Responsible gun owner - dead 4yo

Claiming that less then a 1000 accidental deaths a year is serious is political. Claiming no one has a need for a firearm IS political. Remind me when she advocated banning swimming pools and swimming in general? I meaning swimming pools are not necessary and yet more people drown a year in accidents then are killed accidentally by firearms.

What have swimming pools got to do with guns?
What ARE you going on about?

Esmeralda said that if she doesn't like guns, that's her choice.
I personally respect her right to not like guns...or swimming pools if you like.

I suggest you go back and read EVERYTHING she said not just the parts you like. She said there was no need for firearms and so every accidental death was a special tragedy that could be avoided. I repeat there is no need for swimming pools yet more people drown every year then are accidentally killed by firearms, where is her outrage?

She also said that liking guns or not is not a political issue.
Gun control is a political issue - I'll grant you that, but she never said that it was or wasn't.

Your personal response to guns is just that - personal.

Still with the swimming pools?
learn to read. i was using the plural "you" (1st you) to refer to other posters, not luddly.


And yet, you wrote "luddly".

Don't deny it. Its right here in this post.

first sentence says luddly. period/space/return...NEXT sentence different subject....someone compared car deaths and you tried to make cars and guns the same. that shows you clearly have no concept of what a comparison is. you wanted to treat them equally, that is a complete logical fallacy and fails to grasp simple english.

You did the same thing last night. Dancing around, chasing your tail, trying to get your lies in.

You are welcome to just keep right on chasing your tail because its right there in the post.
learn to read. i was using the plural "you" (1st you) to refer to other posters, not luddly.


And yet, you wrote "luddly".

Don't deny it. Its right here in this post.

first sentence says luddly. period/space/return...NEXT sentence different subject....someone compared car deaths and you tried to make cars and guns the same. that shows you clearly have no concept of what a comparison is. you wanted to treat them equally, that is a complete logical fallacy and fails to grasp simple english.

...someone compared car deaths...

Ummm...that 'someone' would be your good self
Yurt said:
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....
And yet, you wrote "luddly".

Don't deny it. Its right here in this post.

first sentence says luddly. period/space/return...NEXT sentence different subject....someone compared car deaths and you tried to make cars and guns the same. that shows you clearly have no concept of what a comparison is. you wanted to treat them equally, that is a complete logical fallacy and fails to grasp simple english.

...someone compared car deaths...

Ummm...that 'someone' would be your good self
Yurt said:
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....

good fucking lord....not before that post by luddly

are you retarded? luddly making guns and cars the same was a response to another poster. read the thread or shut up.
And yet, you wrote "luddly".

Don't deny it. Its right here in this post.

first sentence says luddly. period/space/return...NEXT sentence different subject....someone compared car deaths and you tried to make cars and guns the same. that shows you clearly have no concept of what a comparison is. you wanted to treat them equally, that is a complete logical fallacy and fails to grasp simple english.

You did the same thing last night. Dancing around, chasing your tail, trying to get your lies in.

You are welcome to just keep right on chasing your tail because its right there in the post.

so the second sentence was the same subject as the first?

and i didn't dance, i specifically answered you no less than three times.
What have swimming pools got to do with guns?
What ARE you going on about?

Esmeralda said that if she doesn't like guns, that's her choice.
I personally respect her right to not like guns...or swimming pools if you like.

I suggest you go back and read EVERYTHING she said not just the parts you like. She said there was no need for firearms and so every accidental death was a special tragedy that could be avoided. I repeat there is no need for swimming pools yet more people drown every year then are accidentally killed by firearms, where is her outrage?

She also said that liking guns or not is not a political issue.
Gun control is a political issue - I'll grant you that, but she never said that it was or wasn't.

Your personal response to guns is just that - personal.

Still with the swimming pools?

so she doesn't want to change any gun laws?

yes or no
Ludd apparently has no problem with "responsible" drivers who drive drunk.

Or "responsible" drivers who apply makeup while they are driving.

Or "responsible" drivers who text message while they are driving.

Or "responsible" mothers who leave knives on the kitchen counter.

The scariest scenario is that somebody like Ludd is capable of owning a firearm (unless he is a convicted felon, of course).

Ludd apparently has no problem with "responsible" drivers who drive drunk.

Or "responsible" drivers who apply makeup while they are driving.

Or "responsible" drivers who text message while they are driving.

Or "responsible" mothers who leave knives on the kitchen counter.

The scariest scenario is that somebody like Ludd is capable of owning a firearm (unless he is a convicted felon, of course).

You wanna compare guns to cars?

Okay, let's do that:


for idb

these are the two posts i was referring to. notice luddly was not responding to me. and notice he wants to make guns and cars the same.
first sentence says luddly. period/space/return...NEXT sentence different subject....someone compared car deaths and you tried to make cars and guns the same. that shows you clearly have no concept of what a comparison is. you wanted to treat them equally, that is a complete logical fallacy and fails to grasp simple english.

Ummm...that 'someone' would be your good self
Yurt said:
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....

good fucking lord....not before that post by luddly

are you retarded? luddly making guns and cars the same was a response to another poster. read the thread or shut up.

I apologise if that's the case.
Now...if you would be so kind as to point to Luddly's post prior to yours comparing cars and guns I'll proceed to whip myself.
Ummm...that 'someone' would be your good self

good fucking lord....not before that post by luddly

are you retarded? luddly making guns and cars the same was a response to another poster. read the thread or shut up.

I apologise if that's the case.
Now...if you would be so kind as to point to Luddly's post prior to yours comparing cars and guns I'll proceed to whip myself.


see post 67
Ludd apparently has no problem with "responsible" drivers who drive drunk.

Or "responsible" drivers who apply makeup while they are driving.

Or "responsible" drivers who text message while they are driving.

Or "responsible" mothers who leave knives on the kitchen counter.

The scariest scenario is that somebody like Ludd is capable of owning a firearm (unless he is a convicted felon, of course).

Ludd apparently has no problem with "responsible" drivers who drive drunk.

Or "responsible" drivers who apply makeup while they are driving.

Or "responsible" drivers who text message while they are driving.

Or "responsible" mothers who leave knives on the kitchen counter.

The scariest scenario is that somebody like Ludd is capable of owning a firearm (unless he is a convicted felon, of course).

You wanna compare guns to cars?

Okay, let's do that:


for idb

these are the two posts i was referring to. notice luddly was not responding to me. and notice he wants to make guns and cars the same.

I'm pretty sure that was after your and someone else's post.
I thought you said that he started it.
good fucking lord....not before that post by luddly

are you retarded? luddly making guns and cars the same was a response to another poster. read the thread or shut up.

I apologise if that's the case.
Now...if you would be so kind as to point to Luddly's post prior to yours comparing cars and guns I'll proceed to whip myself.


see post 67

...and yet your post
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....
is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......
I apologise if that's the case.
Now...if you would be so kind as to point to Luddly's post prior to yours comparing cars and guns I'll proceed to whip myself.


see post 67

...and yet your post
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....
is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?
Ludd apparently has no problem with "responsible" drivers who drive drunk.

Or "responsible" drivers who apply makeup while they are driving.

Or "responsible" drivers who text message while they are driving.

Or "responsible" mothers who leave knives on the kitchen counter.

The scariest scenario is that somebody like Ludd is capable of owning a firearm (unless he is a convicted felon, of course).

You wanna compare guns to cars?

Okay, let's do that:


for idb

these are the two posts i was referring to. notice luddly was not responding to me. and notice he wants to make guns and cars the same.

I'm pretty sure that was after your and someone else's post.
I thought you said that he started it.

Yurt brought up cars (#21) and so did Truthseeker.

In response to Truthseeker, I very clearly wrote -

You wanna compare guns to cars?

Okay, let's do that:

Apparently, Yurt can't find that ............................

see post 67

...and yet your post
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....
is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Oh so now its confusion over which previous mention of cars I was responding to?

Its right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
...and yet your post

is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Oh so now its confusion over which previous mention of cars I was responding to?

Its right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


you're slow on the uptake

had has been confused from the start and he obviously confused you

for idb

these are the two posts i was referring to. notice luddly was not responding to me. and notice he wants to make guns and cars the same.

I'm pretty sure that was after your and someone else's post.
I thought you said that he started it.

Yurt brought up cars (#21) and so did Truthseeker.

In response to Truthseeker, I very clearly wrote -

You wanna compare guns to cars?

Okay, let's do that:

Apparently, Yurt can't find that ............................

post 67 & 73 prove you are entirely wrong. learn to read luddly.

see post 67

...and yet your post
and yet anti gun nutters like yourself are silent an alcohol, auto deaths etc....
is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Does it matter?
Did he start the comparisons?

Or was it *dum dum duuuummm* Yurt!!!?
...and yet your post

is number 21.

Now, my maths isn't great but......

you've been here since you're not new to forums and should know how to read the quote function, how is it you can't see who luddly quoted?

did luddly quote me or truthseeker?

Does it matter?
Did he start the comparisons?

Or was it *dum dum duuuummm* Yurt!!!?

um.....his post was before mine, what does that mean to you?????

and it matters because you kept claiming he was responding to me.

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