Retired Air Force officer sentenced to 3 years for storing classified information at his Florida home

This has been covered extensively. Shultz didn't step down because she was doing a great job.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign as DNC chair as email scandal rocks Democrats

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made the right decision for the future of the Democratic party,” Sanders said in a statement, adding that the party leadership must “always remain impartial in the presidential nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race”.
How did she try to harm Sanders' candidacy?
Favoritism is one thing, what Russia did is another.

These Messages Show Julian Assange Talked About Seeking Hacked Files From Guccifer 2.0​

DMs tie Assange to a Russia-linked hacker — and raise new questions about his Seth Rich conspiracy theory.


Jack Taylor / Getty Images

Twitter DMs obtained by BuzzFeed News show that in the summer of 2016, WikiLeaks was working to obtain files from Guccifer 2.0, an online hacktivist persona linked to by Russian military intelligence, the clearest evidence to date of WikiLeaks admitting its pursuit of Guccifer 2.0.
“[P]lease ‘leave,’ their conversation with them and us,” WikiLeaks asked journalist Emma Best, who was also negotiating with Guccifer 2.0 for access to what it had teased on its blog as “exclusive access” to hacked Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee files. “[W]e would appreciate it if you did not dump the docs and obviously will delete them anyway.”

WikiLeaks had mentioned Guccifer 2.0 a single time before, tweeting in June 2016 — five weeks before it released its first dump of Democratic National Committee emails — that the persona had claimed it gave WikiLeaks DNC emails.
But by the time of the DM conversation with Best, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had shifted the story of how WikiLeaks acquired those emails, giving repeated TV interviews that floated Seth Rich, a Democratic staffer who had been murdered in what police concluded was a botched robbery, as his real source.
The messages between Assange and Best, a freelance national security journalist and online archivist, are the starkest proof yet that Assange knew a likely Russian government hacker had the Democrat leaks he wanted. And they reveal the deliberate bad faith with which Assange fed the groundless claims that Rich was his source, even as he knew the documents’ origin.
Best told BuzzFeed News she first reached out to Guccifer 2.0 in August 2016 after it posted on its WordPress account a call for journalists who wanted its files. “I sent them a Direct Message and referred to that, asking what they had in mind,” Best told BuzzFeed News over Signal. Best has experience posting large data sets, and wondered if she could host the files on, a nonprofit digital library.

But Guccifer 2.0 had another idea. “ gonna send a large trove to wikileaks,” it said. Best, who had DMed with WikiLeaks before, relayed that message to WikiLeaks in a direct message on Twitter. Neither party conveyed to her whether they had interacted together before.

“I told them that Guccifer 2.0 was considering giving me at least part of the cache, which is when they asked me to be their ‘agent,’ which they said I would get ‘credit’ for,” Best said. She didn’t agree to act as Assange’s agent, she said, but stopped messaging with Guccifer 2.0.


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There is a difference between forgetting that one has some documents left around your house, as with Biden and Pence, and what has clearly happened with Trump and this retired man, who kept documents on purpose.

Hilary, it was about emails and non of them classified. She was totally exonerated.Just ask James Comey about it.
Sixties Fan must be a mind reader

Or at least thinks he is
Did you sleep through the entire thing? If you are a kid, well I understand.
"Others revealed even wider schisms within the party. “Wasserman Schultz was a disastrous and divisive chair,” said Lis Smith, a veteran Democratic operative and former deputy campaign manager for Martin O’Malley."

She resigned.

How is that like Russia, a foreign country, meddling with the US elections to favor Trump?

Has Putin resigned? Is Russia not meddling or attempting to meddle anymore?

Is Shultz still creating problems for the DNC?
A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

The Iowa Republican pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges. Comey did, however, criticize Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless."

The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."

(full article online)

But anti Hilary duds will continue to accuse her of something until the end of time. :)
No Comey admitted she broke the law, but she didn't intend to.
Great Billy Boy, we agree that your blob broke the law. How long should he be locked up?
Biden had classified documents in his office at Penn state. Chinese officials had access to that office. Hiw does supporting treason feel?

Retired Air Force officer sentenced to 3 years for storing classified information at his Florida home...​

But his Commander and Chief who did far worse is being protected...

Not to mention the being found to be a sexual abuser...........................
"Others revealed even wider schisms within the party. “Wasserman Schultz was a disastrous and divisive chair,” said Lis Smith, a veteran Democratic operative and former deputy campaign manager for Martin O’Malley."

She resigned.

How is that like Russia, a foreign country, meddling with the US elections to favor Trump?

Exposing cheating is simply exposing cheating. Even if they favored Trump, I would have understood. Hillary foolishly threatened to shoot down Russian planes over areas we had no business being in. We were there over lies.

Has Putin resigned? Is Russia not meddling or attempting to meddle anymore?

Putin is not my concern. Politics here are.

Is Shultz still creating problems for the DNC?

She seems to have been relegated to the sidelines. Hurt Hillary and that will happen.
Exposing cheating is simply exposing cheating. Even if they favored Trump, I would have understood. Hillary foolishly threatened to shoot down Russian planes over areas we had no business being in. We were there over lies.

Putin is not my concern. Politics here are.

She seems to have been relegated to the sidelines. Hurt Hillary and that will happen.
Why isn't Potatohead serving three years in prison?

He did the same damn thing.
Humans misplace things all the time.

What is liable is the intent.

There was no intent in keeping those documents by Biden or Pence for some other use than what they used it when they brought them home while Vice President.

Trump had intent. The new tapes prove it.

Some of you are coloring your responses based on politics and which Party you may be alined to. That is not how the law about the documents works.
Biden knew, now go screw yourself and align it any may you want for maximum pleasure.

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