits this country. The top 1% shouldn't be stealing so much from the rest of the country...People that work hard should get what they deserve.

We should all have nice streets, bridges as well as the best standards on this planet. I am sick of losertrians dreaming of Haiti.
Letting people keep more of their own money always works.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
Why should the rich pay so little? At a time when infrastructure is going to crap, our educational system is falling apart and we're losing ground in science. You support doing nothing.

I've come to the conclusion that the super rich are nothing more than traitors and parasites on our society if this is what they wish for it.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.

So the Waltons make billions and tax payers pay to take care of the workers. Great plan if you like paying taxes and big government. I prefer the Waltons pay for the workforce making them billions each year.
What you take home after taxes is yours. We just think you need to pay more taxes. Not you but your slave masters.

What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?
I want smart government that regulates within a way that benefits this country. The top 1% shouldn't be stealing so much from the rest of the country...People that work hard should get what they deserve.

We should all have nice streets, bridges as well as the best standards on this planet. I am sick of losertrians dreaming of Haiti.
So please...define "work hard"....

I hear it all the time..."Hard working Americans..."

Let me tell you something....a hard working American is not an American who works at walmart 35 hours a week stocking shelves. That is a "working American"....

A hard working American is one who takes that job at walmart in the evenings for the extra money he needs as he/she works during the day in a career position at the ground level in the hopes that his work ethic and dedication will be recognized offering him/her an opportunity for growth.

Anyone who takes a job at Walmart stocking shelves from 8 to 4 everyday with an hour lunch and two 15 minute breaks and then goes home for the evening to get ready for the next day?

Is by no means a hard working American.

He or she is a working American.
What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.

So the Waltons make billions and tax payers pay to take care of the workers. Great plan if you like paying taxes and big government. I prefer the Waltons pay for the workforce making them billions each year.
the workforce is not making them billions. The concept of their business model is making them billions and the employees are getting their appropriate piece of the action in return for their labor as they implement the business model.

You should ask those employees why they are trying to achieve the American dream as a shelf stocker as opposed to bettering themselves.

Heck, at 16 I was a shelf stocker......I did not expect anything more than the mere pittance I was worth.
What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.
The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.

So the Waltons make billions and tax payers pay to take care of the workers. Great plan if you like paying taxes and big government. I prefer the Waltons pay for the workforce making them billions each year.
the workforce is not making them billions. The concept of their business model is making them billions and the employees are getting their appropriate piece of the action in return for their labor as they implement the business model.

You should ask those employees why they are trying to achieve the American dream as a shelf stocker as opposed to bettering themselves.

Heck, at 16 I was a shelf stocker......I did not expect anything more than the mere pittance I was worth.

How much do they make if the employees don't show up?
The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.
Companies have automated and outsourced pretty much everything they can (although there's a new wave of AI on the horizon that will potentially eliminate a whole new echelon of the workforce). That means that if an actual human being is required to perform a task, the pay for that task should provide enough for him to live on. I'm not sure that minimum wage meets that criterion.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.
What the government takes in the form of taxes is ALSO mine, I fucking earned it, not the government.

The government needs it so they can pay Walmart workers so the Waltons can make billions.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.

So the Waltons make billions and tax payers pay to take care of the workers. Great plan if you like paying taxes and big government. I prefer the Waltons pay for the workforce making them billions each year.

Are we raising taxes on Obama's Commerce Secretary and her minimum wage companies?
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.
That's a fairy tale. At some point, gaining more wealth becomes nothing more than a game and I've never heard of anyone quitting or even retiring early because they had to pay taxes. They'd be more likely to retire early if they met their financial goals sooner because they were able to skip on taxes.
Not only is it not a fairy tale but Hillary Clinton did exactly that, working harder one year to get her income into a lower tax year. High income people can take compensation in different ways. They can also take more vacations vs working. Since you've never had more than a job at Mickey D's you wouldnt know any of this.
What is this obsession of yours with Mickey D's? Did you get passed over for a promotion or something?

Hillary Clinton is still working. You'd think with the onerous tax laws she'd think: I only get to keep $7 million of the $12 million I earned? Screw that, it's just not worth showing up. You're so full of shit it's coming out your ears.
What is Hillary Clinton's job?
You have a serious case of the stupids.
the jobs at walmart were designed to be filled by high school kids, college kids, and in some cases the mentally challenged. Why are adults willing to take a job where they can be replaced by a high school junior?

And don't give me the old..."there are no jobs for them"..

During prosperous times, they were taking those same jobs at Walmart.

Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.
Companies have automated and outsourced pretty much everything they can (although there's a new wave of AI on the horizon that will potentially eliminate a whole new echelon of the workforce). That means that if an actual human being is required to perform a task, the pay for that task should provide enough for him to live on. I'm not sure that minimum wage meets that criterion.
you don't get it.
If you are indispensable, you will not be paid minimum wage for long.
If you work like the masses....if you do no more than the masses.....if you do not have a will stagnate and ultimately AND EASILY be replaced by cheaper labor.
Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.
Tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing the Waltons. If they do a good enough job to make the Waltons billions they must not be so bad.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

35 year old fathers taking those jobs doesn't have anything to do with the mass exodus of jobs that were outsourced does it ?

yeah, sure it does.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?
ask those that are taking the tax payer money. Ask them why they insist on taking jobs a 16 year old can do and then turn to you and me to support their needs.
What the waltons make is irrelevant.

Question......if you need to have snow shoveled off your driveway....and a 16 year old boy offers to do it for 40 bucks....and a 35 year old man offers to do it for 100 bucks and he says he needs 100 bucks because he has living expenses.......who would you hire?

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