Republicns You're Foolish Rejectin Th Demcrat Deal On Corporat Taxes!

I still dont get why small companys have to pay 40% WTF is all that about? any one know?
Corporate taxes need to come down; both sides agree on this. The debate is going to be about the various writeoffs. A serious effort to revise the code to simply these tax writeoffs would greatly benefit small businesses.

Hope your right.
The right needs to take a step towards the middle and the left needs to take a step towards the middle

Stop the extremism. Everything should be done by what works.
Why does this "deal" require a bribe? If the Democrats acknowledge that reforming the corporate tax code is the right thing to do for the economy (I agree) why does it need to be conditioned on additional spending programs? Why not just do it because it's the right thing to do and any additional revenue be used for deficit reduction? I don't think the Republicans are acting any more mature on this "deal" since they are adding conditions of their own.

To me this is just another example of our politics getting in the way of doing what is proper and just, I think the American People should be the adult in the room and just tell BOTH parties to do the right thing sans the bribery.
All legislation is the result of deal making. First the congressmen must make deals with the lobbyist that support them. Then deals are made within the party. Finally deals have to be made with the opposition. This is why most legislation is filled with pork, overly long, and contains ambiguous sections that will require regulations and interpretation by the courts.

Agreed, however many people seem to think that just because it's "business as usual" that it's moral, just and rational. Personally I don't know how politicians can stand the sight of themselves in the mirror, one suspects that like the vampires they resemble so closely in methods & practices that they cast no reflection.
What Americans want in Congress are good legislators not politicians. Today, politicians have one goal and one goal only, winning elections which has no relationship to lawmaking.

As John F. Kennedy said about politicians, " Mothers all want their sons to grow up to be president, but they don't want them to become politicians in the process.
democrats are too greedy to propose something that really THE FAIR TAX....

Tax consumption and let the IRS go pound sand!
Growing the economy is more important than debt reduction at this juncture.

but all it does is crash the dollar, dont you want to see Bora Bora? Why do you want your savings to go to hell? guess you live pay check to pay check...
I still dont get why small companys have to pay 40% WTF is all that about? any one know?
Corporate taxes need to come down; both sides agree on this. The debate is going to be about the various writeoffs. A serious effort to revise the code to simply these tax writeoffs would greatly benefit small businesses.

Why not just lower the rates and get rid of all special purpose exemptions? The flatter is it the fairer it is, no? Not to mention how many millions of man hours can we save in business tax preparation? :dunno:

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