Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers who now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
Last edited:
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers how now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
I was merely asking if you worded your response backward. It didn't make sense unless I flip those first four words.
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers how now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
I was merely asking if you worded your response backward. It didn't make sense unless I flip those first four words.

I assumed that everyone knew the quote ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark.’
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers how now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
I was merely asking if you worded your response backward. It didn't make sense unless I flip those first four words.

I assumed that everyone knew the quote ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark.’
I do, again, your wording was weird, and I was asking if you really meant what I posted as a perhaps correction. Not sure what the heck.... 'we do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.' but you meant -What we do is light that one candle......
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers how now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
I was merely asking if you worded your response backward. It didn't make sense unless I flip those first four words.

I assumed that everyone knew the quote ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark.’
I do, again, your wording was weird, and I was asking if you really meant what I posted as a perhaps correction. Not sure what the heck.... 'we do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.' but you meant -What we do is light that one candle......

It's not my a little research.
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

Nay, nay!

We do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.

That's what these posts are.
just curious, did you mean,

What we do is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness?

It is our mission to post the truth that government school grads never learned.

Our audience isn't the few drones who respond with vulgarity and is the ten-times more readers how now see the truth.
Check the 'What's new' stats and you'll see there are far more readers than posters in a thread.
I was merely asking if you worded your response backward. It didn't make sense unless I flip those first four words.

I assumed that everyone knew the quote ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark.’
I do, again, your wording was weird, and I was asking if you really meant what I posted as a perhaps correction. Not sure what the heck.... 'we do what is light that one candle rather than curse the darkness.' but you meant -What we do is light that one candle......

It's not my a little research.
ok, well it doesn't make any sense then. I've never heard anyone talk .... we do what is light...
Researcher 'on verge of making very significant' coronavirus findings shot to death

Tim Stelloh

May 5, 2020, 11:03 PM EDT

A medical researcher said to be on the “verge of making very significant” coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania, officials said.

Bing Liu, 37, a researcher for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead Saturday inside a home in Ross Township, north of Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner said.

Well, there are doctors in Russia falling out of windows, a nurse that was treating patients from the beginning in NY killed herself, whistleblower Doctor forced to sign a paper taking back his warning of the Chinese virus, later died.

Oh, I am sure there is nothing to this latest story. Carry on.

Just another "accidental" punch in the gut of our civilization—which, by the way, is coming unraveled at an alarming rate; a rate increasing daily. How long I wonder will the deconstruction of tens of thousands of years of human civilizational development take? Not too long at all, I'd wager. Popcorn anyone? Whistles past the graveyard at midnight . . .

Sooo......we're both card-carrying pessimists, huh?

Optimism can be a rare commodity it seems like in a world where history is repeating itself before our very eyes and yet few if any people in power who could make a difference, could stop or delay this draconian repetition, seem more content with consolidating their own power and/or focusing on their personal fashion. We seem to be a hair trigger away from living through a French Revolution, America 2020 style, with the end of our American way of life hanging in the balance. Most Americans, however, seem perfectly happy with riding this sinking ship beneath the cold, arctic waves than thinking about the nearby "lifeboats". So what else can those in the know like us do other than eat popcorn and watch as "Godzilla" swallows "Rome"?

I hope we're not beginning to sound like Miniver Cheevy.

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