Restuarant has "No Guns Allowed" Sign...gun owners don't bring guns...the robber did though...

Yes.....this is why I think we need new "Gun Free Zone" signs....they need to say "Gun Free Zone.....and we really, really mean it...."

NC Restaurant Banned Guns Got Robbed At Gunpoint The Daily Caller

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor. The assaulted employees, though, are doing well.

“They’re doing great,” restaurant owner Greg Hatem said. “One of them actually went to the hospital and was released. They took a good look at him, he’s fine.”

Kind of interesting huh? It's almost like posting a sign that says "we are unprotected, come rob us!" I notice most mass shootings are in places where guns are not allowed and people can't shoot back. When was the last time you saw someone walk into a police station and open fire randomly?

And the gun store did the same thing? Don't be a fool. The gun shop owner is dead, restaurant owner alive.

Unarmed clerks get murdered all the time. Looks like your logic fails yet again....

And then you have the other side.

Shop Owner Pulls A Gun And Kill Two Robbers - YouTube

Self-defense shooting Store clerk s son kills armed robber - YouTube

Female store clerk shoots and kills would-be robber - YouTube

So....yet again...why do you wish to protect violent criminals brainiac? Why do you favor rapist being able to rape unencumbered by the knowledge they might get shot by their intended victims? Why why why? You must ask yourself why are you so much in favor of evil people?

You don't make any sense. Im arguing that a no guns sign does not attract criminals. How do your examples prove me wrong?

You truly are clueless. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm repeating it to my self because it's just so hard to believe. WOW!

You are the one that won't back up your claims.
The defender isn't involved in criminal activity at the time of the defense. They were a robber yesterday, but they are defending today. Also please include a link to these FBI figures. I'm not aware they have figures on defenses.
there is a lot that you were unaware of. however, it's not my job to educate you.

You can't produce them because they don't exist. Way to show you don't know what your talking about.
They do exist. If you don't know that, then you're dumber than I thought. A feat I hadn't thought possible.

Don't be so childish. Produce a link.
Sorry. I'm feeling lazy today. Google it.

Without a link your claim has no value, but that seems to be all your posts.
there is a lot that you were unaware of. however, it's not my job to educate you.

You can't produce them because they don't exist. Way to show you don't know what your talking about.
They do exist. If you don't know that, then you're dumber than I thought. A feat I hadn't thought possible.

Don't be so childish. Produce a link.
Sorry. I'm feeling lazy today. Google it.

Without a link your claim has no value, but that seems to be all your posts.
Maybe. But I'm having too much fun trolling you to care what you think.
In the world of NRA gun nuts, you are better off to have a shootout where several people die than a robbery where a couple hundred dollars are lost

I'm not willing to bet my life that the robber will be satisfied with taking the money and leaving witnesses. Now you're life I would bet any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I know....every confrontation is better with guns

So let's just toss out a hypothetical RW. I have broken into your house. I have a knife at your wife's throat and I am about to rape her and I am telling her that after I am done I am going to slit her throat. You have a 9mm in your hand. Do you shoot me?

He sees the gun and immediately slits her throat
You can't produce them because they don't exist. Way to show you don't know what your talking about.
They do exist. If you don't know that, then you're dumber than I thought. A feat I hadn't thought possible.

Don't be so childish. Produce a link.
Sorry. I'm feeling lazy today. Google it.

Without a link your claim has no value, but that seems to be all your posts.
Maybe. But I'm having too much fun trolling you to care what you think.

Ah you admit you have no value. I guess it was too obvious not to admit.
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant
They do exist. If you don't know that, then you're dumber than I thought. A feat I hadn't thought possible.

Don't be so childish. Produce a link.
Sorry. I'm feeling lazy today. Google it.

Without a link your claim has no value, but that seems to be all your posts.
Maybe. But I'm having too much fun trolling you to care what you think.

Ah you admit you have no value. I guess it was too obvious not to admit.
If you want to believe that, I can't stop you. But then, you can't fix stupid. You shall remain broken, I fear. But cheer up. Kenya lost its village idiot. Maybe you should Apply.
Don't be so childish. Produce a link.
Sorry. I'm feeling lazy today. Google it.

Without a link your claim has no value, but that seems to be all your posts.
Maybe. But I'm having too much fun trolling you to care what you think.

Ah you admit you have no value. I guess it was too obvious not to admit.
If you want to believe that, I can't stop you. But then, you can't fix stupid. You shall remain broken, I fear. But cheer up. Kenya lost its village idiot. Maybe you should Apply.

Sorry but the idiot is the admitted troll who can't back up his claims. That is you.
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant
Does this ever happen or are we just watching the movie in your head?
Just think of all the criminal activity we could have avoided throughout history by just posting a sign. Julius Caesar could have been saved by a sign that said "No Stabbing the Dictator Zone". Attila the Hun would have benefited from a "No Drowning on Your Own Puke Zone" sign. And Joan of Arc could have been saved by a sign that read "No Throwing Maidens Who Claim to Talk To God on Bonfires Zone". Why didn't we think of this before?

The signs are not to avoid criminal behavior, they are to avoid accidental shootings. You don't get that?
Besides the very rare incident where a professional football player shoots himself by accident in a club, when does this ever happen?

I've already posted several examples of accidental shootings in restaurants. There are 17,000 accidental shootings each year. You are much more likely to be accidently shot than purposely shot and killed by a criminal.

You are.

No actually everyone is.
No, just you. You can't be trusted with a gun by your own admission. That doesn't necessarily apply to others.
You own a Restaurant

You train your staff in self defense and provide them each with a gun, you give a 10% discount to any customer carrying a gun. A bad guy comes into your restaurant and tries to rob the cashier. All the employees jump into action and start firing, in the confusion, customers draw their guns and start firing. In the end, the bad guy is killed and so are two employees and a four year old child.

All to prevent a robbery of $200

Now, people avoid your restaurant because that is the place that awful shootout occured

You no longer own a restaurant
Does this ever happen or are we just watching the movie in your head?

Movies are a good analogy

NRA fantasies where everyone has a gun are just like in the movies. The good guys always win. Once the shooting starts, the bad guys always miss and the good guys pluck them off one shot at a time

In reality, most people do not react well in a shooting. Shots miss, there is confusion about who are the bad guys. People fire in a panic...people get killed

Is this really what you want in your restaurant?
Yes.....this is why I think we need new "Gun Free Zone" signs....they need to say "Gun Free Zone.....and we really, really mean it...."

NC Restaurant Banned Guns Got Robbed At Gunpoint The Daily Caller

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor. The assaulted employees, though, are doing well.

“They’re doing great,” restaurant owner Greg Hatem said. “One of them actually went to the hospital and was released. They took a good look at him, he’s fine.”

Kind of interesting huh? It's almost like posting a sign that says "we are unprotected, come rob us!" I notice most mass shootings are in places where guns are not allowed and people can't shoot back. When was the last time you saw someone walk into a police station and open fire randomly?

And the gun store did the same thing? Don't be a fool. The gun shop owner is dead, restaurant owner alive.

Aaaah yes,the liberal plan to live through a robbery.
Depending on the good nature of the guy robbing you not to put a bullet in your dome.:lmao:
The NRA solution to every problem is.......more guns
Arm the owner, arm the employees, arm the customers......shooting always results in a happy ending

In the real world, customers are armed, so is the owner.......armed with cameras
When a bad guy robs a restaurant he is filmed from six different angles. His car is filmed. He is filmed walking into and out of the restaurant. Customers pull out their trusty smartphones and blast away

Give him the money
All those videos will be all over the internet by th end of the day and he will be arrested by morning

Video has done more to stop crime in this country than 300 million guns
Yes.....this is why I think we need new "Gun Free Zone" signs....they need to say "Gun Free Zone.....and we really, really mean it...."

NC Restaurant Banned Guns Got Robbed At Gunpoint The Daily Caller

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor. The assaulted employees, though, are doing well.

“They’re doing great,” restaurant owner Greg Hatem said. “One of them actually went to the hospital and was released. They took a good look at him, he’s fine.”

Kind of interesting huh? It's almost like posting a sign that says "we are unprotected, come rob us!" I notice most mass shootings are in places where guns are not allowed and people can't shoot back. When was the last time you saw someone walk into a police station and open fire randomly?

And the gun store did the same thing? Don't be a fool. The gun shop owner is dead, restaurant owner alive.

Aaaah yes,the liberal plan to live through a robbery.
Depending on the good nature of the guy robbing you not to put a bullet in your dome.:lmao:

or a blade to the throat

or a wire around the neck
The NRA solution to every problem is.......more guns
Arm the owner, arm the employees, arm the customers......shooting always results in a happy ending

In the real world, customers are armed, so is the owner.......armed with cameras
When a bad guy robs a restaurant he is filmed from six different angles. His car is filmed. He is filmed walking into and out of the restaurant. Customers pull out their trusty smartphones and blast away

Give him the money
All those videos will be all over the internet by th end of the day and he will be arrested by morning

Video has done more to stop crime in this country than 300 million guns

certainly as well as your death by a criminal is captured on camera these days great
The NRA solution to every problem is.......more guns
Arm the owner, arm the employees, arm the customers......shooting always results in a happy ending

In the real world, customers are armed, so is the owner.......armed with cameras
When a bad guy robs a restaurant he is filmed from six different angles. His car is filmed. He is filmed walking into and out of the restaurant. Customers pull out their trusty smartphones and blast away

Give him the money
All those videos will be all over the internet by th end of the day and he will be arrested by morning

Video has done more to stop crime in this country than 300 million guns

certainly as well as your death by a criminal is captured on camera these days great

The cameras will also capture your shootout killing innocent customers
Yes.....this is why I think we need new "Gun Free Zone" signs....they need to say "Gun Free Zone.....and we really, really mean it...."

NC Restaurant Banned Guns Got Robbed At Gunpoint The Daily Caller

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor. The assaulted employees, though, are doing well.

“They’re doing great,” restaurant owner Greg Hatem said. “One of them actually went to the hospital and was released. They took a good look at him, he’s fine.”

Kind of interesting huh? It's almost like posting a sign that says "we are unprotected, come rob us!" I notice most mass shootings are in places where guns are not allowed and people can't shoot back. When was the last time you saw someone walk into a police station and open fire randomly?

And the gun store did the same thing? Don't be a fool. The gun shop owner is dead, restaurant owner alive.

Aaaah yes,the liberal plan to live through a robbery.
Depending on the good nature of the guy robbing you not to put a bullet in your dome.:lmao:

Well if you carry you might accidently shoot yourself or an unnocent person like happens 17,000 times a year. There are only like 9000 people shot and killed intentionally each year. And even if you have a gun your chance of not being shot is 50% at best if criminal is also armed. Plus he's more likely to shoot you if threatened.
The signs are not to avoid criminal behavior, they are to avoid accidental shootings. You don't get that?
Besides the very rare incident where a professional football player shoots himself by accident in a club, when does this ever happen?

I've already posted several examples of accidental shootings in restaurants. There are 17,000 accidental shootings each year. You are much more likely to be accidently shot than purposely shot and killed by a criminal.

You are.

No actually everyone is.
No, just you. You can't be trusted with a gun by your own admission. That doesn't necessarily apply to others.

There are 17000 accidental shootings each year. They aren't all people shooting themselves. So everyone is. No amount of personal safety with a gun will save you from some idiot accidently shooting you.
Yes.....this is why I think we need new "Gun Free Zone" signs....they need to say "Gun Free Zone.....and we really, really mean it...."

NC Restaurant Banned Guns Got Robbed At Gunpoint The Daily Caller

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor. The assaulted employees, though, are doing well.

“They’re doing great,” restaurant owner Greg Hatem said. “One of them actually went to the hospital and was released. They took a good look at him, he’s fine.”

Kind of interesting huh? It's almost like posting a sign that says "we are unprotected, come rob us!" I notice most mass shootings are in places where guns are not allowed and people can't shoot back. When was the last time you saw someone walk into a police station and open fire randomly?

And the gun store did the same thing? Don't be a fool. The gun shop owner is dead, restaurant owner alive.

Aaaah yes,the liberal plan to live through a robbery.
Depending on the good nature of the guy robbing you not to put a bullet in your dome.:lmao:

Well if you carry you might accidently shoot yourself or an unnocent person like happens 17,000 times a year. There are only like 9000 people shot and killed intentionally each year. And even if you have a gun your chance of not being shot is 50% at best if criminal is also armed. Plus he's more likely to shoot you if threatened.

Hey wait until the guy has his back turned before you pull out your weapon,this ain't the movies.
How about you show some stats that matter,like how many times a CHL holders weapon has actually discharged by itself and killed someone.
Accidents do happen,but it's normally some idiot leaving a loaded gun lying around.
The NRA solution to every problem is.......more guns
Arm the owner, arm the employees, arm the customers......shooting always results in a happy ending

In the real world, customers are armed, so is the owner.......armed with cameras
When a bad guy robs a restaurant he is filmed from six different angles. His car is filmed. He is filmed walking into and out of the restaurant. Customers pull out their trusty smartphones and blast away

Give him the money
All those videos will be all over the internet by th end of the day and he will be arrested by morning

Video has done more to stop crime in this country than 300 million guns

certainly as well as your death by a criminal is captured on camera these days great

The cameras will also capture your shootout killing innocent customers

not from me they wont

btw i would rather be judged by 12

then buried by 6

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