Revelation, who is going to be King of Jerusalem? Jesus or his Father?

correction noted.
Mercenaries have nothing to do with Hyenas, Rosie. The mark of the beast has noting to do with Hyenas, neither does Washington or the population of Delaware at the time. Your analogies are off the wall, which is why you may not understand figures of speech.
Do you really believe that Moses would leave something as important as your understanding of our father up to your imagination? Look at the mess that has caused you. He meant what He said. Is there anything that you take literally? What about your 10 commandments? Is, Thou shat not steal a metaphor for something else?? Why don't you believe what Moses actually said? He wasn't a poet. He was a man of God, who told you the same truth that God told him. It isn't at all as complicated as you make it.
ram----have you always been dimwitted? How did you do in
high school plane geometry? The FACT is that metaphor is used
EXTENSIVELY in the poetic prose of the bible. Your idiot comment
that, THEREFORE, every phrase is a metaphor is beyond DIM.
A man's mortal would kill the man.

The Jews suffered the mortal wound. The beast from the land. Their temple was destroyed, their very way of life up in smoke, never to blaspheme God again.

But this people - the Satan in the house of God - rose up from the dead to wage war again: the bar Kokhba Revolt (and Quito's War, too, we might say). Even without their culture, they retaliated and suffered a final, crushing defeat.

Now that adversary is no more.
A man's mortal would kill the man.

The Jews suffered the mortal wound. The beast from the land. Their temple was destroyed, their very way of life up in smoke, never to blaspheme God again.

But this people - the Satan in the house of God - rose up from the dead to wage war again: the bar Kokhba Revolt (and Quito's War, too, we might say). Even without their culture, they retaliated and suffered a final, crushing defeat.

Now that adversary is no more.
What are you talking about?
2 of the trinity of Christs were revolters against Rome like Baracopa was. "Political" Rome fell, Israel eventually returned, but way way after Rome had risen within it's second "horn", the religious "authority power" which had it's feet in every kingdom where it ought not be.
The political power of Rome survived and invaded all kingdoms under the mask and guise of it's self imposed religious authority.
It still collected taxes from all the kingdoms, but this time in the guise of tithes to the church.
To this day Rome still spews out it's racketeering schemes with the mob emulating the Church practice of protection money, but it's always them you needed protection from.
Jesus ( a jew) or the Father of Jesus, the Jewish God?? The book of Revelation is said to be wrote by John.

Rev 1

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,a


4 grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,c 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us* from our sins by his blood,d 6who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever [and ever]. Amen.

Rev 3
Behold, I will make those of the assembly of Satan who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying, behold I will make them come and fall prostrate at your feet, and they will realize that I love you.e

Rev 21

2 I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,[a] coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

John of Giscala - you can read about John here, a prisoner in Rome.

JOHN OF GISCALA (Johanan ben Levi) -

also 666 , aka known as the beast is Rome and the emperors of Rome, so actually you are describing Rome, which began the religion of Christianity. The Roman empire legalized Christianity. Without Rome you would not have Christianity.
There is no literal Kingdom to be established in Jerusalem......the "new Jerusalem" is the CHRUCH that Christ constructed. Its a spiritual kingdom that exists in the heart of those who believe. (Luke 17:20-21) That nation already has a king that's been seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven for over 2000 years now, since the ascension of Christ.

We find in scripture. The bride comes down from heaven and is called the New Jerusalem as signified/symbolized in Revelation 3:12 The book of Revelation is a book of Symbolism and is not to be taken literally (Rev. 1:1)

Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, but it is replaced by the church of this age (the age of Christianity), a city from above (heaven) that is free unlike the physical city of Jerusalem (at that time period) which was in bondage to the Roman Empire. (Gal. 4:25-26) and, (Heb. 12:22) Revelation uses symbolism Jerusalem is the abode of God in heaven and on earth, its a spiritual city.....its synonymous with the Kingdom of God, The Kingdom of Christ....i.e., the church ruled over via Christ Jesus.

There already exists a New Heaven and a New Earth. Its the last age of mankind known as the New Testament Covenant of Christ.....and its existed since Peter preached the 1st gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost in the 1st century, to enter or be conveyed into that Kingdom (Col. 1:13-14) one must be baptized in Truth and in Water....i.e, to be born again one must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)
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A man's mortal would kill the man.

The Jews suffered the mortal wound. The beast from the land. Their temple was destroyed, their very way of life up in smoke, never to blaspheme God again.

But this people - the Satan in the house of God - rose up from the dead to wage war again: the bar Kokhba Revolt (and Quito's War, too, we might say). Even without their culture, they retaliated and suffered a final, crushing defeat.

Now that adversary is no more.
you are delirious. Your grasp of the history of Jews is pathetic. Jewish life was NEVER dependent on the Temple
ram----have you always been dimwitted? How did you do in
high school plane geometry? The FACT is that metaphor is used
EXTENSIVELY in the poetic prose of the bible. Your idiot comment
that, THEREFORE, every phrase is ais which. metaphor is beyond DIM.
Do you really not realize that you are the one insisting that everything Moses told you is poetry and metaphor,
while I have been advocating literalism?
Every figure of speech we have identified is used in the Bible. The problem is you can't identify which is which. And now we have the metaphor/geometry analogy. You're nothing if not utterly confused and confusing...
Do you really not realize that you are the one insisting that everything Moses told you is poetry and metaphor,
while I have been advocating literalism?
Every figure of speech we have identified is used in the Bible. The problem is you can't identify which is which. And now we have the metaphor/geometry analogy. You're nothing if not utterly confused and confusing...
wrong again----I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose of the bible
is poetic. I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose includes lots of
metaphors. Did you pass ninth grade literature in school? Did you
STICK?. You have no idea what Moses wrote----he wrote it
in Hebrew
wrong again----I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose of the bible
is poetic. I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose includes lots of
metaphors. Did you pass ninth grade literature in school? Did you
STICK?. You have no idea what Moses wrote----he wrote it
in Hebrew

Right.. Moses wrote the Pentateuch 850 years after his death.
you have the original notarized?------OH!!! no no no---wikki told you

Religious scholars say that Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written during the Babylonian exile and Genesis and Exodus were written after the exile.

Israel has some brilliant scholars and archaeologists. I go along with them.
Religious scholars say that Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written during the Babylonian exile and Genesis and Exodus were written after the exile.

Israel has some brilliant scholars and archaeologists. I go along with them.
some people believe that Ha Aretz is written by the angel GABRIEL
wrong again----I have CORRECTLY stated that the porose of the bible
is poetic. I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose includes lots of
metaphors. X Did you pass ninth grade literature in school? Did you
STICK?. You have no idea what Moses wrote----he wrote it
in Hebrew
You haven't correctly stated anything. At your advanced age the mind tends to wander which is why I think you have such a hard time focusing.
You haven't correctly stated anything. At your advanced age the mind tends to wander which is why I think you have such a hard time focusing.
very silly response dearie-----neuroscience is my field of study.
NOW!!! Try to focus on my posts
wrong again----I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose of the bible
is poetic. I have CORRECTLY stated that the prose includes lots of
metaphors. Did you pass ninth grade literature in school? Did you
STICK?. You have no idea what Moses wrote----he wrote it
in Hebrew
very silly response dearie-----neuroscience is my field of study.
NOW!!! Try to focus on my posts
You just ramble. There is nothing in your posts to focus on. You seem to revert to a child. Playgrounds, Nursery rhymes and insults. You mind is a field... of weeds.
Let's try this. Explain "Thou shall not steal." Metaphor that for me please. None of your nasty bullshit. Just metaphor that.

You just ramble. There is nothing in your posts to focus on. You seem to revert to a child. Playgrounds, Nursery rhymes and insults. You mind is a field... of weeds.
nursery rhymes have real meaning. Open your mind and listen to
what the children say.
nursery rhymes have real meaning. Open your mind and listen to
what the children say.
Not so much in an adult conversation. Instead, how about you answer my question. How do you metaphor, thou shall not kill?
Let's try this. Explain "Thou shall not steal." Metaphor that for me please. None of your nasty bullshit. Just metaphor that.
you are struggling to interpret a translation. There ain't no THOU or
SHALL in the ten commandments. The commandment is just two

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