Restuarant has "No Guns Allowed" Sign...gun owners don't bring guns...the robber did though...

You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant anti gunners live in a fantasy world because the one you create in your head does not brain would me a place where lawfully armed citizens just fired didn't even happen at the gabby giffords shooting and their were at least 2 concealed carriers on the scene when the shooting started and both drew their weapons.....but didn't fire at all because the situation was under control......

And tell your fantasy to the 7 Brown's chicken employees slaughtered in their cooler in Palatine after the robbers had the one was armed there.......
If you happen to be in a store or restaurant that is being robbed the gunman isnt likely to be able to keep an eye on you at all times. When he turns away from you....cap his dumb ass.
No one is denying people get accidentally shot on occasion. But you can bet it's not CHL holders doing the shooting.

Shoot him in the back?

If the MFer has a gun in his hand and he's robbing the place? Damn right you cap his ass. Would you rather give him fair warning so he can turn and empty his weapon indiscriminately into the restaurant?

Most criminals aren't going to shoot anyone.

Also if you shoot him in the back I'm pretty sure you are legally in trouble.

Nope,not if he's committing armed robbery at the time.

You better check on that.
You seem to be especially dumb. Obviously it had nothing to do with the restaurant being robbed. Might be why nobody was killed however. If you are going to make the claim it did then show me how restaurants with a sign are robbed more often. I can post lots of restaurants without the sign that have been robbed. I've also posted gun shops who have been robbed. Clearly the sign has nothing to do with it.

So if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, are you going to seriously tell me you would rob the one with no sign?

I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

What a crock of shit.
All it really means is a couple of crooks worked up the balls to rob a gun store.
And as you can see they came in shooting and had no intention of doing otherwise.
Fortunately most thieves are truly cowards and given the choice they'll pick an easier target.
I know if I walked up to a liquor store with a "Body Piercing By Ruger" sign on the door i'd pick another liquor store.

The crock is claiming the sign attracts criminals. That is clearly false.
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant
Does this ever happen or are we just watching the movie in your head?

Movies are a good analogy

NRA fantasies where everyone has a gun are just like in the movies. The good guys always win. Once the shooting starts, the bad guys always miss and the good guys pluck them off one shot at a time

In reality, most people do not react well in a shooting. Shots miss, there is confusion about who are the bad guys. People fire in a panic...people get killed

Is this really what you want in your restaurant? can't back that up.....there are 1.6 million times where gun owners acted well during a shooting....and people rarely fire in a panic...again...the gabby giffords shooting is a classic example....two concealed carriers in the middle of an active mass shooting...and neither one of them fired because the situation was under control.....dittos the Smokey Mountain Law school, and Pearl Mississsippi...
Shoot him in the back?

If the MFer has a gun in his hand and he's robbing the place? Damn right you cap his ass. Would you rather give him fair warning so he can turn and empty his weapon indiscriminately into the restaurant?

Most criminals aren't going to shoot anyone.

Also if you shoot him in the back I'm pretty sure you are legally in trouble.

Nope,not if he's committing armed robbery at the time.

You better check on that.

No need...I live in Texas.
So if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, are you going to seriously tell me you would rob the one with no sign?

I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

What a crock of shit.
All it really means is a couple of crooks worked up the balls to rob a gun store.
And as you can see they came in shooting and had no intention of doing otherwise.
Fortunately most thieves are truly cowards and given the choice they'll pick an easier target.
I know if I walked up to a liquor store with a "Body Piercing By Ruger" sign on the door i'd pick another liquor store.

The crock is claiming the sign attracts criminals. That is clearly false.

As you say...prove it.....
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant anti gunners live in a fantasy world because the one you create in your head does not brain would me a place where lawfully armed citizens just fired didn't even happen at the gabby giffords shooting and their were at least 2 concealed carriers on the scene when the shooting started and both drew their weapons.....but didn't fire at all because the situation was under control......

And tell your fantasy to the 7 Brown's chicken employees slaughtered in their cooler in Palatine after the robbers had the one was armed there.......

You kind of duck the question as you slip back into your NRA fantasy world

If cops can't react in these situations without killing people unnecessarily, why should we think that untrained customers and employees blasting away in a crowded restaurant will not kill innocent people?
Police receive constant training on how to use their weapon and how to react in hostile situations.
All one has to do is see the recent cases of cops overreacting in confrontations and killing people unnecessarily

But here we have the NRA drones spitting out thread after thread about how much better our lives would be if we only had more guns. Can you imagine what will happen when you have poorly trained (most likely untrained) employees and customers firing in a crowded restaurant?

Police do not receive constant training...please, try to keep up....most police touch their guns when they put them on and take them off for work and qualify once a year....on the honor system.......

And there have been stores for years that have people with guns and you don't see the massive casualties you guys claim

You anti gunners.......accidental gun deaths have gone down.....not up.....repeat....accidental gun deaths have gone down not up as more people have been buying and carrying guns your whole imaginary world is a lie...............shown by actual real world statistics from the FBI and the CDC........

You are wrong......
Police receive constant training on how to use their weapon and how to react in hostile situations.
All one has to do is see the recent cases of cops overreacting in confrontations and killing people unnecessarily

But here we have the NRA drones spitting out thread after thread about how much better our lives would be if we only had more guns. Can you imagine what will happen when you have poorly trained (most likely untrained) employees and customers firing in a crowded restaurant?

We already have more guns per capita by far, yet high homicide and crimes rates compared to other countries. Clearly guns isn't the answer.

We also have more prisoners than any other country
Doesn't seem like prisons are the answer either

Do you want those violent criminals on your street....yeah...prison is working........we just need more of them for violent gun criminals......
So if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, are you going to seriously tell me you would rob the one with no sign?

I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

What a crock of shit.
All it really means is a couple of crooks worked up the balls to rob a gun store.
And as you can see they came in shooting and had no intention of doing otherwise.
Fortunately most thieves are truly cowards and given the choice they'll pick an easier target.
I know if I walked up to a liquor store with a "Body Piercing By Ruger" sign on the door i'd pick another liquor store.

The crock is claiming the sign attracts criminals. That is clearly false.

So you're telling me these lowlifes are so damn stupid they cant put two and two together?
It's no different than a street mugging. A mugger is going to pick the 120 lb. chick to rob over the 200 lb. guy.
It ain't rocket science.
Police receive constant training on how to use their weapon and how to react in hostile situations.
All one has to do is see the recent cases of cops overreacting in confrontations and killing people unnecessarily

But here we have the NRA drones spitting out thread after thread about how much better our lives would be if we only had more guns. Can you imagine what will happen when you have poorly trained (most likely untrained) employees and customers firing in a crowded restaurant?

We already have more guns per capita by far, yet high homicide and crimes rates compared to other countries. Clearly guns isn't the answer.

out of over 320 million people we only have 8-9,000 gun murders a year and those are primarily isolated to major urban areas, and small mutlit block gang controlled areas.....

no we don't have a gun problem....
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant anti gunners live in a fantasy world because the one you create in your head does not brain would me a place where lawfully armed citizens just fired didn't even happen at the gabby giffords shooting and their were at least 2 concealed carriers on the scene when the shooting started and both drew their weapons.....but didn't fire at all because the situation was under control......

And tell your fantasy to the 7 Brown's chicken employees slaughtered in their cooler in Palatine after the robbers had the one was armed there.......

You kind of duck the question as you slip back into your NRA fantasy world

If cops can't react in these situations without killing people unnecessarily, why should we think that untrained customers and employees blasting away in a crowded restaurant will not kill innocent people?

Because normal people are not looking to shoot anyone if they don't have to......they only drool over doing it in your fantasy world....I have read the stories of real situations of real people getting caught in horrible attacks...and they act with remarkable calm and control........
Hey wait until the guy has his back turned before you pull out your weapon,this ain't the movies.
How about you show some stats that matter,like how many times a CHL holders weapon has actually discharged by itself and killed someone.
Accidents do happen,but it's normally some idiot leaving a loaded gun lying around.

If he turns his back on you why do you need a gun?

Accidental shootings is a stat that matters. People are often accidently shot by others just scan Google news.

If you happen to be in a store or restaurant that is being robbed the gunman isnt likely to be able to keep an eye on you at all times. When he turns away from you....cap his dumb ass.
No one is denying people get accidentally shot on occasion. But you can bet it's not CHL holders doing the shooting.

Shoot him in the back?

If the MFer has a gun in his hand and he's robbing the place? Damn right you cap his ass. Would you rather give him fair warning so he can turn and empty his weapon indiscriminately into the restaurant?

Most criminals aren't going to shoot anyone.

8-9,000 of them do shoot and do kill people and that doesn't include all the people criminals injure either......
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant anti gunners live in a fantasy world because the one you create in your head does not brain would me a place where lawfully armed citizens just fired didn't even happen at the gabby giffords shooting and their were at least 2 concealed carriers on the scene when the shooting started and both drew their weapons.....but didn't fire at all because the situation was under control......

And tell your fantasy to the 7 Brown's chicken employees slaughtered in their cooler in Palatine after the robbers had the one was armed there.......

You kind of duck the question as you slip back into your NRA fantasy world

If cops can't react in these situations without killing people unnecessarily, why should we think that untrained customers and employees blasting away in a crowded restaurant will not kill innocent people?

Anyone serious enough to get their CHL knows that you ALWAYS know whats behind your target.
Hell,it's been drilled into me since I was 7 or 8 when I got my first BB gun.
Do you really think that sign had nothing to do with the place being robbed? You're just a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

You seem to be especially dumb. Obviously it had nothing to do with the restaurant being robbed. Might be why nobody was killed however. If you are going to make the claim it did then show me how restaurants with a sign are robbed more often. I can post lots of restaurants without the sign that have been robbed. I've also posted gun shops who have been robbed. Clearly the sign has nothing to do with it.

So if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, are you going to seriously tell me you would rob the one with no sign?

I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

I didn't say you were a robber, I said "if", so you not being honest and answering the question, goes to your character, or lack there of.

Guns shops are robbed for different reasons than a restaurant, if you can't figure that out, then you are not to bright.

If you don't want to be honest, then debating with you is pointless.
If he turns his back on you why do you need a gun?

Accidental shootings is a stat that matters. People are often accidently shot by others just scan Google news.

If you happen to be in a store or restaurant that is being robbed the gunman isnt likely to be able to keep an eye on you at all times. When he turns away from you....cap his dumb ass.
No one is denying people get accidentally shot on occasion. But you can bet it's not CHL holders doing the shooting.

Shoot him in the back?

If the MFer has a gun in his hand and he's robbing the place? Damn right you cap his ass. Would you rather give him fair warning so he can turn and empty his weapon indiscriminately into the restaurant?

Most criminals aren't going to shoot anyone.

8-9,000 of them do shoot and do kill people and that doesn't include all the people criminals injure either......

As you already pointed out, most of those are gang related. If you are not involved in criminal behavior most criminals won't shoot you.
You seem to be especially dumb. Obviously it had nothing to do with the restaurant being robbed. Might be why nobody was killed however. If you are going to make the claim it did then show me how restaurants with a sign are robbed more often. I can post lots of restaurants without the sign that have been robbed. I've also posted gun shops who have been robbed. Clearly the sign has nothing to do with it.

So if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, are you going to seriously tell me you would rob the one with no sign?

I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

I didn't say you were a robber, I said "if", so you not being honest and answering the question, goes to your character, or lack there of.

Guns shops are robbed for different reasons than a restaurant, if you can't figure that out, then you are not to bright.

If you don't want to be honest, then debating with you is pointless.

You are not being honest. There is no evidence to suggest the sign attracts criminals.
Police receive constant training on how to use their weapon and how to react in hostile situations.
All one has to do is see the recent cases of cops overreacting in confrontations and killing people unnecessarily

But here we have the NRA drones spitting out thread after thread about how much better our lives would be if we only had more guns. Can you imagine what will happen when you have poorly trained (most likely untrained) employees and customers firing in a crowded restaurant?

We already have more guns per capita by far, yet high homicide and crimes rates compared to other countries. Clearly guns isn't the answer.

out of over 320 million people we only have 8-9,000 gun murders a year and those are primarily isolated to major urban areas, and small mutlit block gang controlled areas.....

no we don't have a gun problem....

We have by far the most guns yet not the lowest crime rates. More guns are not the answer.
Police receive constant training on how to use their weapon and how to react in hostile situations.
All one has to do is see the recent cases of cops overreacting in confrontations and killing people unnecessarily

But here we have the NRA drones spitting out thread after thread about how much better our lives would be if we only had more guns. Can you imagine what will happen when you have poorly trained (most likely untrained) employees and customers firing in a crowded restaurant?

We already have more guns per capita by far, yet high homicide and crimes rates compared to other countries. Clearly guns isn't the answer.

out of over 320 million people we only have 8-9,000 gun murders a year and those are primarily isolated to major urban areas, and small mutlit block gang controlled areas.....

no we don't have a gun problem....

We have by far the most guns yet not the lowest crime rates. More guns are not the answer.

We'd have the lowest crime rate of any 1st world nation if we would control inner city crime.
Fix the criminal problem,dont try and disarm honest citizens.
I have shown that gun shops have been robbed. Are you telling me the robbers didn't know there were armed people in the store?

Answer the question please, if you were a robber and you are going to rob a restaurant and one restaurant has no guns allowed sign and the other restaurant has no sign, which are YOU most likely to rob?

I'm not a robber. And if your theory were true gun shops would never be robbed. They are so your theory is false. Many restaurants without signs are also robbed.

What a crock of shit.
All it really means is a couple of crooks worked up the balls to rob a gun store.
And as you can see they came in shooting and had no intention of doing otherwise.
Fortunately most thieves are truly cowards and given the choice they'll pick an easier target.
I know if I walked up to a liquor store with a "Body Piercing By Ruger" sign on the door i'd pick another liquor store.

The crock is claiming the sign attracts criminals. That is clearly false.

As you say...prove it.....

You have to prove it does. One example means nothing when I have shown even gun shops are robbed.

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