Revelation, who is going to be King of Jerusalem? Jesus or his Father?

You better keep your animal sacrifices and your death-by-stoning practices under wraps. They could land you under wraps with a new girlfriend.

In circles.
very symbolic------GILGUL. Animal sacrifices have been
discontinued by rabbinical decree (except for eating purposes)
Death by stoning has been discontinued in favor of death by
hanging in very rare circumstances. -----circumcision is STILL
mandatory. girlfriend?
very symbolic------GILGUL. Animal sacrifices have been
discontinued by rabbinical decree (except for eating purposes)
Death by stoning has been discontinued in favor of death by
hanging in very rare circumstances. -----circumcision is STILL
mandatory. girlfriend?
Yes, they were discontinued.

I think you're catching on.
very symbolic------GILGUL. Animal sacrifices have been
discontinued by rabbinical decree (except for eating purposes)
Death by stoning has been discontinued in favor of death by
hanging in very rare circumstances. -----circumcision is STILL
mandatory. girlfriend?
They that are without sin cast the first stone. Jesus was sinless, not doing that. Jesus was without blood in his body when resurrected, not stoning anyone. Jesus wants people to have a changed heart loving others, not cut flesh. Will money exist when God who made free is in the minds of people, who are on the world? You know the answer to that.
They that are without sin cast the first stone. Jesus was sinless, not doing that. Jesus was without blood in his body when resurrected, not stoning anyone. Jesus wants people to have a changed heart loving others, not cut flesh. Will money exist when God who made free is in the minds of people, who are on the world? You know the answer to that.
really? he had no blood?
Here Rosie.


I got you an early Christmas present. :)
Here Rosie.

View attachment 548523

I got you an early Christmas present. :)
you are remarkably vulgar, ram-----did you get it from
your catechism whore? I have received lots of christmas
gifts dating back to my childhood. Very useful were the tiny
copies of the "New" Testament----I was an avid reader. Unlike
just about all the christians (and everyone else) I have encounterd,
I actually read all of the "old" testament and "new" testament when
still a child and virtually had no exposure to religion except a bit of
christianity on the playground and "sunday school" Then I learned lots more and read lots more including OTHER scriptural writings and ersatz "spiritural" books and, of course, the islamo nazi propaganda
that littered the town. My reading was not DIRECTED---it was
random, available debris of a nazi inclined town----now actually
increasingly ISLAMIC (spill over from Paterson, New Jersey---barely
tolerated by the old WASP AND CATHOLIC SCHOOL set---in my
absence for the past 50 years. You and your girl-friend Surada,
have nothing to tell me. I already KNOW both of you
Last edited:
Rosie, when you were a kid, the rainbow was still in black and white. How about you get over it and grow up...
Thank you once again Hobe...I posted this before but I think it is appropriate to share it with everyone once again... You shot your idol Jesus once again by bringing up Solomon and the 666 talents of gold.. You got me thinking and apparently you are incorrect 666 is mentioned in one other place Ezra 2:13 where Adonakam and his 666 sons return... Now I would not find this very interesting accept According to the BDB theological dictionary and NOBSE study bible name list..The name Adonikam means and I Quote " my lord has risen"..Alfred Jones (dictionary of Old Testament proper names) This name Adonikam goes with the derivation meaning " adversary" and reads " Lord of Enemies" which fits Jesus to a tee as he is known as Lord... He is the Lord of Enemies which is Christianity and any others who accept him as their leader and it is taught that Jesus Rose or is the lord that is risen... It is always amazes me that when someone tries to fool with us that we get answers that hurt those who wish us harm... Thank you once again I will make sure this info tying Jesus to 666 further and deeper gets passed on to others....wink....

Jesus lived and died a Jew.
So true----Jesus had nothing to do with christianity.
He was a Zealot Pharisee jew from the Galil. It was his roman posthumous ENTITY REASSIGNMENT
that rendered him "LORD OF THE ENEMY CAMP"
:abgg2q.jpg: Yeah.........that must be why own Calendar is based upon Him, Why Roman and Jewish Historians mention Jesus as the originator of Christianity, and why "Christians" now are about 3 billion strong while the New Testament is the best selling literary work of all antiquity. No body believes in Jesus. :eusa_think:

Of course if you have to use sources that are external to the Holy Bible for Doctrine....i.e., your own version of literatures void of the miracles and confirmations of eye witness testimonies such as provided in the Holy Bible......................

Then you "MUST" attempt to discredit the Holy Bible.
:abgg2q.jpg: Yeah.........that must be why own Calendar is based upon Him, Why Roman and Jewish Historians mention Jesus as the originator of Christianity, and why "Christians" now are about 3 billion strong while the New Testament is the best selling literary work of all antiquity. No body believes in Jesus. :eusa_think:

Of course if you have to use sources that are external to the Holy Bible for Doctrine....i.e., your own version of literatures void of the miracles and confirmations of eye witness testimonies such as provided in the Holy Bible......................

Then you "MUST" attempt to discredit the Holy Bible.
I don't know the current world stats-----but when I was a kid----there were more Buddhists than christians. Mein Kampf is a best seller too
Jesus lived and died a Jew.
Actually that is not historically correct.
Jesus didn't even exist, the historical claimed christ figures making his combined image existed and have to be individually assessed for what they taught.
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc ended up teaching forbidden Egyptian underworld and Luciferous (rays of light between sun and Earth as their god) doctrines and precepts. Along with his forbidden maggi act he was sentenced by stoning & hanging on a tree for his falling away from Judaism in a major unlawful (punishable) way.=started off Jewish by faith, but later was not Jewish by faith nor by birth (was half Roman).
Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc by crucifixion for tax revolt and terrorist acts against those who paid Rome's tax) might have taught Judaism but he turned on some of his own lansmen.
Theudas by the Jordan (died 35ad for Revolt against Rome) might have fallen away from Judaism by teaching Luciferous (physical light)doctrine if it's the same figure Sabian Mandeans claim had John the Baptist killed.

This is why none of the failed fallen Christs were widely accepted as Moshiach by the Jews.

The created image given it's combined new name Jesus wasn't even fully Jewish, the fable goes through the lineage of all of the sinful harlots of the Bible, one being a Canaanite.
So even the myth is not Jewish by heritage nor teachings (the NT has Luciferous [physical light] precepts and death worship all throughout the text)
Actually that is not historically correct.
Jesus didn't even exist, the historical claimed christ figures making his combined image existed and have to be individually assessed for what they taught.
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc ended up teaching forbidden Egyptian underworld and Luciferous (rays of light between sun and Earth as their god) doctrines and precepts. Along with his forbidden maggi act he was sentenced by stoning & hanging on a tree for his falling away from Judaism in a major unlawful (punishable) way.=started off Jewish by faith, but later was not Jewish by faith nor by birth (was half Roman).
Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc by crucifixion for tax revolt and terrorist acts against those who paid Rome's tax) might have taught Judaism but he turned on some of his own lansmen.
Theudas by the Jordan (died 35ad for Revolt against Rome) might have fallen away from Judaism by teaching Luciferous (physical light)doctrine if it's the same figure Sabian Mandeans claim had John the Baptist killed.

This is why none of the failed fallen Christs were widely accepted as Moshiach by the Jews.

The created image given it's combined new name Jesus wasn't even fully Jewish, the fable goes through the lineage of all of the sinful harlots of the Bible, one being a Canaanite.
So even the myth is not Jewish by heritage nor teachings (the NT has Luciferous [physical light] precepts and death worship all throughout the text)

Apparently the Jews emerged from the north coast Canaanites in Syria so I suppose there could be some truth in that.
:abgg2q.jpg: Yeah.........that must be why own Calendar is based upon Him, Why Roman and Jewish Historians mention Jesus as the originator of Christianity, and why "Christians" now are about 3 billion strong while the New Testament is the best selling literary work of all antiquity. No body believes in Jesus. :eusa_think:

Of course if you have to use sources that are external to the Holy Bible for Doctrine....i.e., your own version of literatures void of the miracles and confirmations of eye witness testimonies such as provided in the Holy Bible......................

Then you "MUST" attempt to discredit the Holy Bible.

Hold on a minute. .. Rosie said she used to teach Sunday school.
catching on to what? That Jewish law is a WORK
IN PROGRESS-------not a new concept-----just not
at all christian or muslim
I'm not taking about modern Judaism. I'm talking from Christian perspective, which this thread is about.

No one need abide the Mosaic Law. Christians abide them selectively, but they don't have to abide any. Sabbath is Old Testament. Tithes are Old Testament. Animal sacrifices are Old Testament.

The Old Testament is not a work in progress. Christians have their own law, simply and elegantly stated in two commandments.
I'm not taking about modern Judaism. I'm talking from Christian perspective, which this thread is about.

No one need abide the Mosaic Law. Christians abide them selectively, but they don't have to abide any. Sabbath is Old Testament. Tithes are Old Testament. Animal sacrifices are Old Testament.

The Old Testament is not a work in progress. Christians have their own law, simply and elegantly stated in two commandments.
christianity does not exist. The "old testament" is
a scriptural text quite as fine as is the Bhagavad
Gita. The NT is silly

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