RFK Jr Plans To Run 3rd Party - Biden Is Finished - But Why Is This Guy Upset?

A yet 9% of Democrats said they would vote for him over Biden. I’m an independent and I want nothing to do with RFKJ, Biden or Trump. One would think that after the last two Presidential elections a real President would emerge, yet right now we have the Three Stooges.

It's kind of sad you believe polls, but never mind.
It's kind of sad you believe polls, but never mind.
It's fun to see these edge lord contrarians talk about how all the candidates are trash....

but they never ever tell you who would be the " right" presidential candidate.....because that would take having a genuine position....

"A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump. The Rasmussen Reports poll found 57 percent of likely Democratic voters plan to support Biden in the Democratic primaries, as opposed to 25 percent for Kennedy, three percent for Marianne Williamson and seven percent for any other candidate."

This is true.....RFK Jr. is a Democrat, he has realistically about 55% support among registered Democrats....if he runs as a Libertarian, Trump will win the White House by at least 45 pts.....this is why Biden and the Dems will most likely try to assassinate RFK Jr. just like he did his father many years ago.

But what is odd to me is why are the same folks who were fanboying for RFK Jr just weeks ago; are now changing their tune once he decides to run 3rd party? Like uncomfortably shaped head Charlie Kirk....he and RFK Jr were like best buds not long ago...he was really playing RFK up (as long as RFK ran as a Democrat) --- but now, he is literally saying that RFK Jr. is a Democrat Psy-Op to hurt Trump? WTF? Just because Libertarians have historically sucked away votes from the Republican candidate in the past doesn't mean it will happen this time? RFK Jr. is wildly popular with many Democrats, which is why he is running 3rd party; because of how popular he is with Democratic voters....so why is Charlie so triggered?

Know that most liberal minded, people( party members or not,) will not vote for him because of the Dem label.
Again most will not vote for anyone,... but against the candidate they think will do the most harm to our country.
Why should there be?
Absolutely. Ranked choice voting offers that. As well as Approval voting.

But this notion that we're voting "against" someone is just a little white lie people tell themselves to justify voting for a shitty candidate.
Absolutely. Ranked choice voting offers that. As well as Approval voting.

But this notion that we're voting "against" someone is just a little white lie people tell themselves to justify voting for a shitty candidate.

The times I've seen Ranked Choice voting employed has not left me impressed.

Any real liberals left will vote for him. You do not know any, do you?
He's a crazy person with a famous name.
That's it.
I guess a few people are voting for him because they don't remember his father is dead.. but once they hear his crazy views, the only people he will attract are the kinds of people who hate vaccines.
The times I've seen Ranked Choice voting employed has not left me impressed.
Of course. You're a partisan hack. The two vested parties will fight that kind of reform tooth and nail, because it does away with your lesser-of-two-evils schtick.

2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite has learned.

Kennedy’s campaign machine is now planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement in Philadelphia about running as an independent, according to a text reviewed by Mediaite.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a Kennedy campaign insider told Mediaite.

Kennedy, a notorious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist challenging incumbent President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, has been flirting with a third party run in recent weeks. The New York Times reported last week that he met with the chair of the Libertarian Party, raising the prospect of a departure from the party that decades ago became synonymous with his family name.

Kennedy remains far behind Biden in the polls. Yet while the Times reported “Democrats worry that a third-party run by Mr. Kennedy could draw votes away from Mr. Biden and help elect former President Donald J. Trump,” it’s unclear whether such a run would hurt the current president more than the Republican nominee.

Indeed, polls show Republicans have a far more favorable view of Kennedy than Democrats. As the National Review’s Jim Geraghty pointed out in July, when a survey asked New Hampshire Democrats to describe Kennedy in one word, the top responses were “crazy,” “dangerous,” “insane,” “conspiracy,” and “unknown.”

If true (no MSM source yet).....I was hoping for this. He is going to siphon more Dems votes than GOP votes.

If he pulls 2-3% that's enough to counteract the Dem voter fraud machine. ;)

2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite has learned.

Kennedy’s campaign machine is now planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement in Philadelphia about running as an independent, according to a text reviewed by Mediaite.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a Kennedy campaign insider told Mediaite.

Kennedy, a notorious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist challenging incumbent President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, has been flirting with a third party run in recent weeks. The New York Times reported last week that he met with the chair of the Libertarian Party, raising the prospect of a departure from the party that decades ago became synonymous with his family name.

Kennedy remains far behind Biden in the polls. Yet while the Times reported “Democrats worry that a third-party run by Mr. Kennedy could draw votes away from Mr. Biden and help elect former President Donald J. Trump,” it’s unclear whether such a run would hurt the current president more than the Republican nominee.

Indeed, polls show Republicans have a far more favorable view of Kennedy than Democrats. As the National Review’s Jim Geraghty pointed out in July, when a survey asked New Hampshire Democrats to describe Kennedy in one word, the top responses were “crazy,” “dangerous,” “insane,” “conspiracy,” and “unknown.”

If true (no MSM source yet).....I was hoping for this. He is going to siphon more Dems votes than GOP votes.

If he pulls 2-3% that's enough to counteract the Dem voter fraud machine. ;)
I'm guessing that he would do at least as well as Ross Perot. That would put Trump back in the White House.
Nah, you give them way too much credit.

What they see is an accomplishment by Biden in leading the free world. Something the orange pile of shit could never do.

That's why they supported it right up until the orange pile of shit opened his mouth about it. Then they realized they had to make a choice
Trump kept us out of useless wars. Biden might get us into a full out nuclear WWIII. So far Biden has screwed up everything he touched. Most people will admit they were better off when Trump was President until COVID came along. Of course you may blame Trump for COVID but that blame should go to China.
Consumer spending.
Consumer spending causes inflation?

Consumers have been at the forefront of the postpandemic recovery, with real consumer spending growing by 12.1% in 2021.1 Sustaining this recovery in the medium term, therefore, depends much on their ability and willingness to raise their purchase volumes. So, it’s worrying to see different moods in two key measures of consumer sentiment. As figure 1 shows, the University of Michigan’s Index of Consumer Sentiment Index (ICS) has been trending much lower than the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) since early 2021. That’s unprecedented as the two measures have never given such different signals. Does that mean we don’t really know the pulse of US consumers? Thankfully, that’s not the case. The gap between the two measures is mostly due to inflation and its greater role in the ICS than in the CCI. This leads to a more important question: Does high inflation threaten growth in real consumer spending? The answer is yes. Rising inflation weighs on consumers’ purchasing power by slowing or even reversing gains in real wages and wealth. It often forces households—especially low- and medium-income ones—to pull back on discretionary spending. Worse, any higher-than-expected rise in inflation may force a stronger dose of monetary tightening, further weakening the impetus for consumers to spend. Inflation also hurts low-income households more than others, thereby widening income inequality.emphasis added
Absolutely. Ranked choice voting offers that. As well as Approval voting.

But this notion that we're voting "against" someone is just a little white lie people tell themselves to justify voting for a shitty candidate.

Paging Mac1958! He's been telling that lie for years to cover up his support for Biden/Harris.

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