REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
More than Mexico offered
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
There are no grounds on which to sue, so frivolous lawsuits will just be a slight nuisance.
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
There are no grounds on which to sue, so frivolous lawsuits will just be a slight nuisance.
A suit would test the extent of Presidential power to circumvent Congressional funding.

Want to declare a wall a national emergency?
Then be prepared for the next Democratic President to declare healthcare, global warming and gun deaths to be national emergencies
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.

Trump has already been given 2.6 billion and no new wall construction. Not one single inch. He should have done 146 miles of new construction just like his Predecessors did. Instead, he plays these silly games. He even cut back on the Texas Border Patrol numbers as well. Then he comes along and tells us that it's an epidemic. Sure, if you make it worse like that just to make a point or to punish the State of Texas because they disagree. Then you want us to trust him with 5.7 million? First he has to prove he can manage with what is legally authorized which he hasn't done. Before we give him any more than the law requires then maybe we should do an audit to see what he did with that 2.6 billion he already received.
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
There are no grounds on which to sue, so frivolous lawsuits will just be a slight nuisance.
A suit would test the extent of Presidential power to circumvent Congressional funding.

Want to declare a wall a national emergency?
Then be prepared for the next Democratic President to declare healthcare, global warming and gun deaths to be national emergencies
Read about the National Emergencies Act and the 1985 amendment to it, and you will see there are no legal issues to prevent the President from building the fence under a declaration of national emergency.
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
There are no grounds on which to sue, so frivolous lawsuits will just be a slight nuisance.
A suit would test the extent of Presidential power to circumvent Congressional funding.

Want to declare a wall a national emergency?
Then be prepared for the next Democratic President to declare healthcare, global warming and gun deaths to be national emergencies
Read about the National Emergencies Act and the 1985 amendment to it, and you will see there are no legal issues to prevent the President from building the fence under a declaration of national emergency.
I’m afraid there are significant issues

It is an extension of presidential power
He will take it and then declare an emergency

That will end up in court in about thirty seconds
There are no grounds on which to sue, so frivolous lawsuits will just be a slight nuisance.
A suit would test the extent of Presidential power to circumvent Congressional funding.

Want to declare a wall a national emergency?
Then be prepared for the next Democratic President to declare healthcare, global warming and gun deaths to be national emergencies
Read about the National Emergencies Act and the 1985 amendment to it, and you will see there are no legal issues to prevent the President from building the fence under a declaration of national emergency.
I’m afraid there are significant issues

It is an extension of presidential power
It is all covered in the National Emergencies Act and the 1985 amendment. The Act allows the president to call a national emergency whenever he likes and it lists the 123 emergency powers he has under the Act without approval of Congress; the 1985 amendment prevents Congress from ending a national emergency without the agreement of the president. There are no other issues.
Trump's DHS. And you trust it?
Should I assume they’re lying and that none of it will be new fences?

You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
I say we match Mexico dollar for dollar

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
You remain thoroughly confused. I don't want to give trump a dime to rebuild the wall.

So, what you whining about then?
Your delusions don't actually mean I'm whining -- they only mean you're delusional.

What delusion? I asked you what you are going on about? How the fuck does that translate to having a delusion?

WTF are you even talking about, you asshole?
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
Actually asked for 20 billion for his wall. Cut that to 5.7 billion.

This deal offers $0 for those new walls he was calling for and 1.3 billion for Obama and Bush designs that they build.

Let's see if he will take the goose egg that the bipartisan Congress wants
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.
Actually asked for 20 billion for his wall. Cut that to 5.7 billion.

This deal offers $0 for those new walls he was calling for and 1.3 billion for Obama and Bush designs that they build.

Let's see if he will take the goose egg that the bipartisan Congress wants
he takes the deal because it is the play. he never campaigned on cost or distance, so actually he wins. then he declares an emergency which gets taken to SCOTUS quickly, then he builds a concrete structure, and uses El Chopo's money and away we go. it is the play. WINNING
Should I assume they’re lying and that none of it will be new fences?

You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
I say we match Mexico dollar for dollar

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
He said he's for the wall. Are you reading impaired? He said he's in favor of matching Mexico, dollar for dollar. If Mexico puts in $15 million, he's in favor of us putting in $15 million.
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
You remain thoroughly confused. I don't want to give trump a dime to rebuild the wall.

So, what you whining about then?
Your delusions don't actually mean I'm whining -- they only mean you're delusional.

What delusion? I asked you what you are going on about? How the fuck does that translate to having a delusion?

WTF are you even talking about, you asshole?
You think I'm "whining." I'm not. That you think that means you're delusional.

What else can I clear up for ya?
You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
I say we match Mexico dollar for dollar

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
He said he's for the wall. Are you reading impaired? He said he's in favor of matching Mexico, dollar for dollar. If Mexico puts in $15 million, he's in favor of us putting in $15 million.

His stated position is a false position. His goal is not to match anything, but to find an excuse to leave the border open.

It is a trick. He thinks that the readers of his post, are stupid, and he is lying, a fairly stupid lie, trying to trick the more stupid of readers into believing that he is for the Wall.

By posting such a stupid lie, he insulted the intelligence of everyone that read it.

To be clear, as it is clear I need to be.

He thinks YOU are stupid. By posting such a stupidly obvious lie, he strongly implied that he thought YOU were stupid enough to fall for it.

He knows that I am not. We've covered that long ago. But he had hopes of creating tricking others, such as yourself.
So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
You remain thoroughly confused. I don't want to give trump a dime to rebuild the wall.

So, what you whining about then?
Your delusions don't actually mean I'm whining -- they only mean you're delusional.

What delusion? I asked you what you are going on about? How the fuck does that translate to having a delusion?

WTF are you even talking about, you asshole?
You think I'm "whining." I'm not. That you think that means you're delusional.

What else can I clear up for ya?

if you had a real point, that you were discussing, once you "clarified" that you were not "whining", you would have stated what you were "whatever" about.

BUT, you really don't have any point to make. YOu are just here to spew shit from your face anus.
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
I say we match Mexico dollar for dollar

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
He said he's for the wall. Are you reading impaired? He said he's in favor of matching Mexico, dollar for dollar. If Mexico puts in $15 million, he's in favor of us putting in $15 million.

His stated position is a false position. His goal is not to match anything, but to find an excuse to leave the border open.

It is a trick. He thinks that the readers of his post, are stupid, and he is lying, a fairly stupid lie, trying to trick the more stupid of readers into believing that he is for the Wall.

By posting such a stupid lie, he insulted the intelligence of everyone that read it.

To be clear, as it is clear I need to be.

He thinks YOU are stupid. By posting such a stupidly obvious lie, he strongly implied that he thought YOU were stupid enough to fall for it.

He knows that I am not. We've covered that long ago. But he had hopes of creating tricking others, such as yourself.
Nope, Trump originally said Mexico would pay. rightwinger clearly stated he's willing to match every penny Mexico pays.

Of course, if Trump was lying and Mexico doesn't pay, then yeah, we should also pay nothing according to rightwinger.
So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
I say we match Mexico dollar for dollar

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
He said he's for the wall. Are you reading impaired? He said he's in favor of matching Mexico, dollar for dollar. If Mexico puts in $15 million, he's in favor of us putting in $15 million.

His stated position is a false position. His goal is not to match anything, but to find an excuse to leave the border open.

It is a trick. He thinks that the readers of his post, are stupid, and he is lying, a fairly stupid lie, trying to trick the more stupid of readers into believing that he is for the Wall.

By posting such a stupid lie, he insulted the intelligence of everyone that read it.

To be clear, as it is clear I need to be.

He thinks YOU are stupid. By posting such a stupidly obvious lie, he strongly implied that he thought YOU were stupid enough to fall for it.

He knows that I am not. We've covered that long ago. But he had hopes of creating tricking others, such as yourself.
Nope, Trump originally said Mexico would pay. rightwinger clearly stated he's willing to match every penny Mexico pays.

Of course, if Trump was lying and Mexico doesn't pay, then yeah, we should also pay nothing according to rightwinger.

Are you really so stupid as to keep falling for RW, really stupid trick, even after it has been explained to you?

Are you like, literally retarded?

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