Richard Nixon…The Communist???

1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

2. What an interesting question….

“Why did Nixon meet with Mao Zedong?

Improved relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC are often cited as the most successful diplomatic achievements of Nixon's presidency. ... The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.”
Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia › wiki › Richard_Nixon's_1972_visit_to_China

So.....seems it wasn't due to any affection for Communism....

3.The question remains, was Nixon the sort who would put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree, and hire Mao aficionados for his administration, or say this:

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

While the answer is clear and evident, the dolt’s attempt gives an opportunity to provide a fuller review of Richard Nixon, one that the Liberals have never been exposed to.

First, where did Nixon land on the conservative vs liberal spectrum.

Second, where did the Soviets stand vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party.

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

"The Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v Duke Power in 1971, followed by congressional legislation in 1972 gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded authority to oversee employers employment practices. Combined, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC affected virtually every workplace. It was also during the Nixon years that the slope of federal spending on social and economic programs turned sharply upward." Charles Murray, "By The People," p.6.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

And Richard Nixon was far, far more the civil rights warrior than the Democrat Party. Proof….next.

Isn't it odd that all the crooked Republicans become RINOs. Convenient, isn't it.

Is GW Bush or Trump a RINO yet?
Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican (protectionist trade policies and ballooning debt) so EVERY Republican elected before 2016 is a RINO.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.

I am so sorry

it just dawned on me.....

there you are, sitting alone, no friends, nobody likes even scare many of them......when you sit in the bar and start pounding your shoe on the table, shouting "death to liberals!".....

none of the cool people will have anything to do with you

you never get invited to their parties.....


maybe you should get a puppy?
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao? Was Nixon given any gifts while in China?

Did Obama even choose the tree ornaments?

During Christmas 2009, conservatives attacked the White House over Christmas tree decorations. Breitbart's BigGovernment suggested the White House was making "some political statements" by having "Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree." Fox News' Special Report eatured the "interesting ornaments" on its "Political Grapevine" segment. And the Washington Times linked to and quoted an entry on the conservative NewsReal blog attacking the White House for choosing "a lovely ornament featuring China's mass murderer, Chairman Mao, to adorn our national Christmas tree at the White House."

In reality, Fox News itself noted that the "first lady's office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations."​

"I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao?"

I bet Nixon...a Republican but not a conservative.....never said, as Hussein did, that there is no difference between capitalism and communism.

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

And, I don't suppose you can provide examples of Nixon-hirings of Mao Hussein did.
Nixon was more conservative than Trump



No wonder you rarely post in serious'd be writing dumb stuff like this one.

"Trump's accomplishments truly consequential, quite conservative
Heritage developed 334 "unique policy recommendations" and the administration has completed 64%"
Trump’s accomplishments truly consequential, quite conservative

More to the appears you are unable to find anything in all of my posts in the thread that aren't 100% accurate, true and correct.

Thanks for dropping by.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao? Was Nixon given any gifts while in China?

Did Obama even choose the tree ornaments?

During Christmas 2009, conservatives attacked the White House over Christmas tree decorations. Breitbart's BigGovernment suggested the White House was making "some political statements" by having "Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree." Fox News' Special Report eatured the "interesting ornaments" on its "Political Grapevine" segment. And the Washington Times linked to and quoted an entry on the conservative NewsReal blog attacking the White House for choosing "a lovely ornament featuring China's mass murderer, Chairman Mao, to adorn our national Christmas tree at the White House."

In reality, Fox News itself noted that the "first lady's office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations."​

Perhaps the following is most telling in explaining Hussein Obama's fascination.....adoration....with Mao.

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.
Disposition Matrix - Wikipedia

Murder and slaughter has never been a bar for this new breed of Democrats......


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]
12. The reason for this thread is that government school grads are not appraised of the Leftward plummet by the once-American party, the Democrats. When Obama openly acknowledged affection for Communist psychopath, Mao Zedong, some dunce actually compared Nixon to Obama.
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Of course, the comparison is nonsense, the pretense we find in Democrat flacks.

These are the predecessors of today’s Democrats:

A few years after Port Huron, its organization’s offshoot and legitimate heir, the Weathermen, organized the Days of Rage riots in Chicago. At a subsequent “War Council,” Tom Hayden led the Weathermen in “a workout of karate jabs and kicks” for a “strenuous fifteen minutes” in preparation for armed struggle.
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties, “ p. 96

Port Huron’s professions of love and brotherhood turned to rage and attack when society would not accept ‘brotherhood’ on SDS’s terms. But when the country refused to second their emotions—when the country elected President Nixon in 1968 and again, by larger margins, in 1972—the SDS grew bitter and increasingly alienated from the cause of democratic reform.

SDS grew from 600 in 1963 to over 100,000 in 1968…but fell apart by 1969, finally many hostile factions, until there remained only a small group of Maoists. It is interesting to compare them to the disciplined and programmed ‘Old Left,’ the Communist Party.
Today, they are called the ‘Democrat Party.’

“In turning viciously on stalwarts of the Cold War era like Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Scoop Jackson, anti-war insurgents called into question the Democratic Party's underlying commitment to challenging Communist expansion. The party's Vietnam-era drift away from issues of security and defense—and its association with a radical left hostile to the military and neutral in the fight between liberalism and communism—helped push a lot of Americans who didn't much like the Vietnam War into the arms of Richard Nixon…the 2006 Connecticut primary points to the growing influence within the party of leftists unmoved by the fight against global jihad.” Jacob Weisberg in ‘Slate’
Why Lamont's victory spells Democratic disaster.

The Democrats became communists, and the Communists hated Nixon.

And Nixon hated Communists…..including one Mao Zedong.

The same cannot be said of Hussein Obama.

If you had a girl friend

or a friend at all

you would have less time on your hands to write this drivel.....

think of all the space you'll save on the internet!

take up a hobby, NOT writing, I think......

"... less time on your hands to write this drivel....."

You, as stupid as you are, mud, don't recognize what readers of our individual posts realize: you're irked because you can't find a single error in any of my posts.'ve verified all of my posts.

And.....why is it that Liberals/Progressive/Democrats always demand silence from their political opposites????

Know why?
'Cause conservatives eat Liberals' lunch in debate.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I must wonder if you actually read any of the posts in this thread.

It appears you are agreeing with the dunce who claimed that Nixon and Obama are the same vis-a-vis Mao and Communism.

1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

I expect more from you.
Nixon was more conservative than Trump



Both Nixon and Kissinger were CFR tools.

It matters not how "conservative" he came off as, the fact remains, his China policy plans were promulgated in the CFR flagship Foreign Affairs.

He was a NWO shill, and started us down the road to global technocracy.

". . . A year before his election, Nixon had written in Foreign Affairs of the Chinese, that "There is no place on this small planet for a billion of its potentially most able people to live in angry isolation." Relations between the two great communist powers, the Soviet Union and China, had been deteriorating since the 1950s and had erupted into open conflict with border clashes during Nixon's first year in office. The President sensed opportunity and began to send out tentative diplomatic feelers to China. Reversing Cold War precedent, he publicly referred to the Communist nation by its official name, the People's Republic of China.. . . ."
Richard Nixon: Foreign Affairs | Miller Center

Did you miss this, as well?

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

2. What an interesting question….

“Why did Nixon meet with Mao Zedong?

Improved relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC are often cited as the most successful diplomatic achievements of Nixon's presidency. ... The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.”
Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia › wiki › Richard_Nixon's_1972_visit_to_China

So.....seems it wasn't due to any affection for Communism....

3.The question remains, was Nixon the sort who would put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree, and hire Mao aficionados for his administration, or say this:

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

While the answer is clear and evident, the dolt’s attempt gives an opportunity to provide a fuller review of Richard Nixon, one that the Liberals have never been exposed to.

First, where did Nixon land on the conservative vs liberal spectrum.

Second, where did the Soviets stand vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party.

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

"The Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v Duke Power in 1971, followed by congressional legislation in 1972 gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded authority to oversee employers employment practices. Combined, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC affected virtually every workplace. It was also during the Nixon years that the slope of federal spending on social and economic programs turned sharply upward." Charles Murray, "By The People," p.6.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

And Richard Nixon was far, far more the civil rights warrior than the Democrat Party. Proof….next.

Isn't it odd that all the crooked Republicans become RINOs. Convenient, isn't it.

Is GW Bush or Trump a RINO yet?

So.....who's gonna win the election in November?

(I almost said 'who do you THINK...)
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

2. What an interesting question….

“Why did Nixon meet with Mao Zedong?

Improved relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC are often cited as the most successful diplomatic achievements of Nixon's presidency. ... The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.”
Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia › wiki › Richard_Nixon's_1972_visit_to_China

So.....seems it wasn't due to any affection for Communism....

3.The question remains, was Nixon the sort who would put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree, and hire Mao aficionados for his administration, or say this:

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

While the answer is clear and evident, the dolt’s attempt gives an opportunity to provide a fuller review of Richard Nixon, one that the Liberals have never been exposed to.

First, where did Nixon land on the conservative vs liberal spectrum.

Second, where did the Soviets stand vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party.

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

"The Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v Duke Power in 1971, followed by congressional legislation in 1972 gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded authority to oversee employers employment practices. Combined, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC affected virtually every workplace. It was also during the Nixon years that the slope of federal spending on social and economic programs turned sharply upward." Charles Murray, "By The People," p.6.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

And Richard Nixon was far, far more the civil rights warrior than the Democrat Party. Proof….next.

Isn't it odd that all the crooked Republicans become RINOs. Convenient, isn't it.

Is GW Bush or Trump a RINO yet?
Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican (protectionist trade policies and ballooning debt) so EVERY Republican elected before 2016 is a RINO.

So you no longer wish to write
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats


Let me know when you wish your next spanking.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.

I am so sorry

it just dawned on me.....

there you are, sitting alone, no friends, nobody likes even scare many of them......when you sit in the bar and start pounding your shoe on the table, shouting "death to liberals!".....

none of the cool people will have anything to do with you

you never get invited to their parties.....


maybe you should get a puppy?

1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao? Was Nixon given any gifts while in China?

Did Obama even choose the tree ornaments?

During Christmas 2009, conservatives attacked the White House over Christmas tree decorations. Breitbart's BigGovernment suggested the White House was making "some political statements" by having "Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree." Fox News' Special Report eatured the "interesting ornaments" on its "Political Grapevine" segment. And the Washington Times linked to and quoted an entry on the conservative NewsReal blog attacking the White House for choosing "a lovely ornament featuring China's mass murderer, Chairman Mao, to adorn our national Christmas tree at the White House."

In reality, Fox News itself noted that the "first lady's office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations."​

Perhaps the following is most telling in explaining Hussein Obama's fascination.....adoration....with Mao.

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.
Disposition Matrix - Wikipedia

Murder and slaughter has never been a bar for this new breed of Democrats......


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]
I have no idea what your point was concerning drones. Do your trust a Pakistani over the US military and intel agencies?

As for abortions, how many should we blame Trump for? He only became pro-choice when he was first thinking of running for president less than 10 years ago.
So you no longer wish to write
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”


Let me know when you wish your next spanking.
Unlike some I see no need to constantly repeat myself. I pointed out your hypocrisy once, that is enough for me.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao? Was Nixon given any gifts while in China?

Did Obama even choose the tree ornaments?

During Christmas 2009, conservatives attacked the White House over Christmas tree decorations. Breitbart's BigGovernment suggested the White House was making "some political statements" by having "Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree." Fox News' Special Report eatured the "interesting ornaments" on its "Political Grapevine" segment. And the Washington Times linked to and quoted an entry on the conservative NewsReal blog attacking the White House for choosing "a lovely ornament featuring China's mass murderer, Chairman Mao, to adorn our national Christmas tree at the White House."

In reality, Fox News itself noted that the "first lady's office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations."​

Perhaps the following is most telling in explaining Hussein Obama's fascination.....adoration....with Mao.

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.
Disposition Matrix - Wikipedia

Murder and slaughter has never been a bar for this new breed of Democrats......


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]
I have no idea what your point was concerning drones. Do your trust a Pakistani over the US military and intel agencies?

As for abortions, how many should we blame Trump for? He only became pro-choice when he was first thinking of running for president less than 10 years ago.

Why are you government school grads so duuuuuummmmmm?

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

Now....see if you can figure out how that relates to history's most homicidal psychopath...Mao.
So you no longer wish to write
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”


Let me know when you wish your next spanking.
Unlike some I see no need to constantly repeat myself. I pointed out your hypocrisy once, that is enough for me.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

I destroyed you.

Couldn't have been more throrough if you were in a mortar and pestle....


And enjoy doing it each and every time.
I have no idea what your point was concerning drones. Do your trust a Pakistani over the US military and intel agencies?

As for abortions, how many should we blame Trump for? He only became pro-choice when he was first thinking of running for president less than 10 years ago.
Why are you government school grads so duuuuuummmmmm?
Now....see if you can figure out how that relates to history's most homicidal psychopath...Mao.
So you are saying the US should not try and kill its enemies? You need to tell Trump that because those killings are still going on. Can you name a President that hasn't used the military or intel agencies to kill those they saw as enemies of the US?
I have no idea what your point was concerning drones. Do your trust a Pakistani over the US military and intel agencies?

As for abortions, how many should we blame Trump for? He only became pro-choice when he was first thinking of running for president less than 10 years ago.
Why are you government school grads so duuuuuummmmmm?
Now....see if you can figure out how that relates to history's most homicidal psychopath...Mao.
So you are saying the US should not try and kill its enemies? You need to tell Trump that because those killings are still going on. Can you name a President that hasn't used the military or intel agencies to kill those they saw as enemies of the US?

Why do you fools use that 'so you are saying...' rather than quoting what I do say?

Did Obama form a kill list?

Did the imposition of same result in some 2,000 innocent human being being killed?

Is this totally in line with Mao's behavior?

Are you ready to admit that you are merely one more lying sack of offal??????
I got through 2 pages of interesting information- suffice it to say, from my perspective, politicians aren't saints and to put faith in one over another is crazy- Einstein is credited with saying; doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is crazy- indeed it shows at the polls.
Why do you fools use that 'so you are saying...' rather than quoting what I do say?
Brevity is not your strong suit.

Did Obama form a kill list?

Did the imposition of same result in some 2,000 innocent human being being killed?

Is this totally in line with Mao's behavior?

Are you ready to admit that you are merely one more lying sack of offal??????
Yet again you have failed to show how Obama is any different from any other president in history so why do you focus your anger on him? Are you ready to answer or are you merely one more hypocritical sack of offal??????

PS, I like the way you trust a Pakistani politician more than you trust the US military and intel agencies. You're quite the patriot, I'm just not sure for which country.
I got through 2 pages of interesting information- suffice it to say, from my perspective, politicians aren't saints and to put faith in one over another is crazy- Einstein is credited with saying; doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is crazy- indeed it shows at the polls.

"I got through 2 pages of interesting information-"
Thank you.

"to put faith in one over another is crazy- "
There is no other choice....our political system is binary.

"The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."

It is up to the astute to make a determination between two...and only two...choices.
Due diligence.

BTW....this particular President has done more in the correct direction than his voters could have hoped for.
Case in point:
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

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