Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Why not? It's his restaurant:

[ame=]Racist Restaurant Owner Refuses To Serve Blacks, Hispanics, Gays And People With Disabilities! - YouTube[/ame]
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.
I'm not as familar with business laws as I am criminal, but I'd think you can do this by making your business a private club. Like making wait-staff look a certain way by redefining their job titles to models and the like. So instead of having a restaurant, have a private club where admittance is ultimately up to you. Might be wrong, not my area of interest stupid people. :)
He can do this by turning his business into a private supper club that only allows in folks with an invitation who are members.
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In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.
Maybe instead of fighting a losing battle he should do what Jesse Jackson did and spit in their salads.
People are already supposed to have the right to refuse service if the people they refuse to serve are a disturbance to the business. Someone please right me if I am wrong about that.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If that man doesn't think that he is asking for much, he is nuts. I especially find his refusal to serve disabled people to be rather highly offensive. :mad: :mad: :mad:
When can a white woman be in the Miss black America pageant?
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

What comrade decided to take away the freedom of running one's business in the way of their choosing?
I'm not as familar with business laws as I am criminal, but I'd think you can do this by making your business a private club. Like making wait-staff look a certain way by redefining their job titles to models and the like. So instead of having a restaurant, have a private club where admittance is ultimately up to you. Might be wrong, not my area of interest stupid people. :)

Not true. If your business is open to the public, you have to abide by 'public policy.' No discrimination. If he wants to do this, he need to just start his own private club.
It's not a matter of blacks, hispanics or the disabled wanting to patronize his business, they probably don't, if they know he is a racist, homophobic jerk.

The thing is, his business is on a street paved with tax-payer money, the lights that light the street surrounding his business are also public, paid by tax-payers, his goods are delivered by trucks that run on tax-payer paid paved streets, so, you can't take advantage of the benefits of this country made possible by the taxes paid by the sweat of blacks, whites, hispanics, and gays, and then disregard the laws of the country.
It's not a matter of blacks, hispanics or the disabled wanting to patronize his business, they probably don't, if they know he is a racist, homophobic jerk.

The thing is, his business is on a street paved with tax-payer money, the lights that light the street surrounding his business are also public, paid by tax-payers, his goods are delivered by trucks that run on tax-payer paid paved streets, so, you can't take advantage of the benefits of this country made possible by the taxes paid by the sweat of blacks, whites, hispanics, and gays, and then disregard the laws of the country.

No, that's not it at all. There are SCOTUS rulings, and that's the end of it. No need to make it more complicated than it is.

Thank goodness for our First Amendment, at least while we still have it.

If I lived in that area, I would happily refrain from visiting his business, and I would be very grateful that our freedom of speech (at least while we still have it) is so helpful in pointing out the hateful bigots, loud and clear.


What did he say that was hateful? I know he said some things that were offensive to many. But if I may split hairs here a bit, I don't know that he said anything that is absolutely hateful. He has a moral code. It might be warped; but I do think his stands seem to be about principles and not mere hate.
He has the right to refuse whomever he wants.
And anyone has the right to boycott such an establishment.

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