REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

The same reason Democrats failed to pass DACA, forcing Obama to Unconstitutionally try to ram it into existence through EO...? Of course the 2+ year long witch hunt has had a good bit to do with it....

DACA IS a US immigration policy. tRump likes DACA as a means of hiring more illegals. More desperate foreign women (like his wife) he can grab.
No it isn’t, you’re been fooled. It was an illegal EO
tRump waited until now because he was hiring illegals.

Trump has 24,000 employees...he doesn’t know who works for him.
But you must be livid with those filthy wetbacks of Trumps huh? We should behead those muthafuckers in public for defrauding a successful American company that pays your way shouldn’t we?

Ignorance is no excuse.

Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates knows all of his employees?
Are you pissed off at those wetbacks for defrauding our American companies?
Ignorance is only an excuse for Hillary, as shown by Comey declaring she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them.
The same reason Democrats failed to pass DACA, forcing Obama to Unconstitutionally try to ram it into existence through EO...? Of course the 2+ year long witch hunt has had a good bit to do with it....

DACA IS a US immigration policy. tRump likes DACA as a means of hiring more illegals. More desperate foreign women (like his wife) he can grab.
No it isn’t, you’re been fooled. It was an illegal EO

The government divisions can't set policy? Since when? You don't like DACA because you only like white people. You must be a good Christian.
tRump waited until now because he was hiring illegals.

Trump has 24,000 employees...he doesn’t know who works for him.
But you must be livid with those filthy wetbacks of Trumps huh? We should behead those muthafuckers in public for defrauding a successful American company that pays your way shouldn’t we?

Ignorance is no excuse.

Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates knows all of his employees?
Are you pissed off at those wetbacks for defrauding our American companies?

The job of a Chairman is to set policy and steer direction. Part of the policy is whom the corporation hires. Clearly tRump didn't do his job, probably deliberately.

A pipeline of undocumented workers for Donald Trump ran from Costa Rica to N.J.: 'My whole town practically lived there'
Trump did not think anyone would care if he ignored the wall
I mean, he did ask Mexico to pay for it very nicely
The same reason Democrats failed to pass DACA, forcing Obama to Unconstitutionally try to ram it into existence through EO...? Of course the 2+ year long witch hunt has had a good bit to do with it....

DACA IS a US immigration policy. tRump likes DACA as a means of hiring more illegals. More desperate foreign women (like his wife) he can grab.
No it isn’t, you’re been fooled. It was an illegal EO

The government divisions can't set policy? Since when? You don't like DACA because you only like white people. You must be a good Christian.
it was unconstitutional. It was legislation. Presidents don't set legislation, that is done by congress. And BTW, congress still hasn't addressed immigration.
The same reason Democrats failed to pass DACA, forcing Obama to Unconstitutionally try to ram it into existence through EO...? Of course the 2+ year long witch hunt has had a good bit to do with it....

DACA IS a US immigration policy. tRump likes DACA as a means of hiring more illegals. More desperate foreign women (like his wife) he can grab.
No it isn’t, you’re been fooled. It was an illegal EO

The government divisions can't set policy? Since when? You don't like DACA because you only like white people. You must be a good Christian.
it was unconstitutional. It was legislation. Presidents don't set legislation, that is done by congress. And BTW, congress still hasn't addressed immigration.

Immigration is legislation, DACA is policy within immigration.
The same reason Democrats failed to pass DACA, forcing Obama to Unconstitutionally try to ram it into existence through EO...? Of course the 2+ year long witch hunt has had a good bit to do with it....

DACA IS a US immigration policy. tRump likes DACA as a means of hiring more illegals. More desperate foreign women (like his wife) he can grab.
No it isn’t, you’re been fooled. It was an illegal EO

The government divisions can't set policy? Since when? You don't like DACA because you only like white people. You must be a good Christian.
it was unconstitutional. It was legislation. Presidents don't set legislation, that is done by congress. And BTW, congress still hasn't addressed immigration.

Immigration is legislation, DACA is policy within immigration.
Nope, you’re just a fool
Trump's DHS. And you trust it?
Should I assume they’re lying and that none of it will be new fences?

You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
You remain thoroughly confused. I don't want to give trump a dime to rebuild the wall.

So, what you whining about then?
Should I assume they’re lying and that none of it will be new fences?

You think that is what Trump wants? NO new fences? YOu dont' think that he would be concerned about losing his base?
It matters not what trump wants. Trump wanted to build a 2000 mile cement wall along the entire border. What matters is what trump can get. Right now, he’s getting nothing, so he’s compromising on rebuilding the walls and fences we currently have, with new fencing.

So, you want to give him money to "rebuild" some shit, and you trust that he will do what he says?

Do you always believe what Trump tells you?
You remain thoroughly confused. I don't want to give trump a dime to rebuild the wall.

So, what you whining about then?
Your delusions don't actually mean I'm whining -- they only mean you're delusional.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.

There was 1.3 billion authorized for the fiscal year of 2017 and 2018 which, for the life of me, I can't figure out what happened to it. It was funded. Bush Jr. and Obama built on an average of 73 miles of new wall construction each year since 2006 after the Border Security law was passed authorizing the funding. It would have taken 60 votes to stop it. By Law, the figure of 1.3 billion must be authorized. When you add in inflation then that number does up a bit to the number that is being presented right now. Congress can't offer a dime less. What we need is a world class Congressional Audit of where that money was spent. It damned sure wasn't spent on Border Security, Wall or anything else for the total amount. And then you want us to trust him with 5.7 billion? Sure, right after the audit. We'll let the state of Texas do the audit.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.

FTW. If I had my way, every single new law would require 2/3 support in Congress. And only 50% to repeal.
In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".
So far the Administration has been primarily engaged in renewing or upgrading existing "wall" and hasn't added a whole lot of new "wall", so it really depends on how you classify "new" wall versus renovating "wall" (i.e. if you consider replacing older, shorter wall with new higher wall as "adding" wall), but from looking at the sections that have been worked on (or are currently under construction) principally in the Juarez, Mexicali and Tijuana areas, it looks to be more like 10% (a rough guestimate) of the 700 or so miles of the existing "wall".

But not to the tune of 2.6 billion received for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. Where has the excess funding gone? And the savings of cutting the number of Texas Border Guards was quite a savings as well. That program needs a world class audit. Preferably done by the state of Texas.
Hold strong Mr President. They are baiting you. Shut it down again. Let them know you and we the people, have had enough of their bullshit.
Hold strong Mr President. They are baiting you. Shut it down again. Let them know you and we the people, have had enough of their bullshit.

And it will be time for the rest of the Nation to be stuck with there is a.......nightmares tonight. And if he gets what they have waiting for him, it's President Pelosi and YOU get the nightmares. Well, we all do. Shit, we get nightmares no matter how this crap comes down.
This deal is embarrassing. It’s insulting. We asked for $5.7 billion. We got $1.3 billion. It’s pretty clear the Dems don’t care about border security. This is a humanitarian crisis and they don’t care.

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