Reversing Human Decency


Sep 23, 2010
Whether or not you are a member of any organized religion this is positive news for society, but it comes as no surprise:

ROME, July 5, 2013 ( – In his first encyclical letter, released this morning, Pope Francis has reiterated that marriage is a union of one man and one woman for the procreation and nurturing of children.


Titled Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith), the encyclical is known to have been authored mainly by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was still working on it at the time of his abdication and it strongly reflects the theological style of Francis’ predecessor. In his introduction, Pope Francis wrote that he merely “added a few contributions of my own.”

Marriage one man and one woman for nurturing children: Pope Francis’ first encyclical
by Hilary White, Rome Correspondent
Fri Jul 05, 2013 07:20 EST

Marriage one man and one woman for nurturing children: Pope Francis? first encyclical |

Sad to say Swanky Frankie’s first encyclical is going to go the way of Roe v. Wade among many Roman Catholics.

The shame of calling a tryst between homosexuals a marriage, and the horrors of infanticide, is that wannabe spiritual leaders like Barack Taqiyya & Company reverse true spiritual leaders like Roman Catholic popes even among the practicing members of every Christian religion. Specifically, an untold number of Roman Catholics like Nancy Pelosi are vocal advocates for homosexual marriage as well as leading baby butchers.

I expect more reversals to follow until Democrats and the courts are stopped from imposing their sick morality on the rest of society. Make no mistake about what is happening. Democrats and their judges are the filthiest of human scum legislating their evil morality in order to protect their own degenerate behavior.
Contact John Roberts and ask him if this qualifies as a hate crime:

The violence that has been threatened for years by homosexuals who are intolerant of those who espouse an opposing world view turned real at a “gay pride” event recently in Seattle, where authorities arrested two men for attacking a preacher.

'Gay' threats of violence turn into attack
Preacher assaulted at Seattle homosexual event over message
Published: 10 hours ago

?Gay? threats of violence turn into attack
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Democrats and their judges are the filthiest of human scum legislating their evil morality in order to protect their own degenerate behavior.

Are these degenerate DEMS ALL child molesting priests or just some of them?
... and the Pope's choice not to have children isn't the same as Roe v. Wade.
Democrats and their judges are the filthiest of human scum legislating their evil morality in order to protect their own degenerate behavior.

Are these degenerate DEMS ALL child molesting priests or just some of them?

To editec: Yet another clever question!

I deliberately implied ALL because liberals tar every Catholic priest with the same pedophile brush. The important factor is this: There is not a scintilla of difference separating the morals of the Socialist priesthood from all of the others.

If protecting school age boys is your primary concern in a thread about homosexual marriage you should be asking yourself why young children were burned to death because David Koresh was SUSPECTED of abusing them? Yet Democrats would have the public believe the police never knew about pedophile priests! Common sense should tell everyone that priests were protected by the government until recently. That’s why pedophile priests got away with it for so long?

Roman Catholic priests debauched children throughout the 20th century and long before that. I can say that with absolute certainty because no group of pedophiles operating in a large institution can abuse children for very long without the police knowing about it. My point: You can bet that law enforcement officials know the whereabouts of every pedophile in government.

And in case you have not noticed it no other priesthood can legitimize their prurient preferences with legislation and judicial approval.

p.s. I won’t ask if you think Kermit Gosnell & Company abused children.

... and the Pope's choice not to have children isn't the same as Roe v. Wade.

To BreezeWood: You’ll have to clarify. I cannot determine if your response is a statement of fact, or if you are claiming voluntary celibacy is the same as infanticide.
The pope has no idea who God is or what Eternal life is all about. He lives by man's religious laws instead of God's Laws.
... and the Pope's choice not to have children isn't the same as Roe v. Wade.

To BreezeWood: You’ll have to clarify. I cannot determine if your response is a statement of fact, or if you are claiming voluntary celibacy is the same as infanticide.

... voluntary

you might want to clarify that .... who was still working on it at the time of his abdication -
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The pope has no idea who God is or what Eternal life is all about. He lives by man's religious laws instead of God's Laws.

To theword: I think I know where you’re coming from —— sort of. The difference between God and organized religion.

I’ve often said priests fear people who believe in God ——but not religion —— more than they fear atheists. That’s why priests pray so hard; they are never quite sure they believe in God. In that sense, I’m never quite sure who gets the title of “True Believer” —— the individuals who believe in God, or the individuals who insist everybody must believe in God and religion. Nevertheless, priests and popes can be good guys.

NOTE: True Believer is not a compliment. Eric Hoffer’s great work warned that true believers cause all of the trouble in the world.

You might be interested in the theme in this thread; much of it tongue in cheek. Here’s an excerpt:

The ideal is for every god to stay out of government altogether; however, being part realist and part cynic the best I can expect is severely restricted religious participation in the mundane affairs of severely limited government. A thousand or so full-fledged gods cutting up the take doesn’t leave much room for mischief caused by the one God sharpshooters splitting the pot, and the soul pool, among themselves.

Even though I have a hankering for more gods, I’m convinced that all of those one God religions is a negative thing. The followers of every supreme God always end up trying to assert their own guy’s Right to occupy the apex unchallenged. And now we have to contend with the Socialist priesthood pushing their God of economic morality in addition to the zealots of every other one and only True God strangling mankind. God! —— Will humanity never see an end to religious meddling?

... and the Pope's choice not to have children isn't the same as Roe v. Wade.

To BreezeWood: You’ll have to clarify. I cannot determine if your response is a statement of fact, or if you are claiming voluntary celibacy is the same as infanticide.

... voluntary

you might want to clarify that .... who was still working on it at the time of his abdication -

To BreezeWood: I still do not know what you are talking about. Is it voluntary celibacy, and by extension deciding NOT to father children? or is it Francis and Benedict co-authoring an encyclical letter? Frankly, I’d like to see how you connect the two topics.
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The pope has no idea who God is or what Eternal life is all about. He lives by man's religious laws instead of God's Laws.

To theword: I think I know where you’re coming from —— sort of. The difference between God and organized religion.

I’ve often said priests fear people who believe in God ——but not religion —— more than they fear atheists. That’s why priests pray so hard; they are never quite sure they believe in God. In that sense, I’m never quite sure who gets the title of “True Believer” —— the individuals who believe in God, or the individuals who insist everybody must believe in God and religion. Nevertheless, priests and popes can be good guys.

NOTE: True Believer is not a compliment. Eric Hoffer’s great work warned that true believers cause all of the trouble in the world.

You might be interested in the theme in this thread; much of it tongue in cheek. Here’s an excerpt:

The ideal is for every god to stay out of government altogether; however, being part realist and part cynic the best I can expect is severely restricted religious participation in the mundane affairs of severely limited government. A thousand or so full-fledged gods cutting up the take doesn’t leave much room for mischief caused by the one God sharpshooters splitting the pot, and the soul pool, among themselves.

Even though I have a hankering for more gods, I’m convinced that all of those one God religions is a negative thing. The followers of every supreme God always end up trying to assert their own guy’s Right to occupy the apex unchallenged. And now we have to contend with the Socialist priesthood pushing their God of economic morality in addition to the zealots of every other one and only True God strangling mankind. God! —— Will humanity never see an end to religious meddling?

To BreezeWood: You’ll have to clarify. I cannot determine if your response is a statement of fact, or if you are claiming voluntary celibacy is the same as infanticide.

... voluntary

you might want to clarify that .... who was still working on it at the time of his abdication -

To BreezeWood: I still do not what you are talking about. Is it voluntary celibacy, and by extension deciding NOT to father children? or is it Francis and Benedict co-authoring an encyclical letter? Frankly, I’d like to see how you connect the two topics.

Read Daniel 2: 36-45

The feet of iron and clay is symbolic for the religion of Christianity. The "iron" is the Roman Catholic church and the "clay" is the Protestant churches. They will be destroyed by the kingdom of God (saints) during the "Last Day" of this age.
Read Daniel 2: 36-45

The feet of iron and clay is symbolic for the religion of Christianity. The "iron" is the Roman Catholic church and the "clay" is the Protestant churches. They will be destroyed by the kingdom of God (saints) during the "Last Day" of this age.

To theword: I never met a bible-thumper who wasn’t thumping and humping everything in sight. Many years ago I knew a hustling girl in San Francisco who had a few men of the cloth as steady customers. Every time she went about her business in a profession manner she had to conclude the transaction by praying for forgiveness. It was included in the price.

Had I known you are a bible-thumper I would not have wasted my time responding with pearls of wisdom.

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