Responsible gun owner - dead 4yo

Police release report, 911 calls in 4-year-old's shooting - WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 - Charleston News, Sports, Weather

Yet another horrendous tragedy that could have easily been avoided if the ADULT had secured the gun. The grand parents often baby sat but the grand mother didn't even know where the gun was when the child was there.

I cannot imagine living with myself if my own stupidity had killed my grand child.

We hear this mantra over and over again: responsible gun owner. But it does seem like most gun owners in America cannot be described as such. Every time something like this happens, rather than admitting gun owners are not responsible, they just seem to take the position that these deaths are 'collateral' type damage, with the attitude, so what, no big deal. These 'accidents,' mass shootings, etc., all fall within that category for pro-gun people. They turn a blind eye the constant repetition of tragedy that occurs because of private gun ownership in the US.
Wow, do you need an ACE bandage for the pulled muscle?

There are 100 million gun owners. So far, the left has managed to come up with 4 of 5 threads of non responsible gun owners and play that off as normal?

Divide the number of gun owners by the number of gun incidents and you will have the percentage of non responsible gun owners.

Then tell Me you want to punish every responsible gun owner by the 0.000003% of the population that fucks up.

All started by that Nuddly.......there are multiple nuts on this board but that one has his own reservation.:D
We hear this mantra over and over again: responsible gun owner. But it does seem like most gun owners in America cannot be described as such. Every time something like this happens, rather than admitting gun owners are not responsible, they just seem to take the position that these deaths are 'collateral' type damage, with the attitude, so what, no big deal. These 'accidents,' mass shootings, etc., all fall within that category for pro-gun people. They turn a blind eye the constant repetition of tragedy that occurs because of private gun ownership in the US.
Wow, do you need an ACE bandage for the pulled muscle?

There are 100 million gun owners. So far, the left has managed to come up with 4 of 5 threads of non responsible gun owners and play that off as normal?

Divide the number of gun owners by the number of gun incidents and you will have the percentage of non responsible gun owners.

Then tell Me you want to punish every responsible gun owner by the 0.000003% of the population that fucks up.

All started by that Nuddly.......there are multiple nuts on this board but that one has his own reservation.:D
I rarely address him as he is pretty out there with regard to reality based living. I have to say, he's improved. Used to be, he only posted other peoples opinion and then insulted people who disagreed with their opinion. Now, he has the balls to be wrong in his own words....
Why do certain posters ALWAYS resort to outright lies about other posters?

Because they don't have anything else.

You mean like you? How many outright lies have you made about me? I can name one right off the bat when you claimed I shopped at wallyworld when I stated quite clearly and many times that I despise the place and DON'T shop there...ever.

Pot meet fucking kettle, you lying sack of festering elephant shit.

You eat with that mouth?

If I said that and you don't shop there then I was wrong.

Edited to add - I won't be waiting for any of you to admit you made this crap about me out of whole cloth.

I don't ever lie about people. Ever. You on the other hand seem to do it with aplomb. Yes, you DID accuse me of that and I so wished you had a rep count so I could neg the crap out of you for lying. Funny how you people who lie the most, have that disabled.
I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

And I repeat that less then 1000 deaths a year due to accidental firearms discharges out of over 300 million firearms means that the VAST immense number of firearm owners are in FACT safety conscious and do IN FACT properly store their firearms.

So, what's the magic number of dead children when we should start paying attention?

Are you still counting 26 year olds as children? More children die by falling out of trees than by guns. Tree's don't help people defend themselves. Guns do. Funny how your "conversation" is all about confiscation. That has never worked anywhere it has been tried, yet you mental midgets wish to do it here.

You also rail against the "rich" and here is a classic example of class warfare in action, the rich want to disarm the peasantry, I wonder why...and mental incompetents lik luddly want to help them do it.

I believe safety is an important gun issue and that IS the subject of the thread. Not cars, pools, knives or any of the rest of the crap some of you regurgitate.

The posts are there, proving that I quoted and responded to the regurg about cars.

Keep chasing your tail but those are the facts of it.

And I repeat that less then 1000 deaths a year due to accidental firearms discharges out of over 300 million firearms means that the VAST immense number of firearm owners are in FACT safety conscious and do IN FACT properly store their firearms.

So, what's the magic number of dead children when we should start paying attention?

How any dead children before we ban swimming pools or trees? The argument you put forth is that most firearm owners are not safety conscious, I have shown that in fact the utterly vast majority are in fact JUST that.

If 48 percent of the population own firearms that is over 150 million people. Even using that number instead of the number of firearms in private hands that means less then .000006 percent allow anyone to die from mishandled firearms. That means that over 99.9999 percent are in fact safety conscious.
No charges filed.

This is one of the comments -

"But I left him in the car for less than a minute while I was dropping a letter in the mailbox!" "Sorry Ma'am, but that's reckless endangerment because every one of your fellow citizens is capable of kidnap and murder."
"I left him alone for less than a minute while I was putting away groceries, and there was a 'BANG'!" "Yes, I agree ma'am. It's a complete mystery how the little fellow found the gun, and why he would want to play with it. Just one of those things I guess."

Maybe if idiots were held responsible, they just might behave that way.

They should be charged.
No charges filed.

This is one of the comments -

"But I left him in the car for less than a minute while I was dropping a letter in the mailbox!" "Sorry Ma'am, but that's reckless endangerment because every one of your fellow citizens is capable of kidnap and murder."
"I left him alone for less than a minute while I was putting away groceries, and there was a 'BANG'!" "Yes, I agree ma'am. It's a complete mystery how the little fellow found the gun, and why he would want to play with it. Just one of those things I guess."

Maybe if idiots were held responsible, they just might behave that way.

They should be charged.

You should worry about your country and butt out of ours. Our laws are none of your business.

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