Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

No, it's true. Nazis only targeted despised populations with abortion propaganda and they slapped abortion clinics securely in the lap of those populations.

Just like PP today.

Darling girl, they aborted despised races' pregnancies AND prevented Aryans from having abortions. You would have fit right in.

How? I don't believe in abortions for anyone. It's very un-eugenic of me.

But I'm sure you know more about such things. Please continue to educate me on how to be a better Nazi. I'm all ears.
Thank JS. He's quite an effective troll.

But I have to admit, his idiocy makes me laugh. Even though this isn't a subject that usually deserves many yucks.
No, it's true. Nazis only targeted despised populations with abortion propaganda and they slapped abortion clinics securely in the lap of those populations.

Just like PP today.

Darling girl, they aborted despised races' pregnancies AND prevented Aryans from having abortions. You would have fit right in.

How? I don't believe in abortions for anyone. It's very un-eugenic of me.

But I'm sure you know more about such things. Please continue to educate me on how to be a better Nazi. I'm all ears.

I would not know how, but you seem to be off to a flying start.
yes, evidenced by my birthing decidedly NON-aryan children, and opposing abortions for black people.

I'm quite the Nazi.
You support no abortions just as the Nazis did the same for Aryans. You are almost there, koshergirl.
No, it's true. Nazis only targeted despised populations with abortion propaganda and they slapped abortion clinics securely in the lap of those populations.

Just like PP today.

Lets also not forget the founder of planned parenthood Margaret Sanger was a Nazi..


It's common knowledge...

It's not my fault you don't know that and I'm not your fucking teacher...

I don't give citations for common knowledge...
You support no abortions just as the Nazis did the same for Aryans. You are almost there, koshergirl.

Not the same at all. I think Somalians, Hispanics, Blacks and Indians need to have more babies if they expect their populations to survive.

Unlike you, who thinks the best thing for them is to kill off their babies. "Death for Life!"

That's a tried and true Nazi slogan, incidentally.
When human life has lost it's intrinsic value and a people murder human fetuses, in time other human life will be unimportant as well. Once you open that door....

If a people think it is perfectly fine to kill their own, while the mother is carrying the child, it makes bombing and killing innocent children in war, more acceptable.

A society that places great value upon human life is a civilized society. Ours obviously is civilized in the ancient Roman sense, which is barbarism with a thin garment of civilization barely hiding the filth.

If human life has lost value, we as a people have lost value, and your life has no importance whatsoever. We have lost what it means to be moral, noble, the height of human possibility. And some of us even gloat in that fact.
Fiddlesticks. You'd be surprised how many rape victims find comfort in the babies they conceive.

then those who want the children of their rapists should feel free to have them.

government should stay the heck away from the rest...which, let's face it, other than in some alternative reality, are going to be the vast majority of rape victims.
The Rape/Abortion distraction is the old stand-by strawman for the usual suspect Socialists/Progressives. It's pretty old & tired at this point. I'm reluctantly Pro-Choice but most Socialists/Progressives are not. They actually cheerlead for it. And that's just abhorrent behavior in my opinion. Susan Sarandon and all her joyous rallies celebrating killing babies really is too over-the-top for me. That being said, the Government should stay out of this issue. The only possible exception to that would be awful late-term Abortion.

You mean like Rand Paul?
Just because you think you have a good reason to kill someone doesn't mean you get to. Sorry, if it takes government intervention to keep people from targeting vulnerable populations, so be it. In this country, laws protect the most vulnerable. That's what freedom is all about. Life is a basic right, and it's afforded to everybody, regardless of how old or how despised by the current majority.
Fiddlesticks. You'd be surprised how many rape victims find comfort in the babies they conceive.

then those who want the children of their rapists should feel free to have them.

government should stay the heck away from the rest...which, let's face it, other than in some alternative reality, are going to be the vast majority of rape victims.

That is not the point - abortion is murder.

Killing a fetus is no different than killing an adult or any birthed individual.

It's still murder - as a matter of fact it's first degree murder..
Nope, it's common knowledge only among the uneducated.

Are you fucking delusional???

Margaret Sanger, Racist and Pro-Abortion

That an MILLIONS of other sites cite her words...

She was a fucking Nazi and a racist...

margaret sanger nazi - Google Search

Thank you for using wack sources. Here is a very credible one that shows you claim for the shit it truly is.

"The Sanger-Hitler Equation" #32, Winter 2002/3

Search for Margaret Sanger's name on the Internet and you will quickly be bombarded by claims that she supported Hitler and the Nazi's human elimination programs, or at the very least inspired the Nazi architects of race improvement. "Hitler and Sanger Join Hands" blares one anti-Sanger diatribe; "Margaret Sanger, Sterilization and the Swastika" is the title of another; "Let us look forward to the day when Planned Parenthood clinics are made into holocaust museums," concludes another attack on Sanger's writings. One web site features photos of Sanger and Hitler united under a Swastika. Another inserts the phrase "concentration camps" into a 1932 Sanger speech to demonstrate her real motives, a novel form of textual annotation that is then passed on like a virus to other sites who point to the phrase as documented evidence of Sanger's final solution.
MSPP > Newsletter > Articles

And the article goes on to expose simpletons like you and kosher for believing such nonsense that Sanger was a Nazi.

This is why critical thinking is necessary, to expose folks like you.
Margaret was a pure eugenecist who wanted to eliminate certain populations.

She flirted with Nazism and then pulled back from it. Not that it matters. You don't have to be a Nazi to be vile.

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