Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

When human life has lost it's intrinsic value and a people murder human fetuses, in time other human life will be unimportant as well. Once you open that door....

If a people think it is perfectly fine to kill their own, while the mother is carrying the child, it makes bombing and killing innocent children in war, more acceptable.

A society that places great value upon human life is a civilized society. Ours obviously is civilized in the ancient Roman sense, which is barbarism with a thin garment of civilization barely hiding the filth.

If human life has lost value, we as a people have lost value, and your life has no importance whatsoever. We have lost what it means to be moral, noble, the height of human possibility. And some of us even gloat in that fact.
it's been 40 years....what changes in the value of life has legally been changed since then though?
Nope, it's common knowledge only among the uneducated.

Are you fucking delusional???

Margaret Sanger, Racist and Pro-Abortion

That an MILLIONS of other sites cite her words...

She was a fucking Nazi and a racist...

margaret sanger nazi - Google Search

Thank you for using wack sources. Here is a very credible one that shows you claim for the shit it truly is.

"The Sanger-Hitler Equation" #32, Winter 2002/3

Search for Margaret Sanger's name on the Internet and you will quickly be bombarded by claims that she supported Hitler and the Nazi's human elimination programs, or at the very least inspired the Nazi architects of race improvement. "Hitler and Sanger Join Hands" blares one anti-Sanger diatribe; "Margaret Sanger, Sterilization and the Swastika" is the title of another; "Let us look forward to the day when Planned Parenthood clinics are made into holocaust museums," concludes another attack on Sanger's writings. One web site features photos of Sanger and Hitler united under a Swastika. Another inserts the phrase "concentration camps" into a 1932 Sanger speech to demonstrate her real motives, a novel form of textual annotation that is then passed on like a virus to other sites who point to the phrase as documented evidence of Sanger's final solution.
MSPP > Newsletter > Articles

And the article goes on to expose simpletons like you and kosher for believing such nonsense that Sanger was a Nazi.

This is why critical thinking is necessary, to expose folks like you.

I love how fucks like you deny anything that doesn't suit your argument...

Lets not forget you're the fucking idiot that brought Nazism into this debate..

Now it's time to eat your own shit....
Just because you think you have a good reason to kill someone doesn't mean you get to. Sorry, if it takes government intervention to keep people from targeting vulnerable populations, so be it. In this country, laws protect the most vulnerable. That's what freedom is all about. Life is a basic right, and it's afforded to everybody, regardless of how old or how despised by the current majority.

You’re also entitled to believe whatever moronic idiocy you want, just don’t try to codify it.

No one thinks abortion is a ‘good idea,’ and everyone is pro-life, I know of no one who finds any good in abortion. But the state has no business in it, it’s a violation of the fundamental right to privacy. In addition to being un-Constitutional, banning abortion is the classic example of a Band-Aide for a brain tumor: the underlying cause of the problem remains.

That is not the point - abortion is murder.

Killing a fetus is no different than killing an adult or any birthed individual.

It's still murder - as a matter of fact it's first degree murder..

Fortunately the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

(yeah, we know: ‘fuck the Supreme Court.’)
Oh lord not this again.

You aren't "pro-life" if you support killing babies. Sorry.
One wonders how you will feel when the Supreme Court changes its mind.

You do understand that's perfectly possible, right?

All but the most absurd pro-lifers find the concept of forcing a woman to carry the product of rape to conception to be completely reprehensible.

On top of the physical and psychological strain of being sexually assaulted, I can't imagine the physical and psychological strain of forcing a woman to carry a rapist's child.

Only a sadistic fuck would do something like that.

Just where did someone say a woman should be FORCED to carry a child of rape.

I had a friend who didn't abort her child of rape. has a fine young son today...

Santorum. It's what the OP is about, dipshit.

Try and keep up.
This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.

Concerning Rape I support the Mother which ever way she decides. I would not hold a Baby accountable for It's Father's Crime. That is Lame.
Just because you think you have a good reason to kill someone doesn't mean you get to. Sorry, if it takes government intervention to keep people from targeting vulnerable populations, so be it. In this country, laws protect the most vulnerable. That's what freedom is all about. Life is a basic right, and it's afforded to everybody, regardless of how old or how despised by the current majority.

You’re also entitled to believe whatever moronic idiocy you want, just don’t try to codify it.

No one thinks abortion is a ‘good idea,’ and everyone is pro-life, I know of no one who finds any good in abortion. But the state has no business in it, it’s a violation of the fundamental right to privacy. In addition to being un-Constitutional, banning abortion is the classic example of a Band-Aide for a brain tumor: the underlying cause of the problem remains.

That is not the point - abortion is murder.

Killing a fetus is no different than killing an adult or any birthed individual.

It's still murder - as a matter of fact it's first degree murder..

Fortunately the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

(yeah, we know: ‘fuck the Supreme Court.’)

I don't need 9 fucks dictating my morality...

You want to go murder people that is on you...

We have liberty but not liberty to kill individuals in the womb.....

Woman who abort their child belong in prison...
So rape is a gift, as long as you get pregnant from it. Do you have any idea how fucked in the head you have to be to insist that every victim of rape who becomes pregnant should be forced into accepting such a "gift?" If the victim chooses to go through with the pregnancy, that is admirable and more power to her. If the victim chooses abortion, then that is completely understandable as well. By the way, you offered no link to back up your supposed facts about pregnancies that result from rape, just a link to a website with a few anecdotal stories.
We don't have "free will" to slaughter babies. Regardless of how they're started. Any more than we have "free will" to kill off our children when they are diagnosed with autism, down's syndrome, progressive neurological disorders, schizophrenia, or when they are brain damaged in an accident.

Just because you have suffered pain doesn't give you the right to kill your kid.
Oh lord not this again.

You aren't "pro-life" if you support killing babies. Sorry.

I would council against it. If I cannot succeed with Argument, I would not turn to Force of Law, with the exception if the Act was against State or Federal Law. You will need a 75% Majority to do that at the Federal Level.

I don't support killing babies. I recognize the limits of my power to influence.
Where did I say rape was a gift?

Again, the pro-abortionists go off the deep end to justify the slaughter of infants they despise. And right on cue.
Are you fucking delusional???

Margaret Sanger, Racist and Pro-Abortion

That an MILLIONS of other sites cite her words...

She was a fucking Nazi and a racist...

margaret sanger nazi - Google Search

Thank you for using wack sources. Here is a very credible one that shows you claim for the shit it truly is.

"The Sanger-Hitler Equation" #32, Winter 2002/3

Search for Margaret Sanger's name on the Internet and you will quickly be bombarded by claims that she supported Hitler and the Nazi's human elimination programs, or at the very least inspired the Nazi architects of race improvement. "Hitler and Sanger Join Hands" blares one anti-Sanger diatribe; "Margaret Sanger, Sterilization and the Swastika" is the title of another; "Let us look forward to the day when Planned Parenthood clinics are made into holocaust museums," concludes another attack on Sanger's writings. One web site features photos of Sanger and Hitler united under a Swastika. Another inserts the phrase "concentration camps" into a 1932 Sanger speech to demonstrate her real motives, a novel form of textual annotation that is then passed on like a virus to other sites who point to the phrase as documented evidence of Sanger's final solution.
MSPP > Newsletter > Articles

And the article goes on to expose simpletons like you and kosher for believing such nonsense that Sanger was a Nazi.

This is why critical thinking is necessary, to expose folks like you.

I love how fucks like you deny anything that doesn't suit your argument...Lets not forget you're the fucking idiot that brought Nazism into this debate..Now it's time to eat your own shit....

um. . . Nick, look at me. In the eyes, Nick. That's better.

Your source was crap, and mine explained the problem clearly.

Extremism in the support of your wack morality . . . is extremism.

Go back and read your Bible, front to back, slowly.

Then read it again.
We don't have "free will" to slaughter babies. Regardless of how they're started. Any more than we have "free will" to kill off our children when they are diagnosed with autism, down's syndrome, progressive neurological disorders, schizophrenia, or when they are brain damaged in an accident.

Just because you have suffered pain doesn't give you the right to kill your kid.

You have the right to your opinion that will kill helpless women.

For shame.
It isn't extremist to declare murder unacceptable.

It is extremist to declare it as a solution to inconvenience and trauma.
In that case, Allie, I can only pray you get raped, otherwise you are being denied a special gift.

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