Retired Air Force officer sentenced to 3 years for storing classified information at his Florida home

There is a difference between forgetting that one has some documents left around your house, as with Biden and Pence, and what has clearly happened with Trump and this retired man, who kept documents on purpose.

Hilary, it was about emails and non of them classified. She was totally exonerated.Just ask James Comey about it.
Comey said Hillary is stupid. I agree with that.
There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

One would assume this dufus of wing wiper officer was emulating the Rapist and Traitor in believing that all he had to just say he had declassify the material question. I mean that the Rapist and Traitor did. Just by looking the classified material and thinking to himself I have power to declassify....he does not.
One would assume this dufus of wing wiper officer was emulating the Rapist and Traitor in believing that all he had to just say he had declassify the material question. I mean that the Rapist and Traitor did. Just by looking the classified material and thinking to himself I have power to declassify....he does not

Neither did Biden, as a senator, and later as Vice President.
Neither did Biden, as a senator, and later as Vice President.
the system is loose as a goose and obviously needs in yesterday!

Biden nor Pence claimed they could.

Trump did proclaim he could declassify, without notifying the classifying agency, just by thinking about one had to be told or advised of his declassification.... Do you actually believe that crap...seriously?

Trump willfully took the classified documents and willfully retained them, and willfully did not return them when asked to return them, and willfully denied returning them on an authorized subpoena for all marked classified documents, and willfully had his lawyers lie in an affidavit swearing all classified documents were returned.

When you can show Biden and Pence did all of that willful obstruction and criminal intent, then they can be compared to Trump.
Trump should get exactly as many years as Joe Biden gets.

Well now at least you're admitting that your lord and master broke the law...

Uh huh. No one had oversight of what the agents were doing, and no agent was searched. They easily could have brought the classified folders into Trump's residence and there is NO WAY they can prove the did not.
Earlier, like a good little cult slut that you were defending him of course. do you live with the fact that you're constantly being such a measly pissant?
There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

May his asshole prolapse you fucking commie
Over a hundred, from my understanding....

Oh goodness gracious! What happened to your dad? :(
As my mom tells it my father came home one night and was extremely upset and almost pale. Mom said she asked him what was wrong.
He wouldn't tell her. Finally he told her that he saw a document that he shouldn't have seen and what he saw shocked him.
Two days later my father was found dead and we were told he killed himself. Agents came to our house and Mom said that she had to submit to a polygraph. No way my father killed himself. So we don't know why he saw that document or what exactly he saw.
You don't fuck around with classified information. Civilians go to prison or worse, and Presidents and ex-Presidents "nothing" other than make the headlines.
So yes, I take the mishandling of Classified information seriously.
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There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

What on earth can ever be classified as top secret in America? The only thing of importance in the US is the Krusty Crabby Patty recipe.
As my mom tells it my father came home one night and was extremely upset and almost pale. Mom said she asked him what was wrong.
He wouldn't tell her. Finally he told her that he saw a document that he shouldn't have seen and what he saw shocked him.
Two days later my father was found dead and we were told he killed himself. Agents came to our house and Mom said that she had to submit to a polygraph. No way my father killed himself. So we don't know why he saw that document or what exactly he saw.
You don't fuck around with classified information. Civilians go to prison or worse, and Presidents and ex-Presidents "nothing" other than make the headlines.
So yes, I take the mishandling of Classified information seriously.
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Crooked Hillary and Joe blow can store thousands with zero consequences

F America
There is a difference between forgetting that one has some documents left around your house, as with Biden and Pence, and what has clearly happened with Trump and this retired man, who kept documents on purpose.

Hilary, it was about emails and non of them classified. She was totally exonerated.Just ask James Comey about it.
SGT Bill Blob is conveniently forgetting Trump obstructed justice on the documents matter.

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