Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

dudmuck left out the 4th member of the board, I do not think dudmuck is knowledgeable enough to use reason on this issue.
The “fourth member” at that time was the Chief of the CP. who had no vote.

What about him?
That was the finding of the Senate committee who had access to all the documents, emails, text and interviewed the people involved.

But you’ve demonstrated one thing, you fabricated your claim about Pelosi denying support.
Nancy Pelosi is or was in charge of security. That is a fact.

Of the Senate committee? Which committee? When? There have been numerous committees.

Nancy Pelosi was in total control and no decision was made without her approval.

As you are aware, the Speaker of the House is not only the leader of the majority party, but also has enormous institutional responsibilities. The Speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within the House. We have observed for two years this very heavy-handed and tightly controlled approach to House operations that has been exerted by yourself, your staff, and an army of appointed House officials.
They did do that. They caused Congress to stop counting and evacuate. They prolly thought they achieved their mission until Nancy Pelosi foiled them.
No they didn’t. The votes were passed hours later.
Nancy Pelosi is or was in charge of security. That is a fact.

Of the Senate committee? Which committee? When? There have been numerous committees.

Nancy Pelosi was in total control and no decision was made without her approval.

The Capitol Police Board is in charge or security.

That’s what the law says. No law says that Pelosi makes all decisions. It’s absurd to think she would, since the Speaker is not an expert in security and has far more important things to do.

The reports I’ve been quoting from extensively were from the Senate Committees on homeland security and rules and administration.

Your claims are baseless speculation without any substantive evidence
No they didn’t. The votes were passed hours later.
Yes, they caused the vote count to stop.

Then the NG kicked their asses out of the Capitol.

Then they started revising their failure as MaGA.

Happy are those who do not
1. Follow the advice of the wicked
2. Take the path that sinners tread
3. Sit in the seat of scoffers
It had the effect of emptying out the 2 chambers and stalling the count. And the ONLY reason that's as bad as it got was because police did a remarkable job of evacuating everyone before any of the lawmakers were hurt or killed.

Throwing a quarter at the building would do nothing at all. Admit it, that was a pretty stupid analogy.
It was extreme but fit well within the logic you were trying to set.

Now you’re saying if anything delays a vote, it’s sedition.

What if an unarmed protester halted Mike Pence’s car on the way to the building for 5 minutes, and had a manifesto about how he intended to prevent the change of power by this act.

15 years in prison for sedition? It checks all your boxes
The Capitol Police Board is in charge or security.

That’s what the law says. No law says that Pelosi makes all decisions. It’s absurd to think she would, since the Speaker is not an expert in security and has far more important things to do.

The reports I’ve been quoting from extensively were from the Senate Committees on homeland security and rules and administration.

Your claims are baseless speculation without any substantive evidence
bullshit, I have posted and linked to committee reports, timelines, statements all made by the democrats,

you are ignoring much of what I have posted throughout this thread

This will be the 2nd quote from this document. Will you ignore the first quote? Do I need to post the quotes to every person here disagreeing. Apparently I must, none of you are reading the thread.

It has been widely reported and confirmed by multiple sources that when Chief Sund requested the National Guard be activated ahead of the January 6th Joint Session of Congress, the response from the SAA, acting on your behalf, was that the “optics” of having the National Guard on-site were not good and the intelligence didn’t support the move. The request was not approved. Furthermore, on January 6th in the middle of the on-going attack of the Capitol, Chief Sund again notified the SAA of his request for approval to authorize the National Guard. It took over an hour for his request to be approved because the SAA had to run the request up the chain of command, which undoubtedly included you and your designees.
The Capitol Police Board is in charge or security.

That’s what the law says. No law says that Pelosi makes all decisions. It’s absurd to think she would, since the Speaker is not an expert in security and has far more important things to do.

The reports I’ve been quoting from extensively were from the Senate Committees on homeland security and rules and administration.

Your claims are baseless speculation without any substantive evidence

My problem acquiring evidence is laughable, compared to the Senators who demanded that Pelosi make all the "evidence" available.

In addition, we are very concerned by the obstruction and inability to procure and preserve information from your House Officers when requested. Such information is necessary to properly conduct oversight on the January 6th events. Preservation and production requests were sent to the SAA and the House Chief Administrative Officer, among other legislative agencies, requesting that such relevant information concerning the attack on the Capitol, including correspondence, video footage, audio recordings, and other records, be preserved and produced to the relevant committees
bullshit, I have posted and linked to committee reports, timelines, statements all made by the democrats,

you are ignoring much of what I have posted throughout this thread

This will be the 2nd quote from this document. Will you ignore the first quote? Do I need to post the quotes to every person here disagreeing. Apparently I must, none of you are reading the thread.

Youve never quoted any source that had any evidence that Pelosi denied anything. The little letter from Republicans is worthless because they don’t know shit. They were basing it on “reporting” and pure speculation meanwhile you’re ignoring the testimony given to Congress.

As we both know, the SAA didn’t actually have to run it up the chain of command, and as for why it took him an hour to ask Pelosi, that’s not her fault.
Youve never quoted any source that had any evidence that Pelosi denied anything. The little letter from Republicans is worthless because they don’t know shit. They were basing it on “reporting” and pure speculation meanwhile you’re ignoring the testimony given to Congress.

As we both know, the SAA didn’t actually have to run it up the chain of command, and as for why it took him an hour to ask Pelosi, that’s not her fault.
I get it, only Democrat sources of information are valid.

The Sergeant-at-Arms reports directly to Nancy Pelosi, daily, and especially when a rare event such as this happens which they had prior notice of.

You have denied every thing I have posted, you have denied every law, rule, or regulation I quote, even from Democrat sources. You have your mind made up, and I am simply here pointing it out to you, and anyone else who reads these posts.

Democrats are in charge, until they fail, then it was someone else's fault.

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