Responsible gun owner - dead 4yo

...and yet your post

is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Does it matter?
Did he start the comparisons?

Or was it *dum dum duuuummm* Yurt!!!?

Meanwhile you are playing exceedingly stupid about other comparisons, Especially the claim by a certain poster that ANY unneeded deaths were wrong and so I ask again if as she claims that firearms are unneeded and any accidental deaths due to them are wrong, are swimming pools needed. And where is her outrage at the more numerous deaths by drowning?
Bottom line is pretty simple -

Protect children.

Guns safes, trigger guards, pool fences, safety belts, drive sober ...

Just the normal things that responsible adults do.
you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Does it matter?
Did he start the comparisons?

Or was it *dum dum duuuummm* Yurt!!!?

Meanwhile you are playing exceedingly stupid about other comparisons, Especially the claim by a certain poster that ANY unneeded deaths were wrong and so I ask again if as she claims that firearms are unneeded and any accidental deaths due to them are wrong, are swimming pools needed. And where is her outrage at the more numerous deaths by drowning?

What does it matter what her feelings about swimming pools are?
The claim by Yurt was that your personal response to guns is a political issue in contradiction to Esmeralda's explicit statement that it isn't.
No swimming pools were mentioned.
No mention of gun control which surely IS a political issue.

How you act on your attitude to guns may be political but your feelings about them are personal.
When do the Thought Police arrive?

As an aside, what other comparisons have I been playing with?
Does it matter?
Did he start the comparisons?

Or was it *dum dum duuuummm* Yurt!!!?

Meanwhile you are playing exceedingly stupid about other comparisons, Especially the claim by a certain poster that ANY unneeded deaths were wrong and so I ask again if as she claims that firearms are unneeded and any accidental deaths due to them are wrong, are swimming pools needed. And where is her outrage at the more numerous deaths by drowning?

What does it matter what her feelings about swimming pools are?
The claim by Yurt was that your personal response to guns is a political issue in contradiction to Esmeralda's explicit statement that it isn't.
No swimming pools were mentioned.
No mention of gun control which surely IS a political issue.

How you act on your attitude to guns may be political but your feelings about them are personal.
When do the Thought Police arrive?

As an aside, what other comparisons have I been playing with?

liar. i even explained to you how you were wrong, now that you continue, you've proven yourself a liar.
Bottom line is pretty simple -

Protect children.

Guns safes, trigger guards, pool fences, safety belts, drive sober ...

Just the normal things that responsible adults do.

bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.
idb is either a liar or very dumb person. let me clarify again:

whether you like guns or not is not a political issue. when you want to change laws concerning guns, then it of course becomes political. esmeralda wants laws changed. thus, the issue is political.

if she simply didn't like guns and didn't care whether any laws were changed, her views would not be political.
Bottom line is pretty simple -

Protect children.

Guns safes, trigger guards, pool fences, safety belts, drive sober ...

Just the normal things that responsible adults do.

bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.
Bottom line is pretty simple -

Protect children.

Guns safes, trigger guards, pool fences, safety belts, drive sober ...

Just the normal things that responsible adults do.

bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

And I repeat that less then 1000 deaths a year due to accidental firearms discharges out of over 300 million firearms means that the VAST immense number of firearm owners are in FACT safety conscious and do IN FACT properly store their firearms.
Yet another horrendous tragedy that could have easily been avoided if the ADULT had secured the gun. The grand parents often baby sat but the grand mother didn't even know where the gun was when the child was there.

I think that is restating the obvious.

I cannot imagine living with myself if my own stupidity had killed my grand child.

They didn't kill their grandchild. Accidents happen. Negligence happens. People make poor assumptions. We cannot child/dummy proof the world and people will die preventable deaths every day. Either way, I am quite sure they will be haunted by this.
Percentage of firearms used to accidentally kill someone. assuming 300 million firearms.

.00000333 percent of all firearms are used to cause accidental deaths. And since the actual number of deaths is closer to 800 then 1000 the number is actually smaller then that.

Now remind us how that percentage is a problem when compared to the number never used to cause accidental deaths?
idb is either a liar or very dumb person. let me clarify again:

whether you like guns or not is not a political issue. when you want to change laws concerning guns, then it of course becomes political. esmeralda wants laws changed. thus, the issue is political.

if she simply didn't like guns and didn't care whether any laws were changed, her views would not be political.

Well, now you're hurting my feelings.
My honesty has been impugned.

Esmeralda said
Not liking guns is not a political agenda, btw. It is what one believes in. Has nothing to do with poltics. So, saying that being concerned with gun deaths is only about politics is very much another logical fallacy.
You replied
of course it is political, the constitution is involved. you don't know what a logical fallacy is.
No talk of gun control.

She might advocate gun control - I don't know - but you replied to her specific statement.
According to you, she's not allowed to have private feelings about guns without them being political.
I can see job opportunities opening up for the ex-Political Officers from the old Soviet Union in your world.
idb is either a liar or very dumb person. let me clarify again:

whether you like guns or not is not a political issue. when you want to change laws concerning guns, then it of course becomes political. esmeralda wants laws changed. thus, the issue is political.

if she simply didn't like guns and didn't care whether any laws were changed, her views would not be political.

Well, now you're hurting my feelings.
My honesty has been impugned.

Esmeralda said
Not liking guns is not a political agenda, btw. It is what one believes in. Has nothing to do with poltics. So, saying that being concerned with gun deaths is only about politics is very much another logical fallacy.
You replied
of course it is political, the constitution is involved. you don't know what a logical fallacy is.
No talk of gun control.

She might advocate gun control - I don't know - but you replied to her specific statement.
According to you, she's not allowed to have private feelings about guns without them being political.
I can see job opportunities opening up for the ex-Political Officers from the old Soviet Union in your world.

Once again read all her posts and not just the part you like, she STATED she thinks firearms are not needed AT ALL in private hands. She is against the 2nd amendment. She STATED that ALL unneeded deaths were a major tragedy and that banning firearms would eliminate them. Thus the question about other UNNEEDED deaths. I mean if she is opposed to firearms because she feels they are unneeded then it is fair to ask her about drowning deaths since a pool is NEVER needed.
bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

And I repeat that less then 1000 deaths a year due to accidental firearms discharges out of over 300 million firearms means that the VAST immense number of firearm owners are in FACT safety conscious and do IN FACT properly store their firearms.

So, what's the magic number of dead children when we should start paying attention?
Bottom line is pretty simple -

Protect children.

Guns safes, trigger guards, pool fences, safety belts, drive sober ...

Just the normal things that responsible adults do.

bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

and you just talked about pool fences, making guns the same as cars. you're a whiny hypocrite luddly. analogies to other things that cause accidental deaths are germane to this thread. you constantly make threads about only gun deaths. yet, you ignore all the other things in the world that cause deaths. you can't claim to care about safety, and then whine when other people point out how much more dangerous other things are. if your concern was truly safety, then you wouldn't focus SOLELY on guns.

what tail do i keep chasing?

i've repeatedly asked you this, but what is your solution? would a gun lock even work here? apparently she didn't even know the gun was there. why should every owner have to have a gun lock because of a few (out of all gun owners) lack of responsibility? i bet you don't believe every pool should have a kiddie fence. i bring that up because it shows your intellectual dishonesty. you couch your rabid of hate guns under the guise of safety, but in reality you give a shit about deaths unless a gun caused it.

it would be nice if you would actually debate the issue instead of constantly claiming "gun nutters this" " gun nutters that" with simple conclusory statements that we need more safety, gun locks etc. you never explain why, you never respond to questions about your stance. you troll.

simple as that.
bottom line, you can't debate the actual issues revolving around guns.

and you can do is keep harping about safety and posting anti gun nutter threads. you never actually debate the issues. you just run away, lie about what people say and make all sorts of other false claims.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

And I repeat that less then 1000 deaths a year due to accidental firearms discharges out of over 300 million firearms means that the VAST immense number of firearm owners are in FACT safety conscious and do IN FACT properly store their firearms.

Indeed....but heres the thing. The uber progressves have an inability to think on the margin. These people.....and its just he way they are wired.....think there is a solution to every problem. Many of these nuts want to ban shit like nails and bottles.....some even advocate for banning regular kitchen utensils.

Check out this gun grabber >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Thee people are so are off the reservation, its hysterical to listen to:D
Police release report, 911 calls in 4-year-old's shooting - WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 - Charleston News, Sports, Weather

A 4-year-old boy was taken to Medical University Hospital Monday evening after he shot himself in the head. Two days later, police released 911 calls and a police report on the shooting.

A police report shows the boy was found unresponsive on the ground outside his grandparents' home. He'd been shot with a Taurus .25-caliber handgun, the report states.

Police said the gun was on the dining room table and the boy was lying on the floor in the dining room when they arrived.

Summerville police say it appears the boy found the weapon and shot himself.

The boy lives in North Charleston and was visiting his grandparents at the time of the shooting, said Capt. Jon Rogers with Summerville Police.

The police report says the boy's grandmother had been putting away groceries when she heard a loud bang.

"I don't know where he got a gun from," she told dispatchers. "This boy is four. His eyes are shut. I don't know if he's alive or what."
Yet another horrendous tragedy that could have easily been avoided if the ADULT had secured the gun. The grand parents often baby sat but the grand mother didn't even know where the gun was when the child was there.

I cannot imagine living with myself if my own stupidity had killed my grand child.

We hear this mantra over and over again: responsible gun owner. But it does seem like most gun owners in America cannot be described as such. Every time something like this happens, rather than admitting gun owners are not responsible, they just seem to take the position that these deaths are 'collateral' type damage, with the attitude, so what, no big deal. These 'accidents,' mass shootings, etc., all fall within that category for pro-gun people. They turn a blind eye the constant repetition of tragedy that occurs because of private gun ownership in the US.
Wow, do you need an ACE bandage for the pulled muscle?

There are 100 million gun owners. So far, the left has managed to come up with 4 of 5 threads of non responsible gun owners and play that off as normal?

Divide the number of gun owners by the number of gun incidents and you will have the percentage of non responsible gun owners.

Then tell Me you want to punish every responsible gun owner by the 0.000003% of the population that fucks up.
idb is either a liar or very dumb person. let me clarify again:

whether you like guns or not is not a political issue. when you want to change laws concerning guns, then it of course becomes political. esmeralda wants laws changed. thus, the issue is political.

if she simply didn't like guns and didn't care whether any laws were changed, her views would not be political.

Well, now you're hurting my feelings.
My honesty has been impugned.

Esmeralda said
Not liking guns is not a political agenda, btw. It is what one believes in. Has nothing to do with poltics. So, saying that being concerned with gun deaths is only about politics is very much another logical fallacy.
You replied
of course it is political, the constitution is involved. you don't know what a logical fallacy is.
No talk of gun control.

She might advocate gun control - I don't know - but you replied to her specific statement.
According to you, she's not allowed to have private feelings about guns without them being political.
I can see job opportunities opening up for the ex-Political Officers from the old Soviet Union in your world.

she wants the law changed

that is political

i'm done repeating myself to you
Percentage of firearms used to accidentally kill someone. assuming 300 million firearms.

.00000333 percent of all firearms are used to cause accidental deaths. And since the actual number of deaths is closer to 800 then 1000 the number is actually smaller then that.

Now remind us how that percentage is a problem when compared to the number never used to cause accidental deaths?

Aaah, but when you combine shootings and swimming pools the statistics rocket up...


  • $scarface.jpg
    5.9 KB · Views: 32
And you told us you owned guns, yet here you are posting the death from guns...WHAT DO YOU WANT DONE about it?

Police release report, 911 calls in 4-year-old's shooting - WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 - Charleston News, Sports, Weather

A 4-year-old boy was taken to Medical University Hospital Monday evening after he shot himself in the head. Two days later, police released 911 calls and a police report on the shooting.

A police report shows the boy was found unresponsive on the ground outside his grandparents' home. He'd been shot with a Taurus .25-caliber handgun, the report states.

Police said the gun was on the dining room table and the boy was lying on the floor in the dining room when they arrived.

Summerville police say it appears the boy found the weapon and shot himself.

The boy lives in North Charleston and was visiting his grandparents at the time of the shooting, said Capt. Jon Rogers with Summerville Police.

The police report says the boy's grandmother had been putting away groceries when she heard a loud bang.

"I don't know where he got a gun from," she told dispatchers. "This boy is four. His eyes are shut. I don't know if he's alive or what."

Yet another horrendous tragedy that could have easily been avoided if the ADULT had secured the gun. The grand parents often baby sat but the grand mother didn't even know where the gun was when the child was there.

I cannot imagine living with myself if my own stupidity had killed my grand child.

We hear this mantra over and over again: responsible gun owner. But it does seem like most gun owners in America cannot be described as such. Every time something like this happens, rather than admitting gun owners are not responsible, they just seem to take the position that these deaths are 'collateral' type damage, with the attitude, so what, no big deal. These 'accidents,' mass shootings, etc., all fall within that category for pro-gun people. They turn a blind eye the constant repetition of tragedy that occurs because of private gun ownership in the US.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 35%-40% of Americans own guns. You are saying that the majority of those are NOT responsible gun owners ?

And by the way everyone, for gods sake, Loodly is just being sarcastic when she titles a thread "Responsible" gun owner.

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