Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Connor Parker

Thu, November 11, 2021, 2:05 PM·3 min read

More than 2,500 fully vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.

In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

Don't worry lab rats. The rushed vaccines that are being tested and pushed by espn, Hollywood and cnn types on the public lab rats are really really safe. Not for the dogs they are pissed they are being tested on, but on the public.


The Joe Rogans are morons. Just ask espn types.
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It's spin....The article has more qualifiers than I can count to try to confuse the weak minded..... 67. something percent of Britians are fully vaccinated. That means the other 32. something percent aren't. Ergo roughly 2/3 are full vaccinated while one 1/3 isn't vaccinated. 2600 plus vaccinated died...511 unvaccinated died. Roughly 5 times the number vaccinated died verses the unvaccinated.
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It's spin....The article has more qualifiers than I can count to try to confuse the weak minded..... Limiting the deaths of the fully vaccinated to just 28 days following the 2nd jab--2600 something died. In the unvaccinated group which doesn't have the 28 day qualifier---511 died. That is one hell of a difference. And remember children...that the vaccinated dying at 29 days, 30 days, or more are not even included in the VACCINATED death stats. Betcha you see a hell of a spike in the numbers vaccinated dead.
Meanwhile the death rate for everyone is under 1 percent. That is among the unvaccinated. Every death now of course is being blamed on the unvaccinated. The ANTI VAXXERS concentration camps are being prepared now.
Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Connor Parker

Thu, November 11, 2021, 2:05 PM·3 min read

More than 2,500 fully vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.

In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

Don't worry lab rats. The rushed vaccines that are being tested and pushed by espn, Hollywood and cnn types on the public lab rats are really really safe. Not for the dogs they are pissed they are being tested on, but on the public.


The Joe Rogans are morons. Just ask espn types.

I know two people admitted to the hospital with "COVID". The first was BS, he was 89 & dying anyway, though they may have secured the end with their doses of experimentation last November. The second a woman this last week in her 50s fully vaccinated.

The first supposedly showed COVID as the 3rd cause of death, the fourth was "unknown" which may be code for the treatment the bastards gave him. Bet your fucking ass it's counted as a COVID death, they need the numbers.

They can poke their vaccines where the sun doesn't shine, fucking bastards. We're under assault.
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I’m starting to conclude that this experimentation is not about virus but about who can survive the injections,

I think the entire thing is to reduce population, improve the position for quasi-communism and power/money by a select few. Good bye middle class & small business, if it doesn't involve China, Bezos, Gates, Obama and the like then best of luck.

I also think they believe it's necessary to reduce populations because of "climate change". If you ask me they got it all wrong, they should be more concerned about over-population period, If that saturation comes so be it, but they're expediting.

The circumstances surrounding their COVID plan kills more people than the disease. That wasn't on accident.
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I know two people admitted to the hospital with "COVID". The first was BS, he was 89 & dying anyway, though they may have secured the end with their doses of experimentation last November. The second a woman this last week in her 50s fully vaccinated.

The first supposedly showed COVID as the 3rd cause of death, the fourth was "unknown" which may be code for the treatment the bastards gave him. Bet your fucking ass it's counted as a COVID death, they need the numbers.

They can poke their vaccines where the sun doesn't shine, fucking bastards. We're under assault.

When this starts happening on the ground you can't hide it anymore. Like for instance, where I work. Teachers, highly vaxxed population. Double vaxxed boss, very sick with covid, also his wife, double vaxxed. At least two teachers I know of, same.

Great vaccines.

(New Normal) Winter is Coming​

"Winter is coming … and you know what that means.

That’s right, it’s nearly time once again for the global-capitalist ruling classes to whip the New Normal masses into a state of mindless mass hysteria over an imaginary apocalyptic virus. the same imaginary apocalyptic virus that they have whipped the New Normal masses into a state of mass hysteria over throughout the Winter for the last two years. . . . "


". . . Or … all right, sure, the most brainwashed would, but they represent a small minority. Most New Normals are not fanatical totalitarians. They’re just people looking out for themselves, people who will go along with almost anything to avoid being ostracized and punished. But, believe it or not, there is a limit to the level of absurdity they’re prepared to accept, and the level and duration of relentless stress and cognitive dissonance they are prepared to accept.

Most of them have reached that limit. They have done their part, followed orders, worn the masks, got the “vaccinations,” and are happy to present their “obedience papers” to anyone who demands to see them. Now, they want to go back to “normal.” But they can’t, because … well, because of us.

See, GloboCap can’t let them return to “normal” (i.e., the new totalitarian version of “normal”) until everyone (i.e., everyone who matters) has submitted to being “vaccinated” and is walking around with a scanable certificate of ideological conformity in their smartphones. They would probably even waive the “vaccination” requirement if we would just bend the knee and pledge our allegiance to the WEF, or BlackRock, or Vanguard, or whoever, and carry around a QR code confirming that we believe in “Science,” the “Covidian Creed,” and whatever other ecumenical corporatist dogma.

Seriously, the point of this entire exercise (or at least this phase of this entire exercise) is to radically, irrevocably, transform society into a monolithic corporate campus where everyone has to scan their IDs at every turn of an endless maze of perpetually monitored, eco-friendly, gender-fluid, ideologically uniform, non-smoking, totally meat-free “safe spaces” owned and operated by GloboCap, or one of its agents, subsidiaries, and assigns.

The global-capitalist ruling classes are determined to transform the planet into this fascistic Woke Utopia and enforce unwavering conformity to its valueless values, no matter the cost, and we, “the Unvaccinated,” are standing in their way.. . . "
It's spin....The article has more qualifiers than I can count to try to confuse the weak minded..... 67. something percent of Britians are fully vaccinated. That means the other 32. something percent aren't. Ergo roughly 2/3 are full vaccinated while one 1/3 isn't vaccinated. 2600 plus vaccinated died...511 unvaccinated died. Roughly 5 times the number vaccinated died verses the unvaccinated.
Hey weak minded you can take your made up "67% of Britians" and shove it up your ass. There are almost no unvaccinated among 65+ people in England, who make up over 80% of all Covid deaths.

Sample math:

If 100 elderly people are vaccinated and 5 are not, then 5 vaccinated and 1 unvaccinated people dying means that 20% of unvaccinated people died compared to 5% of vaccinated - that implies 4 times the death rate among unvaccinated.

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I’m starting to conclude that this experimentation is not about virus but about who can survive the injections,
I have seen some information I consider a bit kooky, but, it has been documented by several different completely disparate and independent sources. They are unrelated to each other, and they back up what each other say.

Some of these "vaccine," makers, did indeed get research money from DARPA, I did a fact check on that, it was confirmed by a former congress woman and candidate for president. . .

I would tell what this research from these scientists are, but I don't want to alarm folks. Let's just say, the head of the New Normal agenda, had once openly admitted to wanting to hook humans up to the smart grid itself. It is something called the "Transhumanist" agenda.

I am still, a bit skeptical, but I have seen the research, and heard the utterances. It is so hard not to believe after all the crazy shit I have uncovered in my education and research.

". . Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in. . . "

Humans would be no more than a biological, synthetic/digital computer terminal. Transhumanism is the technological means to connect the body/mind to artificial intelligence.

If people don't wake up, we will become synthetic no-sex non-human connected to A.I. All along, the plan has been to attach the human mind to the "A.I. cloud."

Stage one of the A.I. takeover is to get people addicted to smartphones and tablets


I have seen some information I consider a bit kooky, but, it has been documented by several different completely disparate and independent sources. They are unrelated to each other, and they back up what each other say.

Some of these "vaccine," makers, did indeed get research money from DARPA, I did a fact check on that, it was confirmed by a former congress woman and candidate for president. . .

I would tell what this research from these scientists are, but I don't want to alarm folks. Let's just say, the head of the New Normal agenda, had once openly admitted to wanting to hook humans up to the smart grid itself. It is something called the "Transhumanist" agenda.

I am still, a bit skeptical, but I have seen the research, and heard the utterances. It is so hard not to believe after all the crazy shit I have uncovered in my education and research.

". . Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in. . . "

Humans would be no more than a biological, synthetic/digital computer terminal. Transhumanism is the technological means to connect the body/mind to artificial intelligence.

If people don't wake up, we will become synthetic no-sex non-human connected to A.I. All along, the plan has been to attach the human mind to the "A.I. cloud."

Stage one of the A.I. takeover is to get people addicted to smartphones and tablets


Heads up, you are reading batshit crazy nonsense, fancying it to be "reasearch".

All the nutbags talk about "independent thinking", problem is they can't tell up from down, fact from paranoid fiction.
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Heads up, you are reading batshit crazy nonsense, fancying it to be "reasearch".

All the nutbags talk about "independent thinking", problem is they can't tell up from down, fact from paranoid fiction.
Sure. . . this is your one chance.

I'll play along with your fantasy that it is all made up, because, damn, I do wish it were.

What part is "bat-shit crazy?"

Where is your evidence it is not based on reality?

Hey weak minded you can take your made up "67% of Britians" and shove it up your ass. There are almost no unvaccinated among 65+ people in England, who make up over 80% of all Covid deaths.

Sample math:

If 100 elderly people are vaccinated and 5 are not, then 5 vaccinated and 1 unvaccinated people dying means that 20% of unvaccinated people died compared to 5% of vaccinated - that implies 4 times the death rate among unvaccinated.

67% is the overall vaccinated rate in England according to Google--that is 2/3 of the population. However, these 2/3 are accounting for 4/5 of the deaths (2600 plus vaccinated deaths to the 511 unvaccinated deaths listed in the article). Ergo...67% of the vaccinated population is accounting for 80% of the deaths. While among the 32% of unvaccinated are accounting for 20% of the deaths.

But you are right those dying are mostly the elderly that were already dying----people forget that virus's in nature are meant to hasten the death of weak and already dying to cull the herd. If you are so upset that the elderly are the ones dying and are the ones vaccinated---why the fuck harass everyone else to get vaccinated? If you wish to claim that 80% of the population is fully vaccinated and still accounting for 80% of the deaths---then what the fuck good are the vaccines doing? Doesn't look like they are saving any lives.
Stage one of the A.I. takeover is to get people addicted to smartphones and tablets
yanno what really worries me Mr every 'smart' piece of technology is smarter than i am......and usually has a way to tell me so......
what the fuck good are the vaccines doing
It ain't looking too good ,as time and M&M stats pile up

I am not getting a booster.
Enough is enough. We both had Covid last November, and were vaccinated.


I am not convinced of the safety of the booster shot. When top lab docs resign over it's release... nope... not me
67% is the overall vaccinated rate in England according to Google--that is 2/3 of the population. However, these 2/3 are accounting for 4/5 of the deaths (2600 plus vaccinated deaths to the 511 unvaccinated deaths listed in the article). Ergo...67% of the vaccinated population is accounting for 80% of the deaths. While among the 32% of unvaccinated are accounting for 20% of the deaths.

But you are right those dying are mostly the elderly that were already dying----people forget that virus's in nature are meant to hasten the death of weak and already dying to cull the herd. If you are so upset that the elderly are the ones dying and are the ones vaccinated---why the fuck harass everyone else to get vaccinated? If you wish to claim that 80% of the population is fully vaccinated and still accounting for 80% of the deaths---then what the fuck good are the vaccines doing? Doesn't look like they are saving any lives.

.....Did I not just explained that your numbers are bullshit and that using total population statistic makes no fucking sense? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you LIKE misinforming people?



I don't know what part of that simple fact, which I've just carefully explained you don't fucking get.
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