Revelation, who is going to be King of Jerusalem? Jesus or his Father?

who is going to be King of Jerusalem? Jesus or his Father?​

You say that foolishly as though the two were actually apart, separate or different.

Jesus ( a jew) or the Father of Jesus, the Jewish God??
The Abrahamic God is God. The Muslim Allah is God. The Hindu Krsna is God. The Indian lord Brahma is God. Different names by different people each approached their own way but still one God.
Jesus ( a jew) or the Father of Jesus, the Jewish God?? The book of Revelation is said to be wrote by John.

Rev 1

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,a


4 grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,c 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us* from our sins by his blood,d 6who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever [and ever]. Amen.

Rev 3
Behold, I will make those of the assembly of Satan who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying, behold I will make them come and fall prostrate at your feet, and they will realize that I love you.e

Rev 21

2 I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,[a] coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

John of Giscala - you can read about John here, a prisoner in Rome.

JOHN OF GISCALA (Johanan ben Levi) -

also 666 , aka known as the beast is Rome and the emperors of Rome, so actually you are describing Rome, which began the religion of Christianity. The Roman empire legalized Christianity. Without Rome you would not have Christianity.
You are very confused, Madam. If you believe in Jesus at all, I recommend that you reread the Gospel of John who intentionally reveals who Jesus is so that those who love Him will not be confused at all.
Jesus lived and died a Jew.
Ah no………One had to be a living breathing human and the concept that you have as written in the pages of the New Testament named Jesus never took a breath, never heard a word or spoke it….Pages are not alive .. The Jesus as spoken in those pages is the ultimate idol ..It has ears but cannot hear.. It has a mouth but cannot speak … It has eyes but cannot see…It is the created word or the logos even admitted to in your book…
Jesus ( a jew) or the Father of Jesus, the Jewish God?? The book of Revelation is said to be wrote by John.

Rev 1

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,a


4 grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,c 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us* from our sins by his blood,d 6who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever [and ever]. Amen.

Rev 3
Behold, I will make those of the assembly of Satan who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying, behold I will make them come and fall prostrate at your feet, and they will realize that I love you.e

Rev 21

2 I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,[a] coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

John of Giscala - you can read about John here, a prisoner in Rome.

JOHN OF GISCALA (Johanan ben Levi) -

also 666 , aka known as the beast is Rome and the emperors of Rome, so actually you are describing Rome, which began the religion of Christianity. The Roman empire legalized Christianity. Without Rome you would not have Christianity.
Jesus will be KING over ALL THE EARTH.
He will rule from His throne in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

After the Thousand Years, the earth will become a molten mass and all physical life will come to an end.

The NEW Earth will become the home of the God Beings. God the Father will come down and make His permanent home ON THE EARTH with His RESURRECTED SONS AND DAUGHTERS
As far as Jesus ruling over any physical kingdom in Jerusalem........that would make God a liar. Spiritual Isarel is the church that Christ constructed (Romans 2:28-29).......there is only one church of Christ and its the church that Christ constructed (Matt. 16) and its doctrine is found only in the Holy Scriptures.
Hold on a minute. .. Rosie said she used to teach Sunday school.
And? :dunno: I simply present the actual content of the Holy Bible, and I defend that truth. If you do not want rebuked stop attacking the truth with worthless subjective ad hominem opinions based upon your own preconceived responses.
Jesus will be KING over ALL THE EARTH.
He will rule from His throne in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

After the Thousand Years, the earth will become a molten mass and all physical life will come to an end.

The NEW Earth will become the home of the God Beings. God the Father will come down and make His permanent home ON THE EARTH with His RESURRECTED SONS AND DAUGHTERS

Good grief, why don't you actually read the Bible? The New Jerusalem is spiritual.
As far as the title of this thread of this thread is concerned. Jesus will never sit in reign of any physical kingdom in Jerusalem. Such would contradict God's promise......God's does not make invalid promises.

The last king of king of Isarel to sit on the throne of David, Jeconiah, was so wicked that God promised none of the descendants of Jeconiah would sit on David's throne in Jerusalem. -- Jer. 22:24-30

Jesus' legal lineage goes directly through Jeconiah (Matthew 1:11), but His physical lineage goes through another son of David. Luke 1:32:33

Only through "adoption" (Joseph legally adopted Jesus when he married Marry) could both promises come true. One promise to have the "Messiah" of prophecy come through the lineage of David directly through Abraham and Adam (Genesis 22:18. The other promise that no descendant of Jeconiah would ever sit on David's throne in Jerusalem.

The throne of David that Jesus sits in reign is a Spiritual Kingdom, Jesus sits in reign on David's throne at the right hand of God (Acts 2)

Jesus will sit on this throne until the final judgment, then He will turn the throne and the kingdom back to Father God (1 Cor. 15:24-26)....without Jesus ever returning to earth as He will meet His church/kingdom IN THE AIR at that final trump. (1 Thess. 4:17
As far as the title of this thread of this thread is concerned. Jesus will never sit in reign of any physical kingdom in Jerusalem. Such would contradict God's promise......God's does not make invalid promises.

The last king of king of Isarel to sit on the throne of David, Jeconiah, was so wicked that God promised none of the descendants of Jeconiah would sit on David's throne in Jerusalem. -- Jer. 22:24-30

Jesus' legal lineage goes directly through Jeconiah (Matthew 1:11), but His physical lineage goes through another son of David. Luke 1:32:33

Only through "adoption" (Joseph legally adopted Jesus when he married Marry) could both promises come true. One promise to have the "Messiah" of prophecy come through the lineage of David directly through Abraham and Adam (Genesis 22:18. The other promise that no descendant of Jeconiah would ever sit on David's throne in Jerusalem.

The throne of David that Jesus sits in reign is a Spiritual Kingdom, Jesus sits in reign on David's throne at the right hand of God (Acts 2)

Jesus will sit on this throne until the final judgment, then He will turn the throne and the kingdom back to Father God (1 Cor. 15:24-26)....without Jesus ever returning to earth as He will meet His church/kingdom IN THE AIR at that final trump. (1 Thess. 4:17

The Rapture? Really?
Good grief, why don't you actually read the Bible? The New Jerusalem is spiritual.
Deflection again? The title mentioned nothing about a "new Jerusalem". Why do you always attempt to deflect by making some off the wall statement that no one ever addressed but YOU? That spiritual Jerusalem is Christianity.

There has been a New Heaven and a New Earth (not a new Jerusalem, as Christianity itself, Christians themselves.... is that new Jerusalem) since the Christ gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of God and Peter used those keys to open the doors to the New Heaven and the New Earth in Acts 2 ".........Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood (what was revealed to Peter? The truth that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God, the Messiah of prophecy).......And on this Rock (the truth) I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it (death will not overcome it)...........I WILL GIVE TO YOU THE KINGS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (same as church); WHATEVER YOU BIND ON EARTH WILL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN; AND WHATEVER YOU LOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN. Then He ordered His disciples not to reveal to anyone that He was the Messiah." -- Matthew 16:17-20

What happened on that day of Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus? Peter used those keys that Jesus authorized him to use and ushered in a New Covenant between man and God (a new Earth, as the old covenant was done away)..........and Peter loosed in Heaven that New Covenant and the oracles required therein (A New more animal sacrifices to atone for sin, the perfect blood sacrifice established a New Heaven.......Jesus sits in reign on the throne of David and the Kingdom of God in heaven at the right hand of God until the final judgement.....then the kingdom reverts back to Father God -- 1 Cor. 15:24-26
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To clear up the fact that when the scriptures speak of a "New" Jerusalem........they are addressing Christianity.

"For Zion's sake I will not hold My peace, for JERUSLAEM'S sake, I will not rest. Until her righteousness (Jerusalem/Zion) goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp burns. The gentiles shall see your brightness (whose brightness? Jerusalem) and all kings your glory. You shall be called by a NEW NAME, which the mouth of the Lord shall name." (Isa. 62:1-2)

This prophecy has 4 different points of importance. 1. Righteousness/salvation would go forth from Jerusalem. 2. the Gentiles and all the kings of the world would see this righteousness/salvation provided 3. A NEW NAME WOULD BE GIVEN TO JERUSALEM. 4. The Lord Himself would bestow this new name for Jerusalem.

To clear up this "mysterious" prophecy one must travel forward in history to the New Testament era of Christ Jesus. Numerous names are used in the NT to refer to God's people such as, believer, saint, disciple, servant and brother. But looking back in history all those names have been used previously to identify God's chosen people...thus, its not NEW. Isaiah predicted a totally New Name would come forth to identify God's people or Zion/Jerusalem or the Holy Place of dwelling.

This new Name for Jerusalem would come from God's mouth. 1st point of importance.......righteousness would come forth from Jerusalem.....this illudes to the creation of the new church coming forth from Jerusalem....... (Acts ) After His Death Jesus instructed His disciples to go to Jerusalem to await THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. (Acts 1:4,12). They did and spirit poured forth and empowered the Apostles of Christ to present the gospel message to the masses there on the day of Pentecost. Just as Isaiah predicted .....the 1st part of the prophecy was fulfilled.

But.....the other points of prophecy would come later as Christianity was preached entirely to the Jews in the beginning (Acts 2:5), All of the early converts were Jewish (Acts 2:41, 4:4, 5:14, 6:17)

Eventually those that were considered 1/2 Jews were converted (Act 8:5)...but it was not until 10 years later the entire prophecy was fulfilled.........Peter had a vision directly from Heaven (Acts 10:24) to go and preach the gospel to the home a Roman Centurian to convert he and his family and Peter did as instructed (Acts 10:47-48, 11:14) The other part of the prophecy.....Gentile conversions, this 1st gentile convert was a servant of the Ruler of Rome.

All the conditions of the prophecy were met. All that was left was a new Name for Jerusalem uttered by the mouth of God.

At first all these new converts when they were only Jews and 1/2 Jews were not called Christians until the Gentiles and the kings of the world saw the faith first at Jerusalem grow outward and then came the New Name from God, "And the disciples/converts were first called Christians in Antioch." -- Acts 11:26 as revealed by Luke the inspired author of the Book of Acts. God's chosen of Zion/Jerusalem are now and forever called Christians. Just as described by Isaiah and fulfilled in the NT covenant. There are no longer Jews and Greeks/Gentiles........there is a New Nation called Christians who are Heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. (Gal. 3:26-29)
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I am fascinated----can you cite the passages that
refer to the "NEW JERUSALEM" and cite the actual
words used?
If I may.

Everyone knows Revelation 21:2 already, which John wrote in the present tense: "And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God."

Here's a little more clarification from Paul.

Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. (Gal 4:26)​
I am fascinated----can you cite the passages that
refer to the "NEW JERUSALEM" and cite the actual
words used?
Read, comprehend (Isa. 62:1-2) Jerusalem would come from Jerusalem/Zion, her righteousness goes forth, brightly, offering salvation like a lamp......." Jerusalem/Zion would be renamed by God from HIS OWN MOUTH.

Jesus is already sitting on the throne of David in "new" Jerusalem at the right hand of God in heaven. (Acts 2)

Christianity is that new Jerusalem. And its existed now for over 2000 years. A Nation of chosen people that includes, Jews and Gentiles (Greeks), Men, Women, those under bond ( slaves of the state today, prison), free........all made one nation under God through Christ Jesus and heirs/seeds to the promise made to father Abraham (Gal. 3:26-29)
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Read, comprehend (Isa. 62:1-2) Jerusalem would come from Jerusalem/Zion, her righteousness goes forth, brightly, offering salvation like a lamp......." Jerusalem/Zion would be renamed by God from HIS OWN MOUTH.

Strange that you challenge someone to demonstrate the passage that actually speaks of renaming Jerusalem/Zion and then you present a passage as conformation that never mentions anything about NEW JERUSALEM. At the time Paul was speaking Christ Jesus was already sitting on the throne of new Jerusalem (above) at the right hand of the Father in heaven. (Acts 2)

Paul confirms this in 1 Cor. 15:24-26 when he states that Jesus would return the kingdom back to the Father after the judgement.

Christ cannot sit in rule if he turns His kingdom back to the Father.
garble-----JERUSALEM has been called ZION for thousands of years. Ain't nuthin new about it
garble-----JERUSALEM has been called ZION for thousands of years. Ain't nuthin new about it

Jesus is already sitting on David's throne at the right hand of God in heaven (Acts 2:32-33), "This Jesus has God raised up (resurrected from the grave), whereof we are all witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted........."

Jesus is sitting on David's throne, in heaven ruling over new Jerusalem...aka, the kingdom of God, the church of Christ. Acts 2:30

Can't comprehend English? new Jerusalem will be named from God's own mouth and it would include GENTILES and it would come forth from Jerusalem. New/Old Now where was Christianity first preached and to who was it preached?

It spread out from Jerusalem so the kings of the world would have to take notice. Christianity includes all 4 pre-requisites found in the Prophecy from Isaiah 62:1-2. 1. Righteousness/salvation would come form from Jerusalem/Zion. 2. The gentiles would see this righteousness/salvation. Are you attempting to declare that no Gentile has been saved and they are still awaiting new Jerusalem? 3. A "new" name would be given Jerusalem/Zion, not an OLD Name that ain't nut'n new about it. 4. The Lord Himself would bestow this new name. Now who was it that was called Lord and God incarnate? And what did Father God have to say about Jesus Christ? "...........All power is given unto Me in heaven and earth.

Again...........according to you, gentiles are still without hope and are falsely HOPING for a new Jerusalem in order to be saved. Again, can't read? Isaiah 62:1-2, "The gentiles shall see your glory and all kings your glory."

Garble? You, you present the old names for Jerusalem and claim there aint't nut'n new about it. LMAO :eusa_think:

The "new" Jerusalem came when God named it via His Holy Spirit.....its called Christianity. (Acts of the Apostles) The new Name, from God's own mouth (Holy Spirit)? "......And the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." -- Acts 11:26
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Ah no………One had to be a living breathing human and the concept that you have as written in the pages of the New Testament named Jesus never took a breath, never heard a word or spoke it….Pages are not alive .. The Jesus as spoken in those pages is the ultimate idol ..It has ears but cannot hear.. It has a mouth but cannot speak … It has eyes but cannot see…It is the created word or the logos even admitted to in your book…

You could say the same thing about all the patriarchs.
You could say the same thing about all the patriarchs.
Ah once again no… All one has to do is is go to the tomb of the patriarchs and check out the DNA there and see if their living descendants match up… Or in the future three d print them and bring them back providing something is left of their bodies to do so….Lots of possibilities which I will not go into detail because of your behaviour or lack thereof …I see you are once again following me around and reworking dead posts are you trying to get a prize for most posts per day like Ding used to or are you bored and trying to keep yourself occupied…hmmmm…

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