Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

We don't have "free will" to slaughter babies. Regardless of how they're started. Any more than we have "free will" to kill off our children when they are diagnosed with autism, down's syndrome, progressive neurological disorders, schizophrenia, or when they are brain damaged in an accident.

Just because you have suffered pain doesn't give you the right to kill your kid.

You have the right to your opinion that will kill helpless women.

For shame.

Who's killing helpless women?

Besides the abortion clinics in third world countries (and here), I mean.
And the abusers who coerce them into getting abortions after they rape them, repeatedly.

With your blessing, Nazi.
You desire that helpless women die, koshergirl.

Do not run, Nazi, from your desire.
This is actually a different issue, and it's adequate in and of itself. It's your side who can't seem to keep the subjects straight.

I'd like some evidence of the women who will be killed when abortion is illegal. I THINK what JS is saying is that if the government doesn't sanction the killing of minority children, that progressives will be forced to kill the females to prevent them from breeding.

But who knows.
Women have babies they don't want all the time. I know women who spent much of their pregnancy waffling between despair and regret that they were pregnant, who loved their babies when they were born, made fine mothers, and were perfectly successful in their lives. And if they had chosen to, they could have put their babies up for adoption.

Sometimes we get pregnant when we don't expect to. Big whoop.
We don't have "free will" to slaughter babies. Regardless of how they're started. Any more than we have "free will" to kill off our children when they are diagnosed with autism, down's syndrome, progressive neurological disorders, schizophrenia, or when they are brain damaged in an accident.

Just because you have suffered pain doesn't give you the right to kill your kid.

You have the right to your opinion that will kill helpless women.

For shame.

Jake, she is entitled to her position, as you are to yours. Learn to live with it and not throw stones at everyone with a different position than yours. It is a tough decision to make, Especially when Rape is a part of the equation. Either way, the Mother is to be protected. She is not Anyone's Trophy.
Haha, you're posts are pretty entertaining, I must say. So where again is the link to back up the supposed facts you provided in your first post?
Women have babies they don't want all the time. I know women who spent much of their pregnancy waffling between despair and regret that they were pregnant, who loved their babies when they were born, made fine mothers, and were perfectly successful in their lives. And if they had chosen to, they could have put their babies up for adoption.

Sometimes we get pregnant when we don't expect to. Big whoop.
Yeah, big whoop. Rape is just God's way of telling you to reproduce.
All but the most absurd pro-lifers find the concept of forcing a woman to carry the product of rape to conception to be completely reprehensible.

On top of the physical and psychological strain of being sexually assaulted, I can't imagine the physical and psychological strain of forcing a woman to carry a rapist's child.

Only a sadistic fuck would do something like that.

Just where did someone say a woman should be FORCED to carry a child of rape.

I had a friend who didn't abort her child of rape. has a fine young son today...

Santorum. It's what the OP is about, dipshit.

Try and keep up.

He did not you lying ass.
Thank you for using wack sources. Here is a very credible one that shows you claim for the shit it truly is.

"The Sanger-Hitler Equation" #32, Winter 2002/3

Search for Margaret Sanger's name on the Internet and you will quickly be bombarded by claims that she supported Hitler and the Nazi's human elimination programs, or at the very least inspired the Nazi architects of race improvement. "Hitler and Sanger Join Hands" blares one anti-Sanger diatribe; "Margaret Sanger, Sterilization and the Swastika" is the title of another; "Let us look forward to the day when Planned Parenthood clinics are made into holocaust museums," concludes another attack on Sanger's writings. One web site features photos of Sanger and Hitler united under a Swastika. Another inserts the phrase "concentration camps" into a 1932 Sanger speech to demonstrate her real motives, a novel form of textual annotation that is then passed on like a virus to other sites who point to the phrase as documented evidence of Sanger's final solution.
MSPP > Newsletter > Articles

And the article goes on to expose simpletons like you and kosher for believing such nonsense that Sanger was a Nazi.

This is why critical thinking is necessary, to expose folks like you.

I love how fucks like you deny anything that doesn't suit your argument...Lets not forget you're the fucking idiot that brought Nazism into this debate..Now it's time to eat your own shit....

um. . . Nick, look at me. In the eyes, Nick. That's better.

Your source was crap, and mine explained the problem clearly.

Extremism in the support of your wack morality . . . is extremism.

Go back and read your Bible, front to back, slowly.

Then read it again.


Now I'm an extremist...........

You're almost like a little kid that refuses to believe the Easter Bunny is a myth..

Keep on cinching to your false truths..

If you want to be ignorant that is your choice, however I will say your ilk IS the problem with this nation and moreover our world...

Apparently you're not interested in truth....

Truth has nothing to do with politics...
"Death means life" according to starkey...hence his insistence that abortion "saves" women, and the absence of it will result in their deaths.

It's just the same old tried and true Nazi propaganda.
I love how fucks like you deny anything that doesn't suit your argument...Lets not forget you're the fucking idiot that brought Nazism into this debate..Now it's time to eat your own shit....

um. . . Nick, look at me. In the eyes, Nick. That's better. Your source was crap, and mine explained the problem clearly. Extremism in the support of your wack morality . . . is extremism. Go back and read your Bible, front to back, slowly. Then read it again.

:lol: Now I'm an extremist........... You're almost like a little kid that refuses to believe the Easter Bunny is a myth.. Keep on cinching to your false truths.. If you want to be ignorant that is your choice, however I will say your ilk IS the problem with this nation and moreover our world...Apparently you're not interested in truth....Truth has nothing to do with politics...

The truth stands alone, Nick, and not with you.

One, I demonstrated your source was defective.

Two, I demonstrated your extremism.

Three, you demonstrated your immoral stubbornness.

If you support every child being carried to term, then the fact is some mothers are going to die. That is extremism.
"Death means life" according to starkey...hence his insistence that abortion "saves" women, and the absence of it will result in their deaths.

It's just the same old tried and true Nazi propaganda.

Never said "abortions saves women". Quote it or admit you are lying again.

But you admit you are willing for women to die by insisting on every child being carried to term.
What an illogical way of thinking. It's an extremist view that I'm not sure how anyone could accept!

This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.
People get all tangled up in silly crap like "making lemonade ... " but really, the bottom line is very simple -

NO ONE has the right to control any woman's uterus.

Oh yeah, and Santorum is full of shit.
um. . . Nick, look at me. In the eyes, Nick. That's better. Your source was crap, and mine explained the problem clearly. Extremism in the support of your wack morality . . . is extremism. Go back and read your Bible, front to back, slowly. Then read it again.

:lol: Now I'm an extremist........... You're almost like a little kid that refuses to believe the Easter Bunny is a myth.. Keep on cinching to your false truths.. If you want to be ignorant that is your choice, however I will say your ilk IS the problem with this nation and moreover our world...Apparently you're not interested in truth....Truth has nothing to do with politics...

The truth stands alone, Nick, and not with you.

One, I demonstrated your source was defective.

Two, I demonstrated your extremism.

Three, you demonstrated your immoral stubbornness.

If you support every child being carried to term, then the fact is some mothers are going to die. That is extremism.

The only thing you demonstrated is the fact you support woman murdering their fetuses - as if it's a civil liberty...

In what universe do fetuses NOT have the same rights as you or I??

An abortion violates the civil liberties of another (fetus)...

As an active Catholic it's federal endorsed murder..

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